Friday, June 01, 2007

Police Inquiry Approved

The Durham City Council voted today to approve an investigation of the police department’s conduct in the lacrosse case. The chairman will be former state Supreme Court justice and state legislator Willis Whichard, a widely respected figure in the state. Four police chiefs will also serve. Three of the police chiefs are white males; the fourth is a black female.*

The Council members will choose the remaining seven members according to a quota system: two white females, two black men, and three black women. The two Council members most skeptical about the inquiry—Thomas Stith and Diane Catotti—celebrated this development. Said Stith, “We need to strive for diversity, but we’re not [eliminating] anyone from serving.” But, of course, the panel makeup automatically prevents any Council member from choosing a white male.

The only Council member to have outright opposed the inquiry, Catotti, appears to have adopted a goal of trying to undermine the investigation from within: she said she would choose a figure from a rape crisis center—the type of organization that was publicly posting Wendy Murphy analysis of the case in January.

The choices of the other five Council members thus become critical: hopefully, they will exercise their task responsibly, unlike Catotti, and refrain from choosing people with preconceived notions on the case.

*--added for clarity


  1. WTF? A rape crisis counselor on the panel? Never let the truth get in the way of the metanarrative.

  2. "The Council members will choose the remaining seven members according to a quota system: two white females, two black men, and three black women."

    This is mind boggling.

    So, a punitive quota system is the way to resolve a system gone nuts as a result of a punitive quota system.

    Abandon all hope ye who enter here.

  3. Why do they need eight people to conduct an investigation? That's a formula for gridlock; thee would be more than sufficient.

  4. Oh, great -- two-thirds of the remaining appointments MUST be black, regardless of qualifications.

    So it begins in farce, but we can still hope that in will end in justice. If the black panel-members have any sense, they will immediately realize that an out-of-control DPD, where cops can lie, commit perjury and frame the innocent at will, means a LOT of innocent black people (far more than white) behind bars.

    On the other hand, there are huge numbers of blacks who believe that Tawana Brawley was raped by white policemens, that Kool cigarettes are made by the KKK, that Church's Fried Chicken puts saltpeter in the chicken to depopulate the blacks, and a hundred other insanities.

    Lord help us. It will be a supreme triumph if justice and truth are served. I hope for the best.

  5. This look like it has promise.

  6. Too funny - many of you have beeen calling for an investigation for months. Now, you want to micro manage the committee members. When will folk get it - Durham does not care about us bloggers.

  7. KC,

    I have yet to comment on the hoax but this last post compelled me to do so.

    The selection of the panel members by quota is, in a word, bizarre.


    The arbitrariness of the quota and the desire to enforce it speaks volumes as to the decay of decency, lack of common sense, and intellectual stupor of the Durham city government.

    It also, I think, bodes poorly for the citizenry of Durham.

    But as is often the case, the polity will get what it deserves.

    And in this case, if failed municipal government and police and prosecutorial corruption continue, the good people of Durham have only themselves to blame.

    Oh wait, it's still someone else's fault.

    I'm sure you can guess who that will be.

    Just sayin'.

  8. Don't forget that James Coleman is black. Hopefully the comittee would select someone like him to be part of the investigation.

  9. Thomas Sowell, James Coleman, Clarence Thomas ...

    Them be good candidates ...

  10. I nominate SANE Nurse Tara Levicey!

    -Cap'n Finong-

  11. Mired somewhere in the trilogy of Stupidity, Political Correctness and Corruption one begins to realize that the proverbial acorn didn't fall very far from the tree. Nifong may have been the dumbest of the bunch, but clearly there is a long line of Durham politicos and public servants ready to accept their signs.

    "First rule of damage control: when you're in a hole, stop digging." At the rate that "leaders" of Durham are going the Chinese have a great deal to fear.

  12. Bell said...

    ...The committee's authority -- whether it will have subpoena power and whether its witnesses may be required to testify under oath -- and its budget remain to be determined
    Subpoena power!

    Subpoena power granted by whom?

    How can anyone select a chairperson for a committee if they don't know YET about subpoena power?

  13. This will be interesting, to put it mildly. I tend not to have much confidence in commissions, and since this is governed by a quota system, I have less confidence in it.

    But, I will withhold judgment until we see the result.

  14. Wouldn't it be a scream if the 2 white females, 2 black men, and 3 black females were chosen from the Group of 88?

    Or the potbangers?

    Or the "Hurled Scum"?

    Ah yes, quota systems...ya gotta love 'em!



  15. No slots for transgendered albino native American disabled people?? Outrage!

    How can they possibly deconstructed the truth in the *right* way without such a panel??!

    Gary (shedding a tear for the enlightenment) B.

  16. What every happened to appointing the most qualified?

    A quota system, hell if we can't find anyone qualified from a group (women,, blacks, whites) will just pick anyone.

    Speaks volumes about Durham. The most "qualified people" happen to be so many whites, blacks and women. (LOL)

    I guess that how they pick things like Police Chief. Lets identify a racial, sex group and find someone from that group.

  17. Do ya'll have jobs?? Or is this yer job??? hahahahahaha

  18. Funny, in a case with racial overtones, the Council starts by setting racial and gender quotas?

    Do they think no one would notice?

    Who investigates a racial issue by starting with racial quotas?

  19. To be fair, four of the five people they already chose were white men. A balanced picture should include this information.

    That said, I'm not real thrilled about the quota system either.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. These people better get real busy covering Durham's ass quick. My calendar sez 6 business days before the Fong spills his guts out over at his hearing. Hopefully when Nifong leaves the stand, there won't be any need for this scam committee. The Feds should be arriving soon after he sings.

    Good Things are Happening in Durham

    and maybe in Raliegh soon too.

  22. Did anyone else read the very end of the N&O article?

    "Council Member Diane Catotti said race and gender parity are important, because the lacrosse case involved race and gender issues, but member Mike Woodard said he was "a little uncomfortable" with a quota system.

    "I want us to find the best seven people we can," Woodard said.

    "This is Durham," said Bell."

    Is it just me, or is that really funny? I'd love to know whether Bell meant this remark the way it sounds (seems unlikely) and whether there was context that the N & O writer left out, and if so whether the writer was intentionally going for humor or irony.

  23. two white females, two black men, and three black women.


    How could they possibly uncover the truth when they lack the diversity of including a gay man, a Native American, a Muslim, and a crippled Asian lesbian?


    I want us to find the best seven people we can," Woodard said.

    "This is Durham," said Bell."

    Now, that is funny.

  24. I think the quota system is a red herring, distracting us from the fact that the committee is loaded with four former police chiefs!

    The last police chief to investigate the department (Chalmers) didn't do so hot. Put seven regular citizens on the committee (I don't care what hue), and my money is on the police chief's to be manning the rudder.

    Not good.

  25. KC --

    Thank you for clarifying that the Council has already chosen some members of the investigation and that white males thus already make up 30% of the investigation. That makes more sense.

    As for the rest, I cannot see that "a figure from a rape crisis center" is automatically a cause for concern. However, the fact of it being Catotti who will choose this member is a cause for concern, and then some.

  26. Perhaps Catotti can select -- Tara Levicy!

  27. Assuming, for the sake of argument, that ‘black’ and ‘white’ are racial identifiers, are they inclusive of all persons?

    For example, do they include Hispanics, Asians, Native Americans, etc.? If not, how can a government entity legally EXCLUDE persons from service on this commission based on race?

    Assuming, again for the sake of argument, that we could identify black and white people with certainty, is a male with one black parent and one white parent black or white? How about a female with one black parent and one Asian parent? Is she black, white, or neither? Is the Council going to consider these issues in making its appointments? If so, can we get transcripts for our own amusement?

    Finally, I agree with what I think 4:19 is implying, i.e., that police chiefs are likely to be too kind to their colleagues.

  28. "Perhaps Catotti can select -- Tara Levicy!

    Jun 1, 2007 4:56:00 PM"

    Hey 4:56:00 PM:

    See my post at 2:54:00 PM - I beet ya two it!


    -Cap'n Finong-

  29. Yes you did! Way to go! Who knows --- maybe she really will!

  30. It is just inconceivable that selections are made by gender and race. That is over the top. I don't blame the Durmites, I blame the water.

  31. JLS says....,

    So we are to have a commission of:

    1. Four white males

    2. Two white females

    3. Two black males

    4. Four black females.

    Ah Democrats.

    Don't be surprised if Catotti in fact names Wendy Murphy to this investigation.

  32. I believe there must be at least one Eskimo within Durham city limts.

  33. The more I think about this quota system, the less it bothers me. What the council has done is made sure that the commission will have 6 men and 6 women. There will also be 6 black people and 6 white people.

    For a commission that is supposed to bring unity on an issue that has divided people along lines of both race and gender, this seems like a good idea.

  34. The inquiry is going to result in a finding the Durham was understaffed with police officers.

    Thus...Today's Newsobserver is reporting that...

    City Councilman Thomas Stith wants 60 more police officers which is nine more than City Manager Patrick Baker recommended, and three more than the police department requested.

    Everyone is getting their Ducks lined up.

  35. Don't Durhams's quotas require that members of the group of 88 be selected and maybe they should add CGM's name to the list.

    The only way anything truthful will come to light is if the DPD is sued in Federal Court.

    Everything else is a sham.

  36. We're so frightened of the race issue today, it's virtually impossible to reach an honest decision. Everything has to be done acording to the black-white template instead of the way Rev. King wanted. He must be turning over in his grave watching these racist blacks and lily-livered whites playing at being a civilized society.

  37. To 3:58-- You really think the feds are interested? Dream on, brother!!

  38. Anonymous 6:04 said...

    ...We're so frightened of the race issue today, it's virtually impossible to reach an honest decision. Everything has to be done according to the black-white template instead of the way Rev. King wanted. He must be turning over in his grave watching these racist blacks and lily-livered whites playing at being a civilized society.
    Great comment. I completely agree.

    He would be ever more appalled that elected officials are playing this faux civilized game and for good measure, he would ask why ...this case has been hanging around Duke and Durham for all of these months only to become a ride of broken dreams.

  39. I just want to add my outrage at the appalling decision to appoint people based on sex and race, rather than qualification. Instead of race and sex, policing experience, law degrees, public service background, etc. should be considered.

    It's quite possible that a majority of the final 12-person panel may be unqualified to evaluate this matter. It's a sad waste of an opportunity to make real improvements.

  40. Think the Feds might be interested after the Fong covers the court room in blood. He's not going down alone. He will have lots to say.

  41. If they want to get the truth, they should appoint a panel with no whites and no blacks on it. That wouldn't be hard.

    However, I think both that panel and the one currently proposed would violate federal anti-discrimination laws. Someone could to sue to stop this monstrosity.

  42. No, a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater must be included regardless of any other considerations or it just wouldn't be Dukey as they say (or maybe it would. It depends on what you mean by Dukey. Actually, this whole affair has been full of Dukey from the start.) Still a one-eyed, one-horned flying purple people eater (while dating me or it dates me although I am not actually dating one, but rather am suggesting a more diverse panel or "Oh my!)would seem a somewhat appropriate addition given Durham's past attempts at self-government.

  43. Why is everyone so surprised about using a race/sex quota system for the panel? Isn't this what the federal government and major universities have been pushing for quite a while?

    Diversity all too often trumps competence and integrity and not just in Durham.

    Because the rape hoax was so quickly transformed into a black/white racial issue by DPD, MSM, and 88ers, I like the novel suggesion above to have no whites or blacks on the panel. Let Asians and Indians take on the task.

  44. anonymous @ 6:53 PM,

    I beat you to that suggestion. See 6:31 PM. I still think any commission with quotas is violative of federal (and possibly state) anti-discrimination statutes.

  45. This is all a sideshow. The real show will be the depositions in the civil suits. Stand by.

  46. Their deliberate exemption of white males is both racist and sexist.

  47. Don't hold your breath on the civil suits - much of that is in bloggers heads.

  48. This sounds painful. Quotas? Is that really necessary? If it is why have they left out Asain-Americans and Hispanics? Do they think those groups have nothing to contribute to this?

    And what about the religious composition of the group? Are they all going to be Christians? What about Hindus? What about atheists or at least a few agnostics?

    I shudder to think what this rape crisis counselor is going to come up with. What is the point anyway? There was no rape. They should put someone on this panel who was falsely accused of rape to offset the counselor.

  49. The more I think about it the more the "rape counselor" requirement (?) bothers me -- seems obvious they would be sympathetic to a "rape victim". For balance, I think a duke lacrosse mother (or father) ought to be a requirement.

    rrhamilton @ 7:32 PM,
    anonymous @ 6:53 PM referenced your 6:31 PM post in his 6:53 PM post. sorry - couldn't resist

  50. The more I think about it the more the "rape counselor" requirement (?) bothers me -- seems obvious they would be sympathetic to a "rape victim". For balance, I think a duke lacrosse mother (or father) ought to be a requirement.

    rrhamilton @ 7:32 PM,
    anonymous @ 6:53 PM referenced your 6:31 PM post in his 6:53 PM post. sorry - couldn't resist

  51. 4 white males have already been selected for the committee -- 3 PD and the head of the committee.

  52. What a farce! Who is this inquiry suppose to appease? Why on earth would an ex State Supreme Court Justice allow his intelligence insulted by a podunk mayor and city council's asinine request?

  53. "What every happened to appointing the most qualified?"

    HA! Good one! This is America...

  54. Whatever color the members are, the result will be white, as in "whitewash".

  55. Great. The result has now been determined. The members need only start the hard work of constructing a justification for it by selectively presenting evidence to support it.

  56. To anonymous @ 9:25 PM: You're right; I didn't read it carefully enough.

  57. I'm curious as to why you removed the comments on "The Deutsch File."

    That was one of the most interesting exchanges on the blog...

  58. I'll tell you why KC removed them as well as the one earlier in this thread. They pull him out of the trees to where he can see the forest and he isn't ready to deal with the forest.

    KC has done us a wonderful service but I think that he is somewhat scared of the can of worms he has opened.
