Friday, June 15, 2007

Nifong and the Police: March

Claims that Himan and Gottlieb didn't bring much with them on March 27. Saw the captains' statements, Bissey statement, copies of part of SANE nurse report.

Don't know if he saw either Crystal Mangum statement or Kim Roberts statement. Doesn't recall seeing any officer reports, but had Himan and Gottlieb to brief him orally.

Was told that the case came to light as a result of a call being received regarding racial slurs, learns that Sgt. Shelton had gone to house shortly thereafter. Did not see anyone at home, or see any items that called attention to themselves anywhere around the evidence. Shelton then responds a bit later that evening.

Both physical findings and emotional state findings that were consistent with story of sexual assault.

Q: How to respond to Himan statement that "we're fucked."
A: Denies that this took place on March 27, says it occurred later that week.

Blasts Sgt. Shelton for not understanding that a sexual assault occurred. Attitude of first officer on the scene critical, establishes baseline on the case.

[This is astonishing: Shelton got it right--he understood that Mangum was lying, and Nifong is now blaming him?]

Also concerned with standard protocol for rape kits not including toxicology report.

Says the "we're fucked" comment came on the 31st, not the 27th.

Problem: media comes to his office on the 27th, tries to restrict his comments to the NTO.

Racial issues carry more weight in Durham community--nature of allegations and identities of those involved would push a lot of the buttons.


  1. "I did nothing wrong, but I won't do it again, and besides it was everyone else's fault."

  2. God how I hate this guy.

  3. Convenient, that he can't remember seeing anything in writing, ain't it.

  4. Nifong is a pretty good witness so far, especially with regard to his demeanor.

  5. JLS says....,

    Nifong is such a sleazebag dragging these kids through the mud again.

  6. his mouth is real dry sip sip sip

  7. Did you notice he still referred to Mangum as "the victim"?

  8. JLS says....,

    Nifong is only an effective witness if ones knows nothing that went on the last year. Fortunately the triers of fact do know what went on.

  9. I have always thought Levicy didn't do the tox report because she thought/knew Mangum was high on illegal drugs and didn't want this info. to hurt her case.

    No other possible reason for it other than total, and I mean, total incompetance.

  10. Why are they wasting their (and our) time? He's toast.

  11. .... so Durham is an example of a "progressive" cummunity. Interesting.

  12. Remember 99% of people who see this tonight on TV will think he is highly credible and truthful. Seems to be very humble.
    They haven't been here all year.
    That really sucks.

  13. Does Nifong think it is important that he said "we're fucked" on the 31st instead of the 27th? Somehow I don't believe the NC Bar will be impressed.

    Luckily, Nifong will be judged by the NC Bar, not the boobs who get their "news" from the alphabets at 6 PM.
