Saturday, June 16, 2007


"This matter has been a fiasco"--starting with the defendants, moving out from there to the justice system in general.

Have to ask yourself: Why did Nifong do what he did? "It seems that, at the root of it, was self-deception arising out of self-interest."

Had a prosecutor who was faced with a very unusual situation: confluence of his self-interest collided with a very volatile mix of race, sex, and class. If it were a plot of a John Grisham novel, would be considered too contrived. Facing a primary--yes, he was politically naive.

But can draw no other conclusions but that the initial statements he made were to further his political ambitions.

Having seen the facts as he hoped they would be, in his mind, the facts remained that way in the face of developing evidence that was not in fact the case.

Even in the face of a declaration of innocence by the NC AG, Nifong still believes the facts to be one way, and the world now knows that is not the case.

Panel required to consider aggravating and mitigating factors:

--multiple offenses
--refusal to acknowledge wrongful conduct regarding DNA
--selfish motive
--vulnerability of the victims in this case: the three wrongfully accused
--substantial experience in the practice of law


--absence of prior disciplinary record
--reputation for character

Aggravating factors outweigh the mitigating factors.

This matter appears to be an aberration in the career of Nifong and in how justice is handled in NC. "It is an illustration of the fact that good character is not a constant; character is dependent upon the situation."

Fact that panel has found dishonesty and deceitfulness of conduct requires panel to enter most serious misconduct.

The victims are the three young men, their families, the entire Duke lacrosse team and their coach, Duke Univ., the justice system in NC and elsewhere, and, indeed, prosecutors--honest, ethical, hardworking ones throughout the nation.

In particular, the justice system is a victim--the way this was taken out of the courtroom and put in the hands of the public, into an unprecedented media frenzy. "You can't do justice in the media, you can't do justice in soundbites, the way to arrive at a determination of facts is to hear in an open proceeding all of the evidence."

'That did not happen--and was not going to happen, apparently--in the Duke lacrosse case."

Justice system was able to right itself--but done with backup systems, in a way that was never designed to work as the justice system should work.

Decision (unprecedented) by State Bar to take disciplinary action against prosecutor during a case was controversial. But it was the correct decision.

This case a reminder that the most powerful person in the criminal justice system is not the judge--but is the prosecutor. When that power is abused--as it was here--it puts constitutional rights in jeopardy.

Nifong's motives appear to be self-interest and self-deception--not necessarily evil, but judgment was "so clouded by his own self-interest." "Wandered off the path of justice."

Deception perpetrated upon the public--many people were made to look like fools by Nifong. 180-degree turn--"those who made a rush to judgment based upon an unquestioning faith upon what a prosecutor told them were made to look foolish. And many still do look foolish."


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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I'd like to see an investigation that puts Magnum under oath to see what she was told by the cops and investigators. This could put her at odds with them and we might find some more truth.

She is not being prosecuted because she was said to be unbalanced (bipolar).

But if someone is crazy and a danger to society, they are not left at liberty. They are committed to an institution.

While it is unlikely that she can commit this harm again, if she is a danger, then why is she still free.

I'm not in favor of laws against prostitution, but surely in NC her profession is illegal. Why is she getting such a free pass when others do not?

Anonymous said...

BDay, I'm beginning to twitch, too.


Anonymous said...

The "families" will NOT go for the jugular (criminal charges). They've made their point.

Ya think?

Your innane comments are getting stupid. A touch of narcissism too.

The parents are a million dollars in legal fee debt, who wouldn't need to recover that plus a rebuke to the other jerks that facilitated this mess.

So much for my daily wisdom.

Make it yearly, would ya.

Anonymous said...

well gotc, if you find a link, post it here, I'll do the same :=)


Anonymous said...

Re: Georgia Girl's belief that the LAX attorneys will not go for criminal charges,

they don't need to. Nifong is officially found in the Bar hearing of deliberately lying to the Court in a case that is still open.

The defense have moves they can make, but the judge has a lot to start with right now.

Anonymous said...

Except for Perot, I've always voted Republican.

But the Supreme Court has to tell a Republican Administration to give a legal immigrant due process: charge him in civilian court or let him go. He was legally elected because you cannot change the election rules after the fact; yet they want to make up the Military Tribunal rules as they go along.

Both Parties' current leadership are exhibiting Incumbent elitism, seeing government as the solution; instead of govt as the problem.

Vote the PERSON in each race, not the Party. just my humble opinion

Anonymous said...

The majority MSM is MSE as in Entertainment. To pawn it of as "news" or "journalism" is fraud. Fortunately, their impact as tabloids will diminish over time, but not too soon. In the mean time, they will continue to destroy what is good and fragile because they, like Nifong, are lazy and incompetent (notwithstanding the relatively few outstanding and true journalists and organizations, like Frontline.)

Anonymous said...

"Of the major parties, which one would that be Bill?"

I'd say the republicrats.

You are being distracted. It doesn't matter which party. Both the bigs have passed laws to keep out anyone else. It's one big happy family. It's a sham that they pretend to be different. They are both for more and more government.

The only difference I see is their alphabetical ordering.

Anonymous said...

Just desserts is for Duke alumni to keep this debacle in mind everytime they're solicited for a donation. Let the administration know that it works both ways. If they choose to tenure marxist idealogues and underqualified racist agitators, they get no money.

Anonymous said...

I wonder at what point in the last year did Nifong realize that he could not pull himself out of the hole he dug for himself?

I don't think he really realized it until towards the end of David Evan's testimony today. Otherwise he would never have made the statement about "something happened" yesterday, which he had to know would infuriate the defense (and which he seems to be too stupid to realize would infuriate the panel rather than cause it to cut him some slack).

Seeing how damaging Evans was to him in his last 3 sentences, just as a character witness, must surely have given him a taste of the legal firepower that was going to continue to be aimed at him until there was no hope left.

Anonymous said...

BDaym I've been clicking through the links on the right of this blog. I just saw a clip of Reade Sleigemann's testimony (I just realized that had a live feed yesterday).

I wonder if Nifong will cop some kind of plea to weed on the other losers in this saga.


Anonymous said...

I thought the remarks of Cheshire were great today. He spoke of things still needing investigation and gave one great example: How the state's timeline was altered (and the conjuring up false 'facts' to support it) in order to be able to attempt to overcome Seligman's obvious alibi.

Anonymous said...

She is not being prosecuted because she was said to be unbalanced (bipolar).

As a psych clinical person speaking up, don't count on that. Bipolar is the most over used, throw away, garbage diagnosis out there now.

The good and clinically responsible never make that diagnosis with an active drug user as symtoms overlap.(Crack use looks like mania.) What happens too often is that Biplor enters the med records as a divisive way to get payment as just being a druggie won't do it.

Magnum is as likely a Borderline and Anti-Social Personality Disorder plus a substance abuser. It's hard to get payment for personality disorders tx. Medicaid will pay for the increasingly over diagnosed Bipolar.

Anonymous said...

"How the state's timeline was order to be able to attempt to overcome Seligman's obvious alibi"

I always assumed that this was considered "fair play" by prosecutors. Great news if not.

Anonymous said...

to 7:37 (the anon):

Aren't you being slightly obtuse in debasing me? I happen to be on the same side as you. Why don't you try to "enlighten" me, rather than bash.

to 7:40, thank you for that comment. I think we're all here to learn and speak from the heart.

Anonymous said...

Nifong publicly stated few months ago (in a newspaper article) that he might consider teaching. I'm sure he would have a great future as a liberal fraud. Most universities would compete to get him (not just Duke and NCCU).

Wouldn't it be fun if he turns out, say, at Brown, where one of the wrongly accused player is now?
Mike Nifong teaching Law & Ethics for that lacrosse player would surely be fun.

If former corrupt NJ gov McGreevey can now teach Law & Ethics course, I fail to see how Nifong cannot.

Steven Horwitz said...

Those of you who wish to see the G88 "punished" - what would you propose and on what grounds and by what process?

I'm a practicing academic. BTW, we're NOT all on the conventional left, and we're not all obsessed with race, class and gender. The generalizations about academics on this blog drive me nuts especially when two of the heroes of this case are Bill A and KC, a libertarian an democrat academic respectively.

Anyway, after 18 years of teaching and 6 as an administrator, I simply do not see any punishment coming their way. They will not be found civilly liable for anything nor will Duke act against them. The one passage in the handbook about not speaking ill of students (or whatever it is) is so vague as to be unusable, plus no college administration would waste its time pursuing that just to please what they perceive as crazy right-wingers.

As others have said - if you really want to punish Duke, don't donate money, don't watch their teams on TV, and don't send your kids there and encourage others to boycott them as well.

And then support organizations such as the Institute for Humane Studies ( who work to advance the academic, policy, and journalism careers of libertarian and free market students and young faculty.

Anonymous said...

I am happily eating crow for thinking the punishment would be light!

The father's of those 3 innocent young men will have nice Father's Day this year. Unlike last year.

Reverse racism exposed, perhaps that is the lesson in this case. Racism is racism and it should stop.

Anonymous said...


You have been the only sane and rational mind to turn to over the last year. Your coverage has been exemplary. We Dukies (husband class of '80) thank you from the bottom of our hearts for sticking with this through thick and thin. I will happily pay full price for your book (no coupons or Costco, even!),and will treat it with kid gloves to preserve for generations to come.

As for Duff Wilson, he DOESN'T get it....he still can't print the word INNOCENT in his article. It is a complete disgrace. I hope that he changes his tune for Sunday's paper, finally.

Steven Horwitz said...

And anyone who thinks any law school would hire Nifong is as crazy as he is. Even before this, he simply was not qualified for a position at a place like Duke, and probably not even NCCU (though maybe as an adjunct there). And now, he's toxic.

I'd be willing to bet if you asked the G88 whether they'd want him as a colleague at Duke, the vast majority would say no. Most of them are NOT evil, but simply bandwagoners based on the information they got from Mikey.

$100 says most of them are pissed as hell at him for making them look like fools, but they're scared enough of their more powerful and more ideologically driven colleagues to apologize publicly.

Anonymous said...

what is the exact definition of bipolar?

I'm thinking I might have it.
Or maybe it's the desert heat

Anonymous said...

Duke funds and resources were used for Listening Ad (advocating violence, thanking violent protester). Duke can be sued.

Many of the Gang88 wackos personally attacked (defamed) lacrosse players. Besides, they committed racist acts ("creating hostile and racist environment").
I think federal hate crime legislation should apply to them, as well.

Anyway, had they been conservatives, they would have been fired immediately. Gang88 can be fired (even if tenured) and anyway, the department funds could be terminated/halved etc. Instead, they got more money and promotion.

Anonymous said...

And then support organizations such as the Institute for Humane Studies ( who work to advance the academic, policy, and journalism careers of libertarian and free market students and young faculty.

How about donating to FIRE which slaps down in court the Orwellian pc nazis like the Group of 88 that obstruct and intimidate free speech on campuses.

Anonymous said...

steven: Not true. Ward Churchill and other kind of liberal frauds (including one of the Gang88) are easily hired by likeminded wackos.

Nifong is still the hero among dailykos/black racist population.

Anonymous said...

Steve Horowitz: "Those of you who wish to see the G88 "punished" - what would you propose and on what grounds and by what process?"

I would propose that a body representative of the faculty at Duke (Academic Council?) pass a resolution censuring faculty who rushed to judgment and tried to (and continue to) exploit this for their own ends.

Faculty are always using "shared governance" as a buzzword, well show some "shared responsibility" for a change to publicly admonish the rogue faculty who helped enable a rogue prosecutor.

Anonymous said...

I'm thinking I might have it.
Or maybe it's the desert heat

Break a sweat and Google it, for God's sake.

Steven Horwitz said...

8:02 - a vote of condemnation or censure by colleagues at Duke would certainly be a possibility, though a long shot. It would be a helluva statement by what I expect is the majority of faculty who have always been sane about this case. I'd love to see that happen.

And FIRE is a great organization as well.

I'll take bets on whether in 5 years Nifong is or isn't teaching at a law school ranked in the top 100 on a full-time basis. Takers anyone?

Anonymous said...

Academic ... wondering where you teach? or at least, a general description of where, and what subject?

I have to say that in the six years I spent in college (and grad school) I have VERY FEW professors who were not dyed in the wool leftists. I would've hoped for academics to measure their words when rushing to judgment, at least with an IF statement.

To treat the LAX players the way they did is shameful.

And BTW, I'm not so naive to believe that the exact same think couldn't happen in virtually every university across this country. You pay huge money to get your ticket punched, and sadly, most of those teaching couldn't wax a car without scratching it.

I remember the professors I had who actually cared, and I wish they'd been the norm rather than the exception. And BTW ... both my undergrad and grad degrees are from top schools.

Anonymous said...

5 years !! NCCU may hire him tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

It is a good day for justice, and for all who care about justice.

Sometimes, the system works, even when the game is rigged. I don't say it often enough, but now I can only say:

God bless America.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Here is an example for Nifong:

(CBS/AP) Former Gov. James E. McGreevey is teaching ethics, law and leadership at Kean University.

The Star-Ledger of Newark reported the nation's first openly gay governor earns $17,500 and has been an executive in residence since Nov. 1.

When he was in office, McGreevey was often criticized for the appearance of ethical lapses.

"It seems to me, Jim McGreevey teaching law and ethics is a little bit like Doctor Kevorkian teaching health maintenance," state Republican chairman Tom Wilson told the newspaper.
McGreevey resigned after announcing in August 2004 that he was "a gay American" who had had an affair with a male staffer.

Maybe Nifong can join him at Kean?

Anonymous said...
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Steven Horwitz said...

8:07 - selective liberal arts college in the Northeast. I'm an economist by training but have been a full-time associate dean for the last 6. Wouldn't take much Googling to find all the details.

FWIW... I do have a few colleagues like the G88, so I certainly know the type. But in my conversations with most of my colleagues here, all of whom are on the left, not one of them has expressed an ounce of sympathy for Nifong. They generally agree "he screwed up" and they accept the AG's claim that the 3 guys are innocent.

They do tend to have a bit of the "well, they did put themselves in a compromising position by having the party in the first place" in them, even when I remind them that they'd never say the same thing about Mangum if she had been raped.

But, in general, they view this case more like the average poster here than the G88.

Steven Horwitz said...

8:08 - I said top 100 school. NCCU is NOT one of those, suffice it to say.

Anonymous said...

After these verdicts today, had I previously been found guilty with Nifong as the prosecutor - I would be filing a motion for appeal or banging pots of my own.

How many people behind bars are there after being railroaded by him and those judges that stood as character witnesses to him?

Steven Horwitz said...

And McGreevey is clearly teaching one course on an adjunct basis (at that salary) at a non-top 100 school. My bet was "full-time" and "top 100," aimed mostly at the ridiculous notion that Duke would hire him.

Sorry for sounding arrogant, but too many of the people who spout off about academia on this blog have no clue how it works and significantly over-estimate the power of the supposed vast left-wing conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

8:02, okay okay ... thanks for the chuckle!

Anonymous said...

I think Nifong thought that he had the morally correct postion because he was on the side of a poor black against priviliged whites.

From this position, he felt he had moral sanction to do anything.

I also think his wife had a hand in giving him this perverse idea.

Anonymous said...

I think I'm in love with K C Johnson!

Anonymous said...

Apparently to Duff Wilson this verdict was just another "surprise." Gawwwly Sargeant Carter i didn't realize you could get disbarred for lying in court.

ALEIGH, N.C., June 16 — In a case that has brought one surprise after another, a disciplinary hearing panel found Michael B. Nifong, the Durham County district attorney, guilty today of ethical violations while pressing a false accusation of sexual assault against three former Duke University lacrosse players. The panel then ruled that Mr. Nifong should be disbarred.

Anonymous said...

Who are the remaining fools that Lane Williamson was referring to?
1. Crystal (good ol' girl) Mangum and her family
2. Mike Nifong - for believing that something happened
3. Wendy Murphy - you might as well donate your skull
4. Victoria Peterson - no Victoria, the people of Durham do not believe Collin Finnerty is guilty.
5. Gang of 88 ably represented by Grant Fareed and Wahneema Lubiano
6. Julianne Malveaux, president of Bennett College - for believing that something must have happened
7. Duff Wilson and the New York Times - this is THE newspaper of record? How about THE newspaper of disrepute? WMDs, the Valerie Plame leak, Jayson Blair, and now this. Keep it up!

Anonymous said...

To anon. 8:07

You indicate that your experience in college was that most professors were dyed in the wool leftists. As an academic, I have found that situation is more prevalent in the most elite (and expensive) schools, such as Duke. Ironically, Brown (where Reade Seligman will attend next year) is far worse than Duke will ever be since many of the students take this crap seriously, which doesn't happen nearly as often at Duke.

As a professor in a state school, my students are too busy working part time and trying to get ahead to pay too much attention to the unholy trinity of race, class, and gender, which is an elitist interest if there ever was one.

I am not sure how these professors could look at themselves in the mirror considering that they teach in an elite school that costs close to $50,000 a year, but I don't understand them anyway. Suffice it to say that the core group of the 88 lemmings is made up of a bunch of permanent associate professors, which means that they don't have the publications (i.e, brains) to be promoted to full professor. Kim Curtis is a visiting Assistant Professor, which is one of the lowest forms of intellectual life (she was a spousal hire so that Duke would have the privilege of hiring her permanent associate professor husband). Our favorite thug wannabe has a Ph.D. from the prestigious State University of New York at Buffalo. Some intellectual.

A lot of top schools have tolerated this nonsense for many years in the interest of political correctness, but I hope that this case will lead to some serious self reflection, and not just at Duke.

Anonymous said...

Just desserts is for Duke alumni to keep this debacle in mind everytime they're solicited for a donation. Let the administration know that it works both ways. . . .

Oh, believe me, this alum has and will!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know who the buffons were whe sent the letters that Fried man put into evidence at the end? What did they say?

Anonymous said...

Polanski @ 8:32

Very good comment. You speak the truth, but often you overdo things. I agree that K C Johnson did not want to venture too far into the set asides and affirmative action in academia, but no one can say that his work on this case has not been exceptional.
I also wish he could be more upfront about the black element in this equation. No heroes there. Mangum should be prosecuted and no black commenter will discuss the role of black racism in all of this. NC has a huge problem with racism in the black community. The worst I have witnessed.

Polanski, you are witty and have a degree of intelligence. You really should use those attributes and stop hijacking KC's valuable work. Your obsession with the poster who identifies as (Debrah) is very destructive to your cause. I live in the triangle area and know a little about her from a distance. She's a talented person and I've enjoyed her writings in past years. She used to do lots of oped columns. I've also seen her and she's very attractive. Might be best to stop pestering people, then no one would think that something's bad wrong with you.
Since I have only posted here now and then, I'm curious why you have developed such a fascination for a stranger.
Anyhow, it's a good day for NC justice.

Duke Dad

Anonymous said...

JLS says....,

re: Steven Horwitz

I too am a career academic. I certainly know that attacks on tenure could be used to attack the few conservatives like me in academia. So I am sympathetic to your concerns.

Still I would like to see the 88 gangster punished in the following ways for the following reason:

1. Those without tenure non reappoint.

2. Fire anyone with tenure who wrote the ad and misrepresented that the ad had support of certain Duke departments and program, IF THEY DID NOT HAVE SOME FORMAL PERMISSION TO SAY THAT.

3. Fire anyone with tenure who misrepresented that their department or program had endorsed the add when in fact they had not.

4. Fire those with tenure who misappropriated Duke funds to pay for an add that lashed out at Duke students.

Those with tenure might be asked by their bosses if they are so anti the establishment whether they think it might be better for them to be at a less establishment institution than a private school created by the money of capitalists.

I have tenure. I believe IF I misrepresented my university PUBLICALLY in such an important matter, I could be fired. I believe that IF I misappropriated university funds, I could be fired.

M. Simon said...


Jack said...

miramar @ 8:07

You indicate that you hope this incident will prompt these so called elite institutions (Duke is more "elitist") to engage in some self reflection. Don't count on it. These universities have deliberately assembled their faculties and curricula in just this fashion. The only re-consideration that will be done by the academic intelligencia will be to ensure that next time they do not play their hand so clumsily.

Anonymous said...

People, Nifong hasn't tried a felony case in years. There are not going to be a lot of people still in prison that were found guilty when he was a prosecutor.

Steven Horwitz said...


Numbers 2 and 3 are the most compelling of your list. I'm actually convinced that both probably happened in multiple cases, and folks who did that should be punished. However, there's just no way a tenured faculty member is going to be fired for it. No "Termination for Cause" committee would ever recommend firing. They might get the proverbial "letter in the file" or lose a department chair job or something like that. But fired? Not a chance. Same probably goes for 4. Nor do I believe they *should* be fired for it.

As for 1... Kim Curtis could certainly not be renewed based on the grade retaliation (if I were the administrator in charge, I would NOT rehire her based on that alone), but what are the charges against other non-tenured folks that would be distinct from anything in 2, 3, and 4?

Anonymous said...

Interesting change of wording by Duff in the latest installation on the last 39 minutes...

"Prosecutor in Duke Case Is Stripped of Law License

Published: June 17, 2007
RALEIGH, N.C., June 16 — A state ethics panel disbarred Michael B. Nifong, the Durham district attorney who pursued a false accusation of sexual assault against three Duke University lacrosse players, on Saturday shortly after Mr. Nifong said through his lawyer that he thought disbarment was the appropriate penalty.

Mr. Nifong, who had surprised his lawyers Friday by announcing plans to resign, offered to give up his law license and waive the right to appeal after the panel ruled Saturday that he had been dishonest or deceitful toward a judge and defense lawyers over DNA results." .....

He actually put in the word "innocent" from Williamson's (and panel's) "scathing opinion"..are we seeing (finally) a back-pedaling???????

Anonymous said...

It is too early to say the justice is done. I watched on live coverage the director of innocence movement committee (?) testifying for the Ex-DA's characters. She kept saying 'Mike has the highest standard', 'Mike cares most what the community is concerned most'. It is scary not to hear her talk about facts, laws and innocence. It is unthinkable that if the highest one is this bad, how worse the lower ones could be ? It also makes you wonder whether this is the only time (sure the last time) Nifong abused his DA power.

Anonymous said...

Apparently to Duff Wilson this verdict was just another "surprise.

One more time, anyone still subscribing to the NYT's, putting money into their coffers, isn't getting just what this lefty paper has been up to for years.

It's been the Mother Ship of all that is wrong in America - the pc and multi-culti garbage that muzzles honest debate and fairness. Add the politics of victimization which the Times wallows in. The agenda driven Augusta non-story, anyone?

I loathe that paper. Add CNN, PBS, CBC, NBC, ABC, the stupid weekly news magazines.

There are enough bloggers of merit established now that the MSM will fade.

You want the real story on Iraq, seek out Michael Yon and Michael Tottem, they are bloggers right there in Iraq doing hard work instead of hanging on the expense account in hotel bars.

Try the Brussels Journal for what is happening in Europe. Instapundit is the best daily summary of what's going on. I could go on.

The MSM won't reform. It needs to be ignored.

Anonymous said...

Who has the Copy Right ?
A book, a play or even a movie may
come out of this. Is NiFong allowed to sell his stories ?

Anonymous said...

My apologies, Polanski. My comments should have referenced your (8:12) post.

Duke Dad

Anonymous said...

Imagine the lynch mob that would have been outside if Nifong were a Republican.

Anonymous said...

Nifong will not only be Nifonged, but he will be OJ-d.

He will try to salvage his finances by writing a book. Heck, he might even go on Dr. Phil and cry for everybody.

The lacrosse families need to do what Ron Goldman's family did. Make sure that any money Nifong makes off his story will go to the victims--lacrosse players.

Anonymous said...

I might be wrong but I believe this is the first time the NYTimes has written as a fact that the rape allegation was false, rather than Roy Cooper says it was false, which they started leaving out of their stories in the latest round.

What an impressive guy the head of the panel is, wow.

I see the defense says they are preparing to ask for criminal sanctions. Excellent.

They are going to make Mike Nifong sorry he ever took one last shot at the boys by saying 'something happened' in the bathroom.

In a way, I'm glad. He showed he was a disassembling mean spirited liar up until the last moment.

His comment about 'something happened' coupled with his ongoing lies to the bar right on through the hearing where the rationale changed from day to day mean I will never have to feel sorry for him. EVER.

Kudos to Willaimson for saying again that the boys are factually innocent and that all the testimony they heard made that fact even more evident.

I also agree w/what he said about this being the best outcome in a strange way, since a dismissal [not sure the judge would have dismissed, I beleive he's being too kind, the judge would have let the case go forward and said it was up to the jury, in my opinion...] But anyway, this way, the boys are declared INNOCENT, not simply case dismissed or not guilty.

I wonder what Wendy Murphy is doing tonight?

Anonymous said...

many new links up at


Anonymous said...

OJ's only assest that is protected is his pension fund. I'm assuming the same will apply to Nifong.

He can become the legal expert at the NYT's or get speaker's fees at NAACP fund raisers, but, the money is not his to keep if he loses the civil suit.

Is Mrs Nifong a wage earner? She better become one fast.

Anonymous said...


Your sympathy is misplaced. Mike Nifong was the one driving the train all along. He had all the information the entire time, he ignored it. The blame does not lie with his subordinates or those who helped him maintain the charade..Gottleib/Wilson/Meehan.

If not for Mike Nifong's twisted desires no arrests would have ever been made in this case. It was clear by April 10th there was no case and had been no rape.

PS....Brian Meehan must be feeling like a fool today, and rightly so.

Anonymous said...

9:30 ... you may feel that way, but you could'nt have watched this weeks actions, or have read this blog. Nifong did what he did knowingly, willfully, and with brazen contempt for justice. His arrogance got him to this day.

He didn't rely on his subordinates, or delegate the obligations away. He was a media seeking self promoter intent on his election and parlay into bigger things (like his rival). He got caught up in the limelight, and forgot what he claims he was taught to be by his father.

I do NOT feel sorry for him. He's scum of the first degree.

In the final accounting, I also hope that Gottleib and others in the DPD are investigated and dealt with properly if found to have been a part of this travesty.

Anonymous said...

"I wonder what Wendy Murphy is doing tonight."

Trying to get the thick witchy grooves in her lying face to plump up!

Anonymous said...

Put me down for a contribution to such an enterprise. And yes, KC gets my vote as well.

ed said...
"KC is a historic figure in legal history from now forth as a pioneer in the public's ability to act as watchdog over the criminal justice system."

It would be grand if some benefactor would step forward and endow some grand award of the stature of Nobel/Pulitizer for distinction in "new media." And, of course, this honor should be set up in such a way that, unlike the Nobel and Pulitizer, it would not become simply a means for leftists to honor and promote one another. Obviously, I am nominating KC for the first $1 million dollar prize!

Jun 16, 2007 5:53:00 PM

Anonymous said...
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William Jockusch said...

As usual, the New York Times had poor coverage of this, as I discuss in my blog.

Mike's America said...

KC: thanks for all your work on this important story.

I hope that the accountability we saw exercised today is but a prelude not just for Nifong, but also for those at Duke who sought to use the politics of victimology for their nefarious purposes.

When will the gang of 88 face similar accountability?

Anonymous said...

Watched almost the entire hearing and couldn't help but think that Nifong probably dreamed that he'd appear on Court TV, et al one day. Well you got your wish Mikey, but you were sitting at the wrong end of of the table.

Anonymous said...

o'c said at 9:14 ...

"Prosecutor in Duke Case Is Stripped of Law License

Published: June 17, 2007
RALEIGH, N.C., June 16 — A state ethics panel disbarred Michael B. Nifong, the Durham district attorney who pursued a false accusation of sexual assault against three Duke University lacrosse players, on Saturday shortly after Mr. Nifong said through his lawyer that he thought disbarment was the appropriate penalty.

Duff still can't say it right. First, it wasn't just "an accusation of sexual assault" but "accusations of kidnapping, sexual assault and rape."

I wish we could have a panel to discipline journalists and professors for similar "pursuits of false allegations."

Anonymous said...

Regarding the conclusion by the CNN reporter that Lane Williamson must have been reading from a script when he quoted Mark Twain (who, by the way, wrote in his autobiography "When a person cannot deceive himself the chances are against his being able to deceive other people."): I'd have to think that this is simply a matter of an educated man (and a fan, as am I, of Mark Twain) referring to a quote that resonates with him, as he is regularly engaged in the practice of adjudicating matters involving the alleged deceit of lawyers called before the state bar Disciplinary Committee. There are certain quotes from literature that I have in my head that I find appropriate in certain circumstances -- I don't have to have made up my mind beforehand in order to be able to call on them if a situation reminds me of them. I would have to assume that this quote has been bouncing around in his head all week as he struggled with trying to comprehend (as he says he has done in other cases) how someone can fall so far from grace.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but I can not agree with your conclusion.

I will profile myself as a 60yo, white, upper income, university educated male. Notice I used lower case and upper income rather than upper class.

Our legal system is institutionally corrupt from the top to the bottom. Everyone in the system knows exactly whats going on. How does one become a Judge? Prosecutor? A Congressman? Law School Professor?

What were the political bosses doing in NC all this time? Where was the Duke Alumni? Where was the legal system? Police? Mr Edwards? Republicans? Democrats?

The truth is that this goes on everyday, everywhere.

Nifong picked on the wrong people, Thank God!!!

BTW, I'm from the most comical state of all, New Jersey

Anonymous said...

The lawyers, the AG and Williamson really did show that Nifong is an abroration.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Anonymous at 9:23 PM said...
"Imagine the lynch mob that would have been outside if Nifong were a Republican."

Just another myopic view that is not at all dissimilar from the race/class/gender view held by Crystal's enablers. This is not a liberal-conservative or Democrat/Republican kind of thing. Everyone is capable of doing something egregious. As Lane Williamson said, good character is not a constant thing.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

to Jamil at 6:40 --

I don't know enough facts about the extent to which Nifong involved his Ass't. DA's in this travesty, and it may well be worth a good hard look.

What I'm amazed at, though, is that he didn't conjure up "Excuse #15" by throwing them under the bus during the hearing this week!!

Anonymous said...

Where does todays result leave Meehan??

Will he face further investigation and possible criminal charges???

Anonymous said...

So Nifong is disbarred. Big deal. Bill Clinton was disbarred for 5 years and he is still loved by millions of fools who think private and public are separate spheres.

Anonymous said...

Nifong is in a bad spot.

Some thoughts:

1 - The Bar has determined that it was a malicious prosecution. Not legally binding but will need investigating.

2 - The crimes took place in Durham where there will be a new DA. But the office and the DA investigators, all worked for Nifong. The new DA will most likely ask the State (ie AG) to investigate the case.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I was happy to see Mr. Cheshire expose Vicotria Peterson (too bad he did not mention her name) as a racist.
I was also happy to see the Defense lawyers (as countless people have done) call for the USDOJ to investigate. The DPD is not in the clear, nor should Linwood Wilson be.
I am simply at a loss as to understand why the DOJ has not looked into this case, it has frame written all over it...


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Niifong wasn't a communist, but he did refuse to serve his country in the Vietnam era on the grounds that he was a "conscientous objector".

Not much has changed - coward then, coward now.

Anonymous said...

fox is talking about investigating DPD and other ADAs

Anonymous said...

09:01 wrote: also wish he could be more upfront about the black element in this equation. No heroes there

Prof. James Coleman, Professor of the Practice of Law at Duke, is both black and has been a voice of sanity and good legal practice throughout this saga.

Anonymous said...

OK, so what Sunday paper do I dump the NYTs for????!! It was the last holdout day for, no more!

Anonymous said...

Still needing investigation..
1. Linwood Wilson
2. David Addison
3. Brian Meehan
4. Sgt. Gottlieb & Officer Himan
5. DPD Chief of Police
6. Black Panthers (or whoever made the in court death threat)
7. Castrate sign holders (hate crime ??)
8. Dean Sue (did she truly advise some players NOT to call their parents)
9. Vigilante Poster producer if it was not David Addison
10. ADA's, what did they know and when ?

This list is only for criminal actions (Dean Sue's may not be truly criminal). The list of those potential civil suit targets is far larger, especially if one goes after defamation suits.


Anonymous said...

Where does this leave Meehan? Hopefully on Andy Griffin re-makes.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Mike Nifong is a Communist?

No, but, he is typical of the guilty-little-boy syndrome that permeates the left, liberal arts faculties and the MSM.

Insecure in their own skin, bought into the left's meme that Whites are the root of all evil, they grovel and atone for sins never committed by themselves.

In the victim games that the left has unleashed on America, they are unwitting Useful idiots.

The Democrats need victims, it's their voter bloc. Playing the victim game they need the like of the white Nifongs.

Lets pretend the Magnum, the "victim", was Asian, not much political capital in that.

Anonymous said...

KC thanks for all and I know this site will be shut down soon. Hope I don't go into DIW withdrawal sickness!

Anonymous said...

Anyone else notice how much security Nifong was afforded taoday at the end,while exiting the hearing. He was almost granted celebrity status. Yet the falsely indicted had to face the so called new black pandas

Anonymous said...

After the hearing WRAL held a press conference outside and allowed the 3 attorneys to speak and answer questions. Brad Bannon told a very chilling story. He said that if it wasn't for the "fingernail mix" of DNA, they would not have been scouring the DNA reports from DSI. They would never have found the DNA of multiple other males that blew the case wide open. He said the boys would have been convicted and sentenced to 30 yrs in prison. There is no open discovery law for appeals so it is possible that they coudl never have exposed it while the boys sat in prison.

Anonymous said...

Ruth Sheehan is a columnist for the N&O (a newspaper in Durham). She wrote an article hostile to the lacrosse players, accusing them of stonewalling the investigation, etc.. THe column started out with her now infamous line "We know you know".
Months later she issued a faint hearted apology after being picked apart by the bloggers.


Anonymous said...

"So why does it all come down on his head? Why is he the "goat"?" Mike Nifong was not only the DA, but he was the lead counsel on the state's case, and the only counsel on the state's case. Mike Nifong made the false representations about exculpatory evidence, twice the Superior Court. Mike Nifong made the false representations to the Grievance Committee.

"Why isn't the entire legal system sharing the blame?" The DHC has jurisdiction over lawyers and DAs. The DHC has no power over anyone else. Blaming other parts of the legal system will have to wait for another day and another forum. But, I practice law every day in Durham, Raleigh and the surrounding counties. Let me assure you that litigants, jurors and just about everyone involved in or with the legal system has become a lot more sceptical.

"Where is the police dept.? They are the first ones to investigate and provide the data to warrant prosecution." You may have missed it, Durham Mayor Bill Bell asked the Attorney General of NC to investigate. AG Cooper declined but suggested a city committee. Bell, and the City Council of Durham have appointed such a committee. I suspect that Joe Cheshire and his firm will supply an outside investigation in the form of a lawsuit. Justice may be slow, but it is sure.

"Mr. Nifong should be restored his license. Maybe not a good D.A. as he couldn't manage these people....couldn't reign them in or check their facts. Not a good manager at all. But he has the protection of Durham in mind and heart and nobody accounted for that." I must disagree. If Ms Mangum was raped, there are at least five potential suspects. None of them have been investigated. Her service, presumably, has some identifying information on her customers prior to the lacrosse party. Thus an investigation is not an automatic dead end. Nifong squandered fourteen months pursuing Seligmann, Finnerty and Evans when there are viable suspects. Viable suspects, if as Nifong says "something happened". If Ms. Mangum's claim is simply a hoax, then there never was anyone to protect Durham from. In either case, Nifong has not protected Durham.

Walt in Durham

Anonymous said...

Next week Mikey gets to see if he will be held in contempt of court by the trial judge.

There must now be an investigation. Since the Durham DA office and DPD is involved, the new DA will have to ask the State to investigate.

Durham in wonderland may need to stay up for a bit longer.

Anonymous said...

I love K C Johnson!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Polanski, I was trying to appeal to the adult that must exist somewhere inside you. Regretfully, you chose to make a joke out of some good advice.
I do wonder why you aren't celebrating the great work of Johnson instead of wasting your time. God be with you.

Duke Dad

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I don't think Nifong's motivation was anything more than his own ambition.

My 11-year old son asked me what I'd been listening to all day. I said it was about a woman who accused 3 college guys of "something bad."

He asked, "Something sexual?"

After lifting my jaw off the floor, I answered, "yes."

"Rape?" he asked.

So much for my shielding my baby from reality!

Anyway, he made a great point. In school, whoever tattles is believed, even when there's no other "evidence." He (my son) has been "told on" for saying in exasperation, "I'm going to kill you" and spoken to by the prinicpal because such idioms are now considered terroristic threats.

This whole mess has given me greater respect for due process.


Gary Packwood said...

gotc 10:46 said...

...Anyway, he made a great point. In school, whoever tattles is believed, even when there's no other "evidence." He (my son) has been "told on" for saying in exasperation, "I'm going to kill you" and spoken to by the principal because such idioms are now considered terrorist threats.

...This whole mess has given me greater respect for due process.
Absolutely! Me also.

We may need to teach the kids ourselves and at home, the meaning of probable cause, evidence and due process

Anonymous said...

This is a fine Happy Fathers Day for Liefong!!!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


We all love you. God bless.

Duke Dad

Anonymous said...

My kids swear I will need some kind of a "patch" to help me through the withdrawal symtoms if KC stops the D in W blog!!

After swim meet, soccer games and Mass (because of more soccer games tomorrow) I finally have a chance to catch up on all that happened today!! Thanks so much, KC, for all of your notes about today's testimony!!

This has been an amazing year, and I have to say I had doubts that this day would come--it is so nice to know that Nifong has been disbarred, and will no longer be DA in Durham. Let's hope that his partners in this crime get their "just desserts" also!!


Anonymous said...

Professor, thanks for serving as a catalyst for justice.

I hope you get to Durham for a book signing. You'll be the envy of hack scholars with "forthcoming" books.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks for the blog and news source suggestions, 9:18 pm.

I hope KC doesn't shut down, 10:21 pm, and am guessing he won't.

Anonymous said...

The Nifong ruling sent a strong signal that the state of North Carolina wants to settle with the wrongly indicted players.

My best guess is that they will offer each of the 3 players and their families $5,000,000. Anything less would be an insult.

Anonymous said...

it's way too late
For the Gang of 88

Anonymous said...

Did the ACLU ever come up for air on this debacle?

Anonymous said...

"Does anyone know if Mike Nifong is a Communist?"

Nifong is a classic example of the corrupting power of big government. EVERYONE in favor of big government (90% of the population) SHARES in the blame for what happened here.

Anonymous said...

sorry if someone already posted this...but this is but ONE MORE OUTRAGE...a Statement by Duke President Richard H. Brodhead on Resignation of Durham DA Mike Nifong from the Duke website:

His handling of the Duke lacrosse case was deeply unfair to the young men involved and damaged the criminal justice system itself. Mr. Nifong brought great harm to these Duke students and their families, to the Durham community, and to Duke University and all who care about it.

Anonymous said...

Nifong pattern of denying his opponents the satisfaction of seeing him defeated:

Today it was disbarring himself before the panel could.
Yesterday it was resigning as DA before he could be fired.
There was also one other comment along the same lines. When asked on Friday if he would lose his job if Freda Black was elected, Nifong said he wouldn't want a job in DA office if Black was elected.

Anonymous said...

now its broadrots turn...and the judgemental group of 88...

Anonymous said...

Dear 11:35-

Brodhead's statement was a good one
and included this semi-apology:

The actions Duke took caused consternation to many in the university family, which I profoundly regret.

Anonymous said...

12:08 - you wrote:

Brodhead's statement was a good one
and included this semi-apology:

The actions Duke took caused consternation to many in the university family, which I profoundly regret.

Where was this line?? I only see a partial on the Duke website....
perhaps too little, too late???! an understatement at best....

Anonymous said...

Dear O'c, statement was at:

Anonymous said...

thanks 12:39..well worth it!!

EVERYONE should read this new statement from Brodhead after the disbarment. It will certainly be interesting to see how he "repairs the harm unleashed by Mr. Nifong's actions".....what about HIS actions??????

Anonymous said...


You've GOT to check out Brodhead's statement at Duke online. "Move forward" and blame Nifong is the message.

The truth is that what Nifong did was enable those at Duke and in Durham who had less than honorable agendas. He found fertile ground there...


Anonymous said...

steven horowitz said at 8:02 PM

I'll take bets on whether in 5 years Nifong is or isn't teaching at a law school ranked in the top 100 on a full-time basis. Takers anyone?

I made a statement sarcastically about 3 days ago that nothing Nifong had done to the lacrosse boys would disqualify him from being hired by Duke Law School. I don't know if Mr. Horowitz' recent comment is part of a long-lived reaction to my comment. My point was that the Bar committee found that Nifong has lied about white males to advance a political agenda, and the Duke handling of the hoax and the 88 shows that lying about white males to advance a political agenda seems to not just a qualification but a prerequisite for university employment these days.

R.R. Hamilton

Anonymous said...

>You've GOT to check out Brodhead's statement at Duke online.<

I was bemused to read that Brodhead refered to the victims as "our students". Besides the one student who graduated, aren't the other two students now "former students" since Brodhead expelled them from school?

Anonymous said...

JLS says at 9:02 PM ....,

re: Steven Horwitz

I too am a career academic. I certainly know that attacks on tenure could be used to attack the few conservatives like me in academia. So I am sympathetic to your concerns.

I've been reading JLS' comment here for quite awhile, and it is really more proof of the Alice-In-Wonderland qualities of academia that he can think of himself as a "conservative".

It seems that in the ivory towers, the "conventional Left" (say, the Hillary supporters) is "the Right", and the professorial center is what most of we normal people -- who are just as educated as they are -- would call the Loony Left.

Btw, Mr. Horwitz, apologies for misspelling your name in my prior post.

R.R. Hamilton

Anonymous said...

Thanks, once again, KC.

Your work here has been exemplary, and in stark contrast to that of "journalists" such as Duff Wilson - and also in contrast to the dogmatic, quasi-religious thinking of the needy and controllist bigots who currently beset us - such as the Gang of 88 - and are totally consumed by the victim-oppressor-savior schema, for the one reason or the other [simple need to explain things at a sub-rational level or for purely Gang88-like controllist ends].

When I first heard the allegations via the MSM, I told my oldest daughter, who happened to be sitting in front of the TV with me, to not believe the allegations - not to necessarily believe the allegations to be false, but rather to just not believe them as having very much credibility at all at this early point.

To me, the early allegations were simply too "pat" - too well fitting with the meta-narrative of the above mentioned victim-oppressor bigots, who always seem to be on the make for alleged examples necessary to their ends - which the MSM spares no effort in serving, and which Nifong apparently found convenient to his own ends.

Any unjust harm to the "marks", such as the Duke lax three, et al., is simply of no concern to such predators.

Imo, the case quickly went downhill from its first report in terms of its own validity. [I followed La Shawn Barber's blog, then found KC's Durham in Wonderland.]

It is gratifying to see the case unravel to this current conclusion, surely in large part due to the efforts of internet journalists such as KC.

But this particular win won't be enough, as I think many of us have come to realize. The Gramsci[?] mechanism of achieving cultural hegemony is now in a very strong position within our Country.


Anonymous said...

Steven Horwitz said at 8:21 PM...

Sorry for sounding arrogant, but too many of the people who spout off about academia on this blog have no clue how it works and significantly over-estimate the power of the supposed vast left-wing conspiracy.

I don't find you arrogant, Mr. Horwitz. But your decades in academia may have created a myopic view that leaves you, like Nifong, "self-deceived".

And I'm not playing word-games, but because you've already indicated you recognize that most universities are under leftwing dominance, you seem to contrapose that with leftwing "conspiracy". What are the differences in result between a campus under leftwing dominance and one guided by leftwing conspiracy?

Anonymous said...

One of the things I find so interesting about this case is the unusual alliances and disalliances formed.
I am a Duke professor, an avowed liberal (I give regularly to such organizations as the ACLU, Amnesty International, etc.), yet I find so many of the posts here to assume that those who turn to this blog regularly (as I do) are of an anti-liberal bent. Similarly, despite my continued faith in liberal causes, I was and remain appalled by the entirely unwise and unhelpful actions of the group of 88, my colleagues, some of whom (not all) in other circumstances, I know to be level-headed conscientious people.
To me, this case was not about right or left, liberal or conservative, but rather of justice, and until recently, the lack thereof.

Anonymous said...

Is Nifong a Communist?

Anonymous said...

ACLU, Amnesty, NAACP and similar organisations are inherently anti-US, anti-white, anti-semite. In other words, they are racist, just like gang88.

This was the case liberals wanted to be true* and (with the help of New York al-Times and other professional propaganda outlets) made everything to advance it (in the context of race, class and prejudice).

* on second thought, I don't think liberals cared whether this is true or not. They just saw it as an opportunity to advance their agenda.

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, it's funny reading all this anti-liberal rants by so-called (compassionate? nah) conservatives when Prof Johnson himself declared that he will vote for Barack Obama and is for gay rights. Can't we all just get along? Can't we all just agree that there was a miscarriage of justice which is what drove us to this website in the first place? Whatever your inclination is, everyone of any color or persuasion is capable of doing what Knifong did.

Anonymous said...

People people, calm down...the Gang of 88 was primarily from the arts, literature, humanities...these folks are not highly motivated movers and shakers in the world. They are artists and philosophers. You can let them be effective by letting them get to you. Take away your emotion and you strip them of everything. Yes, it is sad they depend so much on YOU and not so much on rational thought. Just don't react to these fools.

Anonymous said...

5:55 Inre; Stalin/ omitted that sticky, uncomfortable part about tens of millions, maybe as many as 50,000,000 purged, tortured, and executed by Stalin/Communism. Their crime? Differing opinions about the State.

Does Stalins intolerance of differing opinons sound familiar? It should, the Gang of 88 and others teach it everday at the exclusions of other reasoned alternatives. They are dangerours frauds and abetted by...the President of the University and the Board of Trustees.

There collective teachings played an active role in encouraging what happened. The administrations, and almost every other professor at Duke, by inaction, played a similar role.

Anonymous said...

Well done, KC. Heros and cowards, indeed.

I submit thatt Crystal is not being prosecuted for the same reason that Reade, Collin and Dave were: the prosecutor of that action must win the primary as a Democrat, and you cannot do that without the black vote. Call it what you want, but this was her SECOND false allegation of gang rape. She knowingly filed a false police report that devasted the lives of four families (the 'Fong hanged himself, but Pressler has to count). I would like some other explanation (i.e, a plausible one this time please) as to why she is not being prosecuted.

"She really thinks this happened."- AG

Okay bull, and we all know YOU know it. How then is she able to conform her memory to the coverage (when she started referring to her attackers by their real first names, and changing her story to "recalculate" the time of the attack to undo the evidence of alibi), without basic coherence? It is plainly obvious that the failure to hold her accountable is another example of the soft bigotry of low expectations.

Will the (a Democrat), then-DA (a Democrat), and Governor (you guessed it), please disregard the color of a person's skin when enforcing the laws of this State? What notion of equality does that comport with anyway? I will take the argument that MLK would object to lesser standards for blacks in this country (affirmative action, preferences, set-asides, diversity initiatives, not prosecuting her while holding Nifong completely accountable for her lies and other tools of the tools in the Angry Studies Department) for anyone who wants it.

Anonymous said...


I think she originally said she was raped because she was afraid of being arrested for (a) public intoxication (b) illegal drug use (c) prostitution.

She attempted as best her lying, feeble mind would let her to get out of it by NOT identifying anyone in a regular line up.

By the time they gave her the no wrong answer line up she might have convinced herself she was raped or had gotten used to all the sympathy she was getting and saw what a huge deal it was becoming and figured there was a pay day.

I don't believe she was was (a) a full time student (b) had high GPA throughout her 'tenure' at NCCA. She likely got one or two good grades and her 'honor student/college student' was spun out from there. There is NO WAY this woman was 'studying' criminal way.

I believe Wilson coached her and that like the nut she is, she is susceptible to coaching, he might have even threatened her...that if she failed to follow through and 'remember' what he told her and her allegation was proven false she would go to jail, e.g. continue the hoax or bad things will happen to you!

I believe she should have been prosecuted and that her 'mental illness' should have been tested in public before a judge or jury to see if it passes muster. But, I believe her medical file is really, really bad! Otherwise, the Nifong friendly judge wouldn't have given it to the defense team.

Anonymous said...

8:21 Mr. Horowitz, or Dr. Horowitz, I'd submit that most UNDERESTIMATE the destructive nature of collectivist dogma that is a large driver of the fraudulent race/gender/class warfare drivel being taught. There is little or no tolerance for diverse views.

By the way where all these stand-up academics in denoucing what happened? Any reasonable person who followed this from the beginning had enough sense to see there were serious problems. Sins of omission and inaction are in some cases, and especially this one, nearly as bad as sins of commission and action.

These "academics" are partial, (with significant influens) stewards of our future, or at least they should be. They are mostly failing. They are not accountable, there is very little transparency, and the of lack leadership from administrators is disturbing.

Anonymous said...

Lane Williamson did an excellent job of hitting the key points in his summary. It was good that he did not allow Nifong's agreement to disbarment and no appeal to take away from the necessity to summarize not only the last 5 days, but also the last 15 months.

He duplicated Cooper's use of the rarely used word "innocent" by characterizing what took place in this case as a "fiasco." That word is rarely used in legal circles, but is an apt description of the chain of events that involved an unseemly cast of characters as diverse as Crystal, Nifong, select members of the DPD, select members of the city government of Durham, select members of the faculty and administration of Duke University, select members of the Duke and NCCU student body, select members of the Durham community at large, a majority of print and broadcast media, the NCNAACP, and the race pimps who claim to be "men of the cloth", including those known nationally and those who practice their deceit within the humble confines of Durham and Duke University.

Unfortunately, I view Williamson's message to be analogous to the saying that "locks keep honest people honest."

A prosecutor who is deceitful at heart will still think he can get away with it. But the legal system needs to start somewhere and if Williamson's remarks keep even 1 prosecutor from engaging in a witch hunt, well that's something worthwhile. My guess is he convinced more than 1 that it is not worth it. The rest we will just have to keep our eyes and ears open to catch them when they violate their duties and responsibilities. Cheshire, Bannon, Smith, and Cooney can't be everywhere so it is up to us -- the citizens of the USA -- to attack injustice when we see it.

KC, you have done a great service in attacking injustice on several fronts in this case. You have taught me and, I suspect, a lot of others who have read this blog consistently about what 1 person can do to see that justice is finally achieved. I thank you for that and look forward to reading the book. All the best to you in Israel. Stay safe and come back to us someday.

Anonymous said...

12:47 inre; Brodhead's future actions...

He will likely call for a reconciliation committee to bring the Duke family back together. Declare a time for healing or something similar. The implication will be that everyone was complicit in a rush to judgment due to Nifong’s actions and that we all should come together to heal.

Complete b.s. He should be fired and a leader put in place.

Anonymous said...

It's the Raleigh News & Observer (the N & O) It's not a Durham paper. Raleigh and Durham are separate cities.

Anonymous said...

Just a thought about something which might describe CGM's state of mind during the night and early next morning events from which this "fiasco" then evolved, and also suggest some items about the agenda/control driven forces plaguing us now:

It's possible that Crystal had no idea at all about what had happened during this time frame because she was stewed out of her mind by alcohol intoxication. She certainly "appeared intoxicated" as a result of something.

But why was a Medical Blood Alcohol apparently not done by the E.R. M.D. or the Sane Nurse during her exam?

Medically, her appearance of "intoxicaton" has to be explained, if only to rule out something more serious like a head injurty, which would certainly itself be another possibility explaining "intoxication" if rape is also alleged.

So why was an MBA not done? Is this part of the Sane protocol so as to not "blame the victim", especially if the case comes to trial?

Is not doing the MBA a way to protect the alleged victim's credibility at trial, since a significantly high MBA can lead to the defense argument that she is unlikely to remember much of anything competently?

I see no rational reason for *not* doing an MBA in someone who has alleged an assault and appears intoxicated with no other chemical cause having been determined by the Sane routine. Doing an MBA would adequately explain the "intoxicated" appearance, if it was high enough. Otherwise you need to start looking for another cause, such as head injury with concussion, or worse.

But I do see some dysfunctional reasons for not doing an MBA - to wit, p.c. and other agenda-driven motives.

So even in the case of CGM herself as handled by the allegedly protective Sane system, I don't see how CGM was treated according to her clear medical, and thus personal, best interests.

An MBA high enough would also alert anyone or group allegedly in her corner, or charged with seeking justice, that her memory was possibly not very credible, so that the downside of pursuing any case imagined or suggested might be a big one - for everyone.


Anonymous said...

She is a drug addled prostitute. Stories of her use of Flexeril, alcohol and other drugs, legal and illegal, abound. This comment may be deleted, so I will use weasel words - it is alledged that she comes from an environent where intoxication is a lifestyle. Draw your own conclusions, but facts are in short supply. One must surmise her state based upon the testimony (unmemorialized) of others.

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