Monday, June 25, 2007

Linwood Is Out

The N&O reports that Nifong investigator Linwood Wilson has been fired, effective tomorrow. Wilson, those trail of ethically dubious actions began with the Elmostafa arrest and peaked with the ill-fitting December 21 frame, lasted less than a week after the removal of his patron.

There's little surprise in this news: even Nifong, in his disciplinary hearing, struggled to defend Wilson's behavior.


  1. KC, tell the truth! The article says nothing about his being fired. Perhaps, he has been appointed Chief of Police.

  2. True: perhaps he's a last-minute replacement for Hodge!

  3. naw, he's fired. If he were getting a better job, he would have had a press conference. I know it is dangerous thinking, but when these folks are not available for comments, it's not good news for them.

    This made my day. I hope more fall.

  4. It just keeps getting better all the time!

  5. This frees him up to be the replacement for the Happy Goodmans, now that Howard and Vestal have passed to their rewards.

  6. This news made me tear up again at the thought of the pain and suffering the 3 guys and their families have endured as well as the horrible slander still being thrown by media pundits.
    I have renewed faith in the decency of the people of the people of Durham, that this atrocious wrong is being corrected.
    I hope they all get sued for civil damages, I have not felt sorry for any punishment thus far and hope more comes along.
    It will quell the likes of the g88

  7. When will the Police Dept step forward and assist in disclosing all the other crimes committed against Durham residents/Duke students by this rogue prosecutor? I think they should be amenable to some CYA to try to ease the damage.

  8. Hope he gets kicked out of his Gospel group next.

  9. oh, please, Howard and Vestal would roll in their graves!

  10. But he was a great employee! Why else would he have gotten a 65% raise? Oh, well, I guess he can always go back to gospel music since he's such a righteous man.

  11. Maybe Linwood has been Nifonged. Where can we send money to his Defense Committee?

  12. He looks quite a bit like Howard in that white suit.

    KC, where can we get Linwoodie's CD's or records?

  13. Nah, he'll bring in extra revenue for the gospel group. A few remorseful tears a la' Swaggert,
    Baker, and the rest of the sinning
    ministry. "I was lead astray by sinners and demons! Praise Jesus for I am cleansed and new again!"

  14. I bet he wishes he had tenure...

  15. Think he will try to convert or "Save" Crystal.

  16. Is "save" what the kids call that these days? Dang, I am getting old.

    But this is very good news. See ya, etc...

  17. re: 5:23

    At the Family Dollar Store?

  18. I can see Nifong now, glass of Scotch in hand, sitting in his favorite overstuffed armchair in the den, staring blankly into space and anxiously wondering, "What will Linwood say under oath?"


  19. Anonymous 5:12 said...

    ...This frees him up to be the replacement for the Happy Goodmans, now that Howard and Vestal have passed to their rewards.
    Howard and Vestal have passed? Wow. Where have I been?

    I will always think of Linwood as ...Ready, Fire, Aim and the Defense Team as ...Ready, Aim, Fire.

  20. Another case of persecuting a good Christian.

  21. No, he's got the whole bottle of scotch and he's lying on the bed in his ratty bathrobe. He hasn't bathed since last week either.

  22. Begging for Crystal to minister unto him.

  23. KC, if you had been around to defend Jimmy Bakker from Jessica Hahn, he and Tammie Faye would still be at the PTL today!

  24. I suspect none of these guys like Linwood or Gottlieb will really get fired. I suspect they will just get transferred to another division. Maybe they will end up working on the mayor's house. Somehow they will end up on the city payroll.

  25. KC
    There is a moment on this tape where Nifong starts to volunteer an explanation of Wilson's use as investigator. He starts to say "as you will see" then catches himself. He goes on to give an unsolicited and spirited defense of Wilson's background.

    I really would like to know what Nifong was going to "explain" about Wilson., any clues>? westpole

  26. I'm guessing that a Nifong defense of Wilson would sound something like....."yeah, he was just doing exactly what I told him to do".....don't you think?

  27. JLS says...,

    Wilson being let go is a good thing. But I worry that this is the first step in blaming Wilson, the bad guy former PI, that innocent Mike Nifong foolishly hired, for everything and letting the Nifong and certain DPD officers skate.

    Wilson took a job as an invesigator in a place run by attorneys. Like taking the job as an attorney for say DPD, a place run by cops, if you are not one of the gang someplace, you are prime fall guy meat.

  28. Linwood Wilson is a bully, and if criminal investigators come around his way, he will cave, as bullies always do.

  29. Okay, apparently I'm missing something obvious here. What in the Sam Hill does he have to do with Howard & Vestal?

  30. 6:25
    Wilson is a gospel singer

  31. The first time I heard this testimony, I thought it sounded fishy. Now that I hear it again, I realize why.

    Wilson supposedly did not record the interview and only "memorialized" it. Nifong claimed that he does not know why Wilson did not record the conservation, but perhaps it’s because he did not specifically instruct Wilson to do so. Either case, Nifong denied knowing beforehand that Wilson would not record the conversation. Yet, in Nifong’s following statement, he stated that he instructed Wilson to "memorialize" the interview "the best he could".

    Doesn't Nifong’s follow-up statement contradict his first one? I mean, unless Nifong knew beforehand that Wilson would not record the conservation, why would Nifong give Wilson instruction on how to "memorialize" (read: concoct) it.

  32. Don't worry that Nifong will be cut loose by blaming Wilson - looks to me that it will be fairly easy to establish that Wilson was at all times acting as Nifong's agent (using that term in the legal sense) which would make Nifong legally responsible for and complicit in every act that Wilson did, whether he knew about it or not.

    And of course, when faced with charges such as suborning perjury, Wilson will cave. That kind always does.

  33. At last, a little justice for the DA Department. The dope should have quit as soon as Nifong was out. Unless it is laid off and not fire so he can collect unemployment.

  34. One would be unlikely to say "memorialize the conversation". Most likely one would say "tape it" or "take notes" or something specific.

    Generally when using memorialize it is generally in the context of a past action.

    Therein lies a Big Lie.

  35. Westpole says
    Yes the syntax of everything he says suggests a lie. He sent his friend Wilson to do the interview and used this stilted language to "memorialize the conversation" nah not buying it. But I think it is worse. There was a detailed discussion of the subject matter to cover. The timeline problems given Reade's alibi etc... was there no discussion of that? Just a go interview her? And she on her own restructures the story to patch holes? I hope Wilson talks!

  36. So glad Wilson is gone. I'm hoping that some major office-cleaning will go on at the DPD (Gottlieb), and the DA's office (Tracy Cline),and amongst the "geniuses" in the angry studies dept.,(all of the 87 would be greatly appreciated!)

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Sorry about the duplicate response. Forgot my password!

  39. HELP WANTED: Bass Gospel singer, must know how to lie and still quote scripture. Must have background as a PI, character references not necessary. Must look snappy in an orange jumpsuit. Several boyfriends will be available. Contact NC State Prison for application.

  40. Birds of a feather. I was just looking at WRAL for any updates and ran into an article of the LA prosecutor in the Paris Hilton case. He's like Nifong. Due to all the Nifong publicity, I wonder how he will be delt with.

  41. I just got home from a long trip AND
    I was so happy to read that Linwood Wilson
    was fired! That is awesome news!

    However, he needs to be investigated
    and to do so some jail time for the
    outrageous way he tried to frame these
    boys for a crime that I am sure he knew
    that they did not commit.

    The question is: what is Linwood's IQ?
    Did he really think those different stories
    would hold up in court? Besides the ludicrous
    Dec 21 revised story by Magnum,
    he also intimidated
    Kim Roberts into signing onto a story
    wherein she saw the boys wiping down
    Crystal Magnum through the bathroom
    door. So that was supposed to explain
    why there was no DNA? He is that stupid?


  42. "Memorialize" KWIC

    Key Word in Context

  43. Do not demean this Servant of the Lord!

  44. 6:25 Liestoppers has a link to a video of big Linwood and the Spokesmen on youtube. Actually, KV posted it there last May. It is "hoot!"

  45. Next steps:

    1. Investigate and fix the DPD so they view Duke students as U. S. citizens with civil rights.

    2. Fire Gottlieb and any other DPD personnel who have contributed to this "fiasco"/"hoax". Also, fire any DPD personnel who cannot pledge to treat Duke students fairly and legally, just as they should any other Durham citizen.

    3. Investigate the Durham DAs office to identify any facilitators of Nifong's fiasco and fire them.

    4. U.S. Justice Department investigation of civil rights violations by Durham DAs office and DPD in this case and any others during Nifongs tenure as DA. This should result in several criminal convictions.

    5. Civil suits against all perpetrators of the "hoax" which should include attachment of any and all revenue the perpetrators might receive for subsequent interviews and/or book deals (whether from prison or not). North Carolina, Durham, Durham County, the Durham DAs office and the DPD are all likely defendants. The civil suit recovery should all go to the three accused and their families, and they may wish to share with other Duke Lacrosse players and their families as they will all suffer this humiliation for the rest of their life too. It is also already clear that any Duke student who graduated in 2006 has to explain his/her position on this to outsiders, including prospective employers....perhaps they should be part of the class action against the defendants.

    6. The Group of 88 should be held accountable by the Duke administration. They need to know that they are part of the problem, not part of the solution and there should be consequences.

    Also, if the three accused did not receive at least $10 million each from Duke in their settlement, they underestimated the damage that was done.

  46. re: 8:39

    In the Old Testament, the term "Servant of the Lord" is only used to refer to Moses, Joshua and David.

    In the New Testament, it's used only once in 2 Timothy 2.

    2Ti 2:24 And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all [men], apt to teach, patient,

    Does that sound like Linwood?

  47. #1 - Crystal, the person who started this entire mess, should be held accountable.

    Why is she still out walking the streets?

    Why does she still have custody of those kids?

  48. 9:39 -- She is not "walking the streets!" She is a high class person. She has a driver to take her around to her various appointments! Quit slandering this college girl.

  49. 9:39 I dare you insult Jessie Jackson. This honor student is debt free for her senior year at the prestigous NCCU compliments of Action Jackson.

  50. DiW Readers:

    Thr real problem that's developed is that Durm expends more energy trying to save the rear ends of folks like Baker, Bell, Nifong and Hodge than correcting the real problems in Durm. Tonight another driveby shooting takes the life of a Durm teenager ("Teen gunned down" was shot while standing on his front porch! Durm is not a big city, it's really quite small even by southern standards but is the murder capital of NC! Wouldn't the DPD (Himan and Gottlieb) have better things to do than chase Duke students on noise violations? What's it going to take?

  51. re: the Paris Hilton prosecutor. I'm certainly no fan of his, and I think he deserves to be fired, but his errors are not even of the same magnitude as Nifong's - saying so tends to downplay Nifong's incredible criminal depravity.

    The LA prosecutor is just an everyday garden variety abuser of power - gets his family off the hook, skips out on some taxes, but I don't see where he lied under oath to a judge (Nifong did) intentionally framed innocent people (even Paris admits she's been a shameful drunk for years), or hired thugs to try and slant evidence in his favor. (like Nifong hired Wilson)

    He ain't even close to being in the same league.

  52. I pray to God that Crystal develops cervical cancer. Will everyone pray with me?

    Let's include Nifong's return to cancer in our prayers also.

  53. 10:23 You are out of line! Those who believe in prayer ought not abuse it by asking harm to anyone. Christ would forgive and that ought to be good enough for us. That is not to say that criminal or civil punishment to both is not in order. It is. But wishing illness on any human being, especially one not now in a position to further harm is Nifong-like!

  54. Nifong basically says that Wilson is too incompetent to do interviews, and that was no longer his primary function. Curiously, he doesn't really say what his function is (or was). How could you have an investigator who can't interview anyone? Isn't that a big part of what investigators do?

  55. Re: the cancer prayer. One of the 88'ers is obviously back here trying to post nonsense, planning to copy it tomorrow and say "LOOKIT HOW TERRIBLE TERRIBLE KC AND HIS KKKRAZY PEEPLES ARE!!!"

    All the evil comes from your own heads, you fools.

    Come to think of it, it's probably the crazy blogwoman who has been ranting about KC lately. Bet she copies this post to her site as soon as she made it, so she can "PROVE" That she is "good" and KC's site is "EVIL EVIL EVIL!!!!"

  56. I think that I will pass on asking God to strike down Crystal and Nifong with cancer. During this affair, especially when Nifong and company would do something outrageous, I would pray the following:

    "Lord, reward them for their bad deeds -- just as you have not rewarded me for mine."

  57. I say leave it to God.

    Deuteronomy 32:35

    NASB: 'Vengeance is Mine, and retribution, In due time their foot will slip; For the day of their calamity is near, And the impending things are hastening upon them.' (NASB ©1995)

    I say let God do His thing.

  58. re: Paris Hilton prosecutor

    The part the bothers me more than what he got away with, was trying to inject class envy and hatred.

    Just because his skin in brown does not mean he has had it tough. Went to Harvard and then Colombia for law school.

    Al Sharpton insisted in meeting with the mayor. This guy saw his chance to advance his profile. He is trying to provoke hatred. LA is such a volatile place, they don't need this.

    Things will never improve as long as we have these hate mongers.

  59. to 10:19 you say:

    Wouldn't the DPD (Himan and Gottlieb) have better things to do than chase Duke students on noise violations?

    Something like this would not further their agenda. The killer was probably not a white, Duke lacrosse player.

    I often hear the lament of how many young black young men are in prison, and they try often to tie it to some injustice by whites.

    If this is a black on black crime, no one wants to say it's a problem. That is unless it can somehow be linked to someone who is white, like a Duke student.

  60. Anonymous said...
    I suspect none of these guys like Linwood or Gottlieb will really get fired. I suspect they will just get transferred to another division. Maybe they will end up working on the mayor's house. Somehow they will end up on the city payroll.

    Jun 25, 2007 6:00:00 PM

    Funny, I "suspect" you didn't even bother to read the post you are commenting to - which announced Linwood was fired.

    Now Linwood is hanging out to dry. Nifong didn't have until July 13th to clean up his Linwood dealings paperwork or set Linwood up with a nice secure alternate job like "Court baliff" through his judge buddies like Stephens.
    Wonder what 'ol Linwood will say when the witness intimidation, witness tampering investigators come round ahead of the tort lawyer sharks.

    Also, importantly, with Linwood fired and Nifong gone - the fear of the two in past witnesses they may have messed with in the Lacrosse and other cases is mostly gone - and people may come forward.

    Thinking Elmostafa and Kim Pittman may have a chunk of change coming as well as satisfaction of seeing Linwood go down for their being pressed on testimony..."You know, the more I avoid jail on that probation violation Mr Wilson, just like you said, the more I think my memory of that night was wrong. No "crock", yep, I now recollect that more and more - as you prepare that probation blessoff for the DA's sig, that I distinctly remember there were times like Mr. Nifong suggested where "rape was perfectly possible"...

    Except dear old Crystal, of course.

    "Eeeeeiiiiie! Put that picture down. 'Dat lacrosse rapist - he stare right into my eye 'fore he levitate me and do my 'lil bottom!"

    "Crystal, that's a picture of Linwood Wilson, he was once an investigator and he talked to you in December."

    "No, he rape me fohshuh! Got any Oxy? I'm in too much pain from mah honor studies cricking my back and bottom up. OK, OK, instead of me talking, why not us party? For a Mista Benjamin you go anywhere you want to go, iffen you knows what I mean..OK, how about Mista Grant, baby....I do you good. OK, then maybe Mista Jackson and 3 Oxy tabs means business...knows I's not daily special!"

  61. 10:59 In respone to a comment made to St Francis of Azzi about the garden, God had given him = St Francis said " I do thank him, but every time I thanked him , I picked up a hoe."

  62. Please don't feed the trolls. They seek attention and also seek to damage the D-i-W site. Professor Johnson will remove the vile contents when he gets a chance.

  63. Anonymous said...
    Hope he gets kicked out of his Gospel group next.

    Well...if he got kicked in the right place, he'd at least no longer sing bass

  64. 10:35 can you give the website for the crazy blog woman?

  65. Why didn't they put Linwood on the stand?

  66. 11:56 "I do thank him, but every time I thanked him , I picked up a hoe."

    Now that is funny...

    A big difference between these blog holligans and those on sites like Kos is the humor.

  67. 7:33 - linwood wasn't put on the stand because they accusations against him, although serious, had very little to do with the Bar's case against Nifong. Remember, Nifong was charged with making inflammatory public statements in violation of his ethical obligations, hiding the DNA evidence which Meehan had told him about, lying to the Court under oath, and at the end also lying to the DHC. Linwood wasn't directly involved in any of that so there was no reason for him to testify.

    Now in FUTURE civil and criminal suits his activities can and should be implicated, and that's when we should see him grilled about what he was up to.

  68. Notice how Williamson keeps jabbing
    his finger, as if he's poking a pin at a balloon, or to throw a dart.

  69. Since Roy Pearson will likely not
    be sitting long as an Administrative Court Judge,
    perhaps he'll get a license to practice in the City of Durhh,
    or will replace soon-to-be-removed
    City Manager Baker.

    Or perhaps he can drive Linwood to his Gospel gigs,
    dropping off Miss Samples on the
    way ("Driving Miss Samples?")
