Congressman Peter King (R-New York) has become the third member of the House to publicly call on AG Alberto Gonzales to open a federal inquiry into Mike Nifong's behavior--something that Gonzales yesterday said he wouldn't do, at least at this stage. King termed himself "deeply disappointed" in Gonzales' non-action.
The AP story, moreover, picked up the statement of the (rump) Group of 88, accurately capturing its highly defensive nature. AP writer Devlin Barrett noted that the signatories announced they "presume the players are innocent, [but] they won't apologize for a widely criticized ad published in the campus newspaper."
Don't count on Gonzales. The man doesn't even exist. All those letters everyone sent from all over the country have been ignored. Gonzales does not want to do his job. His branch of government is supposed to oversee justice and the constituional rights of citizens. He is more concerned with allowing illegal aliens into this country. Please call the DOJ, I've contacted them numerous times, The Civil Rights Division by phone and written letters. Their attorneys were discussing the case, they are aware of it but they will not get involved. Its amazing that the DOJ is not doing the job they are supposed to do. Gonzales is as wimpy as Brodhead. But Gonzales works for the country, out taxes pay his salary. So I say call, call, call until they get the message the American public wants their government to do what is right and do their jobs.
ReplyDeleteIn fact contact the Whitehouse and President Bush and let them know the DOJ is not doing their job.
ReplyDeleteI'm pledging $100 to the re-election campaign of every congressperson who contacts the AG and asks them to investigate.
ReplyDeleteHow unfortunate so many elected officials in this country will stand by quietly and do nothing about this travesty of justice. Good for you Congressman King. At least you and Congressman Jones have integrity.
ReplyDeleteWhat else do you expect from Gonzales? He's the grandson of Mexicans who came here illegally, and he's a former board member of La Raza, a Hispanic organization that explicitly helps illegal aliens in this country evade US law enforcement. Gonzales is a disgrace, and should never have been confirmed.
ReplyDeleteAlberto Who???????????????????????
ReplyDeleteI really did not know we had a USAG..what a surprise !
Good for Rep King and Jones; maybe some one can get Mr Alberto G back from taking the fence down along the border, or is he still fishing in the Rio Grande?
Another faceless wonder in government picking up a pay check under false pretences!
If only the Group of 88 had been so vocal in their commitment to the presumption of innocence last April.
ReplyDeleteAs I remember it, the emphasis then was on the importance of not waiting (for evidence) but speaking-out in favor of "parallel" systems of justice.
What a crock.
Richard Riley:
ReplyDeleteWe know politicians will take anyone's money, so be prepared to shell out $45,400....add $10,000 more if your offer extends to senators.
Peter King is a graduate of Notre Dame Law School and St. Francis College in Brooklyn.
ReplyDeleteMr. Pepsi.
To the A Gonzales bashers:
ReplyDeleteSuggest you visit The New Republic. There is a very good article about him by TNR's senior editor, Ryan Lizza, dated 5/27/02, entitled "Al G's High-Wire Act"
Guy sounds all right to me.
You do realize, don't you, that at some point Nifong will likely blow his brains out. I know if I were under this pressure with no way out, I would.
ReplyDeleteWhite House 202 456 1414
ReplyDeleteAttorney General 202 514 2000
DOJ Civil Rights Div 202 514 3847
5:41 PM
ReplyDeleteMaybe Nifong will blow his brains out, who knows? My hope is that he will start doing what seems best for his son. Acknowledging his error, apologizing, asking for forgiveness, and taking his medicine like a man seems appropriate, but that's just me.
Well one from NC and two from NY is a good start. Surely there are others from those states and others from NJ and MD who could add their voices.
ReplyDeleteAscroft was a great AG (except the bizarre newsconference from Moscow).
ReplyDelete4:49 said:
ReplyDeleteWhat else do you expect from Gonzales? He's the grandson of Mexicans who came here illegally, and he's a former board member of La Raza, a Hispanic organization that explicitly helps illegal aliens in this country evade US law enforcement. Gonzales is a disgrace, and should never have been confirmed.
You're kidding, right? You think that the reaction by the AG's office can be linked to the immigrant status of Gonzales's parents? Don't you think it's possible that there might be other factors at work? Federal/state jurisdiction, perhaps?
Statements such as this are an egregious affront to the general quality of this blog and the intelligence of (some) of the associated comments.
5:41 I think that is a real concern. I do think that the Fong is so nasty, he would do something really ugly - to show us how angry he is. I hope not.
ReplyDeleteTo 6:41: If you go on the FBI website that is linked to the DOJ their "investigating corruption of public officials ranks #2 under terrorism." The fact that Nifongus is a terrorist hasn't gotten them moving. The DOJ stands for Department of Justice. Thats what they do, see that the Constitutional rights of all citizens in the USA are protected. Gonzales has been protecting the rights of illegal aliens but he will not protect the rights of these boys and their families who probably have paid a tremendous amount of money in Federal taxes, to pay the salaries of the elected officials who look the other way. A vicious cycle. The FEDs have more than enough eggregious conduct on the part of the Nifong and DPD to step in.
ReplyDeleteIf these boys were Mexican, Asian, Black, American Indian the Federal Government would have intervened. This country has become so integrated with aliens that the white race is now the oppressed and prejudiced.
ReplyDeleteWhy should Gonzales (i.e. the federal government)get involved when state(NC)agencies (the NC bar, association of NC prosecuting attorneys, not to mention what actions the trial court may take against Nifong) are now so obviously working? Federal intervention in this kind of matter would be extraordinary, an action to be taken only if all state agencies appear unable or unwilling to act (e.g. Ole Miss, or Little Rock). Don't be so quick to jump on Gonzales. He's a good guy.
ReplyDeleteDear 6:41. I take it you are a newcomer to this blog. Unfortunately the likes of 4:49 have all too frequently visited the site with their crude racial or sexual slurs. One presumes they are “trolls”, agents provocateurs, whose aim is to discredit the general ideas to which the blog is dedicated. Anyway, I for one thank you for standing up for the kind of decency that has animated a wide spectrum of disparate comments here. To abandon the high ground in favor of foolish, self-indulgent insult is at the very least disappointing from the moral point of view and ineffective from that of practical efficacy. As to the substantive issue, I see no immediate role here for the Attorney General of the United States. Perhaps the Federal usurpation of the states’ rights mandated by the Constitution has by now become so generally accepted that Federal intervention is the first thing people think of. In my opinion, it should usually be the last.
ReplyDeleteGlad to see that our congress people are moving their focus to the real problems. because bush isn't spending our taxpayers money out of control, or having our young people killed in Iraq for no clear reason, or allowing global warming to happen right before out eyes. That's right let's all get Nifong. Wait to go KC! Your the man. I am glad you don't anything important to do so that spend all your time keeping up this unreal blog.
ReplyDeleteWhen this story first came out last March and knowing it for the lie it was, I had that sick in my stomache and heart feeling. The same way I felt on 9/11. After many nights of restless sleep, it is still incredible this case goes on. So many atrocities by others and their behavior has caused this case to continue. It is a scary notion your government will not protect your most basic intrinsic rights.
ReplyDeleteChill out!
ReplyDeleteWould you expect ANY AG to take any action until the state courts have finished. Conservatives, States rights. Liberals, Due process.
IT WILL happen, take a Valium and chill out!
Justice takes time.
Say very slowly, Mikey it's coming. Mikey it's coming. What's that knock on the door? Is the FBI here today? tomorrow, when are they coming. Oh, my what to do, what to do.
Sweat like the boys did and DON'T sleep like the boys did.
It's coming Mikey, it's coming!!
What do you expect from Cheney's lapdog, Gonzo? If this had something to do with exoneration of Halliburton or proving Iraqii WMD's or demonstration that there is no global warming, Gonzales would be on it in a flash with lots of photo ops. There is plenty of precedent for stepping in during the pendancy of state litigation. There have been some lousy AGs, but this guy may have set the bar to an all time low.
ReplyDeleteI'm a registered democrat who has strongly disapproved of how this case was handled from the beginning. That said, I fully agree with 7:55 and 8:08 - Federal intervention simply isn't warranted at this point. This case was brought in state court and the state should have the first crack at dealing with it. Nifong is off the case and has been brought up on charges of unethical behavior. The case is being investigated by an independent prosecutor. And if the independent prosecutor doesn't drop the case on it's own, it seems very likely that the judge will put an end to it as soon as the motion to dismiss the ID is heard. Once the case is dismissed the LAX players will have ample opportunities to sue Nifong and Durham in either state or federal court.
ReplyDeleteI wish it hadn't taken the state so long to do the right thing, but the federal government isn't exactly known for its speed and efficiency either.
The prosecutor abused his discretion and brought a weak case against demonstrably innocent men. Less than a year later he's off the case, is fighting an ethics charge brought by the state bar and is being actively investigated by both the State bar and the state AG regarding further wrong doing. I don't think the federal government would do any better.
how must the other 47 players feel knowing it could've been them who were picked.
ReplyDeleteLet me say this: I oppose MINDLESS Government intervention at all levels, which is why I voted for President Bush 4 times. I have read AG Gonzales' statetment on this whole sordid affair, and find nothing more than action on that belief. In a nutshell, he only said that federal intervention would be premature. He didn't rule it out entirely. Just like myself, the President, and the AG, the other reason we have divided powers in Government besides keeping one branch or one man from obtaining too much power, is like the primary reason we in the military have a chain of command: to solve problems at the lowest possible level. There's a chance for the state of North Carolina to settle this, and AG Gonzales is letting them have this chance. If this happened under the previous administration, would you have demanded Federal intervention then? Knowing that Reno would have sided with the accuser, Nifong, and the Gang of 87 Fascists? It would have been the entire Lacrosse team, their coach, and maybe even the brave few members of the faculty like Prof. Coleman would have been the ones in jail for Civil Rights violations, and maybe even under RICO, and that is in addition to the state charges. No thanks!!!
ReplyDeleteLike anyone else, I am in utter dismay that the university, the city, and the county not only had elements that did conspire, actively aided, and abetted in the violation and denial of the civil rights of at least 3 Americans while other elemnets of those jurisdictions abdicated their duties and responsibilities to put a stop to it. The highest level I am the most dissapointed at would be the Governor. Before that, the Sheriff, but then I don't know exactly what powers and responsibilities the sheriff has in NC as it is here in Texas so apples and oranges here. anythingThe State can also be criticized for not calling up the NC Army National Guard or State Guard if they have one since we are in a state of war. I know if I were the Governor and saw Black Panthers moving in, the pics of campus demonstrations with students holding up signs that say "CASTRATE" with faculty members present and participating and that ad in the campus papers by the Gang of 87 Nazis, the second that stuff hit the air, I would have had Tarheels patrolling that campus with locked and loaded weapons and fixed bayonets. I would have had State Troopers rounding up any and all Black Panthers, student protest leaders, the Gang of 87 Communists, and that eunuch of a University President for inciting a riot and then tack on any thing else that sticks. I would even go as far as to issue carry permits for those Lacrosse team members that are of age and meet all requirements set by the Gun Control Act of 1968, and writen and signed clearance for them to carry weapons on campus. So, yes, the State can be criticized, but the fact is that they had finally got off their duffs and are doing something.
Now I am not faulting Congressman King for meeting with AG Gonzales, nor do I fault all citizens for putting up the pressure on the Department of Justice to pay attention to this case because it is what is: Americans being deprived of their civil rights by university, local, and county authorities. If anything, the public pressure needs to be kept up on DOJ if nothing more than for them to keep the pressure on the State of North Carolina.
Now why do I say that? Simply because of this: the ball is still in the State's court, and they're playing it now. To say that AG Gonzales is ignoring this is pretty ignorant. Those of us who are from the former Confederate States have enough historical prespective from Reconstruction and the Civil Rights Era would read the AG's statement and take as a nice way for the Feds to tell the State "No sh*t, Charlie, we're not frakking around. You got a last chance to clean house or we will do it for you". And if the State AG doesn't take it like that, especially with people watching, then he is as stupid as Nifong and the Gang of 87 Baathists, whom themselves are a few levels IQ wise below that of plant life. The state AG had better know that undoubtably AG Gonzales has at least a platoon sized element of attornies reading up on every Federal Statute on Civil Rights, hate crimes, and even hazing in campuses with Nifong, the Gang of 87 Nazis, the student protestors, and even the Black Panthers in mind, and at least of a company-sized elements of FBI agents and US Marshals just ready for the first excuse the state gives them to move in. And even if the state does settle this, the Feds still have the option to get themselves a pound of flesh. So don't tell me that the AG is ignoring this. I can easily argue that he's simply looking to play the winner.
And for those who try to tie what you think is AG Gonzales' inaction to his race and his citizenship status, rethink that argument. You sound like the Gang of 87 Fascists, and thus you are no better.