Wants elements of the charges dealing with the Meehan DNA evidence to be dismissed.
Meehan mentioned "non-probative evidence" in his report, there is no evidence to suggest that an agreement occurred.
Jean: "lot of evidence in this case" that Nifong and Meehan agreed that the two men would report just the evidence that matched. Meehan did what he was instructed to do by the person who hired him.
Jean: By definition, if you're reporting positive matches, you're not reporting the unidentified male DNA.
Language of April 5 order was drafted by Nifong--that language seemed designed to limit, and in itself could be deemed improper.
Williamson: have to judge Dr. Meehan's credibility, was "erratic at best."
ReplyDeleteOMG "erratic at best" hilarious!
ReplyDeleteIn other words 'I know he's a liar, but can't say so'
I very much hope that justice is made, and Nifong faces serious consequences for his grossly abusive, irresponsible, and illegal behavior.
ReplyDeleteNifong must still be deluding himself that the 'good ole boys' network that backed him all this time is still in force.
ReplyDeleteHe hasn't admitted that the good ole boys have thrown him under the bus and are now in the process of backing over his corpse.
Motion to dismiss, yeah, right, maybe Stephens would have granted that but those days are gone
YES, panel sees Meehan as NOT credible. HUGE
It depends on what the meaning of "conspiracy" is.
ReplyDelete'Fong doesn't want to answer the question as to whether he did, and I am sure that the Bar authorities know that much.
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think that making this motion means they don't want to put Nifong on the stand to answer questions about the DNA?
ReplyDeleteGrafted from the prior thread: "A small point--I think Reade said Nifong told Cooney "Bet you wish your client hadn't shown his alibi story," not "Boy, I wish . . . ""
ReplyDeleteThis should be the next Big Train rolling through NifongVille--criminal conspiracy effectuated through Wilson's second "interview" of the FA.
"Let me confer with the other panelists. [mumbling for 2 seconds] OK, we've conferred"
There's plenty of evidence of an agreement to withhold the exculpatory DNA evidence. Meehan admitted to it in the December 15 hearing. Nifong himself admitted it in a newspaper interview after the December 15 hearing.
ReplyDeleteThe fact that both Meehan and Nifong now realize that their agreement was criminal, and that both of them have tried to retract (or have people "reinterpret") their prior statements in an attempt to avoid liability, does not somehow erase the evidence.
You two liars screwed yourselves. Deal with it.
'Fong doesn't want to be anywhere near the stand. If he testifies, he is nuts.
ReplyDeleteAll of this damaging testimony is fine and dandy as long is Nifong is found guilty!
ReplyDeleteI just pray the panal does not pansy around the issues and declare Nifong innocent of charges.
ReplyDeleteI agree, he is likely to commit perjury on the stand, and under oath he is going to have a hard time NOT perjuring himself unless he takes the Fifth.
But, he may be just nuts enough to get on the stand and lie right to the face of the ethics panel.
Meehan should be VERY nervous now, the circumstantial evidence that he conspired with Mr. Nifong is very strong, he will have his name on a civil action..
Nifong is a professional liar...does anyone have any doubts that he will lie up a storm on the stand? Will anyone beleive anything he says? Why waste everyone's time with his testimony?
ReplyDeleteIt will be great if he testifies because he will have to explain and reconcile ALL of his various contradictory explanations and lies, further digging his grave for civil and criminal penalties.
ReplyDeleteHe is so stupid he made obvious, easily verified lies in his letter to the bar, who in their right mind thinks that he's going to be able to do a better job on the stand under hostile cross by a competant attorney than he was writing a letter???????
We should hope he testifies, for the pure entertainment value and for every minute he's on the stand the dollar value of civil suits will go up.
Somebody, what's happening?
ReplyDeleteAre they in recess, what's going on ?
As I said before on another thread, Meehan's testimony was not credible and Wimmianson just confirmed it. Slam-dunk!
ReplyDeleteYes, but is that good or bad for Nifong? IF Meehan is deemed not credible, then Nifong can and will argue that Meehan made up the allegations about being directed to omit the other DNA evidence.