Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Duke Students Respond to the 88

The DCU website has a petition--currently signed by almost 200 students--demanding accountability from the Group of 88. The petition, reproduced below, will soon appear as a full-page advertisement in the Chronicle.

On April 6th of last year a full page ad ran in The Chronicle signed by 88 professors and 16 academic programs and departments at Duke University. Weeks before any indictment was issued, in disregard for due process, our own professors projected guilt onto our peers on the lacrosse team. In the ad they not only tacitly supported the accusations of the now utterly discredited accuser, but praised protestors who similarly rushed to judgment, while levying baseless accusations of racism against our student body.

In a time of intense emotions and enormous stakes, when our community dearly needed a call for calm, for patience, for rational and careful thinking, these professors instead took a course of action which escalated tensions, spurred divisions along race and class and brought our community into greater turmoil. Their actions also further undermined the legal process and most likely emboldened a rogue district attorney.


As students who love Duke we are ashamed by the apparent decision of these faculty members to exploit a tragic situation to further their own political and social agendas. As an institution of higher learning we expect our professors to provide a model of intellectual integrity to which we can aspire—not to act with reckless disregard for fairness, justice and jurisprudence, and then callously refuse to make an apology or accept responsibility for their actions.

For those who would argue their ad has been mischaracterized we offer the following excerpts, which leave no doubt as to the material it contained—

“Students are shouting and whispering about what happened to this young woman…”

“‘If something like this happened to me…what would be used against me—my clothing? Where I was?”’

“No one is really talking about how to keep this young woman herself central to this conversation, how to keep her humanity before us…”

“To the students speaking individually and to the protestors making collective noise, thank you for not waiting and for making yourselves heard.”

Some of the Group of 88 went even further in their ill-begotten rush to judgment. Some professors are alleged to have maligned lacrosse players in their courses; Professor Kim Curtis is alleged to have failed a student (with a 3.5 GPA) simply because he was a member of the team.

Other professors have made some truly shocking public statements, such as—

Prof. Houston Baker’s claim of “Young, white, violent, drunken men among us - implicitly boasted by our athletic directors and administrators - have injured lives,” and his remark that the lacrosse team “may well feel they can claim innocence and sport their disgraced jerseys on campus, safe under the cover of silent whiteness. But where is the black woman who their violence and raucous witness injured for life? Will she ever sleep well again?”

Prof. Mark Anthony Neal’s claim that, “"Regardless of what happened inside of 610 N. Buchanan Blvd, the young men were hoping to consume something that they felt that a black woman uniquely possessed.”

Prof. Grant Farred’s claim, in response to Duke students registering to vote, that, “What Duke students becoming Durham citizens does is displace the problem of racism from the lacrosse team and the university to Durham's political system.”

Prof. Wahneema Lubiano’s statement after the arrests of Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty that “people can’t imagine that the woman could have made a false rape allegation.”

President Brodhead has yet to come forward and defend his students against the assaults launched by his own faculty.

A crucial element of this tale revolves around the conscious decisions of a sizable bloc of Duke's arts and sciences faculty to ignore the provisions of the Faculty Handbook and elect to forward their personal, pedagogical, or ideological agendas on the backs of Duke's students. It's encouraging to see that Duke students are beginning to say that such behavior is intolerable.

[Update, 4.24pm:
Right now, the petition is being circulated via Facebook, and the group is entitled "The Real Social Disaster." Duke students can join sand thereby endorse there.]


  1. Fantastic, and good for the Duke students.

    I hope they get their apology, but I'm not holding my breath.

  2. GREAT

    Why don't they print up a few hundred and give them out at the UNC game tonight to all the visiting Alumni?

    Or better yet, post them on the doors of Cameron. They'd be taken down, but a TV video is here for some late night news.

    Maybe even try to give the petition to Brodhead when he goes to the game, or at the game.

    Get to it boys!


  3. Im reading where alot of people are having SYMPATHY for the FA,who is taking this case to the end looking to put 3 kids away for 30 years. How could this B?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Prof. Wahneema Lubiano continues her disingenuous screed:

    (have to be registered)

    "To undertake change, in other words, we don't have to wait for working class or poorer students to be targeted by fraternity "theme" parties or cross burnings on the quad or in dorm halls, or for sexual assaults to be attested by perfectly placed witnesses and indisputable evidence."

    In other words - lets not rely on facts particular to this trial because, you know, it's happened sometime, somewhere to somebody.

  6. OK, but again, Section 6 of the Faculty Handbook simply calls for faculty to observe the same high standards they expect of their students. This is essentially meaningless -- take, for instance, the review of Michael Munger, Duke's PoliSci Chair, which says he is typically unprepared for class. This is presumably a violation of the Faculty Handbook, but the gent is a department chair and likely to remain one. There is no real penalty for violating Section 6.

    On the other hand, penalties have been imposed on professors like Peter Kirstein of Xavier University for violating Section c of the AAUP 1940 Statement on Academic Freedom and Tenure. This is the canon that should in fact be employed.

    If the students were to ask why Brodhead has not investigated charges against the 88 for this violation, I suspect a few more eyebrows might be raised.

  7. Good for the students and the thought is fine but Brodhead and the gang of 88 aren't going to see the error of their ways even if they mouth the words you want them to say. Consequences on the other hand they will notice and perhaps ever appreciate.

    Students: Do not sign up for classes "taught " by the gang of 88

    Alums:Close the checkbook

    law school class of 72

  8. Dan Irving - Thanks -

    N&O - 'Whatever happens, ... what people are asking is that something change.'

    "First, if a crime occurred, the victim need not be constructed as a perfect victim whose social respectability and history are without blemish, the offenders need not be constructed as perfect offenders whose class and race entitlement are homogenous and absolute, and the crime need not have the contours of the worst possible brutal actions for harm to have been done to this young woman. Gendered violence is much more often banal and routine than it is horrific, and victims and offenders are always complicated."

    The Strawman Agrument...
    "Second, Duke need not be proved to be the worst or the only institutional sinner ever to have inhabited the earth, nor does every single person of color and/or woman on this campus need to have been harmed moment by moment by racism and/or sexism, and Durham itself does not have to prove that it never benefited from Duke's presence in order for change in the institution to be undertaken. And proving all acts of individual racism, gendered violence and class harm is not necessary before structural racism, sexism and class entitlements are addressed."

    And it comes...the recapitualtion of the "so what, I'm right because I sy so" theme...
    "To undertake change, in other words, we don't have to wait for working class or poorer students to be targeted by fraternity "theme" parties or cross burnings on the quad or in dorm halls, or for sexual assaults to be attested by perfectly placed witnesses and indisputable evidence.

    "Regardless of the "truth" about the incident at the house on North Buchanan Boulevard, the engine of outcry in this moment has been fueled by the difficult and mundane reality that existed before and continues to occur in everyday life in this place. Whatever happens with the court case, what people are asking is that something change."

    Deconstructing herself, or self destructing?

  9. The problem with modern western universities is due to the crazy notion some people have had, over the last few decades, that since university graduates tended to be more productive and successful, everyone should be a university graduate.

    This has had two negative effects. Firstly, the intellectual quality of the average student has gone down. It is now the case that a BA is worth no more than a high-school diploma once was. When I did my masters it was considered optional and maybe even a bit indulgent for an engineer. Now, when hiring engineers, we are much more likely to consider a masters to be a significant advantage.

    Secondly, we couldn't just throw the new portion of less intelligent students into the parts of the university that actually work, like science, medicine and engineering, because they aren't smart enough. It's all well and good to educate the kids to the best of their ability, but having incompetent doctors and falling bridges is not acceptable.

    Even the departments of English and sociology were overflowing, so we created new departments in fields like race, gender, and class studies to house the under-performing. Since these departments are full of, relatively speaking, losers, they have become as we now know them: the angry studies departments.

    The solutions to the problems of modern western universities are three-fold. First, the professional parts of the university like medicine and engineering should be split off into independent technical schools. Second, the majority of the remaining students who are ostensibly there for "job studies" should be moved from large monolithic universities into smaller community training colleges. Third, the remaining spaces for what is traditionally known as a renaissance education, as least as paid for by the taxpayer, should be strictly limited to the best and brightest in society.

    Until we see to it that the faux-studies departments that are the source of all the loser anger and Marxist rage on campus are denigrated to the point that they become ex-departments, we will not be receiving the value from our universities that we should.

  10. 2:04 PM
    That was from May 8 2006.

  11. This is a bomb shell.

    Students fight back against Angry Studies.

  12. 1:50PM,

    The sympathy is for what was done to her as a child.

    She was molested. Her lies. Her drug use. Her prostitution are all symptoms.

    We do have to hold her responsible. Even more so Nifong. He is supposed to be the adult.

    Plus we need to do more about child molestation.

  13. JLS says....

    Yep, that is a very solid petition. It calmly speaks to the facts. It is a measured response.

    I guess we will see more backing and filling by the 88 gangsters and Brodhead?

  14. Vitruvius 2:08 PM

    You said...The problem with modern western universities is...

    Why not just comment on the universe and other things, Vitruvius?


  15. Never a dull moment. GO DUKE STUDENTS!!!


  16. JLS says....

    M. Simon, unlike many I always try to hate the crime not the criminal. Nifong has made it very hard for me in this case but I still strive.

    For this reason I am greatly offended that so many prisoners are assaulted in our prisons. I think the number one duty to the relatives of the prisoner is to maintain him in prison with acceptable care. That is enough calories, medical care and policing.

    I dont really care about Mangum's particulars everyone has bad things happen in their lives. Her excuses are of no interest to me. But I don't hate her either, she does not to be locked away to protect the public in my view.

  17. Gary Packwood,
    There is a story about a man who went to a traditional Chinese doctor about a problem with his ankle. The doctor started checking the man's head, eyes, neck etc. The patient said, "Doc, come on, it's my ankle that's the problem." The doctor stepped back and pointing from head to foot said, "All connected...see?" It is all connected, isn't it?


  18. Just when I was afraid that universities were producing no future leaders, these kids come along and proven me wrong! And I thank them for that. It can only be hoped that there are more of them at other universities, flying quietly under the radar until they have their opportunity to emerge from their current chrysalis into the beautiful and productive long-lived citizens they will become.

  19. M. Simon - no matter how bleak your childhood, you have the choice as an adult to live your life in the way that YOU choose. Claiming childhood abuse is an EXCUSE not a reason. I can name right now one woman who could have used that excuse and would have been a total nonentity - but she didn't and she isn't. Her name is Oprah Winfrey and she had a completely dysfunctional childhood that included sexual abuse and extreme poverty.

  20. All the 88 statements have clearly stated that they don't CARE if a crime was committed. What's up with that?

  21. 1:50

    Learn to write standard English - that post is nearly unintelligible.

    As for hating the criminal - I always try to do that - this town is full of them, they deserve jail time, not sympathy. They are preditors and I for one, don't want to encounter them as I go about my business.

  22. not to be a smartass, but what does "Firstly" mean?

  23. Yeah! Learn to write standard english ... like this ... "preditors"


  24. Vitruvius, I agree with your diagnosis but as far as I am concerned, if students wish to waste their own (or their parents') money on worthless courses, that is their prerogative. Employers are quite capable of judging the relative merits of Engineering and Media Studies degrees.

    Unfortunately, it is not just their own money - the government actively subsidizes these subjects. It should stop doing so immediately.

  25. It is 100% true that a spelling flame will contain a misspelled word - first rule of the interwebs.

  26. Way to go Duke students! Once again, the students prove they are the university's best asset.

  27. The petition makes some important points. In a real sense all of the students have been victimized by the precipitous rush to judgment of an identifiable group of faculty apparently upon the conception that certain students because of their gender or race or both are not entitled to a presumption of innocence in the Lacrosse case. It is particularly egregious misconduct on the part of the 88 because of their continuing refusal to apologize even in the light of facts which now compel the conclusion that the three student lacrosse players are innocent! Run the petition in the Chronicle! As for the 88, APOLOGIZE1

  28. I followed the link to the Lubiano piece.

    Thet paragraph that began "First, if a crime did occur ..." was so promising.

    It was such a perfect opening for a followup such as:

    "On the other hand, if a crime did not occur, then those of us who hijacked the case to advance our own agendas will owe everyone a retraction and an apology."

    Must have been cut before publication. Those darn space limitations ...


  29. Agreed, 2:54, as I wrote at 2:08, "as least as paid for by the taxpayer". My apologies, Gary, it's my habit to look at problem solving from a systems analysis perspective, which others have said is sometimes useful, but I did not intend to hit a nerve. Oh, and for 2:50, from the American Heritage Dictionary, "firstly: In the first place; to begin with."

  30. What is really sad, is that the G88 wanted so badly for the allegation to be true. They dislike their students so much, that they could only hope some would falter to be able to say "I told they were bad".

    Alumini --- cut off the money
    Students -- you are awesome, hope many sign that petition
    Broadhead -- Get it will you, align yourself with the student body, they are smart, your heart and soul needs to be on their side.
    Students -- Don't take ANY G88 classes, Alumni, make them apologize or leave..

    BDay MD

  31. Carolyn says:

    Conservative Duke students have calmly stated the truth using facts, eloquence, proper syntax, and spellcheck.

    The Gang of 88 has done none of the above.

    And people wonder why I'm conservative?

  32. What a well thought out petition. Factual, eloquent and to the point. I am curious as to who would not want to sign a petition like that......

  33. Lubiano is concerned for those "marginalized by structural and generally invisible racism, sexism and class divisions".

    She should be working to make the invisible visible. She should not be wasting her time criminalizing the innocent.

  34. JLS says....

    re: BDay MD

    Brodhead has made it clear he is with the 88 gangsters. He is a humanities prof. Had he not been in administration, I suspect he would have signed the ad with the other 88 gangsters. He is not going against them. Duke will need rid of him to go forward.

  35. m. simon at 2:28

    She was molested. Her lies. Her drug use. Her prostitution are all symptoms.

    Proof? Links?

  36. Lubiano wrote:

    "First, if a crime occurred..."

    A crime DID occur. There was one crime only. It was false reporting of rape.

    Lubiano wrote:

    "Regardless of the "truth..."

    That's the real problem! The Gang of 88 does not care about the truth. Their failure to focus on the truth has contributed to the causeless prosecution of the 3 Duke students. And their failure to focus on the truth makes them unfit to serve on the Duke faculty.

    Lubiano wrote:

    "what people are asking is that something change..."

    YES, people are asking for change, alumni are asking for a change, they are asking the Duke administration and Board of Trustees to rid the faculty of the 88 gutless, racist, arrogant incompetents whose inane statements have done far more to damage Duke University than anything that occurred on Buchanan Street.

    I'm pissed off! The true Duke hoax was perpetrated when the University hired these so-called intellectuals.

    Duke Alum 80

  37. Absolutely fantastic. Will be interesting to see how many signatures they can collect.

    If they are successful in getting stumblebum and his minions to apologize, I will reinstate my annual giving.

    If they can get the feckless stumblebum to LEAVE, I will reinstate the cancelled life insurance policy.

    If they can get the 88 nut cases to leave, I will reinstate Duke in my will and double the contribution.


  38. to 3:25

    Damn, I wish I had said that!!!


  39. To JLS...
    I concur, President Broadhead is really the 89th member of the gang who by his actions has all but signed the petition.
    Alumni have tremndous power with Universities like Duke, I can only hope they wield their power.

    BDay MD

  40. 3:25
    you go !!! Well said !!!

  41. What can be done to pressure Brodhead to admit the truth of this situation? Clearly facts and the disintegrating legal case have not moved him.

    Any ideas?

  42. 3:34...
    I think it unlikely he will admit the truth, he, like the G88, can't see truth.
    He will be force to leave by those who can, the Alumni, The board and by other faculty who also have a thing called a brain that allows them to also see truth.
    The likely coming law suit against Duke (and one in progress against Kim Curtis) is likely to increase pressure on him to leave as well.

    That's my take...
    BDay MD

  43. Professor Lubiano:

    Change is good.

    Things could always be better.

    But rather than leverage the alleged, and likely fabricated, Duke lacrosse sexual assult to drive change, why not focus on the much more prevalent black on black crime that is real, pervasive, and really devastating to the black community?

    I guess that wouldn't advance your agenda, would it?

    There is no great class struggle in that, is there?

    There is no great justification for your victimology, your culture of aggrievement?

    No justification for your field of study in that?

    No easily deconstructed social construct there?

    I think your field of study was done a great disservice by you and the group of 88.

    Hope Duke makes some changes in light of your group’s egregious behavior.

    "To undertake change, in other words, we don't have to wait for working class or poorer students to be targeted by fraternity "theme" parties or cross burnings on the quad or in dorm halls, or for sexual assaults to be attested by perfectly placed witnesses and indisputable evidence."

    "In other words - lets not rely on facts particular to this trial because, you know, it's happened sometime, somewhere to somebody."

  44. LS Discussion Board is reporting that Salon is reporting that Candidate Edwards has fired Andrea Marcotte along with another controversial blogger.


  45. I meant "forced" in that last post (I am a one fingered typist !!)

    I hope the students who wrote that awesome letter are not in any G88 classes, we know what happens to students who who they don't like.

    BDay MD

  46. Answer to 3:16's question: Who would not want to sign a petition like that? I suspect that non-tenured faculty in the department of Holloway and in the departments of some other professors of the 88 would not want to sign (or wouldn't even if they wanted to). I suspect that many students currently enrolled in the courses of these professors would not want to sign. Remember that Kim Curtis is alleged to have graded vindictively. I suspect that some tenured faculty in humanities are afraid to sign even if they wanted to. Holloway, for one, has been given a lot of administrative power over others. Students and non-tenured professors often tend to be pragmatic about grades and job opportunities.

  47. Make that Amanda Marcotte.


  48. Amanda Marcotte fired Maybe this will work.


  49. 4:04
    I tend to agree with you, however, perhaps this may be the time for those that would want to sign (yet fear in doing so for reasons you have outlined), do so.
    The G88, including Holloway, have damaged their credibility such that, should they lash out at anyone for political reasons, they risk losing their power. Students should dare her to give them a poor grade for signing the petition, the lawsuits would be many and swift.
    Duke has great risk in discovery in these lawsuits, so, I am hoping, perhaps, the ability of the G88 to continue to teach at Duke is in jeapordy...

    BDay MD

  50. 4:04

    NOOO!!! How can we slime Silky Pony Breck Boy if he doesn't use Marcotte as his mouthpiece? This is a black day in the history of blogs.

    Oh that's right, we can still use his words and deeds - they are hideous enough without "Ugly goes clean to the bone" Marcotte on his team.

    And he needs to keep trotting out his Trotskyite wide ride wife - she is a real salt of the earth type. Salt and butter and cheese and lard of the earth type...

    Wonder how many square feet of his 28,000 square foot house will be devoted just to feeding his wife.

  51. On the Chronicle and several other sites I have left the same post for several months. It reads, "For the life of me I just cannot understand why these professors cannot simply apologize for the harm their actions have caused regardless of their intent."

  52. Way to go Duke students. I hope they get a ton of signatures. Just remember a large part of the humanities hates you for your color, for your class, for your gender. The only thing they appear to like about you is the 46K in tuition. You all are customers - let the management know what needs to be done.

  53. As I read it, she is indirectly accusing everyone (but specifically the team) of "banal and routine" "Gendered violence". This would be what, exactly?

    Notice how this isn't about race in this piece, except (again) very indirectly?

    Also, there's anger, but people are seeing "more sharply", so now the anger is directed more broadly and there are changes that are being demanded. Again, anything specific?

    The grammar is better, but the argument is deeply flawed. The whole thing comes down to things are less than perfect from my perspective, so changes are required. No mention of imperfections or the need for introspection or change on the part of any of those who were so wrong. In fact, not even an indirect acknowledgement of the clear wrongs that have been wrought, in the name of social and criminal "justice".

    Who was it that made death threats? Could it have been members of the hate group that advocates violence as a means to bring about social change whose involvement she was so thankful for? I could go on and on, but there's really no need to make the point: no sense of proportion, everything is distortion.

    Might it be that when rational people observe members of a population that is grouped in some identifiable way who rather consistently behave in this manner and whose spokespeople advance irrational arguments and deny any culpability that they legitimately conclude equal rights and opportunity do not guarantee equal outcomes -- that individual and population differences put some at a disadvantage, in terms of reaction to adversity, motivation, aptitude, ability, perception, interaction with others, etc.?

  54. 4:24
    Their intent was malicious, not for social justice (as they would claim). They are incapable of seeing right and wrong for what it is. Hence, they will never apologize.
    BDay MD

  55. Amanda Marcotte fired Ugh. Trying again.


  56. It works!! Oh joy!! Thank you M. Simon.


  57. Perhaps the G88 could benefit from actually studying the past masters.

    “A man who has committed a mistake and doesn't correct it, is committing another mistake.” - Confucius

  58. 4:39

    You expect them to listen to "masters"? Ha! :^)

  59. Wonderful petition. They are brave in light of the possibility that they may be punished for speaking out. They, of course, have to watch out for the 88 who will regard any signer as a "little Eichmann."

    However, they should also be aware of closet sympathizers. I would guess that there are (relatively sane) liberal profs who, when given a choice between the 88 and students who are perceived to be largely conservative, will circle the wagons. Those on the leftmost fringes get political cover from liberals just as right wing wackos too often get a free pass from otherwise decent conservatives.

    Hopefully, they will get a large number of signatures, first to send a message, but second, for the relative safety of numbers. The 88 and its sympathizers cannot counterattack and punish everyone if there are too many "troublemakers".

    I also hope that the petition will be presented to as many students as possible, not just "soft" targets. There is a compelling moral issue here and the 88 are on the wrong side. No one should be sitting on the fence in face of such as affront to justice and decency -- especially after almost one year. Ask everyone and anyone to sign. If they don't, you then know who and what they are -- defenders of the indefensible.

    The 88 is only a small part of the cancer that infects American higher education. But, Duke students can show leadership in restoring higher education as a free marketplace of ideas rather than overpriced indoctrination factories of the Left.



  60. Even the departments of English and sociology were overflowing, so we created new departments in fields like race, gender, and class studies to house the under-performing. Since these departments are full of, relatively speaking, losers, they have become as we now know them: the angry studies departments.

    You have to admit that this was a billiant move on the part of the ruling classes, don't you.

    Instead of these losers being out in the streets fomenting rebellion to get more of the pie, they are wasting away their angry years locked up in universities and accumulating debt that will take them years of hard, soul-destroying work to pay off.

  61. 4:04 PM
    "LS Discussion Board is reporting that Salon is reporting that Candidate Edwards has fired Andrea Marcotte..."

    Congratulations all... You have officially been branded 'right wingers'! It surely is due to your bigotry and general lack of intelligence. Oh the humanity!

    Salon says, "The right-wing blogosphere has gotten its scalps."


  62. Was reading the reactions of the foul mouthed women - one sent $100.00 to Edwards via paypal - he wants his money back.

  63. Good for the Duke students

  64. One Trinity '01 says BRAVO to this ad and supports it in no uncertain terms.

  65. Gayle Miller,

    I take it you are not very familiar with PTSD.

    Depending on your genetics the ability to hew to the straight and narrow after certain kinds of trauma becomes exceedingly difficult.

    Some people don't get over it.

    Example: murder rates spike up during and right after a war.

    It is not just child abuse that triggers this off.

  66. This is a fantastic first step in bringing back Duke pride. I hope that all of the seniors signing the petition will "graduate" - one never knows what evil lurks. My hat is off to those students who are standing up for justice and their fellow students. GO DUKE!

  67. 3:24PM,

    I don't have the CGM link re: her childhood handy.

    Here is a bit on the link between child abuse and hard drug use:


    The connection between childhood sexual assault on females and prostitutiion I'll let you look up on google. It is not an obscure fact.

    Start here

    Consequences of Child Sexual Abuse

    Consequences of child sexual abuse range "from chronic depression to low self-esteem to sexual dysfunction to multiple personalities. A fifth of all victims develop serious long-term psychological problems, according to the American Medical Association. These may include dissociative responses and other signs of post-traumatic-stress syndrome [sic], chronic states of arousal, nightmares, flashbacks, venereal disease and anxiety over sex or exposure of the body during medical exams" ("Child Sexual Abuse . . .," 1993).

    Cycle of Violence

    Children who are abused or neglected are more likely to become criminal offenders as adults. A National Institute of Justice study found "that childhood abuse increased the odds of future delinquency and adult criminality overall by 40 percent" (Widom, 1992). Child sexual abuse victims are also at risk of becoming ensnared in this cycle of violence. One expert estimates that forty percent of sexual abusers were sexually abused as children (Vanderbilt, 1992). In addition, victims of child sexual abuse are 27.7 times more likely to be arrested for prostitution as adults than non-victims. (Widom, 1995). Some victims become sexual abusers or prostitutes because they have a difficult time relating to others except on sexual terms.

  68. Observer 4:33 PM,

    Honored to be of service.

  69. Speaking of the Kyle Dowd case, is anyhting happening, any news to report ?? Is Kim Curtis still teaching classes ? Are Lacrosse players in those classes ??

  70. The harm to Duke administered by the Gang of 88 and President Brodhead has yet to be realized. To the world outside Duke the issue of character looms loudly.

    What type of institution is Duke when its own faculty denounces its students in circumstances suspicious from the very beginning? What type of university is it when the president is biased in belief of undocumented charges when his own students tell him nothing happened and common sense should have as well? What type of learning environment exists at Duke when a professor dishonestly fails a 3.5 index student simply because he is a lacrosse player and the administration's answer to award a "D" to this honor student.

    Indeed why would any parent choose to send their child to Duke which provided no structural support from any organization within the university when the students most needed it. Instead it bestowed a presumption of guilt on the three accused players and left the remaining players to fend for themselves in a dangerous atmosphere inflamed by the Gang of 88.

    The only saving grace is the courage demonstrated by these students, the early support of Professor Coleman and lately, led by members of the Economics department, a number of faculty members. I fear it will be a longtime before Duke recovers.

  71. LS reports that the defense team met with the special prosecutors today. I wonder if in those discussions, the State is trying to negotiate a way out of being sued up the you know what ? Let's face it, the second those charges are dropped, the legal retaliation will begin, and it will be HUGE !!

    BDay MD

  72. Wow! There are 12,000 students at Duke and almost 200 of them signed this petition. Impressive.

  73. The defense attorneys and families should never agree not to sue. This case is a hoax and a fraud and a textbook example of prosecutorial abuse — destined for the law books. Why compromise with a corrupt justice system?

  74. "Wow! There are 12,000 students at Duke and almost 200 of them signed this petition. Impressive."

    As opposed to the four relied upon by the attack leveled by the 88. How many showed up to be heard? 30? 40?

    At least they have the intellectual honesty and the courage to sign their names, as opposed to say, just giving unsubstantiated quotes to demagogues whose only hope now to keep their jobs is to somehow again slur Duke students. Can't wait for theshut up gig, wish I could be there.

  75. "Wow! There are 12,000 students at Duke and almost 200 of them signed this petition. Impressive."

    Actually, it is impressive dude, if you take into account that the ad hasn't come out yet!

  76. The theme for the 88 and their apologists is now formally a quote from Alice in Wonderland ...

    "Sentence first, verdict afterwards"

    No wonder KC chose to name this blog as he did

  77. Bravo! Bravo to the Duke Students who are doing this. Gutsy and so needed. They are setting an example for other campuses around the country for students to take a stand against the bigotry and political correctness of the victim addicted angry studies bunch.

  78. Bravo! Bravo to the Duke Students who are doing this. They are setting an example for other students on other campuses to take a stand against the victim-addicted angry studies bigots who are cramming their ideology and political correctness down the throats of the gullible and spineless students, staff, and admin. Stand up and let them know they don't speak for you! Hell yes! Now this is the right spirit!

  79. oooops. Sorry KC. I got so excited I yinned when I should have yanged.


  80. 8:57 I suspect some aren't signing because they fear retribution, others are too busy contributing to, accroding to the Group of 88, the racist, oppressive environment at Duke, some were likely at the bball game, and others are too busy with their Studies of Sexualty SXL 115S-01 (Topics include homosexuality and theory, history, law, religion, education, the arts and literature, the military, and the health sciences) class.

    That leaves you and I and I'm not a student.

    Maybe I can enroll in a correspondence course to be eligible. What's your excuse?

  81. Anonymous said...

    Anonymous - how do you justify your hateful description of a woman who has done absolutely nothing to you? Mrs. Edwards isn't the problem - her husband is. And believe it or not, nastiness about a person's weight is JUST AS offensive as hateful remarks directed at a person's race or religion or gender.

    Using this kind of demeaning language instantly removes all credibility from all of your arguments.

    Shame on you.

  82. I wanted to sign this petition, but couldn't find any facebook group with the name given.

  83. uke has between 3500 and 3750 undergraduates in residence at any one time the rest are either on study abroad etc.,or are grad addition duke undergrads have a lot to do including suffering through politcal correct required courses.g88 on the otherhand have both tenure hardly any real work to do.last, most undergraduates are focused on their future and could care less about politics unlike the g88 types whose lifes are dedicated to discriminating against anyone who dosent agree with them,shades of stalin,the great terror,etc. it takes a lot of courage and commitment four these kids to stand up as they have. every duke grad i know ,myself included,stands with them. go the real duke

  84. there are about 2,500-3,000 resident undergrads
