Particularly noteworthy: when asked by the moderator about any possible regrets in handling the case,
The Herald-Sun’s Bob Ashley’s first-mentioned regret had nothing to do with mistakes: “One of my regrets on this, quite honestly, is that I’ve not had enough resources to throw at the story.” He said his was one of the smallest news operations involved in covering this national story. He did say that he wished his paper had “been more aggressive” in looking at the competence of the early police investigation, and added that “there was a lot of community sentiment driving anger” toward the lacrosse players and that his paper should have been more careful how they reported that.No mention of his almost propagandistic pro-Nifong line.
My thanks to Jon for this detailed posts; contrast its richness with the superficial summary posted on WRAL's site.
Jon Ham can join the professor, KC Johnson of Durham-in-Wonderland, the estimable John in Carolina, the entertaining and informative Liestoppers, the excellent blog called The Johnsville News, the interesting talkleft forum, and a few others — all have produced far more first-class journalism than seen in the North Carolina newspapers.