Thursday, January 11, 2007


A bombshell new motion: analysis to come.


  1. I guess that was why the prosecution just came out with a new theory on the "rape" occurring before midnight. The defense says this proves Crystal is not reliable.

    It seems to me that Crystal did not make this up on her own. There is a group effort by Nifong, Wilson, Crystal and whoever else to say whatever it takes to save this case.

  2. I'd subpoena Linwood Wilson to testify on his unique approach to "interviews".

    Perhaps this is what Nifong is going to talk about on 60 minutes this weekend. I hope that they aren't taken in.

  3. Wow. So now het timeline conflicts with the next-door neighbor who said he saw her enter the house at midnight...but wait! He's a white male too. He must be in on the conspiracy to undermine the accuser's credibility. You couldn't make this stuff up, I swear. Just out of curiosity, did Ms. Roberts give a time line? What time did she say the dancing began?

  4. This is so ludicrous and such an obvious witness coaching job that I would laugh if the guys weren't still in jeopardy and still kept from going back to classes.

    Dave Barry may have to retire from novel writing. Even he couldn't come up with a farce of a story with more twists.

  5. At some point, Linwood will find some five second interval that Reade didn't have an alibi and get her to say that it happened in that five second interval.

    Then Nifong will say that your sense of time perception changes when you're under stress.

    I hope that the MSM is bright enough to jump all over the new timeline.

  6. Oh Come On Now! Next it's going to be that she was raped by Big Bird while being driven to the gas station to get a Red Bull. Ernie drove, he saw it all.

  7. The next door neighbor said "At approximately 11:50 p.m., I saw from my porch that a car had been stopped directly in front of 610, and noted that two young women, both appearing to be African-American, were walking from the direction of the car and proceeded to the back-yard entrance of 610."

    Also, I guess we are to believe that after the sexually assualt she than preformed for a couple of minutes and hung around the house(not that is much more absurd than other statements/theories).

    Finally, like the dropping of the rape charges a few enablers will say "this helps the pro." now they don't have to worry about the Cab and ATM etc... it is just sad, it doesn't help it futher exposes the hoax.

  8. Anon 10:48. You might not be aware of this, but Nifong has in fact indicted Big Bird based on the victim's identification of "this looks like him without the mustache." Of course, since the line-up only featured muppets I expect the defense to attack the id.

    However, Nifong doesn't care because he was already got the muppet vote.

  9. The Accuser was witnessed entering Sesame Street at approximately 11:40 where (according to her testimony) she was immediately propostioned by Mr. Cookie Monster and Mr. Snuffleupagus. In later statments the Accuser changed her statements and named Mr. The Count and Mr. Elmo to reflect the fact that no one can see Mr. Snuffleupagus and the lack of cookie evidence on the scene.

  10. Not to mention that all of this flies in the face of what the other stripper had to say.

  11. Who do these people think they're kidding??? Do they think we're all a bunch of morons??? If they think this latest load of bullsh$t is going to save this case somehow, they are absolutely certifiable.

  12. WHERE THE HELL IS THE JUDGE IN THIS CASE. Can he even keep a straight fact when reading this novel. Absolutely criminal what Nifong is getting by with.

  13. Wow -- new timeline released and smashed to bits in the same N&O story. (Yes, Michael, I think the MSM got it.)

    So ... no way this case extends beyond Feb. 5?

  14. 1:34 anon.

    It is hard to believe this case will extend past 2/5. As an evidentiary hearing, only the attorneys will be present at this meeting. Once the judge tosses the line-up, given the absurdity of the timeline, there really is nothing at all credible that Nifong can put forward to keep the case afloat. The defense may even have a motion to dismiss prepared on the contigency that the line-up gets excluded. If a motion to dismiss is presented to the judge at the conclusion of the 2/5 hearing, or shortly thereafter, then the judge could pull the plug on the case right then.

    If Nifong decides to drop the charges shortly after his line-up is tossed, then he has the best cover and the only saleable out he could possibly get to allow him to walk away from this case. Prosecutors drop cases all the time when they lose defense motions to exclude important evidence (or as it happens here, pretend evidence). The good news is that Nifong's well-documented (on just this blog alone) abusive conduct should rightly tail him into his May court date with the Bar, and maybe even sooner. But we all know the Bar hasn't acted so far in part because they are hoping this will all just go away. The case will go away shortly after 2/5. And I'm sure some of the Bar committee members would be happy to take no action, and just let Nifong go back to being the great public servant he was before (cough, cough). Just as OJ needed a jury acquittal so he could "find the real killers," so Nifong doubtless in his own mind feels he needs to get this case behind him so he can go back to serving the great folks of NC without all these distractions.

    The Bar committee needs to make certain, prior to the 2/5 hearing, that Nifong doesn't get to indulge this fantasy.

    I think the NC State Bar should pull the plug on Nifong pronto. Letting him continue to the evidentiary hearing is a travesty of justice in that it will provide Nifong with minimal cover to dismiss the charges. He needs to be formerly and fully repudiated, in public, for the outrage that is this prosecution. Since the Feds won't act, absent a defendant "of color," the NC Bar has to step up and take Mr. Nifong away from his duties.
