Thursday, April 12, 2007

Taylor's Analysis

My colleague, Stuart Taylor, saw through the hoax earlier than almost anyone else--in an early May column in National Journal, he not only identified Nifong's misconduct, but he challenged the unfair character assault under which Reade Seligmann, Dave Evans, Collin Finnerty, and their 44 teammates endured from the media and from their own professors.

Stuart was present at yesterday's event--what he terms, correctly, "an extraordinary event in American legal history"--and has just posted a web commentary for Newsweek.
Six paragraphs into his statement, Cooper ended [the players'] agony: “We believe these three individuals are innocent of these charges.” Innocent. Watching on TV, the defendants and their parents, teammates, and friends burst into cheers.

Cooper did not stop there. “We have no credible evidence that an attack occurred in that house that night,” he said. “The eyewitness identification procedures were faulty and unreliable. No DNA confirms the accuser’s story. No other witness confirms her story. Other evidence contradicts her story. She contradicts herself. ”

The attorney general had done what prosecutors almost never do, and what many of the falsely accused students’ supporters had feared could never be done: He gave them their reputations back . . .

With Nifong leading the assault, the three young scholar-athletes had been smeared from coast to coast as thugs, racists, and probable rapists-by dozens of their own professors, by black and feminist leaders, and by many in the news media, for the better part of a year.

Nobody but cranks and haters will ever be able to hurl those lies at them again.At a defense press conference later in the day, the three defendants and their lawyers mixed eloquent testimonials to one another with expressions of anger-forcefully articulated by defense lawyer Joseph B. Cheshire V-at the Duke professors, journalists, and others who had so eagerly joined Nifong’s mob. But they also spoke thoughtfully of a broader lesson: If affluent young men able to afford the best legal talent in the business could be victimized in this way, imagine what must happen every day to countless poor defendants who lack the means to fight back against bad prosecutors and cops.

“This has opened my eyes up to a tragic world of injustice that I had never imagined,” Reade Seligman told a ballroom full of reporters, teammates, and others. “We all need to take a step back from this case and learn from it.”

To prevent similar persecution of others, Roy Cooper called for a new law giving the state Supreme Court the authority to remove a case from a prosecutor who has shown himself unfit to continue handling it. Dave Evans and Collin Finnerty called for reforming the grand jury system to make it a real check on prosecutorial abuses; under current law, grand juries are rubber stamps, because prosecutors control what evidence they can hear and allow no transcript that would help keep them honest.

“Sweet are the uses of adversity,” added defense lawyer Wade Smith, quoting Shakespeare. “They have been tested in great fires,” he said of the three defendants, “and something great will come of this.”
There are few people who can speak with greater credibility on this case than Stuart.


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Anonymous said...

Nifong's "apology" is worse than useless. It just further enrages people given that it comes ONLY NOW, after the accused have been declared innocent, he has been forced to resign from the case, and all charges have been dropped. Frankly, an apology NOW is just adding insult to injury.

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter that I'm a racist knee deep in Georgia red clay? The point is: I'm not a fraud ... I'm not a pseudo-intellectual .... I am not here in pretense.

Now tell me, Debrah.... now that you KNOW all about me, what is your story. Where are you from, what do you do, and why should anyone respect your opinions. Do you speak from experience?

Anonymous said...

Not an intellectual - whoa - even "I" can see that.

Go back to mindin' your slaves.

Anonymous said...

Now Debrah is posting anoon

Anonymous said...

Polanski defines "racist" for Horwitz

A racist is a great word to drop when losing an argument

Polanski 1, Horwitz probably a Jew

Anonymous said...

Debrah signs her comments. And can spell "anon" correctly. You are one ignorant racist moron and there are many who find you and your comments objectionable.

Tell us again about how the little colored boys treated you so deferentially - and how you do so miss those days...

Anonymous said...

Georgia Girl

I find your argument with Debrah most amusing, but I don't understand why she dislikes you.

Any thoughts?


Anonymous said...

Greta just interviewed Nifong's attorney on Fox. What a twerp he is! State Bar will eat him alive.

Anonymous said...

Hey guys, someone please tell that loon from Georgia that I am not posting anything to her.

She is directing comments to me that others have left for her.

I never cease to be amazed at how many creeps here can't even differentiate between who and what is going on.


Anonymous said...

to 10:50
do you mean differentially?

Anonymous said...

TO 10:50PM--

Thank you for clearing that up. The loon from Georgia continues to stalk. I should have never had any exchanges with her.

Just another troll with a phony moniker here to flame.


Anonymous said...

re AG Cooper

How ridiculous is it that this twerp has the power to put the kibosh on prosecuting Precious Panties!

I'll return tomorrow with some ideas for Precious Panties T shirts.


Anonymous said...

You can twist any statement to suit your agenda. Afterall, your IQ is far superior to mine.

Anonymous said...


They need to be summarily fired for bringing disgrace to Duke University.

Abe, Stan (Art, Art History, and Visual Studies)
Albers, Benjamin (University Writing Program)
Allison, Anne (Cultural Anthropology)
Aravamudan, Srinivas (English)
Baker, Houston (English and AAAS)
Baker, Lee (Cultural Anthropology)
Beckwith, Sarah (English)
Berliner, Paul (Music)
Christina Beaule (University Writing Program)
Blackmore, Connie (AAAS)
Jessica Boa (Religion & University Writing Program)
Boatwright, Mary T. (Classical Studies)
Boero, Silvia (Romance Studies)
Bonilla-Silva, Eduardo (Sociology)
Brim, Matthew (University Writing Program)
Chafe, William (History)
Ching, Leo (Asian & African Languages and Literatures)
Coles, Rom (Political Science)
Cooke, Miriam (Asian & African Languages and Literatures)
Crichlow, Michaeline (AAAS)
Curtis, Kim (Political Science)
Damasceno, Leslie (Romance Studies)
Davidson, Cathy (English)
Deutsch, Sally (History)
Dorfman, Ariel (Literature & Latin American Stds.)
Edwards, Laura (History)
Farred, Grant (Literature)
Fellini, Luciana (Romance Studies)
Fulkerson, Mary McClintock (Divinity School)
Gabara, Esther (Romance Studies)
Gavins, Raymond (History)
Greer, Meg (Romance Studies)
Glymph, Thavolia (History)
Hardt, Michael (Literature)
Harris, Joseph (University Writing Program)
Holloway, Karla (English)
Holsey, Bayo (AAAS)
Hovsepian, Mary (Sociology)
James, Sherman (Public Policy)
Kaplan, Alice (Literature)
Khalsa, Keval Kaur (Dance Program)
Khanna, Ranjana (English)
King, Ashley (Romance Studies)
Koonz, Claudia (History)
Lasch, Peter (Art, Art History, and Visual Studies & Latino/a Studies)
Lee, Dan A. (Math)
Leighten, Pat (Art, Art History, and Visual Studies)
Lentricchia, Frank (Literature)
Light, Caroline (Inst. for Crit. U.S. Stds.)
Litle, Marcy (Comparative Area Studies)
Litzinger, Ralph (Cultural Anthropology)
Longino, Michele (Romance Studies)
Lubiano, Wahneema (AAAS and Literature)
Maffitt, Kenneth(History)
Mahn, Jason (University Writing Program)
Makhulu, Anne-Maria (AAAS)
Mason, Lisa (Surgical Unit-2100)
McClain, Paula (Political Science)
Meintjes, Louise (Music)
Mignolo, Walter (Literature and Romance Studies)
Moreiras, Alberto (Romance Studies)
Neal, Mark Anthony (AAAS)
Nelson, Diane (Cultural Anthropology)
Olcott, Jolie (History)
Parades, Liliana (Romance Studies)
Payne, Charles (AAAS and History)
Pierce-Baker, Charlotte (Women's Studies)
Pebles-Wilkins, Wilma
Petters, Arlie (Math)
Plesser, Ronen (Physics)
Radway, Jan (Literature)
Rankin, Tom (Center for Documentary Studies)
Rego, Marcia (University Writing Program)
Reisinger, Deborah S. (Romance Studies)
Rosenberg, Alex (Philosophy)
Rudy, Kathy (Women's Studies)
Schachter, Marc (English)
Shannon, Laurie (English)
Sigal, Pete (History)
Silverblatt, Irene (Cultural Anthropology)
Somerset, Fiona (English)
Stein, Rebecca (Cultural Anthropology)
Thorne, Susan (History)
Viego, Antonio (Literature)
Vilaros, Teresa (Romance Studies)
Wald, Priscilla (English)
Wallace, Maurice (English and AAAS)
Wong, David (Philosophy)

Anonymous said...

Oh well, this is truly not worth my time. You are incapable of discussing ANY issue without injecting racism and hate. When you cannot come up with a legitimate answer, you resort to insults.

Once again, SHOW yourself ... Who are you ...?

Anonymous said...


they are appalingly incompetent thats why ...they have no idea of how our system of justice works and apparently neither do you...they are trying to IGNORE their responsibility, thats why

"Morality establishes its own universality, the state acts as judge and jury not because it decides right and wrong but because it is the means of effecting justice.

Just as the Constitution is, but the positive law means of effecting certain natural law ends, it, the
Constitution,is worthwhile only to the point that it is efficacious in
bringing about the natural law state we might all agree to in

That is why we form the state, that we might not act as jury,judge, and warden, BUT MOST CERTAINLY NOT because we are incapable of determining culpability.

the trustees are capable of DETERMINING CULPABILITY...after all they KNOW these students better than anyone but their parents...they were accepted by admission...they were part of the community for 4 years...and broadrot didnt believe them ?

educated men of GREAT CHARACTER were denied over a HO who lied before about the very same issue ?

a HO defended by the intellectually inferior AA co authors of the group88 MANIFESTO, who did ZERO RESEARCH TO come to their conclusions...what grade does one give the tenured professors who MINDLESSLY SIGNED THE MANIFESTO...?

to me its called EXPULSION...they are incapable of educating others by their OWN ACTIONS

broadrot didnt lift a finger to examine the facts....he a lazy lout like the group88 he defends by taking no action against the hate they engendered against their OWN STUDENTS..

academics must be LOYAL to facts not FEARS...loyal to those one knows from years of contact and scholarship

and the board believed the lazy coward BROADROT ?

"BROADROT is a textbook example of positivism in both academic and legal philosophy...broadrot and those 88 he represents is certainly the great enemy of liberalism and freedom"

Anonymous said...

and as far as TRUSTEE POLICY to suspend ...why have trustees if they cant LOOK at the facts, the knowledge of these men, they NEVER asked COACH K, to HELP THEM...and realize policies cant apply in all cases

the holocaust occured for the same policy reasons...

Anonymous said...

Nifong should be sued! He not only harmed the players, but he also disrespected the plight of true rape victims who seek justice.
I believe it is difficult to prove guilt beyond reasonable doubt in cases in which it is a question of consent or lack of consent. But this allegation was obviously false. If the accuser had been a white Duke student, I bet the case would have been dropped long ago. True rape survivors have suffered more than the Duke students, but this case was incredibly damaging. I don't think the word racist means anything anymore. My friends who are teachers are called it when they try to get black kids to behave as the kids disrupt their class.

Anonymous said...

debrah said ..."Tell us again about how the little colored boys treated you so deferentially - and how you do so miss those days..."

I'm glad you asked. It was one of my first experiences with blacks shortly after we had moved to Georgia from Calif. The experience you're referring to was a memory I had as a child from the late 1940s when blacks were terribly oppressed. As I look back, it seems impossible that such a condition could exist in our country.

And don't be naive. Although slavery had ended "legally", it was alive and well in the deep south. You implied that I "miss those days". How very wrong you are.

I would also add that these blacks had no recourse. They had nowhere else to go, so they stayed on the few plantations left in the south. It meant survival in those days. They worked the fields with minimal pay, housing, and plenty of food.

Everything evolves. The MLK movement began.

Anonymous said...

Now THIS is an apology: Jemele Hill of ESPN -- a black woman to boot.

Anonymous said...


Let this post be a gift to you, for from this moment on, you will be on "ignore".

I find you to be a repulsive geriatric nightmare and have never understood why you feel a need to stalk someone who has posted nothing to you.

The "anonymous" poster whom you are responding to was certainly not me. I sign my posts.

That poster needs to make this clear to you.

I am not interested at all in reading about your antebellum childhood.

In fact, it makes me sick.

Now grow up and move on. I have posted nothing to you.


Anonymous said...

This saga has many vile villins: NiFong, Wendy Murphy, the Gang of 88, DPD, Prescious, Duke, Mehan, and others.
It also has heros: Dave, Reade, Collin, Joe Cheshire, KC Johnson, Roy Cooper, and others.
But the title of HERO OF ALL HEROS has to go to BRAD BANNON, the partner of Joe Cheshire who, when handed over 1,000 pages of DNA gobblie-gook not only was able to determine that there were other male non-Lacrosse donors, but that a conspiracy had occurred between Mehan and NiFong! This single "Perry Mason Moment" broke this case wide open and compelled the dismissal and exonoration that we have seen.
Please, please profile BRAD BANNON and give us more information on this remarkable young attorney!

Anonymous said...


See the 10:50 PM comment wherein I state that Debrah signs her comments. I cannot make it any clearer to that Georgia Moron. She is repugnant but she is dense.

Anonymous said...

TO 9:36AM--

I concur wholeheartedly. Why don't you update that point on the more recent posts today?

TO 10:26AM--

Thanks. I wish you had made that point clearer last evening. The Georgia loon is like old Polanski in that she exists to create discord.

She knows very well that I do not post anything to her until I tried to inform her of her "mistake".

I must agree. She's dense beyond measure.


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