Sunday, June 17, 2007

More from Wonderland

Nifong citizens' committee co-chair Victoria Peterson (misleadingly identified by Duff Wilson as a "black activist" from Durham in the next day's Times) hijacks a WRAL live shot after her explusion from the courtroom, during day one of the Nifong hearing.


  1. Why was she not arrested for intmidating a witness.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Duke's Gang of 88 are merely a group of Victoria Petersons with a couple of degrees tacked onto their names.


  4. I am amazed at the fear/intimidation I see in the news anchor's explanation for cutting off the live feed. Afraid of the PC Police and the fact that at any time he "race card" can be used. How pathetic.

  5. Said this before, but the amazing thing to me is that the more clownish they are, the more influence and latitude they seem to have - at least in some quarters. Is it racist to point out that VP is one freakishly idiotic blowhard - and scary? If she were a little less moronic, could one deal with her more strongly then? Then would she have been arrested, as she should have been?

    What's the deal-do people feel sorry for her? Is this another "CGM is pathetic and nuts, so we can't charge her"-type deal?

    And surely to goodness VP's "people" aren't really listening. It cannot be true that this woman is taken seriously as a spokeswoman for her community.

  6. I saw this as it happened and I still can't believe she barged into a live report, started talking and wouldn't shut up.

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  8. What Peterson managed to do is actually make the case that she was rightfully ejected.

    During her brief hijacking of the camera Peterson states that she wasn't even in the courtroom. Hence if she could clearly be heard from outside the courtroom then she was nothing less than a very loud nuisance even with walls/doors cushioning the sound.

    Now if she was actually in the courtroom then she is a bald-faced liar. Needless to say this incident was not necessary for one to know she has proved such distinction many times over.

    I should add that the reporter kind of fostered the unwanted intrusion by having the camera pan to Peterson and then make comments that Peterson could clearly hear. Peterson was still wrong but a pretext was kind of made for her.

  9. As one person commented on the YouTube website, the reporter and VP don't look like sisters.......

  10. Man, is that ever a good looking news reporter. Drop dead beautiful.

  11. This woman is absolutly ridiculous. The fact that she out and out lied about having done nothing to warrant her ejection from court solidifies that she truly is a nut job.

  12. Every city in the country has a victoria peterson.
    Our female "black activist", here in rochester, ny is better than yours
    Ours just got sent to prison for 19 years after throwing another lady through a window and then try to kill her.

  13. rod allison, are you nuts? Or blind?

  14. JLS says....,

    re: Deborah

    You are correct about some of the 88 gangsters. But also some of the 88 gangsters are probably good academics who just decided to take the fashionable position among the Humanities faculty on this matter without thinking through what they were doing.

  15. JLS says...,

    I did notice this quotation in the article on Nifong's future:

    "He wants this over with," said his attorney, David Freedman, who added that Nifong expects to send in his letter of resignation this week.

    I added the bold. To me Nifong "expecting" to resign this week means there is room for doubt. I would not be surprise if by Friday he had not yet resigned.

  16. So the news anchor broke away from VP's response because they couldn't authenticate what happened, yet they were willing to report it without authenticating it as long as she wasn't there to object. Yes VP is a fool, but the MSM is just as bad - didn't this hoax prove that ? They should have given her a chance to respond no matter how inane.

  17. Anonymous 9:20 said...

    ...Every city in the country has a victoria peterson.
    ...Our female "black activist", here in rochester, ny is better than yours.
    ...Ours just got sent to prison for 19 years after throwing another lady through a window and then try to kill her.
    Correct! Every city...just like the 60's and 70's.

    Here in Houston our female 'activists' frequently ARE the press. They want to be arrested so they can list the arrest on their resumes.

    The police here are trained not be annoyed if a female reporter spits on their boots.

    Your Rochester activist does wins the contest as you suggested. Perhaps it is your Lake (Erie) effect in February.

    Does your 'activist' say 'Sister' when talking to a female A-AA Black reporters or police officers?

    Ours do!
    PS: The Texas Rangers DO get annoyed, to say the least. You need to borrow a few for duty up there in Rochester?

  18. I agree with the one or two people who point out that....maybe Victoria Peterson was telling the truth? I clicked on the video expecting a raging loon, instead she seemed to be calmly stating objective facts.

    Isn't the whole point of this nightmare that mankind shouldn't sensationalize and jump to conclusions?

    In a tiny way, the phony claims that Victoria Peterson was threatening and crazed is the same "rush to judgment" that Nifong committed. (Leaving aside all the obvious jokes that, hey....anybody who sympathizes with Nifong is clearly crazed!)

  19. So, what's the truth? Did she get ejected from the courtroom or not?

  20. Is that VP's normal voice? It's a Spinal Tap 11.

  21. Next to VP, anyone is going to look drop-dead gorgeous...

  22. Does anyone have the clip of Lane Williamson asking that she be expelled?

    I agree that proof would be nice, but if it's his word against hers, I'd go with his given his fair and reason presiding over the hearing.


  23. If Nifong really wanted her at the hearing he could have put her on his witness list and not called her. A old trick to get seats in a court room. Notice that many lax players and parents had seats, but did not testify.

    So she may not be so close to Nifong as people think.

    VP I thought was not that unreasonable, you are walking by a camera and someone is talking about you on tv, of course you would state your side.

  24. TO 9:36PM--

    Well.......I probably shouldn't have bought that pair of thigh-high suede boots that are so stylish to the tune of 1200 bucks. Ooops! I must have been caught up in the moment of being in vogue and of the "happening" ones.

    The fact that it was a stupid waste of money and they are sitting in back of my closet is beside the point.

    Usually, I make good choices that aren't so nutty; however, I still have to live with that choice and accept that it wasn't a productive one.

    Get the analogy? However, the foolishness of those Gang of 88 "nice people" harmed others needlessly. Irreparably.

    They can't just slip off a pair of boots.


  25. TO gotc--

    Attorney Jim Cooney went to Lane Williamson. He was witness to Victoria Peterson's behavior and felt MaryEllen Finnerty would be harassed further if someone did not intervene.

    When Mrs. Finnerty was going back inside through security check after a lunch break, Peterson recognized her and went over to her, touched her, and told her that many people in Durham think that her son (Collin) did something to Crystal Mangum.

    It was a ridiculous invasion under the circumstances. Can you imagine if Mrs. Finnerty or any white woman had approached the mother of a falsely accused black athlete who had been declared innocent by an AG and tried to cause such discord and such trouble?

    The NC NAACP and the rotund Rev.Barber would have been rioting through the streets during Mikey's trial.

    The whole incident was just as Joe Cheshire described it to be: "Pathetic".


  26. Debrah,

    You lost me - you wrote about thigh-high boots then my mind kind of glazed over. Something about - no wait, well boots were in there somewhere...

  27. TO 10:17PM--


    A gross analogy, I know.....but one to explain to JLS that just because some of the Gang of 88 wanted to be "in vogue" and just go along with their fellow Angry Studies loons doesn't lessen the lunacy of their decision with which they must live.


  28. Debrah,

    I love analogous boots. Take care, stay well, and I'll see you around town. By your boots shall you be known!

  29. I guess that it would not be PC to say that Victoria is a credit to her race.... Oh... that's so sixty's.

  30. TO 10:30PM--




  31. Just wanted to say I am back in the saddle. Spent Thurs and most of Friday at DUMC. My fourth adopted daughter had a cleft lip and we went in to DUMC on thurs for corrective surgery. Had my Blackberry with me to keel in touch with KC but a number of areas we were in were cell phone and Blackberry free zones. The two days were two days of hell but we're done and she has an intact lip, an intact smile and her Dad is pleased with Mike's fate. Through surgery, I was able to preserve my daughter's self esteem; through this hearing we saw these boys and their families recover their self esteem. C. Thomas kunz

  32. I would be afraid of Victoria. Black activists like her are totally nuts. White lunatics like her had been sent to jail long time ago but typically AA activist go free. They can kill people (like the "activist" in Rochester).

  33. I knew what was coming, and it was still the funniest thing ever and that will ever be. If I had seen it live, I would have died from humor.

    Debrah, thanks for explaining what happened. Although VP is ridiculous, and she does ridiculous things, she can still do much harm.

  34. When she says the media, she couldn't possibly mean the blogosphere, right? Because the blogosphere, especially DIW, is not part of the mainstream media so we can make fun of her as much as we'd like and there's nothing she can do about it. Let's just sit back and watch her self-destruct like her idol Knifong.

  35. 10:34

    DUMC has saved my life twice. People ask me "Why do you stay in Durham, given all that is wrong with it?" DUMC is the main reason.

    I am glad your daughter made it through that difficult time, and I hope your Fathers Day was a happy one, given the circumstances.

    The doctors at DUMC are capable of great things. Too bad the university is not up to that same level of professionalism.

  36. JLS says...,

    re: Deborah

    You boot tale has nothing to do with my point.

    You are still right that some maybe even many of the 88 gangsters are no better than VP with a few degrees behind their names. You are still wrong to assert that is true of everyone of them. And signing on to a PC leftist ad of the latest fashion does not change the vitae of those who have done legitimate academic research. They are legitimate academics who stupidly voice social or political opinions in what was an issue for the courts not politics.

    Oh well perhaps you will find another place where that analogy is actually apt. Some here seemed to find it amusing.

  37. 11:21

    The point is that a foolish and expensive decision was made by those Faculty88. Even if they did it to be fashionable in going along with colleagues, it's no excuse. They must live with what they did and accept responsibility.
    That was the point being made, although stretched long and twisted a bit.

  38. There was much speculation regarding whether or not Victoria Peterson was one of Crystal Gail Mangum's "handlers."

  39. Debrah, I don't find your thigh-highs inapt at all. You just don't kick it far enough. Signing on to a PC fad of the latest fashion, that destroys several lives, is a crime. Stomping hobos, then slipping off the boots and hiding them in the closet, is a crime. These legitimate academics are also a closet lynch mob. A little judiciously-applied McCarthyism here could do the academic community a world of good. The DA doesn't recognize the presumption of innocence; professors don't recognize that people notice their publications; boot fetishists don't recognize each other at the alternative-lifestyle bar. NTTAWWT? Well, not in this case.

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  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. JLS says....,

    re: 11:30

    At no place did I argue with your description of the 88 gangsters decision as foolish. We will have to see how ultimately costly the following the fad of the moment will be.

    The only thing I objected to was Deborah's sweeping generalization. The response to may clarifying remark was an inapt muddying analogy concernign boots.

    The post I was responding to was very simple. Debrah said,

    Duke's Gang of 88 are merely a group of Victoria Petersons with a couple of degrees tacked onto their names.


    Noe of your points about foolish or expensive are in that post are they?

  43. jls, you love to argue and split hairs.

  44. Debrah, so what color, size, etc., are the boots and what would you take for them?

    Just maybe kidding.

  45. Jun 17, 2007 9:51:00 PM wrote:

    >Isn't the whole point of this nightmare that mankind shouldn't sensationalize and jump to conclusions?

    In a tiny way, the phony claims that Victoria Peterson was threatening and crazed is the same "rush to judgment" that Nifong committed.<

    Err... isn't your assertion that this is a phony claim also a jump to conclusion?

  46. In hindisght, how stoopid do the idiots in Durham look whose votes were swayed, apparently solely on the basis of race, to the the candidate who was prosecuting the white men alleged with harming the black female (no other facts necessary, it seems)? [substitute G88 for Durham voters, rinse, and repeat].

    We always marvel at the brilliance of our Founding Fathers in the frame of governance they established, but for some reason we discard their "property ownership as a prerequisite to voting requirement." Is it possible they knew something we don't?

  47. 8:28
    Harsh, but after this case I don't find that such a bad idea. People who have no business at all making important life altering decisions are allowed to do so because of political correctness. Standards and merit must be brought back.

  48. "rod allison, are you nuts? Or blind? "

    Or maybe I just have bad taste. She looks good to me.

  49. Victoria Peterson is just one of the many nuts topping the sundae that is Durham.

  50. "Is it racist to point out that VP is one freakishly idiotic blowhard - and scary?"

    Not at all. She could be white, as I am, and I'd still find her everything you said. It's not about skin color, it's about the rules of civilized behavior. People who understand civilized behavior don't call for crowds to commit arson as revenge for allegations that have not even been proven. Victoria Peterson is not a member of civilization. And she is indeed scary.
