Sunday, May 27, 2007

Unfortunate ESPN Comment

This evening on ESPN's Sports Center, anchor Neil Everett introduced a story by mentioning the scandal and then stating "the allegations were never proven."

Never proven? I believe the word that AG Cooper used was "innocent"--an all-but-unprecedented declaration--as part of a general statement that no evidence existed to substantiate the charges.

This is the network broadcasting tomorrow's final. Is it unreasonable to expect an accurate portrayal of the case?


  1. KC, I'd take it 1 step further--they are crime victims whose victimizer is still at large.


  2. This is none of many reasons, I no longer watch ESPN or ESPN 2. For any reason.

  3. I heard somewhere that Neil Everett alledgedly had sex with a goat.

    In the interest of the people's right to know, I wanted to make sure the word got out. Chances are the allegations will never be proven.

  4. JLS says...,

    I can remember the early days of ESPN when it had a skiing ad pointing out that you can not succeed if you do not try. Alas they quickly went PC.

  5. ESPN has been a disgrace with this case from the start. None of this is an accident/mistake. It's a company policy decided and implemented by management.

    Their magazine is even worse.

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. It's really amusing to read K.C's hypocrisy regarding the lacrosse hoax.

    He had no problem smearing three men, who as far as we know were in no way involved in this case, by calling them "The Intimidators" as in "Linwood Wilson & The Intimidators."

    But he takes offense to every perceived slight against the Duke lacrosse players; remonstrating and attempting to set the record straight.

    Is the statement he made about "the Intimidators" equal to what the ESPN reported allegedly said? No. But they are both wrong.

  8. To the 5.04:

    My post on Linwood was a satire, as was quite clear from the post's closing sentence. If the Everett introduction to the lacrosse case was satire, I apologize--I didn't get that sense from it, but perhaps you did.

  9. "Is it unreasonable to expect an accurate portrayal of the case?"

    Sadly, when you're talking about ESPN, the answer is yes. Their coverage of Duke, in all arenas, is never without bias. I'm not sure why, I have my theories, but there is a significant anti-Duke bias in ESPN's coverage that predates the lacrosse story.

  10. "Is it unreasonable to expect an accurate portrayal of the case?"

    Sadly, when it's ESPN, the answer is yes. Coverage of Duke in any arena on ESPN is never without bias. I'm not sure why, although I have my theories, but an anti-Duke bias permeates the network and it predates the lacrosse story.

  11. Whwn the caption "Linwood Wilson and The Intimidators" was placed with the Wilson music video, nobody with a live brain-cell could possibly have thought that KC Johnson was accusing Wilson's band-mambers of intimidating anyone.

    You ask yourself, "What would be an apporopriate name for Linwood's band," and this is the funny answer. This is what's known as a JOKE, you see, and in fact it was a good one.

    The prig who keeps complaining about the joke surely knows this, and was NOT misled -- he or she is just pretending to be completely stupid, and doing a good job of it too. Dry up, fool.

  12. ***PHEW***

    The nauseating smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

  13. Its remarkably funny how so many posters agitate for lawsuits against uninvolved and mostly uninformed commenters on this hoax but have no problem with K.C.'s near libelous comment. What's fair for the goose is also fair for the gander.

    Apparently the presumption of innocence on apples to Duke Lacrosse players but the "Intimidators" are guilty by association.

  14. 9:07
    HA. Dense or disingenuous, or somewhere in between, and angry that his prejudice has been exploded by facts.

  15. 5:04

    You must have a whole lot of time on your hands to be concerned about the men in Linwood's greatest hits god group.
    I'd have to say that I question the type of men they are just because they associate with Linwood and appear anywhere in public with such a slimey hick who helped frame three innocent men.
    Get your priorities straight. Your point is apples and oranges.

  16. There are people who come here as trolls frequently. They pick out comments from certain posters and try to redirect the course of the conversation to muddle the issues.
    I'm sure members of Duke's 88 and some angry potbangers keep tabs on this blog and then try to stir the pot.
    They're so messed up with frustration now that their agendas have been flushed down the toilet.
    The best example is when they show up making accusations of racism and such. That one is particularly comical in light of their ongoing public exhibitions of racist and manhating behavior. Best to ignore Durham's garbage.

  17. [Linwood Wilson and I have been personal friends for the past 32 years. He and Barbara spend a lot of time at my home and I at theirs. They are family to me and the finest friends a person could have. Linwood might beat me playing golf but a bass singer he ain’t, he sings bass like George Younce. The Spokesmen Quartet is one of the finest quartets to ever come out of North Carolina. J.L., Wayne and Blair are talented singers. Why they put up with Linwood, I’ll never know! Seriously, this group of sincere, dedicated christian men are some of the finest that gospel music has to offer. Don’t hesitate! Book them in your Church, Concert, or any special event that you might have! They are truly “FIRST CLASS” ]

    Written by JD Summer. Perhaps someone could contact the other members of the Spokesmen Quartet to ask them about their affiliation with Linwood given his disgraceful behaviour in the Duke case.

  18. Let the civil suits begin. We are tired of the trolls and the incompetent and biased journalists.

  19. Michael
    Do a little more with your last post to disassociate yourself with it. When I was first reading it I thought those were your words. I was about to tear into you. :-)

  20. I bet Linwood and his "mama" are dwelling in this house of the lord. Fine people. Salt of the earth. Po' ole Linny just got confused when he was Nifonged.
    He done been back-slidin' and now must repent and rededicate hisself to the lord. Pray for Linny, brothers!

  21. 10:18 What in the world?? Are you working The Dealy Plaza conspiracy also?

  22. 10:54

    And I bet you're a part of it. You trying to say that you haven't read that shit? Anytime someone comes close to writing the truth about Duke's 88 and other elements of this case, a few trolls show up to chastise KC for his blog.
    This has gone on from the start. The tactic is what leftists use all the time. All of us are supposed to be PC and forget what they tried to do. Trouble is that most people are fed up and won't give their pov any credence. This case has made things worse for them. It shows how unlawful and vengeful and depraved they are.
    Whatever happened to that DK guy who trolled here? He never put forth one ounce of what he promised. Played AMac for a fool. He or she was here to help Levicy and troll. Yea, there are lots of them who hover around this blog.

  23. 11:03 This piece of writing is off the charts. Cussin does show a lack of ideas and no class. None of us know what people are thinking,unless they tell us, I am a right wing moderate. I have no common cause with the 88. Amac is a star and no one played him for a fool. are you Jealous of the respect, he gets here? In any event, the troll gig is still as boring as ever. It also demonstrates a lack of ideas. People of all political beliefs gathered here to fight injustice, not nit pick each other.

  24. 11:59

    Are you this moronic, or is it just an act?
    "Cussin"? What is that?
    Also, you wrote "None of us know". Let me school you, mister. It's "None of us knows".
    AMac is alright. Nothing to write home about. It must be embarrassing the way AMac took DK so seriously. Don't you people have any experience in the world? It was plain as day that DK was a troll for Levicy. Yes, others along with AMac were fools.

  25. Anonymous @ 11:59
    You seem to have a personal agenda. I think it's nice to strike up an affinity for other commenters here, but you use such as a way to try and prove your points.
    You should know that anytime people can post anonymously, we have to be careful. You tell 11:03 what not to think and say, yet you use the same methods of divining the thoughts of others.
    Trolls often come here to undercut arguments pretending to be someone else. Doesn't it bother you what the "dk" troll did to AMac?

  26. Amac is a big boy and can handle that himself. As we have no spell or grammer check here - or editors, this is more conversation than writing. I know complaining about spellig and grammer is a definite lack of ideas. To disagree is just that - to disagree.

  27. I sent the following (500 character limit) e-mail to the "contact us page" of the ESPN web site:

    Would it be fair to report that "it has never been proven that ESPNs anchor Neil Everett raped a 24 year old girl?" Yet he declared on national TV ... " the allegations were never proven" that Duke Lacrosse players raped a dancer/hooker.

    (I wrote that I did not believe or was saying that he committed rape, but had to remove it when I ran out of my 500 characters) Going on with post:

    Although each statement is technically accurate, both are grossly unfair. In the players case State AG Cooper DECLARED them "innocent" atd stated that NO evidence existed.

    Fairness requires that you use the word innocent. Please do so in the future.

    Their immediate auto-reply:

    "We will try our best to provide a timely response when necessary, ..."

    It will be interesting to see if anything comes of this post. I will forward any later, more personal, response.

  28. Levicy needs no Troll. She is innocent of the stories written about her. I hope she has her day in court when she sues the people who have libeled her, with no evidence.

  29. BTW 12"13 You are not in charge of this board. Just another anonymous blogger.

  30. Take a look at 12:29. Now tell us there aren't trolls here to sneakily put forth arguments for others who are a part of the lacrosse hoax.
    See how they come out of the woodwork? 12:29 is so dense, he or she couldn't help mouthing off and revealing themselves.

  31. 12:32

    Who the **** wants to be in charge of this place? Another straw argument because you cannot debate logically.
    Some of us are just warning morons like you of the dangers of trusting the trolls. AMac has learned the hard way.

  32. I don't see anything sneaky about the 12:29 post. Looks pretty clear cut to me. No hidden agenda. Levicy is innocent of the charges made against her. After all, the AG came to the conclusion the defendents were innocent based on the Manly/Levicy exam/


    A most reliable black professor/blogger has just reported that President Brodhead and Trustee Steel have recently met with Jesse Jackson to discuss, among other things, getting Crystal Gail Mangum admitted to Duke. The rationale, from Jachson's perspective? Poor Crystal has been the victim of a vicious hate campaign carried out by members of the Duke community--including Durham-in-Wonderland.

    THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS. Black prof blogger also reports that Brodhead (didn't mention Steel's reaction) was apologetic to the max, promising his level best to Jackson to ensure Mangum's admission to Duke.

    Can this case get any weirder?

    Trinity '87

  34. No Warning necessary. Calling names is the next to last retreat in a debate. Bringing up Hitler is the last. Cussin is a joke - yu know a joke - Ha 0 Ha

  35. TO 12:29PM and all--

    Levicy is in much trouble. She behaved unethically and that unprofessional behavior harmed three young men's lives.

    About the person identified as "DK" who came here for a while......I also believe him or her to have been a plant for Levicy and I have voiced that belief many times. It turned out to be an accurate evaluation.

    I also recall that I was attacked by some here when I criticized "DK" for the logorrhea he or she was depositing here.

    Again, my senses proved to be right on target about this bottom-feeding urchin.

    I think AMAC is a nice person for having tried to engage "DK", even though the troll was so plainly a huge fake.


  36. TO 12:39 PM--



  37. TO Trinity '87--

    Are you for real?

    Do you have a link?


  38. Levicy is in no trouble. The governing bodies to whom she and her license answer to have no complaint. All that criticizm is just nonsense. That stuff written about her is untrue. DUMC is not in trouble either. PT Barnum was correct - there is one born every minute.

  39. 12:52

    Try as you might to put lipstick on that Levicy pig, but a pig is a pig.

  40. wooppity woop
    hippity glee
    Panties done gots admits
    to a near-Ivy

    chubbity hubba
    whatz da fucks
    iz gonna studies
    with dat dumb nigga Wahneema

    Crystal Gail Mangum
    Trinity '11

  41. Debrah,

    Yes I'm for real. Think about it. Do you really think that the PC Brodhead would tolerate racists dissing Mangum?

    Go to


  42. 12:56 She is no Pig

  43. Please give one shred of evidence that either DUMC or Levicy is "in trouble." Other than with a few blogger, of course.

  44. 1:46

    Just go back through this blog and read what KC posted about the Levicy topic.
    Thats set of facts is all you will need.

  45. I checked out the website. On the front page there's just something disparaging Rudy Giuliani, etc.....

    I did find this amusing:



  46. Yikes!

    The link didn't work. Perhaps this one will:



  47. I disagree with KC on this issue. The criticizm is based on unfounded information, pejudice and assumptions. Certainly, the defense lawyers nor AG Cooper have called her negilent or incompetent. Just some bloggers.

  48. And Nurses Peggy Perfect/

  49. KC,

    By not acknowledging on this site Mangum's gross moral and criminal transgression, and society's failure to punish similar beasts, don't you think you partially contributed to the "unfortunate" situation?

  50. A great final this afternoon. Its too bad it didn't have the ending most of us had hoped for. Overall, I thought that today's coverage was better and adequately conveyed the boys innocence. Had I known nothing about the case, the impression I would have taken away from the coverage was that the players were vindicated. There were references today to the Attorney general's findings and a specific reference to the finding about the complete lack of evidence of an assault. Those and the Pressler interview made up for Saturday's "unfortunate comment." We could take issue with Quint whats-his-name's assertion that Pressler was at fault for not taking immmediate disciplinary action against the team for the underage drinking /strippers (imagine how that would have further fueled and legitimized the disinformation that was being put out by others) but overall I thought today's coverage was better. Now if only some of those shots off the pipes in the last 4 minutes went in.

  51. PB wrote in TL that "Evans did more for lacrosse than if he had ever stepped on the field" last year.

  52. Big surpise, Debrah messed something up!

    Can't even make a link properly. Not what we'd call a bright-light.

  53. That Debrah is obviously a troll pretending to be a racist, moronic caricature of those who support the lax team.

    Don't take the bait. She is just trying to prove the G88's point. Nobody is that stupid.

  54. 10:46
    Well, now we know that some of you at Duke are feeling the squeeze. You're attacking one of the best writers on this blog.
    Keep it coming. It's fun to watch you sweat.

  55. (G88 Member) represented as Anonymous @ 10:46-
    Was it something someone said that brought out your horns?
    Maybe you parasites will think next time before signing an ad and trying to send your own students to prison. All you uneducated potted plants can mouth off all you want. Everyone already knows what clowns you are. And you have yourselves to thank!
    By the way, Debrah is a hot babe. Don't mess with a woman like that.

    Trinity '88

  56. I am not a fan of Debrah, but she is not a troll. Troll calling is not productive and stops the debate.

  57. Making a link is not my paying job and probably not Debrahs. For those of you who can link - great -for those of us who can not - who cares? No, I am not Debrah - just a fair minded individual.

  58. Debrah is about the only commenter who knows how to link. I will forgive her one mistake. Who cares? She corrected it quickly. And I always enjoy reading what she brings. Most of us would not gain access to those articles otherwise.
    I find 10:46 so childish. Everything they posted is such nonsense that you can tell it's a grudge against someone who is by far their better.

  59. ***10:46
    Well, now we know that some of you at Duke are feeling the squeeze. You're attacking one of the best writers on this blog.
    Keep it coming. It's fun to watch you sweat.***

    If Debrah is one of the "best writers on the blog", that is a tremendous embarassment for the rest of you. She is -- quite frankly -- an idiot.

  60. Debrah's not an idiot, but she sure can't write.

    Really, that.

  61. Anonymous 8:08, 8:34--
    Take it easy Polanski. Give it a rest. We've all seen your insanity for far too long.
    Try to find meaning in your life before you self-destruct. You have been attacking people on this website anonymously and playing sick games since you got here.
    Too bad KC can't find a way to ban you for good.
    You are one sick fool, but I can understand the pure envy you have for some commenters here.

  62. 12:22pm

    I agree with you, but Polanski's negative effect on this website goes much further. He spends days rambling about here stirring trouble pretending to be all sorts of characters.
    Take note that every time KC has to erase his vile posts, he shows up on all the threads attacking people for no reason.
    Comments that some might believe are KC's detractors like the 88 are really Polanski.
    The anonymous comments @ 10:44pm and 10:46pm are also from Polanski. The 88Gang are not all that smart, but they aren't stupid enough to come here making a huge issue about someone (linking). It's just not going to happen.
    That was Polanski trying to make a big fuss because he's unable to post here for long before he has to be erased.
    By the way, KC and all of us have had to correct a link or two. And most commenters don't even know how to link. The issue wasn't anything as silly as a corrected link made by Debrah.
    The issue is that Polanski needs to be banned from this website for always trying to hijack it.
    This is not fair to KC, nor is it fair to all the rest of us. Yesterday and well into the evening, Polanski went though the threads leaving pornographic messages to Debrah, attacking the Duke lacrosse players, and wasting everyone's time. His purpose is to make this website appear racist and taint it for others. He hates KC.
    He is a sick person who needs to move on. I hope that he does.

  63. Thanks for interesting article.

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