Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Herald-Sun: Wrong Again

The Herald-Sun editorial page—wrong so frequently on this case—continues to get it wrong. In an editorial today, it suggested that, “In trying the misconduct case against Mike Nifong, the N.C. State Bar had a choice—it could serve justice, or it could be consistent. Given its past performances, doing both wasn’t possible.”

This claim, of course, was wrong, as DHC chair Lane Williamson pointed out in his closing statement (which the H-S editorial board appears to have missed). The DHC’s finding in the Nifong case (intentional misconduct) differed from its finding in the Gell case (no intentional misconduct established) or the Honeycutt case (dismissal on a technicality). It can be argued that the DHC’s rulings in one or both of those cases were not harsh enough, and even that the reaction to these rulings paved the way for the DHC to act forcefully when confronted with misconduct as massive as Nifong’s. But that, of course, was not the claim made by the H-S, which clucked, “Don’t be too quick to hold up the State Bar as a paragon of justice.”

That the Herald-Sun could lecture anyone on what constitutes a “paragon of justice” is the height of hypocrisy. This is the same editorial board which, after Nifong dropped the rape charges but retained the other two, mused, “It’s possible that Nifong and police investigators simply gave credence to the accuser’s story. Don’t we want our law enforcement officials to be attentive to accusations of crime victims, no matter who the victim is or who is being accused? Yes, she may have changed her story in the days after the incident, but that is not uncommon with traumatized rape victims and is not in itself evidence of dishonesty.”

And then, after Nifong recused himself, the H-S dismissed those who “say Nifong Nifong should have stepped down long ago,” praised him for acting with “appropriate” timing, and affirmed that the “broader issues raised by the case” did not include prosecutorial misconduct—but instead were “race, class, town-gown relations, student partying.”

To paraphrase its own editorial, don’t be too quick to hold up the Herald-Sun as a paragon of justice.


  1. This should be sent to Bob Ashley and his little helpers.


  2. Last Saturday I watched the proceedings and pondered where Nifong can now live his life. He has been disgraced publicly and thoroughly. How could he walk down the street and hold up his head with pride?
    I got my answer this morning with this editorial: as long as Nifong hangs out with the H&S editors and readers, he is still a hero in his and their eyes.

  3. I never liked the Hurl Sun, and even my dead fish didn't like to be wrapped in it. But you have to admit the writers know their audience - the "OJ Innocent, despite the DNA evidence, LAX guilty, despite the lack of DNA evidence". Deep thinkers, the locals are...

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. The difference in this case was that given the nationwide publicity the bar had no choice but to act. NC has problem in their criminal justice system which this case highlighted. As difficult for partisans of the Duke three to admit Nifong was singled out for his actions. For NC citizens I hope this case does represent a turning point.

  6. 4:00:

    If the NC system is so bad off that Nyfong was singled out for his actions, wasn't this a good thing? I mean, doesn't one want NC "justice" cleaned up?

  7. TO 4:04PM--

    This kind of mentality is like a disease from which most of its hosts do not want to be cured.

    It took a while for me to understand that a very large segment of Durham gets off on this kind of controversy. Not because they honestly want positive change......but like the Gritty Gang of 88, it gives them something to do other than loitering and looking for the next DATA bus coming down the pike.

    Bob Ashley is almost 60 years old. More than likely, he wants his grotesque job at the H-S to usher him into his golden years. He's going to do all the sucking up needed to stay there. His former positions have been in little one-horse towns. No one can explain to him that he is now supposed to be serving a place with three major universities in the midst. He is out of his league and is going along with the underbelly in Durham because he obviously not only lacks a spine, but everything else that would label someone a man.

    I almost feel sorry for the way he literally and figuratively nuzzles the posteriors of the leaders in Durham. It's pathetic and unseemly for one of his vintage.

    I have been floored by what has been allowed to be printed on their editorial pages this past year...not to mention the John Stevenson babbling which was supposed to be "reporting".

    The H-S is now merely a not-so-prim and indecent little Weekly Reader.

    Unconscionable, that.


  8. Does anyone at the H-S proof-read their editotials before they are published? What rubbish!

    They wrote:
    "Yes, she may have changed her story in the days after the incident, but that is not uncommon with traumatized rape victims and is not in itself evidence of dishonesty.”
    What do they mean by "not in itself evidence of dishonesty" --it was not the only thing. Read the AG report which outlines all the reasons the was a multitude of evidence to show evidence of dishonesty not just by her but Nifong and others.

  9. Don’t be too quick to hold up the Herald-Sun as a paragon of journalistic integrity.

  10. 4:27
    Who is doing that?

  11. You can point out HS's hypocrisy until you're blue in the face; it won't change. The Hurled Scum has an agenda and nothing, NOTHING will deter it from its course. It may give one a sense of righteousness to make public that the emperor has no clothes, but the Emperor knows a certain demographic is in his thrall, and he doesn't give a damn what KC or anyone says. Same with the New York Slimes, the LA Slimes, and the Washington Puss. There is nothing in any of those rags that can be relied upon, so why be concerned--their numbers continue to dwindle. Soon they'll go the way of the dinosaurs and won't be around to annoy thinking people.

  12. Barney Fife (Ashley) has his auto e-mail on which says he's out of the office until June 30.

    That means that Dennis Kucinich (Landfired) wrote that editorial...or at least edited it and helped "construct its essence".

    I know that from reading the editorials written by Childress when Landfried was out on sick leave last year.

    That was when the indecent and offensive "60 Minutes" editorial was printed lambasting Ed Bradley. It was so poorly written in addition to being an unforgivable attack on someone trying to do what the H-S wouldn't---cover the lacrosse case objectively.

    Ron Landfried is a wimp and an irrational ultra-Liberal, but he does have the ability to put a subject and a predicate together in one sentence.

    Then after reading throw up.


  13. The Hurled-Scum, after seemingly having seen the light, is back to its old ways again. Yeah, Nifong simply was the victim of circumstances and the bar figured that it had better get it right.

    The difference between Nifong and the Gell prosecutors is night and day. Neither Hoke nor Graves initiated the prosecution, and certainly neither of them made comments anywhere close to what Nifong made. Furthermore, they did not lie about evidence.

    Remember, the attorneys specifically asked Nifong if there was anything more to report, and he said there was not. In court. To a judge.

    But there simply are things that editors of the Hurled-Scum cannot comprehend. That is why they work for that pathetic rag in the first place; they are not good enough to work anywhere else.

  14. “broader issues raised by the case...race, class, town-gown relations, student partying.”

    Or, in other words; "We were so obsessed with race and class, and we found the white on black aspect so salacious, that we were unable to recognize an obvious hoax, and we missed an outrageous case of prosecutorial misconduct right under our noses."

  15. Bill Anderson, I hope you send your very eloquent comments to the H-S in a column or a letter. They are now perpetrating lies on the community again.

  16. One Anagram of:
    Herald Sun Editors Desk is:

    Hides Rot. Slanders Duke.

  17. Debrah, you are magnificent!

  18. KC, I disagree with you. What Williamson explained was why the Disciplinary Hearing Committee of the State Bar was not guilty of being too lenient in those cases. However, in at least the Gell case, the state bar as a whole was so guilty. The fault lay not with the disciplinary hearing committee, but with the bar prosecutor. Brad Bannon ably explains all of this in this letter.

  19. Nifong will be down in Florida as soo as he can move from NC.

  20. KC said...

    ...The H/S praised him (Nifong) for acting with “appropriate” timing, and affirmed that the “broader issues raised by the case” ....were “race, class, town-gown relations, student partying.”
    When you work on a college campus where many college students reside on and off campus you begin to acquire knowledge about the students and town people that is not to believed.

    Duke students could probably create an F5 Tornado in Durham and get away with it...but for those same students, how they park their cars and party is a 'call to arms' for the families living near the campus.

    One family with a baby who were all robbed of their sleep because of a Duke student party can cause the war standard to be raised to the roof tops across the entire town.

    The peace pipe needs to be smoked with Duke's neighbors before the H/S is going to stop preaching to the gallery.

  21. One thing for sure, after reading that letter by Brad Bannon, I am not sure that anyone has come out better in the Hoax than he has. Brad has demonstrated not only legal skills, but also demonstrates real integrity, something that was lacking in toto on the prosecution side from Nifong to all the police officers -- all of them -- to Tara Levicy and DUMC, and, of course, Duke University itself.

    What a sorry, sorry spectacle, but I am glad that I was able to see Brad Bannon on the job. All of us should be proud of him.

  22. to "Debrah, you're magnificent"

    I know you're the stalker who recently bought thise Zeiss binoculars. By "magnificent," I presume you're referring to her magnificent pudendum, which is well known to Mac and other conoisseurs of pantyless posters.

    Why don't you ask her out on a real date? This stalking gets old.

    Your friend,

    Samuel Steele

  23. Amber G. said...
    One Anagram of:
    Herald Sun Editors Desk is:

    Hides Rot. Slanders Duke.

    I wish I had the smarts for anagrams. But the best one I've seen in this case was that for "Grant Farred Houston Baker": ... darn, now I can't remember all of it, but it included "arrogant frauds"

  24. "Nifong will be down in Florida as soo as he can move from NC.

    Jun 24, 2007 5:13:00 PM"

    Thanks, just what we need down here, another grifter living life large in a debtor's paradise. He can live next door to OJ and they can search together for the mystery killer while plying themselves with booze and bimbos at the local strip clubs.

  25. Does anyone understand the (5:28) comment?

  26. I wish KC had the time to follow the push that is now going on for Ron Hodge to be Durham's next police chief.
    That guy is dirty and is a part of the Nifong cover-up and crimes.

  27. There's nothing you can do with the folks at the H-S. They are pandering to an audience that cares less about the facts of this case. The H-S is not going to do or say anything that might inflame the local subscribers and politicians. Everything is great in Pleasantville, no outside commentary needed or welcomed.

  28. I think the 5:28 comment means someone (besides me) has a thing for Debrah and should ask her out on a date.

  29. Take a look at this insanity:

    Maurice L. Hayes: Crime statistics support hiring Hodge

    Guest columnist :
    Jun 22, 2007 : 4:09 pm ET

    I am a lieutenant with the Durham Police Department, where I have served for 23½ years. I worked for Deputy Chief Ron Hodge for several years when he was the commander in District 1 in eastern Durham and I think he is the right choice for Durham's next police chief. He is fair, honest, straightforward, responsive to problems and an innovative thinker.

    His results in District 1 prove that he is a strong commander who can develop solutions to crime problems. In his two years as commander of District 1 (2000-2002), violent crime dropped 20 percent and property crime decreased by 26 percent. These are results that would make any police commander proud.

    I was a sergeant in charge of the District 1 Crime Area Target Team when Hodge was assigned to District 1, which had the highest crime rate of Durham's then four police districts. The first thing he did was ask his supervisors to identify problem areas in the district -- as a result, we came up with a list of the 13 top problems in the district and the top problem in each beat. We focused on these problems as well as on quality of life complaints such as prostitution, "sound of shots" calls and drug dealing. Hodge even dealt with abandoned houses, problem rental properties and illegal street vendors, which affected residents of the community.

    My CATT officers worked along with uniform patrol officers to find solutions to the problems. Hodge even made sure that CATT officers were cross-trained as crime prevention officers so they could focus on prevention and intervention strategies as well as enforcement. He was willing to examine crime trends and re-allocate resources as necessary to get results.

    In 2002, City leaders wanted to focus on reducing crime and improving the quality of life in the Barnes Avenue Redevelopment Area, which was in Hodge's district. Hodge put together a comprehensive plan to address crime problems in the area. The results were quite positive -- a 25 percent reduction in calls for service during the first quarter of 2002 compared to the first quarter of 2001 and a 32 percent reduction of calls for service in the first quarter of 2002 compared to the fourth quarter in 2001. Officers also conducted a quality of life survey at the beginning and end of the project, which showed positive results.

    Violent crime is one of the big issues in Durham. I looked at the FBI's 2006 violent crime rates for Durham, Hartford, Conn., and Knoxville, Tenn., (the police chief finalists' cities) and saw that Durham had by far the best violent crime rate per 100,000 residents (Durham, 932 per 100,000; Knoxville, 1,036 per 100,000; and Hartford, 1,281 per 100,000, which means Durham's violent crime rate was 27 percent lower than Hartford's).

    Durham had fewer homicides than either Knoxville or Hartford, which are both smaller cities. In fact, there were four murders in four separate incidents in Hartford last weekend (Hartford's population is 124,203 and Durham has 208,932 people). According to an article in the June 20 Hartford Courant, Hartford had to ask for assistance from the state police last year to deal with the crime.

    I know from personal experience that Ron Hodge cares deeply about the Durham community. He listens to concerns from residents and is willing to do what it takes to reduce crime in Durham. He is the obvious choice for Durham's next police chief.

    Maurice Hayes is a lieutenant with the DPD and a Durham resident.


  30. TO 5:47PM--


    ROTFLM-T's_O !!!


  31. City Manager Baker is an idiot and is dishonest to boot. I have no doubt he will try to get Hodge into the chief's position to cover up for the criminal acts they engaged in with Nifong.

  32. I too admire Brad Bannon, but I wish he wouldn't split infinitives and would remember when to use "fewer" rather than "less."

    (What can I say? I'm an English teacher.)


  33. re: 5:11

    Quite a letter.

    There was an article linked earlier today which asked why Gell couldn't get the kind of defense that the three indicted players received. Well according to this letter, he did. But the second time around.

  34. Apparently the H-S is limited to its Sunday editorials when it comes to trying to influence public opinion. I can't help but feel that KC doubled the H-S circulation with this post.

  35. Shouldn't someone who knows the law see that the Herald Sun makes the necessary corrections instead of pretending that the injustices by Nifong were the same as the Gell case?
    I am livid after reading their editorial. The Herald Sun editors are pure trash!

  36. gotc, explain splitting infinitives.

  37. 6:20

    to + verb is an infinitive. Strictly speaking, you're not supposed to separate or split the "to" from the verb; adverbs should go before or after.

    One of the best-known examples of a split infinitive is the "Star Trek" motto. In "To boldly go where no man has gone before," the infinitive is "to go"; the "boldly" (the adverb) should come after the "go": "to go boldly where no man has gone before."

    Mr. Bannon makes several of these (admittedly minor) errors, and it makes me want to get out a red pen to correct them! However, his logic and passion for justice both trump any stylistic faux pas.


  38. gotc, thanks. You're a good teacher. I guess Brad can't know everything. :))

  39. Splitting an infinitive is no longer considered an error.


  40. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  41. Polanski, but he has a great personality.

  42. Polanski

    It's preferable not to split the infinitive. It's a matter of control over one's writing. I agree that it's a very minor matter, and I also agree that there are occasions where a sentence reads better with the adverb between the "to" and the verb. However, careful writers still pay attention to such details.

    I'm sure we agree that content is the most important with supporting details and evidence logically arranged.

    Witt drove me nuts because his closing arguments were so rambling. There was no structure; there were barely any complete sentences. I know his position was weak, but he made it worse by seeming to be so unprepared.\


  43. gotc

    Agreed. Nifong should have never subjected himself to the bar's scrutiny. I believe that had he agreed to be disbarred, he could have made a deal to avoid criminal prosecution. It's a theory.


  44. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  45. Poster "gotc" reminds me of an English teacher I had in junior high. The attention to detail is very important when molding young minds.

    That English teacher gave us a new "significant word" to learn each week. Now, as an adult, I see those same "significant words" used on a daily basis in all important news reports and publications.

    I still remember that teacher with appreciation and love.


  46. Hi everyone.

    Does anyone know how much longer this wonderful blog will be in existence?

    I heard rumors that Professor Johnson is giving it up. Is that a fact?


    Trinity 2000

  47. 5:36 Ref:
    Grant Farred Houston Baker:

    May be:
    Arrogant fraud! The Bonkers!

  48. 7:18
    Yeah, even Hillary.

  49. Trinity 2000, he's going to Israel. Although he mentioned that he is going to be on some panel regarding this case in September, so looks like he won't be in the ME for long.
    Don't know if he's shuttting this place down for good.

  50. Mac is definitely one of the most witty, insightful, and incisive posters on this blog.
    Hot! Hot! Hot!

  51. Polanski is wrong. Again. Sometimes, splitting infinitives is not considered an error, but in most cases of formal writing, it is not preferred.

    I think splitting infinitives ranks right up there with employing "impact" as a verb. Affect usually works and wasn't formerlly merely a noun.

    And fewer instead of less: fewer is for countables.

  52. Hi Debrah,

    Did you have spelling bees to learn new words, too? And much later, _Thirty Days to a Better Vocabulary_? My son does Latin and Greek roots and he's always hearing words he's just learned in the [hideous] rap music he listens to.

    But, this is way O.T.

  53. TO 8:07PM--

    No, just some excellent teachers who were relentless in their desire to uphold standards.

    I think every child had spelling bees; however, rap music had not yet infiltrated the scene when I was in junior high. LIS!


  54. Is Bob Ashley a Communist?

  55. 9:35

    No, he's just a f**king moron.

  56. I did not realize the H-S was still in business.

  57. (10:19 pm)

    Just barely. The News and Observer has taken away much of the H-S readership all over the triangle. Readers have dropped that rag (H-S) like a hot potato.

  58. Mr Commie,

    Your schtick is getting very old.

    Do you have anything else in your quiver?

    Panties humor is always welcome here. Will her chilluns be commies?



  59. Polanski, in rural America white people say "chil-ren".
    Black people say "chid-ren".
    Don't ask why. They just talk that way.

  60. " This is the same editorial board which, after Nifong dropped the rape charges but retained the other two, mused, “It’s possible that Nifong and police investigators simply gave credence to the accuser’s story."

    I think the H-S is on to something here. If we consider that the players wore condoms that would explain the lack of DNA evidence vis-a-vis the kidnapping and sexual assault charges.

    Brant Jones

  61. Amber g. said...
    5:36 Ref:
    Grant Farred Houston Baker:

    May be:
    Arrogant fraud! The Bonkers!

    You reminded me :)

    "The arrogant broken frauds"

  62. To Brant Jones: you are forgetting that from the very beginning of the investigation the examining nurse stated unequivocally that no condoms were used, and her pronouncements were unequivocally accepted as true by the Durham PD and by Nifong.

    So, to believe that condoms were used, Nifong (and anyone else pursuing this line of reasoning) has to throw out as false one of the only lines of testimony that would seem to allege that some kind of rape actually happened.

    This is a classic catch-22. The only way to explain why there is no DNA evidence requires us to toss out the only independant testimony that would lead anyone to believe that there should be some DNA evidence.

  63. This entire spectacle has given H-S a new lease on life. It's consolidated itself as a tabloid for black readers who thrive on tales of oppression and white thought crime. It's stories accomplish two things: First it convinces readers that they're victims with the moral prerogative and second - it provides them with excuses for why they're failing in life.

  64. 11:55 All Crystal did was suck a few lacrosse testicles, which she consented to do for $20. Dave Vans got all excited and violently exploded in a tissue.

    That's all that happened, trust me.

    Thank God Levicy didn't swab Panties' lips and tongue for honkie sweat.

  65. Can the administrator please remove some of the objectionable/ pointless comments?

  66. I hope you're not referring to 12:01. I realize it's a tad graphic, but that's what happened. It's part of the historical tab-blow--get it?

  67. To 11:55

    My comment is intended to be ironic. Condoms would prevent DNA in an act of penetration but it is hard to understand how no DNA showed up when the players laid their hands on her to drag her into the bathroom-when they "kidnapped" her. The comment is a variation of the joke about drug addicts not being afraid of getting aids by sharing needles bc they were wearing condoms.

    Brant Jones

  68. Bob Ashley and others (like the 88,
    Wendy Murphy, Brodhead etc)
    should go to a strip joint.

    That's legal.

    But then, someone should charge them with
    a felony-that-never-happened,
    claiming that surely "something"
    must have happened, "whatever
    they did was bad enough," and
    "it was unwise" to be in one of
    those places anyway.

    Hiring a stripper and going to a
    club only vary in small ways:
    if you're in Durham, and you
    value your freedom, you'd better
    avoid both.

  69. Bob Ashley doesn't have enough testosterone to even be interested in going to a strip club.

  70. I am soooo glad to say Mr Hardin has Jack's case before him now, is reviewing it, and is to call us back as soon as he has decided what to do!!!!!!

    What we need MOST NOW, is for EVERY person who can, to call his assistant, Sheila Eason and leave her a message that Jack's case NEEDS to be re-opened, and the public is watching to see if they will indeed give this case the attention and JUSTICE he deserves!!!

    If you all can call today would be great!!!!! JUST leave a message that you are VERY interested in Allen Croft Jr's murder, and that his case be re-opened and solved!!!

    I am BEGGING you ALL to call!!!!!!!! There is soooo much dirt to be revealed, and this will be a start on the road to recovery!!!!!!

    The DA's number is 919-564-7100, when the voicemail comes on press 0, that will take you to the operator, then just simply ask for Sheila Eason's voicemail, and just leave her a simple message!

    JUST so they KNOW Jack has NOT been forgotten, and the PUBLIC also wants answers!!!!!!!

    Please leave a message here to let me know who called, REMEMBER hooligans, we have A LOT more work ahead to expose these corrupt twits, and TRULY make a difference!

    God Bless, and THANKS!!!
    Rhonda Fleming

    Again, the number is 919-564-7100, press 0, wait for operator, ask for Sheila Eason's voicemail, leave a message tada!!! PLEASE?!??!!
