Friday, July 06, 2007

Addison: "We Want Hodge!"

Cpl. David Addison—acting speaking in his capacity as president of the Triangle Chapter of the NCPBA—yesterday endorsed Deputy Chief Ron Hodge to take over for the (perpetually absent) Police Chief Steve Chalmers. Said Addison, “The desire for change within the department requires someone who is familiar with making the unpopular decisions. This will allow our department to learn and grow utilizing the experience and working knowledge of Deputy Chief Hodge.”

This is the same Cpl. Addison who—speaking then in his capacity as official spokesperson for the Durham Police Department—said:

  • You are looking at one victim brutally raped. If that was someone else’s daughter, child, I don’t think 46 (tests) would be a large enough number to figure out exactly who did it.” (WRAL, March 24)
  • Addison said police approached the lacrosse team with the five-page search warrant on March 16, but that all of the members refused to cooperate with the investigation.” (Herald-Sun, March 25)
  • We’re asking someone from the lacrosse team to step forward . . . We will be relentless in finding out who committed this crime.” (N&O, March 25)
  • Addison said police can’t force samples from anyone they believe to be implicated in a crime. But he said that, in this situation, there was ‘really, really strong physical evidence.’” (Herald-Sun, March 25)
  • “We’re not saying that all 46 were involved. But we do know that some of the players inside that house on that evening knew what transpired and we need them to come forward.” (ABC, March 26)

And this is the same Deputy Chief Hodge who:

  • Was repeatedly informed, according to the deposition of Sgt. Mark Gottlieb, of the procedurally improper April 4, 2006 lineup, yet never urged the officers who worked under him to follow the department’s own procedures;
  • Stood aside as ex-DA Mike Nifong improperly assumed personal command of the lacrosse case investigation, and deferred to Nifong’s judgment to seek an indictment against Reade Seligmann when Hodge’s own officers questioned the move;
  • Was deputy to the police chief whose official report blamed defense attorneys for the fact that the DPD sought indictments, without probable cause, against three demonstrably innocent people;
  • Informed the Durham City Council, “Folks, I can tell you there’s nothing broke with your department . . . I don’t recall that the Durham Police Department has been involved in something where we made major mistakes in the last five years.” The remark generated laughter from the audience.

Is it any wonder Addison would prefer Hodge? After all, Hodge is as implicated in the lacrosse case scandal as is Addison.


  1. If Durham chooses Hodge for their police chief, it is proof positive than no one in that town has learned a thing.

  2. Hell, Durham (and Duke) *deserves* an idiotic thug like Hodge. May God have mercy on the South.

  3. You should also note the March 26 comment of Cpl. Addison (ABC):

    "That brutal assault, that brutal rape that occurred within that house, cannot be explained by anyone," Addison said.

    How could that guy be allowed to make such a statement to the press? And he's the President of the Triangle NCBPA?

    Nifong probably saw the press that Addison was getting and decided that he would be the better spokesman for outlandish inflammatory statements grounded in no factual basis whatsoever.

    But...for argument's sake ... I too have never been able to explain things that have not happened. I can only observe the fact that those things didn't happen. Maybe that's what he meant.



  4. Hodge will be appointed. Mayor Bell and his Jaguar will be re-elected. You could sue these people seven ways from Sunday in civil court, indict them, put them behind bars---- just like in DC and other crime-ridden black majority areas, it will make no difference. Race is everything.
    Nobody in Durham will make a change.

  5. You know, obstruction of justice is a crime. Perjury is a crime. Manufacturing "evidence" is a crime. Covering up these things also is a crime.

    We have two people who are criminals, if that is a proper (and legal) definition: Addison and Hodge.

    These people do not need to be wearing blue uniforms. They need to be wearing orange jumpsuits.

  6. 2:12 you are entirely correct, but nobody is going to charge them! The only people who can (NC and Federal DOJ) are NOT going to.
    I don't believe any other entity has the power to bring those charges, and they have proven "Not Interested."

  7. I find it amazing that blacks in Durham do not want law and order. Just reading the stats scare me. The fact that the murder and aggravated assult rate is so high, how can they worry about noise?

    I live in a kind of an uptight area, where neighbors will report you to the city for CC&R infractions--like leaving your car parked on the street more that 24 hours, too-tall flag poles, etc. At first I thought, get a life. But sometimes we have gone YEARS without a single murder!

    Law and order should not be a 'white' concern, but how else can one explain that what the blacks in Durham tolorate would not be tolorated in my city?

    What about the Hierarchy of Needs? You would not think it would have to be taught.

  8. Too bad the Feds are not interested in looking at the mess in Durham, because it's very clear it won't get resolved by the City or County of Durham or by the State of North Carolina. If the Duke3 were minority group members, the FBI would have been there last summer.

  9. I believe in democracy - if the people want Hodge - they should get him. I don't care about Durham anyway.

  10. With all of the obvious dishonesty and bias in the Durham city government including most of the elected officials, the prosecutor's office and the DPD, what can the truly good and honest Durham citizens do?

    From this observer's perspective, the only real option available for them is to pull up stakes and move elsewhere. Unfortunately, that wouldn't be easy to do for a wage earner living and working in Durham.

    Is it simply inevitable that the corruption will prevail and the good folks in Durham will just have to live with it?

    Is there no hope for the future?

  11. I for one, am considering moving. I know that the place I move will not be perfect, but unless I go to DC or Detroit or some other blighted underclass-ruled urine soaked hell hole, it will be better than Durham.

    So there is hope for the future, just not for Durham. It is rotten and getting worse. Oh yeah, recently the police decided to try and enforce the law in a 2 square mile area of town that was considered especially crime-ridden. Wow - the police, actually considering enforcing the law. I wonder how many of the police force will be swept up in the dragnet.

  12. I believe the only ones complaining about noise were the liberal whites living around Buchanon Street and other tree-lined, old-Durham enclaves where fraternities and teams have campus housing. They complain about noise and parking. Blacks in Durham, on the other hand, don't complain about drugs, murder, crime, prostitution, graft, corruption,
    or the other things that are tearing their community apart and killing their young. They elect the people who perpetuate it by ignoring the real crimes/criminals and wasting their resources going after the only source of revenue:
    a solid and top tier university system.

  13. Please allow us to tell the good Assistant Chief Hodge that something did happen-----only it happened at 2400 Holloway Street or 201 East Main Street NOT 610 N. Buchanan.

    With his penchant for figuring out crimes, I would say that Durham will be a changed community. Maybe he can hire Wahneema, Grant, Rudy, and Malveaux to be in charge of PR.

    One last question for Mikey--is a little "hooliganism" worse than obstruction of justice, falsifying statements to the court, and perjury?

    That's one for the DA's office. Watch out DPD, you're next. Heads will roll. I can only imagine the shame a city council member must feel. Ultimately, you are charged with hiring the DPD force. You couldn't control the DA Freight Train but you have complete control of the DPD Express. Can we just say All Aboard

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. If the decision to act on either Hodge or Addison's criminal/unethical behavior requires that a Durm jury find fault, you can forget it. For the same reason Nifong wanted the lacrosse trial to go to a jury in Durm County, the majority is controlled by the black churches and politicians. Lilttle to no independent thought in Durm.

    "40-year resident"

  16. What a corrupt system. Forget change and forget about the residents of Durham demanding change.

    Some areas of this country are third-world regions. Miami (violent crimes) lost my tourist dollars. NYC and LA lost them too (violent police brutality). And so will NC (general law enforcement corruption).

    I am never ever travelling to or through North Carolina. There are better beaches than OBX and one can enjoy the Smokeys from TN.

    Better universities and job opportunities exist elsewhere too.

    Oh, and Edwards (if elected in primaries) won't get my vote either. He's a native and not to be trusted with this mentality in DC.

    I petition everyone else to do the same. If the market (i.e., tourism) speaks, maybe NC will realize civil rights exist and officials must be held accountable.

  17. Of course he wants Hodge, I want my Mommy to grade me in school, review my work in the professional world and judge my soul after I die.

    Like Addison, I would also try to find the most uncritical person available for the job. Good for the Little Corporal.

    If someone else was appointed, they might view the department as having made a few "major" mistakes in the past.

    Most rational Durham residents would want someone honest, who "speaks truth to power," who also has proven common sense -- say, for example, Sgt. John C. Shelton.

    Hey K.C., After all the civil lawsuits are over, and all the investigations, sham or real, are reported, Israel will still be there! hmm? eh? Gregory

  18. Check out N & O. Supremem Court Justice Whichard says LAX attorneys and possibly players will testify before DPD! "Both logic and due process concerns suggest this order of appearnace...(so) the officers will know, when they appear before the committee, what, if anything, the defendants or their representatives state was handled improperly."
    Wouldn't want them to be unprepared to (a) manufacture evidence, (b) get their lies straight, would we now? If this isn't evidence of continued cover-up and corruption, what is?

  19. I truly believe Bell will be reelected, Hodge will be appointed, Addison et al will remain on the job and the denizens of Durham will deserve the DPD brand of justice and their failure to address the real crime problems. Any parent who sends their children to Duke should seriously consider the possible consequences, not only to their education but to their safety. Those who contribute to Duke should be comfortable with the fact that they donating pay-off / cover up money. As another noted, it is a democracy and if the Durham residents are not interested in cleaning up their own city, why should I care. They will continue to descend into third world status, which obviously is O.K. with them.

  20. Hell, Victoria Peterson could run for City Council and probably WIN !!!

  21. 3:32 Interesting point.

    But isn't there documentary evidence of what and when the police did or did not do?

    And wouldn't the police be lighting a really short fuse if they, in fact, made up evidence or lied and then rebuttal witnesses were able to so demonstrate.

    I would think that there is sufficient scrutiny of this process that the likelyhood of perjury is small.

    But if it is discovered, it is likely that the consequnces would be huge.

    North Carolina's judicial system cannot afford to have, or condone, a corrupt law enforcement body. No state can condone such a body, but NC is particularly vulnerable right now.

    One can surmise that the Feds are watching, too.


  22. Inman,
    I agree with most of your points except that the consequences of perjury would be huge, and that the Feds are watching. I have no faith that either of those are likely at this point. What was Cooper (a Fed) doing about Crystal's perjury?

  23. Anonymous said...
    I believe in democracy - if the people want Hodge - they should get him. I don't care about Durham anyway.

    Mayor Bell?

  24. 3:56--
    Cooper isn't a fed, he is the Attorney General of North Carolina. And Crystal hasn't testified under oath, so she hasn't technically committed perjury. As for Cooper's decision not to prosecute Crystal for filing a false report, it's probably a sensible exercise of prosecutorial discretion. If even the investigators thought she seemed to believe what she was telling them, no matter how contradictory, it's a good bet it would be hard to convince a jury beyond a reasonable doubt that she was knowingly making false statements.

    That being said, I agree that the feds probably aren't paying a lot of attention to this situation.

    I think I agree with Inman, nevertheless, that the consequences of perjury would be huge for the police officers. There may, however, be ways around that with vague statements or "failure to recall."

  25. Question about all of above: can DPD commit perjury if they aren't under oath at this upcoming hearing lead by Whichard? Isn't this just an independent investiagion and not a court? So they can lie all they want with impunity, n'est-ce pas?

  26. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  27. Washington, Dc is one of the greatest cities in the world. Nothing like the description given by 3:09 . More educated folk per block than anywhere in the USA. These dopes should stay in Durham.

  28. I don't find it amazing that the black people in Durham don't want unsolicited advice from outsiders.

  29. I don't find it amazing that people in Raleigh don't want my advice either. I'm just a dumb Yankee outsider who tried to run for school board 8 years ago to convince Wake County their schools were headed for disaster. What would I have known 8 years ago, huh?

  30. 4:32pm
    That's just great. If only they would stop expecting others to pay for their way of life. Then no one would have a thing to say.
    Durham is a welfare sinkhole. They want money from everybody else without any responsibility.
    **** that!

  31. 2:57...

    Was this 2 square mile area anywhere near East campus? Just wondering.... When you think of all the man hours that went into keeping the hoax alive it baffles the mind how many actual crimes were left unattended while Himan picked up CGM or attended to some other "task."
    KC reading those quotes sent chills up my spine all over again.

  32. Question to any Durham resident reading this post whether you are black, white asian, hispanic or whatever.

    What, if anything, are you prepared to do to clean up the corruption in your city?

  33. Durham---we're like New Orleans, but we don't have hurricanes (or much culture, either).

  34. In your dreams you're like New Orleans. N.O. was an internationally renowned center of jazz, arts, restaurants, culture,
    history and high debauchery. They collected BILLIONs in tourist revenue every year and had one of the highest rates of conventions business and major league sports venues in the country. You got what....Woolly the Bull? A dead tobacco factory surrounded by ghetto? Don't flatter yourself.

  35. 4:24

    That's a good question. My assumption is that, given their official roles, they would at least be exposed to an obstruction of justice charge ...

    ... further, my intuition is that they are subject to some type of formal oath regarding the truth of their activities and statements -- as a part of the job. Otherwise, a policeperson* ** could say and do anything he/she wanted and not be held responsible.


    *Please note my modest attempt at PC.

    ** Do I have to include the notion of a police dog to be in compliance with dictates of the specieists?

  36. Hah, Hah, Hah...Hah.. Hah Hah..

    except it's really starting to lose its humor. PT Barnum would be proud of Durham!!

  37. 4:17

    When the Feds find out that the Specieists are importing Islamic fundementalist camels for our nation's zoos, I'd bet Homeland Security starts to take an avid interest.

    (Tongue firmly planted in cheek.)


  38. 5:41 said,

    In your dreams you're like New Orleans. N.O. was an internationally renowned center of jazz, arts, restaurants, culture,
    history and high debauchery. They collected BILLIONs in tourist revenue every year and had one of the highest rates of conventions business and major league sports venues in the country. You got what....Woolly the Bull? A dead tobacco factory surrounded by ghetto? Don't flatter yourself.

    I think we're on the same page, here. My suggestion was that Durham has most of the problems of New Orleans---crime, corruption, drugs, a persistent under-class---without many of the fine points of New Orleans that you mention.

  39. This is the same Hodge who wanted to proceed with the prosecution of the LAX players in January 2007.


  40. Like all of the facilitators of the hoax, Addison tips his hand. Like the professor who wanted to lynch the lacrosse players, Addison wants Hodge as a chief because he is deathly afraid of change. Nothing could be worse for the current DPD than outside leadership that won't suborn the continuing corruption.

  41. 3:21
    John Edwards is not a native Tarheel. He was born in South Carolina. I don't think many Palmettos would claim the little puke. We're stuck with him, buit at least he no longer has a NC seat in the US Senate (not that what we have is so great either!!).

  42. 3:56
    Cooper is STAT AG, not a fed. Your point is well taken, though. Why didn't he do something about "Precious?"

  43. Actually "Precious" has changed her name ... it is now "Pernicious." One of those folks who was hung in the Louvre of DNA suggested she make the change. CMG always wanted to be "in". Well, all she had to do was add was an "i" and an "n".


    (Again, the fleshy, movable, muscular organ which is attached to the floor of my mouth ... is firmly planted in the flesh beneath the muscles that control, in part, the wide smile on my face.)

  44. I look at what Durham does to fill the Chief's spot as a measuring stick.

    If they move Hodge into the position, it's prima facie evidence that Durham's leaders are willing to keep enlarging the hole that comprises the cesspool that has infested the city. Law-abiding citizens that can should consider moving because the rot and decay won't stop there; it will continue to get worse.

    If someone with a brain gets people to consider bringing in an outsider that would result in change, that means people have finally had enough and want to do something to turn things around. It will take a long time and a lot more than bringing in a "new sheriff", but it's a start.

    Considering it's Durham, I'm inclined to bet that Hodge will get the nod any day now.

  45. “The desire for change within the department requires someone who is familiar with making STUPID AND SOMETIMES CRIMINAL decisions."

    I fixed it for Addison. It just doesn't get any more pathetic. Problem is that a good number of people in Durham believe the DPD's BS.

  46. KC,
    The most important thing about this is because of your documents, these people are going to jail. Rightfully so. If the Feds don't act, I will go nuts.


  47. Durham similar to New Orleans, you must be kidding? Someone must have never been in New Orleans, or met the people.

    Having spent a fair amount of time in both, those that make that comparison are most confused...

    Now were you to compare their leadership to that of Duke or Durham, you might have a point…

  48. no justice, no peace said...
    "Durham similar to New Orleans, you must be kidding? Someone must have never been in New Orleans, or met the people.

    Having spent a fair amount of time in both, those that make that comparison are most confused..."

    Now were you to compare their leadership to that of Duke or Durham, you might have a point

    I can now see why discussions get stuck on this board. I made the original comment about Durham and New Orleans as if it were a joke slogan for Durham.

    I then pointed out that Durham had some of the same problems that New Orleans had/has: crime, corruption, drugs, and a persistent under class.

    But you and 5:41 went into a tizzy about how Durham is nothing like New Orleans. Geez...I didn't say they were similar. I have spent a lot of time in Durham and some time in New Orleans. I said they had some of the same problems. And if you care to refute that, go ahead. But don't put words in my mouth.

    D White

  49. Wow - KC deletes only 1% of the comments, and yet 100% of mine on this topic are deleted. He said they had to be vile or something something. Must be hittin' the sweet spot. Too much lead in my drinkin' water. Back to you KC.

    And by the way, I am from DC, was born there and lived most of my life in that area. Now I live in Durham. Sheesh - can't a brother catch a break?

  50. I think that D White was refering to the decades / centuries old insular community of the freedman. It is difficult for anyone to broach that subject. But go to South Carolina and drive along the roads that lead from Interstate 95 to the former rice plantations. Take a look at the modern descendants of what everyone would acknowledge as a horrific chapter in our history. The really horrific part of the story is that some people haven't left the chains that enslaved them. Nor have they been encouraged to do so. Unfortunately, a benevolent and enabling government has, for generations, helped a part of our "society" avoid responsibility or, at the least, avoid growth. Sad but true.

    My sense is that some Durham residents .. in fact ... many North Carolina residents fit this bill.

    Now, why don't the intellectual highbrows who would like us to believe that they have all the answers, propose a simple solution to this problem.

    By the way...."Mangum" was my great great grandmothers slave holding maiden name. Sorry.

    Dave, I got your back.


  51. To the 9.12:

    In a 50-comment thread, I have deleted two comments. That hardly seems like a heavy-handed editorial approach.

  52. I wish KC would enable posting on the Rudy thread again. There's more to be discussed there.

  53. Is Hodge a Communist?

  54. I usually lurk, but I have long wanted to complement KC on the restraint he shows on editing these comments. He puts up with a lot more grief and sheer nastiness at times than I ever could if I had that job!

    KC - I have NEVER seen you take a "heavy handed" approach to these comments, and I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of the stuff you cut is put here by people who just want to make you look bad by posting intentionally stupid stuff on your blog.

  55. Oh...give me a break...why is someone asking if Hodge is a communist?

    More important questions: Is he a racist? Is he a homophobe?* Is he devoted to the truth? Is he honest? Is he a leader? Does he accept in no uncertain terms the rights of animals to express their Rudy given specieist rights?***

    If Hodge can jump those hurdles, all power to him. final question: Can he spell "zoo"?


    *I submitted that question so that the PC crowd would accede to my entreaty.

    *** I now know that a specieist hedge clause is required in all polite discourse.

  56. 10:41
    I disagree. Most everyone here respects KC tremendously. There's just many people who have a wide range of opinions, but they agree that KC is a hero!
    That he can play host to such a vast community speaks to the fact that he practices true "diversity" unlike most in academia who try to prohibit free speech.

  57. If Hodge is black, he's qualified for the job. If you don't agree, you're guilty of a hate crime.

  58. 10:53
    By George, I think you've got it! You are now free to move to the lovely city of Durham.

  59. To Anon 9:12

    Could you at least use a pseudonym?

  60. 11:31

    There's always a suspicion that each over the top comment unsigned or signed with some strange moniker is Polanski doing his mischief.
    Many times he's not the one, and many times he is. He likes to assume characters to try and stir up dust.
    He also has an obsession with Devorah.

  61. I have posted here from the beginning - in hundreds or posts, maybe over a thousand - KC deleted me once. Did I deserve it? Probably. KC is not heavy handed at all and I disagree with him adamently about Levicy.

  62. KC, I wasn't complaining - I was just saying that I hit the jackpot. This is your blog, I respect your right to delete any of my comments, or any others for that matter. No worries. Hell, I wish I could delete some of the things I have written here myself.

    Keep up the good work, and when needed, delete my comments - the world will be a better place for it, of that I am certain.

  63. Is Hodge a Communist?

  64. No, but I heard that Mao was.
