Friday, May 25, 2007

Linwood & The Intimidators

Linwood Wilson is the Triangle’s version of Ted Haggard, Jim Bakker, or Jimmy Swaggert—figures whose ostentatious displays of their religiosity concealed hollow moral cores.

No word yet on whether the group will be performing outside the Bar’s ethics trial of Mike Nifong, who will surely be, at that time, still "in the fire."


  1. Hyperbole?

    Say what you want but he has sings a great bass.

  2. Oh, man.

    Just returned after a week-long trip.....only to be met with this nauseating video of Linwood Wilson.

    ROTFLM-T's-O !!!

    That putrid, oleaginous freak of a human being is also an "entertainer"?

    The five extra chins hanging off his neck really add to his stage presence. Such an emotional delivery!

    Wilson makes me almost as sick on my stomach as does Serena Sebring. Both are hefty bullies who believe throwing their weight well as slandering and concocting lies.....should be met with silent acceptance.

    One can almost imagine what it was like when the Ku Klux Klan was in its heyday when viewing people like Sebring and Wilson.


    There is no better way to spend your time on this earth than going after and putting down such willful, obfuscating, and destructive people.

    I regret that my post of long ago directly addressing Sebring was deleted. I would SO enjoy revisiting it again.

    Since Linwood Wilson is white, perhaps it's OK to say what should be said about him without it being deleted.

    The very same methods which caused this whole lacrosse hoax to fester and build are still being employed by the media and even this blog.

    Only when people like the lurid Duke Gang of 88 and the hefty, suppurating Serena Sebring are taken to task the same way anyone else exhibiting their criminal and libelous behavior would be, will true fairness and justice be realized.

    The MSM need to spend the next year examining their behavior and writing articles explaining how and why most of them got the lacrosse case so wrong.....or got it right, but didn't report it!

    People like Sebring and the idiotic potbangers, Wilson, the 88, and all the other contumacious contributors to this hoax must be shown that their actions will not be tolerated.

    Playing nice and mincing words with such contemptuous pieces of excrement only emboldens them for another day.

    Debrah Correll

  3. but Debrah, tell us how you really feel.

  4. I came upon a letter in the News & Observer from the past week....apparently.....sent to the paper by William Barber of the NC NAACP.

    Now that they finally are getting it.....that Crystal Mangum and her baby-daddies are not going to be their cause celebre.....

    .....Barber has been forklifted to his computer terminal and is now going after GWB and other political issues so important to the "cause".

    Another day in paradise.....from the consistently irrelevant scribblers.


  5. So, Linwood is among those whose "ostentatious displays of their religiosity concealed hollow moral cores." Two questions, please:

    (1) Exactly what were the "ostentatious displays of ... religiosity"?

    (2) Are you really in a position to evaluate Linwood's "moral core"?

    The handling of rape allegations by Nifong's office was atrocious. Any one can see that. Nevertheless, Linwood's boss (Nifong) thought a horrible crime had been committed; or at least for all we know, Linwood had good cause to think his boss thought a horrible crime had been committed. In addition, Linwood was assigned the responsibility of dealing with a dingbat whacko of a complainant. Under those circumstances, a little humility might be in order when it comes to magically sensing someone's "moral core."

    This argument by namecalling is beneath you, K.C.

  6. Debrah,

    "fatty, fatty, two-by-four, can't get through the kitchen door" is not an argument. It is, on the other hand, bigotry.

  7. KC-You have an excellent sense of humor as well!

    Funny stuff.

  8. TO 11:48 AM--

    Are you one of the great minds of Durham who would have been on the jury?

    Linwood Wilson is a typical buffont-slicked-down-with-grease-gospel singing-church-going mutt....who, in the light of day, is a sleazy redneck.

    He is the perfect counterpart to the black racists who teach at Duke called the Gang of 88.

    Phony. Very simple-minded. Greedy. Self-serving. Loud. Unattractive and tasteless.

    Ever notice how many of these people are also overweight?


  9. I'm a little behind, but a lover of good humor:

    Hey, remember all that funny business about three Duke lacrosse players who allegedly raped a stripper they'd hired for a private show at their house? Well, today, all charges have been dropped. Somewhere, a bald eagle flying against a Stars and Stripes background sheds a single tear.

    So, for all those Duke lovers out there -- both of you -- rest assured, there will be no more Duke jokes anywhere ever. This isn't just a case where Duke University students and alumni are saved from annoyingly and loudly protesting hilarious rape jokes by saying lame things like "due process" -- this is much bigger. Why, I'd go so far as to say this changes all the stereotypes that I've gotten from meeting lacrosse players. I guess those guys really aren't rapists. Could've fooled me.

    But most importantly, the most-maligned group of people who can breathe easy are privileged white young men who go to boarding schools in the Northeast. Finally, they can go outside without the constant persecution from false accusations. That smell? It's freedom. And the tune you hear is called "The Battle Hymn of the Republic."

  10. He is the rare case of the man who should quit his day job.

  11. I just read this Joseph Neff article from April 18
    (at the link below). I did not know anything about the
    second part of the story entitled "Damage Control"

    Linwood Wilson has got to go. He needs to be fired
    and prosecuted. He has epeatedly abused his power
    and intimidated witnesses. He has no morals.

  12. Debrah,

    Had a trial occurred and had I been on the jury, I would have voted to acquit. However, it would not have been because some defense counsel tried to impeach witnesses with a "fatty-fatty-two-by-four" appeal to bigots on the jury. Of course, unlike you, no decent defense counsel would dream of such an approach.

  13. Is that a really bad toupee on his head?

  14. re: 11:48

    You had to see his website to get this part. Not sure if KC has a link to it here but there was a link to it a long time ago either here or at LS.

    I think that Wilson took down the contact information some time ago after the site was discovered.

    KC doesn't claim to be a great religious and moral personality so I'm not sure why you're questioning him.

  15. 11:48
    It's "bouffant."

  16. TO 12:10PM--

    Like most of the enablers, you attempt to obfuscate the issue simply because you do not like my very descriptive adjectives of the players.

    I never said or even implied that because so many of these urchins are gluttons makes any difference in assessing their actions....or the ramifications of their actions.

    Let me explain life to you:

    If someone is a sleazeball....a liar....a thief.....a troublemaker.....or any other undesirable type, and if they are also unattractive, physically, in some way.....this exacerbates the negative effect they have on others.

    Don't obfuscate the core facts of what occurred in this case just because I am accurately describing how physically repulsive many of these people addition to the repulsiveness of their actions.

    Obviously, you're used to dealing with those in Nifong-Land.


  17. I enjoy Gospel music.

    But I also believe that Wilson is as crooked as a three-dollar bill, and that he will be among those prosecuted for his crimes.

    I believe that ultimately it will be shown that the infamous December one-on-one meeting between Wilson and Mangum was more a matter of the investigator reading the witness a revised script (aka "witness tampering") than any form of honest questioning.

  18. Ooops --Debrah spelled it incorrectly.

  19. At least Linwood is consistent -- he hits low notes on and off stage!

    Reminds me of the Woody Allen saying
    "No matter how cynical you are, you can't keep up."

    I tell you, if this were all a work of fiction KC, you'd never get your book published -- the characters are way too stereotypical to be believable.

    The irony of it all is that the Angry studies(TM) Profs couldn't be more ideologically different than the Linwood kops ... and yet they are fruit from the same tree.


  20. Just have to add -- I now understand that Linwood probably really is a "faith based" investigator. Why investigate if you already know GOD's truth? Witness intimidation? God's work.

  21. Boy, Gary...that was perfect!!!
    You are absolutely right. Bingo

  22. The Group of 88 is black?

    I'm shocked at this "revelation." Who knew?

  23. Gary,
    I disagree. I think Linwood is a low-rent sleazeball for hire (anonymouse 11:48 - blow it out your piehole) who would just as readily railroad a black man (Elmo) as a white man - he has no principles or morals.

    The Gang of 88, otoh, have worldviews that are more rigid and insular than any gospel choir, and will circle the wagons to protect their fellow-travelers (see: non-response of Univ. to the ad). They will not engage with "the enemy" which is beneath their dignity, but simply preach their moral authority and heap abuse on the heads of any who do not march in goose-step rhythm.

    While ignorant, racist professors suck, amoral, hypocritical dirtbags sure are funny when they grease their hair and sing gospel.

    Jack Straw

  24. Linwood Wilson is an "Investigator for G/d".

    Perfect. Holy. Truth-Seeker.

    One of the restaurants I used to go to all the time had a great bartender. Italian and very cute.

    He used to joke that he was a "Bartender for G/d" in hopes of getting bigger tips in the "offering" jar.

    Too funny.


  25. 12:40
    Yea, all of the dumbest ones are.

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  27. 11:48 says..

    Nevertheless, Linwood's boss (Nifong) thought a horrible crime had been committed; or at least for all we know, Linwood had good cause to think his boss thought a horrible crime had been committed.

    For his actions of December/January? That is total bunk. You can't possibly infer that; all credible evidence points to baser reasons that. Were we born yesterday? Just because we dont have a written confession doesnt mean we can't stipulate that as a LIE.

    Please peddle your sanctimonious BS elsewhere. Who is the pretentious one here? I say it is YOU.

  28. Yea, we all need to be as perfect as Debrah.

  29. Yea, all of the dumbest ones are.

    So the "dumbest" professors somehow managed to persuade so many "smart" white professors to sign the ad too?

  30. Anonymous said...

    So, Linwood is among those whose "ostentatious displays of their religiosity concealed hollow moral cores." Two questions, please:

    (1) Exactly what were the "ostentatious displays of ... religiosity"?

    (2) Are you really in a position to evaluate Linwood's "moral core"?


    (1) I think that Wilson's giving regular public performances singing the praises of Jesus Christ, promoted on his and other websites, qualifies for KC's description. Nothing wrong with doing that, of course; gospel music can be wonderful. This atheist loves the Blind Boys of Alabama. But anyone who loudly proclaims his Christian values -- like Linwood Wilson, Ted Haggard et al. -- is legitimately open to accusations of hypocrisy when he acts like a bully and persecutes the innocent.

    (2) Maybe "moral core" was going a bit far, but one can only judge the guy by looking at what he did. And it's really difficult to look at his December 21 interview with Ms. Mangum, and his notes on it, as anything other than a frame-up; or to justify his harassment of Mr. Elmostafa (Seligmann's taxi driver). Not the type of things Jesus would have done, one suspects.

    I agree that scoffing at the guy because of his weight is juvenile. His conduct wouldn't be any less blameworthy if he looked like Brad Pitt or Jude Law.

  31. So whats your problem Lefty? Have we foirgotten "presumption of innocence?" Is that what has your panties in a wad? Or are you just trying to justify the actions of the afore mentioned miscreants? Are you one of the latter? I wouldnt be too surprised.

  32. 1:19:00 PM,

    Whose Lefty?

  33. "Whose Lefty?" Do you mean, "who's Lefty"? Is it just Debrah and the other high-school dropouts who stay home on Fridays?

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  37. JLS says...,

    Professor Johnson, you owe an appolgy to Haggard, Bakker and Swaggert. Yes they were preachers and sinners. Every preacher but one was a preacher AND a sinner.

    Their sins while morally wrong in the eyes of some, maybe even many, do not put them in the class of Wilson, any more than Evans, Finnerty and Seligmann being at a party where there was a stripper puts them in the class of Wilson.

    Having sinful sex in the case of the three and whatever else Bakker did certainly does not equal under the color of law framing people and intimidating witnesses. POSSIBLY outside of treason and murder, what Wilson did here is about the worst things someone can do.

  38. Is this a white supremacist blog? If not, why hasn't Debrah been banned? And why has nobody condemned the 12:50 statement?

  39. Anonymous 2:14
    Probably because this isn't a blog for those people who have been trying to put three innocent men in prison for over a year. And because what you read here is very much the truth of the situation. People like you who come here to troll won't silence anyone. No doubt you are a bitter racist trying to make trouble because the lacrosse players were able to escape the Durham insane asylum and trolls like you.
    This website is not a place for either side. It only reveals the truth.
    Go away troll.

  40. The handling of rape allegations by Nifong's office was atrocious. Any one can see that. Nevertheless, Linwood's boss (Nifong) thought a horrible crime had been committed; or at least for all we know, Linwood had good cause to think his boss thought a horrible crime had been committed. In addition, Linwood was assigned the responsibility of dealing with a dingbat whacko of a complainant. Under those circumstances, a little humility might be in order when it comes to magically sensing someone's "moral core."

    Keep in mind that there is a paper trail of Linwood Wilson strong-arming material witnesses, and who can forget his attempt to strong-arm Moez Elmostafa to change his true testimony to lies. Wilson chose -- and I use that word carefully -- to pursue a lie and to flatten anyone or anything that stood in his way.

    I fall somewhat into the same evangelical camp that includes Wilson. (I am not a fundamentalist or in the Dispensational groups, but neither am I a theological liberal.) That being the case, those of us who claim Christianity also have a responsibility to act honorably and truthfully, and to seek the truth, even when it is unpopular.

    A year ago, I was saying the same things I am saying now, and I can assure you that it was not popular with a lot of people. One of the things that drove me was my very commitment to my religious beliefs -- and being committed to what is true is one of them. I could not let this go on without at least speaking out in the best way I could.

    That has meant that I have had to cross paths with Linwood Wilson, or at least to openly challenge him for what he has done. There is nothing worse than someone who claims to be a Christian openly pursuing a lie, and using the power of the state to push a lie.

    If Wilson's actions were governed by the Old Testament law, he would be facing the death penalty right now, for a false accuser would have to face the penalty that the falsely accused would get if found guilty. In those times, raping and beating a woman would have meant death.

    That is just how seriously I view what Wilson has done. He had an opportunity to do what was right, but instead chose to use the raw power of the state to do wrong. May he have to live with those consequences.

  41. To the potbangers and the racists at Duke everyone is a white supremacist.
    2:14 is a potbanger or some ugly feminist trying to throw names around and intimidate with politically correct BS.
    Can others help it if so many of the 88 are poorly educated and kind of stupid?
    Just read what they write. Just listen to them talk.

  42. 2:25 is scared and bitter. The only truth acceptable to him is white supremacy. This is why he and most of the others on this blog do not write about all the other innocent people who have been railroaded. They care not about innocence but about a particular obsessive agenda.

  43. Re: 2:14's "And why has nobody condemned the 12:50 statement?"

    I'll join you in condemning it.

    Ken Duke

  44. It's pretty simple really, Wilson is either incompetent or dishonest. As we have seen over the past 13 months that doesn't seem to be a problem in Durham.

    One more question for you....if the police were in fact in charge of this investigation I assume that the good Chief Chalmers made the decision to dispatch Linwood Wilson to interrogate CGM on 12/21.

    Pretty stupid call.

  45. Ken Duke,
    Are you condemning 12:50 because it is untrue, or because it is true and you don't like it? If untrue, which ones do you think are dumber?
    Just wondering.
    Personally, I don't know if it is true or not, but many in the AA studies have written some pretty amazing things that my third grade teacher would not have accepted (grammer, not content. That is a different story).
    Bill Alexander

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  48. Has anyone here thought about Linwood using that double chin, heavyset body and deep rough voice to intimidate people. After all size can be very intimidation.

  49. I certainly condemn the 12:50 statement, as well as just about everything Debrah has posted here. Linwood Wilson is worthy of condemnation, but it is because of his corrupt actions, not because of his size. Likewise, the protestors and agitators who let the color of the lacrosse players' skins blind them to the facts of the case are worthy of condemnation -- but that condemnation is meaningless coming from those who are focusing on the skin color of the protestors.

  50. "A particular obsessive agenda"?

    I still read the blog just to laugh at the number of provocative comments people continue to make about this case.

    Real innocence?

    Every citizen in this country is condoning a despotic leader who led us to war under false pretenses.

    Cry me a river.

    Since that whole original sin thing, I haven't met an innocent person, have you?

  51. Re 12:50

    While we are discussing dumb. What's really dumb is that Duke would employ these obvious light-weights. Perhaps homage to the PC God requires it. Pretty dumb, though.

  52. 3:03

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  55. This blog sometimes takes amusing turns.

    Linwood Wilson professes to be a Christian and for that "offense" he is subjected to ridicule by K.C. and many of his minions. What did the three other men in that quartet do to be called "The Intimidators?"

    On the other hand, K.C. - like much of the enlightened, POMO, liberal professorate - places his faith in the New York Times only to be disappointed by their stance on this hoax. Yet, other than an occasional expression of regret, I don't see K.C. making fun of the NYT or talking about its "hollow moral core."

    As far as I'm concerned Linwood Wilson and K.C. are two sides of the same coin so this post is especially rich in irony.

  56. KC, under the circumstances of this case, I think better examples to fit your bill of "religious ostentation", whatever that means (maybe those who drag around prayer rugs, demand taxpayer-funded fonts for their feet, and bleat to Allah would have a clearer sense of that term than I do), would be Rev. Jesse Jackson and Rev. Al Sharpton.

    All things considered, that is.

  57. re: 3:29

    Wilson professes to be a Christian, makes money via that profession but doesn't uphold Christian values. That's hypocrisy. And that's what KC is pointing out.

    A quick search shows 25 hits in the King James Version of the Bible for Hypocrite with negative connotations.

    Your text implies that KC is ridiculing Wilson because Wilson is a Christian. Which is a bizarre interpretation.

  58. Anon 3:29:

    Not that I can speak for KC, but,

    Correction: Linwood Wilson is not being ridiculed just because he is (allegedly) a Christian.

    Wilson is fit for ridicule because (1) he professes to be big on Jee-sus, AND (2) he makes a living by lying, "bearing false witness," doing the bidding of a rogue prosecutor, and bullying and intimidating innocent people, and trying to put them in jail. And he has a long history of ethics complaints, which he publicly lied about.

    And it's not just KC who says that Linwood bullies and initimidates witnesses -- it's also Judge Orlando Hudson, who (as you know if you've followed the facts) recently turned a potentially dangerous gunman loose because Wilson's unlawful tactics had screwed up the case beyond redemption.

    With friends like Linwood Wilson, Jesus doesn't need enemies.

  59. Yo, Debrah, not everyone who goes to church is an overweight, buffont-headed mutt (or whatever perjorative description you used for church-goers). On the other hand, there are many "simple-minded, greedy, self-serving, LOUD, unattractive and tasteless" people who are not religious. For starters, Michael Moore fits the bill perfectly. They don't get anymore dishonest, overweight and obnoxious than he is. And let's not forget the hideously loud, ignorant bully, Rosie O'Donnell, or that disgusting, lying, bloated buffoon congressman from NY, Jerry Nadler.

    Ever notice how many of these loudmouthed devils are also overweight?

  60. Linwood Wilson has a long history of behaving unethically. His unethical behavior in the Duke case was no abberration; it was part of a long pattern of such behavior stretching over many years. Those who want to defend Wilson's character, or who wish to offer excuses for his behavior in this case, are free to express their opinions, of course. But the facts of Wilson's life and career speak for themselves.

  61. No one has yet explained how the other three members of the quartet are involved to the point where K.C. labeled the "The Intimidators."

    Perhaps K.C. knows something about them that isn't in the public domain.

  62. Nobody in his or her right mind with two brain cells firing can miss the truth that Wilson is a thug who has abused the authority conferred on him by a corrupt little egomaniac by the name of Mike Nifong.

    But KC is generally a liberal, and liberals love to take swipes at religion and religious people. I object to his use of religion per se (and gospel singing, good grief!) in the context of this case. I have read this blog RELIGIOUSLY since it began, and I don't remember KC condemning Jesse Jackson or the NBPP (Muslim-based organization) for their malicious conduct in this case FROM THE STANDPOINT OF HYPOCRISY IN THE FACE OF THEIR FAITH.

    Once again, religion and faith are only used as a bludgeon in the case of white Christians.

  63. Linwood (God wants me to sing bass) Wilson is playing to the gallery of all those righteous voters in Durham...who believe if Linwood was evil ...then ...God would not allow him to sing.

    Don't underestimate the power of Gospel music with those who believe that they live in the old South.

    Check out Bill and Gloria Gather's web site for an idea how big Gospel Music is today...especially in the South.

  64. religion and faith are only used as a bludgeon in the case of white Christians

    4:20, you do have a point there. But, while his presentation is one-sided in this respect, I think we can cut KC some slack given all the legwork he's done to date to show what a bunch of hypocritical, mendacious louts these Durham LIBERALS have been, from the very beginning of this case.

  65. re: 4:20 PM

    KC wrote an article on Men of the Cloth some time ago and it appears to me that these men were on the liberal side of the aisle.

    And KC has praised the two religious schools Delbarton and Chaminade.

    KC may be liberal but I think that he puts his title: historian, ahead of his politics.

  66. One week it's interpretive dance from UBUNTU. The next gospel from Linwood Wilson. Got any Rap from Marc Anthony Neal?

  67. TO 3:46PM--

    You make a great point and I'd love to respond to you if KC would put it through.

    It's interesting that he loves to leave the posts on his blog that attack me with the most fundamental falsehoods and I have something to do with "white supremacy", but deletes my responses to this libelous rhetoric.

    Don't worry, Liberals. KC doesn't like or agree with my posts. I hope this allays your bigoted fears; however, anyone who would call my panoramic candor "racist" is a flamer and a bigoted racist who cannot abide differing opinions.

    The ultra Liberals can rest easy. KC is just playing oppossum for now. He'll be back on your side with fervor once the book is finished.

    The irony is that KC would have almost no blog at all if he had depended upon his Liberal comrades. Most were for railroading Reade, Collin, and David.

    Once again, my own ethnicity would make it impossible for me to be associated with the racist mentality of some on this blog......but they will always get a pass.....for being stupid.


  68. To Anon at 3:29:

    1. Personally, I don't believe that KC or most of the posters here are criticizing Linwood Wilson simply because he is a Christian. True, I feel that his religosity jibs rather badly with his less than ethical and professional behavior during the Duke Hoax investigation. However, the point is that it is really Wilson's professional conduct that is in question and that would remain seriously in question even if he announced he was an avowed atheist.

    I was also astounded at your allegation that KC was part of the liberal POMO professorate who "placed their faith" in the NY Times. Just from observation, KC does not seem to be the sort of person to endorse placing blind faith in any institution and certainly not the NY Times.

    If you go through the archives of this blog, you will soon note that there are a multiplicity of postings on the NY Times, most of them highly critical of the paper's coverage. KC consistently pointed out the paper's complete lack of veracity, its publication of Duff Wilson's 5,600 word screed attempting to shore up Mike Nifong's shoddy case, its mealy-mouthed Public Affairs Editor, Byron Calame, and the hurling of some of the most perjorative language ever used to describe private citizens [the Duke 3] by its hypocritical columnists such as Selena Roberts and Harvey Araton.

    If you only read one other article on this blog, I would suggest it be KC's 4-23-07 posting, "The Time No Harm No Foul." That pretty much says it all.

  69. The thugniggaintellectual on his feminist side:



  70. Tawny 5:55 said...

    ...Personally, I don't believe that KC or most of the posters here are criticizing Linwood Wilson simply because he is a Christian.
    Exactly. I criticize the City of Durham and the citizens of Durham for employing an investigator who has no training in investigations.

  71. Debrah 5:58 said...

    ...The thugniggaintellectual on his feminist side:

    Actually that might be a good idea for him. Book sales with racism as the theme must be slow. Hooking up (as it were) with sexism might at least double the size of his market.


    He can try that for a year or so...and if sales are still shabby, he can add environmentalism and become ...

    The GreenThugNiggaFemistIntelletual

    Never give up.

  72. Isn't that rich? Neal got his Bachelor's and Master's from Fredonia College, about as crappy a State College as you can come by. Did he graduate HS with a 1.8 ? Actually, I'd be surprised if it was that high. But you must admit, he certainly made a name for himself, that fanciful black feminist thug!

  73. Anonymous said...

    Once again, religion and faith are only used as a bludgeon in the case of white Christians.

    May 25, 2007 4:20:00 PM
    It's quite true, white Christians have a hell of a time in America. They're such a small minority. Hardly any elected or appointed officials are white Christians. It's easy for atheists, Moslems, Hindus and Scientologists to reach positions of power but white Christians?? Forget it. I mean, when was the last time we had a white Christian president? Opinion polls consistently show that the public overwhelmingly favors black Muslims over white Christians -- it's so unfair. Why can't the Congressional chaplain sometimes be a white Christian -- why does the job always go to a Wiccan of color? If only white Christians in America could have the same opportunities as Rastafarians, or the same public sympathy as Sunni fundamentalists... that'll be the day.

  74. Anonymous said...

    Isn't that rich? Neal got his Bachelor's and Master's from Fredonia College, about as crappy a State College as you can come by.

    May 25, 2007 6:42:00 PM

    "Hail Freedonia! Land of the Spree and Home of the Knave!"

    Rufus T. Firefly (Groucho Marx) in 'Duck Soup.'

  75. In my post I wasn't diss'in on Gospel music. I'm Jewish, but when I take a study-break from reading the Protocols of the Elders or get bored of, ho-hum, controlling the world's media and financial system's, I crank up all kinds of music including foot thumping, praise-the-lord Gospel.

    I even think Linwood has a great Bass voice -- but he could do that from a jail-house band and it would ultimately be better for his soul and that of his victims.

    Finally, and I KNOW this is WAY off topic, but I myself am a believer in the coming of the Messiah/savior... I'm just pretty sure that Messiah will be one of our future self-aware robot creations. Ah, the irony.

  76. 1. Singing in a Gospel group strongly implies that one is a Christian who lives according to Christian values (can you name a Gospel singer that REPUDIATES Christian values???).
    Although Sharpton and Jackson are better, more relevant examples of religious men with questionable morals, KC's criticism is accurate.

    2. Debrah, perhaps I'm wrong, but I do not believe you are a racist or a bigot. I think you are simply uncommonly candid. However, because of the firmly established rules of political correctness and hypersensitivity, your blunt candor is virtually CERTAIN to draw knee-jerk accusations.

    3. Linwood Wilson'e behavior is indefensible, it is CRIMINAL. PLEASE do not defend him with the old "just following orders" Nazi defense.

    4. The incredibly poor verbal/spelling/grammar skills of the black members of the Group Of 88 are a matter of public record.
    It is NOT racist to point this out.
    Hiring minorities in order to meet racial quotas means LOWERED STANDARDS, which ultimately harms students (who deserve far better when considering the astronomical tuition rates).
    Duke should be ashamed to have such dunces among their faculty, but then again, maybe this has become the norm for major universities.

  77. KC, enjoyed your video and especially the "still in the fire" comment about Nifong. Some people cannot see the humor in anything and must disect for the sake of looking intelligent. Oh well, I love gospel music, but hate hypocrits who sing it. Great post!

  78. Hip Hop Aesthetics? At Duke University?

    Are you serious?

    Mark Anthony Neal, Ph.D.

    Neal was recruited to Duke University, where he now teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in black popular culture, black masculinity and hip hop aesthetics.

  79. some time ago well before Linwood Wilson became a well known media star, i wondered who he was

    when i googled the name a Houston Black man showed up first

    i asked the question who is Linwood wilson and discovered that he wasnt a black at all as had been my thesis ..

    the herald said WHEN QUERIED responded that he was white and a 'seasoned pro" and THEY never looked beyond the seasoned label he had BECAUSE they dont know how to ask hard questions...and they still dont ask hard questions

    the N and O noted Linwood wasnt black but acknowledged that the shifting stories LINWOOD apparently confirmed through his questioning of the ACCUSER were fitting like a tight regression....

    reality is that the changing fact patterns appeared to be allegedly a set support NIFONG, the GROUP of 88, and the national left wing media over the defense attorneys stong evidence to the contrary

    what i havent seen or read on these boards was the FACT that in their first defense news press conference LINWOOD WILSON interposed himself PUBLICALLY against the defense attorneys and i asked the media WHO AUTHORIZED LINWOOD TO DO SO ?

    as far as deborah is concerned I support her right to be a CRITIC...the whole notion of religion is a BIAS AGAINST EVIL and freedom of religion requires that NO COURT HAS ANY RIGHT TO ENTER THE PURVIEW of religion BUT the Progressive ATHEISTS have found dummies to try to control thinking

    vegetarians are BIASED against meat..liberals hate religious...and the only way that cultures can be improved is through rampant bias against their the GROUP of 88

  80. To those Christians who think that K.C.'s post is a threat to the faith, I would say get over it. The Linwood Wilsons of the world are the real threat, for their lies go to the very heart of the system.

    Wilson claims to represent that which is true and right, and so his lies are perverse much more so than anything Crystal said. After all, she was lying so she would not be committed into a psych ward; Wilson lied because he wanted to frame innocent people.

    I have no problem at all with K.C.'s portrayal of Wilson. K.C. is exactly right about people who preach religion but have no moral core. And lying and strong-arming witnesses demonstrates to me that Linwood Wilson has no moral core.

  81. bill anderson,

    As you rush to judgment regarding Linwood Wilson, your hypocrisy slip is showing. Wouldn't want to presume innocence, would we?

    Civil Rights Advocate

  82. Bill Anderson is right on the money. As always.


  84. Visit American Renaissance. Good article about how our ugly, lying whore has escaped punishment.

    Entitled, "Whatever Happened to Crystal Gail Mangum?"

  85. re AAAS

    Wonder why Duke doesn't have a Mexican Studies program. Mexicans, like blacks, have low IQs and have contributed relatively nothing to the world. Think Brodhead needs to show these people some respect.

  86. Debrah's back! yea!!!!!!

  87. Doesn't "plugnikkaintellectual" sound more fitting?

    Anonymous said...
    The thugniggaintellectual on his feminist side:


    May 25, 2007 5:58:00 PM

  88. plugnikkaintellectual said at 6:55 PM

    It's quite true, white Christians have a hell of a time in America. They're such a small minority. Hardly any elected or appointed officials are white Christians. It's easy for atheists, Moslems, Hindus and Scientologists to reach positions of power but white Christians?? Forget it. I mean, when was the last time we had a white Christian president? Opinion polls consistently show that the public overwhelmingly favors black Muslims over white Christians -- it's so unfair... blah, blah, blah, bullshit.

    This is what the plugnikkaintellectuals REALLY hate: The majority of REAL PEOPLE prefer white Christian leaders (all over the world, not just America), while the plugnikkaintellectuals HATE white Christians. White Christians are the primary obstacle to the plugnikkaintellectual dream of an omnipotent Super State, dominated by them and celebrating the plugnikkaintellectual philosophy of power-without-responsibility.

    The only people they hate more than white Christians are the "atheists, Moslems, Hindus and Scientologists" and others who agree with the white Christian philosophy of individual rights and the reduction of State power.

    R.R. Hamilton

  89. I know this has been said before, but it can't be said enough.
    It's impossible to comprehend that Duke University would even think about hiring someone as stupid and out of touch with normal society as Mark Anthony Neal.
    This is like a bad, bad joke. Brodhead should be kicked out on his ass.

  90. Damn, and I thought that Lyingwood only sucked as an investigator! This guy can't do anything right.

  91. Wonder if 'ol Linwood had something going with Crystal Mangum? In the biblical sense, of course. They spent lots of time together.

  92. At one point in Linwood's gospel singing performance he appears to be ready to eat the microphone.

  93. A very ill-judged remark, Prof. Johnson.

    There was pervasive financial corruption in Bakker's PTL ministries. One might also reasonably make the argument that pentacostal ministries who engage in scheduled faith healing (and I cannot remember if Bakker's or Swaggert's did) evince hollow moral cores on the part of people who run them.

    Haggard is a common and garden evangelical and was first and foremost pastor of a particular congregation, not a media phenomenon. He is a clergyman who had an occult problem (moral and disciplinary) with sex. It is characteristic of human beings that they are defective in various ways. The mere possession of feet of clay does not put Prof. Johnson in the category of those with "hollow moral cores", and neither does it Rev. Haggard.

  94. Everybody should be an atheist and forget about all this religious shit. Just look what it did to Linwood.

  95. As a Christian, I'd like to "weigh in" on the comments about Linwood Wilson.

    I was pained to the point of being sickened as I watched the You Tube video of Linwood's performance.

    As I believe God is intently interested in all events taking place on this earth I wondered what He thought and felt as He was publicly flaunted and His name was tossed around recklessly in song by a person who has maligned innocent people whom He has created for freedom and service.

    Unrelated, but you go, Debra! Love your posts. I suspect some here might be a wee bit jealous of your of your wit and writing skills.

  96. Wonder why the NY Times
    hasn't hit upon Wilson?
    They usually love to skewer
    his type.

    Wilson reminds me of the Bible
    salesman Big Dan Teague, played
    by John Goodman, with a voice
    remniscent of the devil/Sheriff
    Cooley - ("Hello, have
    evaded...")- played by Daniel
    Von Bargen or the singers at
    the impending hanging before
    the flood. If you've seen
    the movie, you can see where
    Linwood Wilson is aptly
    represented as a hypocritical
    Bible salesman.

    And with that, I must also ask
    that the Lord forgive such men -
    (even those like Nifong) - and
    that they come clean and repent.

    Actually, I pray for everyone
    involved in this: the students,
    the professors, for Brodhead,
    even for CGM, who probably needs
    a prayer worse than anyone.
    Everyone who has touched this

    I'm not praying for the Nifong-
    types et al to get away with
    injustice, or to avoid the
    consequences of their calculated
    injustices: praying for them to come clean.

    Wilson, too, who sings about Jesus,
    but obviously has never met Him.
