Thursday, July 12, 2007

Lopez Over Hodge

In what could be described as the first appropriate move City Manager Patrick Baker has made in a law enforcement matter since April 2006, both the N&O and the H-S are reporting that Hartford assistant police chief Jose Lopez will be the next chief of the Durham Police Department.

Lopez's main competition, of course, was Deputy Chief Ron (hear no evil, see no evil) Hodge, who committed himself to upholding the status quo and had earned the endorsement of Cpl. David Addison.


  1. Its a step in the right direction

  2. Very positive news, indeed.

    Mayor Bill Bell is facing some stiff competition with Thomas Stith just announcing for a mayoral run.

    Stith is a Republican, IIRC, and is more by-the-books in his approach.

    Perhaps Bell had a word of prayer with Patrick Baker and told him that they need to get some order in the place.


  3. The article seemed to imply as long as the
    wife is happy with moving to Durham -- I
    hope and pray that all goes well and that he
    is next Police Chief of Durham.

    Perhaps the City Manager Patrick Baker was
    duped in this case -- perhaps he truly was
    misled early on with respect to the major
    inconsistencies of Ms Magnum's statements.

  4. Baker is about to throw both Hodge and Addison under the bus...look out below.

  5. Baker is a snake. I won't believe it is Lopez until it is finalized and formally announced.

  6. In my opinion Baker couldn't choose which side of a blank sheet of paper to draw a picture on unless he was told. My bet is he was told to offer the position to Lopez by either the mayor or a majority of the Durham city council. I be;ieve the police chief does serve upon approval of the Durham city council.

  7. My senses tell me that both Bill Bell and Howard Clement went to Baker and told him how things needed to be done.


  8. Addison's endorsement couldn't have helped Hodge, now could it?

  9. Folks, Lopez is not a savior. If he was so great, he would be chief at Hartford Ct. Just another figure head. When his superior's, be it chief, mayor or city manager, start touting him as great, beware they are pushing him out the door.
    BTW love Debrah's ref to "stiff competition"
    John Holmes

  10. Good for Mayor Bell. Can not hurt to have a new Chief - hopefully who will come to work on a regular basis. My quess - he will not be firing anyone.

  11. I don't think it is fair or true " if he were so great, he would be Chief." Most of us worker folk work our way up the ladder. I ended up being a Manager of 95 people in Health and Security, but started out as a staff nurse.

  12. So he is silent on the biggest civil rights fiasco in his time, in his back yard. Through his silence he endorsed the railroading of three innocents, and yet he wants to provide voting rights to felons. I lived in NC for several years and really don't recall it being so dysfunctional...

    "Edwards emphasized his commitment to fighting poverty, calling it "the cause of my life." He plans to begin a multistate tour Monday in New Orleans to spotlight the millions of people who live in poverty.

    Edwards' call for felons' voting rights to be restored also received loud cheers. Yet as a senator from North Carolina in 2002 he voted against a bill allowing felons the right to vote in federal elections."

  13. 10:53
    WTF u talkin about?

  14. OT, but I just finished reading The Shadow University. As a Duke parent, I would very strongly recommend this book and have done so to my student.

    There were many well-reasoned points made and disturbing examples presented. As I was reading, there were many excerpts I would have liked to post, but I would be beyond the fair-use limit, I think. As I said, it was very good; it related to many of the issues discussed here.

    The book started with Penn and cited quite a few instances of problems there. My student chose not to even apply to Penn because of PC run amok; he (mistakenly?) thought Duke would be the least likely of his options to have similar problems. (He really could have gone anywhere but liked the campus at Duke and the athletics, in addition to being averse to indoctrination in the guise of education and limits on freedom of thought.)

    The last chapter of the book, in part, relates how things have markedly improved at Penn. This gave me some cause for hope, although many of the same names came up (apparently, slow-learners).

    If anyone in the Duke administration reads this blog, I beg you to read this book and consider recommending it to colleagues!

  15. Book reviews on The Shadow University:

    They include individuals from the Left, Right and Middle.

  16. his minority name fits the PC durham mantra

  17. Is Baker a Communist?

  18. In your face, Addison! How do you like being publicly humiliated?

  19. 9:25 - It was never clever or funny. Now, it's just getting old and tired. Give it a rest.

  20. 9:25- No...He's just a Facist Pig...the commies are at Duke.

    9:56- If you can't take the heat, get outta the kitchen!

    Will Lopez 'clean house'???

  21. Duke Professors and DPD have a lot in common....foremost never having to say you're sorry. Think about it, in this entire "fiasco" not one DPD officer has said anything about being sorry or making a mistake (even Mike Nifong did that a number of times) the same holds true of Duke Professors.

    I guess there is no reason for any of them to admit error or apologize. What a spineless crew the lot of them are.

  22. Lopez's wife won't move here, or he'll fail his physical (a la' Chapel Hill) or something, then Baker will appoint Hodge and win-win for him/Hodge/DPD "But I REALLY TRIED to get an outsider..."

  23. Well, his last name certainly puts him in the house cleaning crew. Delete at will, KC.

  24. As one reads more and more about the Duke faculty you can't help but wonder why on earth any parent would pay good money to send their kid there......
