Friday, June 15, 2007

N&O: Nifong Is Out

Here's the article.


  1. Do you believe is new accent.

  2. False statement to the court.

    That one must have really hurt

  3. Does resignation save his pension?

  4. Nifong was Phi Beta Kappa at U.N.C. but this cross shows him to be totally incompetent. Arrogance and ego can be deadly.

  5. Let's see, Nifong didn't realize the impact of his comments to the press since he didn't watch them on TV, he didn't realize that the DNA report was incomplete because he didn't read it, he didn't realize that Reade Seligman was a fine young man because he didn't bother to talk to him, he didn't realize that Crystal Gayle Mangum was a liar because he never asked her any tough questions, he didn't realize that his comments to the press specifically contradicted the initial police reports because he didn't read them, he didn't realize that the final lineup was improper because it was a done deal before he got there, and he didn't realize that he couldn't be an effective DA until this week.

    I guess I would summarize his defense as I'm not dishonest, I'm idiotic.

  6. He would have been better off to claim he's been high on crack this whole time, it would be a more believable defense than the one he is putting forth.

  7. I never read "I resign".

    $10 that, if not disbarred, he will accept the mercy of the Bar as a 'second chance'

  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Forgive me, Mr. Nifong, for not swallowing your tears of humility on national TV. What really irks me is that probably 90% of the "viewers" will buy it~!

    I believe you are a skilled performer doing whatever it takes to hang on to your tainted career. Like one commentor said, you fell by the sword ... you had no other choice.

    Beyond resigning as D.A., you should NEVER again be able to practice law.

    By the way, I'm a rape victim.

  10. Mike,

    Here's how you could have found out about the case.

    1. Google - Duke rape case
    2. Select

    It worked for me

  11. I believe most lawyers and talking heads are going to express outrage over what has come out at this hearing. It will be a field day for the defense lawyer TH's who will say 'see' we told ya the prosecutors always lie.

    It is going to get harder and harder to find anyone willing to take the 'something happened' position.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. I'd also like to know why I lose my "tool bar" when I click on comments from the main page.

    KC, is it something I said?


  14. GA Girl: At least for me, it opens a new window but I read the comments, close the window, and all's well again.

  15. IS the cross-examination through for the day? I just got back to my computer and WRAL says it's "in recess". I trust the bar is not through with the cross-examination. They could spend days questioning him about his inconsistencies. I have counted a half-dozen inconsistent excuses he has given for not turning over the exculpatory evidence. My favorite, however, is that it was "nonculpatory" rather than "exculpatory." LOL. Of course, nonculpatory is not even a word, much less a legal term of art.

  16. I'd also like to know why I lose my "tool bar" when I click on comments from the main page.

    Hint: press F5 to refresh comments.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. They are breaking for 15 minutes - williamson said the cross will continue for "some time" as they "need to get through this."

  19. A second definition is needed for "nifonged".

    1. To be victimized by a rougue prosecutor.
    2. For a rogue prosecutor to be eviscerated in a judicial forum.

  20. Or how about "to nifong"

    1) To railroad 3 innocent guys.

    2) To shed crocodile tears when under the gun


  21. Great summation miramar, not much else needs added.

    5:42:00 PM, The jerk has his followers. The divisive slobs that play the race card and need the white Nifongs of the world as Useful Idiots.

    Add the NYT's, Nancy Grace and many others in the MSM as Useful Idiots too.

    Sadly, if he keeps his license he will have a flourishing practice with the race baiters and black victim pimps.

  22. I called another professor in my department to tell him Nifong had resigned, because he used to be at Duke. He thanked me for making his Friday afternoon a lot brighter.

    In his opinion Nifong was determined to take it to trial. I asked "how could Nifong have thought he could possibly have won a trial?". He replied "did an LA jury acquit OJ? It's Durham."

    Then he said "you have to have a unanimous vote for a conviction; maybe he couldn't have gotten that, but he could have gotten a heavy majority."

  23. 5:50, thanks for trying to help (F5) ... darn, it's not fixed!

    5:57, we all know who you are. Please try to be CIVIL when you comment~!!!!

  24. 5:57

    Good, he's a terrible lawyer, if he starts up a practice for poor black criminals then his clients will all end up in jail. I've got no problem w/that.

    NYTimes and Nancy Grace not comparable. Nancy Grace never pretends to be objective, she's never met a defendant who isn't guilty, the NYTimes exists under the pretense that its 'news' reporting is objective, making their bias in this case MUCH MUCH more serious than anything Nancy Grace has ever said or ever will say.

  25. Thank you Mr. Nifong for providing a perfect real-life example of hubris for my teens. It makes their study of Ancient Greece more interesting when I can provide current examples.

  26. MrRabbit: What a horrible excuse of manhood we have here. One seldom sees such a combination of bully and villain and coward. The victims in this case deserve his retirement and his assets for starters. A look on the web for tax records a modest home (considering their income) that he and Cy own, but it should be forfeited all the same. If this guy cant handle the light beer attorneys that question him now, he will never last a day with the heavy hitters that are sure to come during civil litigation. The despicable man won't even be able to work as a Walmart greeter in his old age. Maybe, once he composes himself, he can make a living off of the race-baiting circuit, although that business seems to be running on bald tires these days.

  27. Twitch is back bigtime now...

  28. Liefong's tic is back. Some serious stress there.

  29. I hope jon stewart gets a hold of some of these quotes....

  30. "I guess I would summarize his defense as I'm not dishonest, I'm idiotic."

    If you've ever dealt with someone who has a very serious narcissistic personality disorder, Nifong's perspective begins to make some sense. The reality of a normal person and the "reality" of an NPD are very, very different. Particularly as they get older, NPDs distortion of reality often increases. You've got to experience it to believe it. I'm convinced that Nifong believes what he's saying, and that anyone who sees it differently is "attacking" him. Totally aside from any tactical considerations, Nifong could never admit to lying, because that is a direct attack on his character, and in his own mind, he is a "good" person. For example when the State Bar amended its complaint to include allegations that he lied to the State Bar, I'll bet Nifong's take on it was, "They're making an example of me because of the Gell case", instead of really understanding the gist of the Amended Complaint. I really think he just doesn't get it, and that will not change at his age. Also, to give credit where it's due cross-examining someone like that is extraordinarily difficult, because the target keeps moving. That could clearly be seen in the cross this afternoon. I thought the prosecutor did an excellent job under those circumstances.

  31. So Williamson is experiencing with Nifong what the Special Prosecutors experienced with Crystal?

  32. The word that inspired many definitions! Definitely the word of the year! How's this for another nifong definition: To support a rogue prosecutor. Example: City Council Diane Catotti is proud to nifong the DA to the very end. Here's another: To support a lying lowlife despite evidence to the contrary: Dr. Julianne Malveaux's nifonging of Crystal Meth eclipses her biggest achievement of being named president of Bennett College. BC must be proud to have someone like her in their midst.

  33. 5:57, we all know who you are. Please try to be CIVIL when you comment~!!!!

    There was nothing uncivil in either post. What's your problem?

  34. What really strikes me about this "apology" is the unapologetic nature of it.

    When I was about 10 or 11 years old, I learned words of an entirely different nature which strike me as more in keeping with a HEARTFELT apology. Those words, meant to express sincerity of apology, sorrow, depth of regret, and the desire to make amends are:

    O my God, I am heartily sorry
    for having offended Thee,
    and I detest all my sins,
    because I dread the loss of Heaven
    and the pains of Hell,
    but most of all because they
    offend Thee, my God,
    Who art all-good and deserving
    of all my love.
    I firmly resolve, with the help
    of Thy grace to confess my sins,
    to do penance
    and to amend my life. Amen.

    Without meaning to suggest Mr. Nifong should convert to Catholicism, I believe he could take some instruction from the average Catholic middle-schooler and benefit from the lesson.

  35. Neff and Co. are still in top form with their stories but what the hell happened to the copyeditor? Good God. Many times I had to read and re-read sentences to work out what they would have meant if printed without errors.
