Friday, May 25, 2007

Pressler Interview with AP

On the eve of the men's lacrosse national semi-final, the AP's Aaron Beard has an exclusive interview with former coach Mike Pressler.

Pressler was generous in praise of his former players:
I don't think 'pride' or 'proud' even describes how I feel about these young men and what they've accomplished in spite of what they've been through. It's an amazing story and the story should be focused on them.

For me, I get gratification to see them succeed at the highest level with everything they've been through. That, to me, is an amazing thing.

Current members of the team and current coach John Danowski were equally generous in their comments about Pressler. And Beard notes an extraordinary irony: Pressler "remains the only Duke official to lose a job as a result of the case, even though an internal investigation concluded he was the only university employee to take significant action when accusations of wrongdoing - including disorderly conduct and public urination - emerged about the lacrosse team." Those who orchestrated Duke's response to Nifong's charges, on the other hand, have faced no consequences; nor have the faculty members who ignored the requirements of the Faculty Handbook to treat all Duke students with "respect" as fellow members of the academic community.

Beard's full story is here.


  1. broadrotten has destroyed a mans career simply because he refused to stand up to PC...and the BOARD is right behind him a bunch of feckless cowards

    i cant wait for the book...

    DUKE still doesnt get the joke...theyre reputation will be sullied...

  2. If those doctorial dudes among the G88 had the ability to learn moral lessons from anything, Pressler's interview would be the perfect place to start. Let's see how they do.

  3. Perhaps Duke can reinvent a politburo supported, black university where no one will be refused admission based on anything as superficial and racist as prior academic achievement or IQ.

  4. The whole PC environment is being turned on its head and this case helped draw attention to the awful effects on society.
    Recently, a very liberal friend of mine said something that surprised me. He said that in this country black people are only 13.5-14 percent of the population. Yet they demand to be allowed prominence in everything. Even when they haven't come close to earning that position.
    Just look in the daily newspapers. Not the police log, which is always filled with black on black crimes. There is always lots of black topics. Very little Hispanic coverage.
    It's PC madness which has about reached a level where almost everyone is sick of it.

  5. I heard Nassam Nicholas Taleb speak earlier this week regarding exceptions which cannot be predicted. Break-out events, beyond the normative outliers. He calls these event Black Swans.

    Black Swans

    The aforementioned link has to two very good interviews. Mr. Taleb’s books, "Fooled by Randomness" and "Black Swan" are highly regarded.

    In Black Swan he refers to normal events as Mediocristan events. In other words they are quite predictable. The average height of everyone in Durham would be an example.

    Many might consider the actions of the Duke administration, the Gang of 88, the pot bangers, and maybe even Mike Nifong to be unpredictable, even Black Swan in nature. One-time, random, unprecedented, oddities of nature like the shows on the State Fair Midway, or Extremestan events.

    From where I sit, the frauds instead appear to be based upon Mr. Taleb’s notion of Mediocrity and explain both very predictable behavior of those currently running Duke, and those they abet; the frauds in the soft studies departments. The reason they are unapologetic is because they would likely behave in similar fashion in future events. Mediocre indeed.

    Very, very interesting thinking and well worth the listening time.

  6. Pressler is a man of ethics and his reputation will be well preserved. Brodhead, the trustees and the Group of 88 will go down in history as an administration that pandered to racists and criminals at the expense of truth. They were willing to destroy the reputation of an honest man and put three honest students away for 30 years in order to advance their left wing radical agenda. The irony of this whole affair is that the accused are the ones with ethics and morality and the accusers are the amoral criminals. Brodhead, the 88, and Duke will forever live in shame and disgrace.

  7. Coach Dankowski was interviewed on ESPN News today. He gave credit to Pressler for building the team he now coaches.

    It was also mentioned that Duke was petitioning the NCAA for an additional year of eligibilty for the players whose season was cancelled last year. This was the first I had heard about that. Can anyone provide details?

  8. Pressler is a class act and one of the more impressive individuals who surfaced in this tragedy, ironically.

  9. Aaron Beard in his AP headline refers to Coach Pressler as 'Former lacrosse coach savoring Duke's run from afar.'

    Mike Pressler is not a former coach however after reading the AP article, it may be time to think about Mike Pressler as the Chancellor of Lacrosse.

    Lord knows, he has seen it all and could advise younger coaches for the rest of his life.

  10. Anonymous 10:44 said...

    ...It was also mentioned that Duke was petitioning the NCAA for an additional year of eligibilty for the players whose season was cancelled last year. This was the first I had heard about that. Can anyone provide details?

  11. Hope the Coach makes a million plus on his book. "Living a good life is the best revenge." Take that thuga......and 88.

  12. So, what do you think Broadhead and Alleva would say to Presslar at this point?

    "Uhhh, yeah...sorry, man, about firing you for no reason. Yeah, we're just spineless, unprincipled jackasses who don't have 1/10th the will it would take to stand up to even five, screaming, agenda driven bigots. Can't you understand that, despite the fact that they've all gone back to hide in their grad-student cubicles in Perkins, there were alot of angry bigots calling for your job last year, and the truth just isn't what it used to be."

    What a couple of shmucks.

  13. No justice, no peace 10:34 said...

    ...I heard Nassam Nicholas Taleb speak earlier this week regarding exceptions which cannot be predicted. Break-out events, beyond the normative outliers. He calls these event Black Swans.

    ...The reason they [G88]are unapologetic is because they would likely behave in similar fashion in future events. Mediocre indeed.
    Great article.

    The G88 are unapologetic because they are just reloading...and the administration at Duke is fully aware of what is going on.

    Parents of white male athletes in helmet sports should read this article.

  14. Good idea to revisit this great appearance by Stephen Miller.

    88and Mikey


  15. Aaron Beard has been the AP reporter on the Duke case, and he has done a good job. No groundbreaking scoops, perhaps, but always thorough and straightforward reporting, and very often the first to report a new development.

    His reporting looks especially good when contrasted with the ideologically driven reporting from the likes of Duff Wilson or that idiot at the Herald Sun.

    This is quite remarkable considering the AP's tendency to slant their coverage in accordance with their ideological bias in just about everything else they cover.

    I think Beard deserves special praise for his good reporting when you consider that he works for a biased news service and that he covered a story that so many others screwed up because of a bias.

    The pressure to jump on the ideological bandwagon must have been tremendous, but Beard refused.
