Sunday, February 17, 2008

News from Loyola

The Greyhounds opened their season with a 7-6 loss to #5-ranked Notre Dame; but, on a bright note, the team's first goal of the season was scored by Collin Finnerty. Clare Lochary has the details.


  1. Lacrosse season is here, thank goodness! Spring is in the air!

    How refreshingly simple and rejuvenating to see young men and women compete with sticks and ball.

    What better antidote for campus suicide shooters, sex worker art shows, politically correct hypocrites in academia, interminable lawsuits and our vaudevillian presidential primaries?

    Although I root locally for Navy and Maryland, I'm hoping that Collin at Loyola, Reade at Brown, and the Blue Devils at Duke have victorious lax campaigns!

  2. Go Mike -
    I also follow Coach Pressler at Bryant University.

    “In his first season at Bryant, Coach Pressler guided the Bulldogs to their first ever Northeast-10 Conference regular season title and a top seed in the conference tournament playoffs.”

  3. Duke lax women opened their season with a win over Stanford; Blue Devil men beat Bucknell.

  4. Go, Duke LAX (men's and women's team!) Go Duke LAX players who've moved to other teams! Go, Pressler!

    Go away, Brodhead and 88 nincompoops! Just go away!

  5. glad these guys are getting their lives together and putting this behind them.

  6. KC, are you still on hiatus or would you please please explain what we are hearing about a new building the president gave to AAS? There's nothing in the Chronicle about it; but there was an ad last week. This can't really be true, can it? Why would the president do something so high profile for the 88? It makes no sense.

  7. 38 more 2006 Duke LAX players file suit:

  8. To the 10:51... All this is yesterday's news.

    The old Science Building on East Campus (for 35 years the Duke Art Museum which moved in 2005 to the new Nasher Museum of Art) was renovated for the benefit of Gang 88 and friends.

    A dog & pony show was held Monday to cap it off:

    "President Richard Brodhead and Provost Peter Lange are co-hosting a lecture and reception in celebration of the new home of the Departments of African & African American Studies and Cultural Anthropology, the Programs in Literature and Latino/a Studies, the Institute for Critical U.S. Studies, and the Duke Human Rights Center.

    Featured will be a lecture by George Lipsitz, Ph.D., Professor of Black Studies and Sociology at the University of California at Santa Barbara. Lipsitz will speak on “Alternative Knowledges, Social Spaces, and Historical Times: Mind Work as Exercise of Citizenship.”

    Universities can be places where evidence and argument matter more than influence, where original and generative thinking matters more than entertainment. Yet the public, which the university is supposed to serve, becomes constructed as a series of market interests. Countering that understanding requires interrupting current and recycled attempts to distract our attention away from the consequences of various domestic and foreign policies by fixing on the university as the problem needing management. However, the mind work possible in the university, necessarily difficult, offers not simply critique of existing conditions but demonstrations also of the transformative power of educational ideas and civic activism. And such work expresses itself not just in complicated epistemological practices but in activism as well, born out of the seemingly ordinary processes of everyday life. Mind work as citizenship is a way of thinking both about the university and about activism.

    After the lecture, there will be a response from Duke faculty members Michael Hardt and Wahneema Lubiano."

    Cited from Duke's Office of News & Communications and the Duke Events Calendar. Unfortunately, I couldn't squeeze this noteworthy event into my busy schedule. No doubt, a good time was had by all.

  9. KC said,

    ...On a bright note, the team's first goal of the season was scored by Collin Finnerty.

  10. Jon Ham and Fox News at 6:00 a.m. today (2/21/2008) have stated that thirty-eight Duke
    Lacrosse Players to will announce a lawsuit against Duke University, the
    Township of Durham, and others. The complaint will be posted on later today (2/21/2008). Quoted from below

    On Thursday, February 21, 38 Duke lacrosse players and their parents will hold a news conference at 1 p.m. at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C., to announce the filing of a lawsuit against Duke University and a number of other entities and individuals.

    Charles J. Cooper, attorney for the players will explain the complaint and answer questions from the media.

    Only credentialed media will be allowed.

    For more information, please email dukelawsuit[at]

    If this has been previously posted please accept my apologies. Fox News stated that they would carry the news conference at 1:00 p.m. today.

  11. 38 players are filing a lawsuit against Duke, Durham and others. Let's hope one of those "others"
    is the NY TIMES (and Wendy Murphy,) as well as CGM.

  12. Those of us in the lax community are delighted to hear of Collin's success already at Loyolla.I hope all three are totally involved in their lives.I hope all the lawyers on their behalf and the remaining players lawyers succeed in some measure of financial renumeration. The best we can hope for in actual change at the university or in town is at least some thought before action in the future. Since a grad student was recently murdered in Durham, the community is still dangerous and targeting students. It should definitely be considered if you have a high school student looking at schools. There are plenty of great east coast or west coast schools where the environment is more tolerant of college students and the pool for law enforcement/legal participants might be of a higher caliber.There is nothing more fun than the beginning of lax season, I hope everyone enjoys their season.

  13. This is the list of defendants per the website:

    1. Duke University
    2. Duke University Health System, Inc. (“DUHS”)
    3. Richard Brodhead, President of Duke University
    4. Peter Lange, Provost of Duke University
    5. Larry Moneta, Vice President for Student Affairs at Duke University
    6. John Burness, Senior V.P. for Public Affairs and Government Relations at Duke
    7. Tallman Trask, Executive Vice President of Duke University
    8. Suzanne Wasiolek, Assistant VP for Student Affairs and Dean of Students at Duke
    9. Matthew Drummond, Head of Duke University’s Duke Card office
    10. Aaron Graves, Associate VP for Campus Safety and Security at Duke
    11. Robert Dean, Director and Chief of the Duke Police Department
    12. Tara Levicy, Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner (“SANE”) at Duke University Hospital
    13. Theresa Arico, Coordinator of the SANE program at Duke University Hospital
    14. J. Wesley Covington, Esq. (Duke advisor to whom Duke directed players for advice)
    15. Kate Hendricks, Esq., Deputy General Counsel, Office of the University at Duke
    16. Victor Dzau, Chancellor for Health Affairs and President and CEO of DUHS
    17. City of Durham
    18. Linwood Wilson, Investigator in the Office of the District Attorney
    19. Mark Gottlieb, Detective in the Durham Police Department
    20. Benjamin Himan, Investigator in the Durham Police Department
    21. Patrick Baker, City Manager for the City of Durham
    22. Steven Chalmers, Chief of Police for the Durham Police Department
    23. Ronald Hodge, Deputy Chief of Police for the Durham Police Department
    24. Lee Russ, Executive Officer to the Chief of Police for the Durham Police Department
    25. Stephen Mihaich, Commander of Investigative Services for Durham Police Department
    26. Beverly Council, Commander of the Uniform Patrol Bureau for Durham Police Dept.
    27. Jeff Lamb, Commander of the District Two Uniform Patrol of the Durham Police Dept.
    28. Michael Ripberger, Lieutenant in the Durham Police Department
    29. David Addison, Corporal in the Durham Police Department

  14. Gee KC, after all that effort to target the 88 and make others act on your obsessions. Must be a real let-down kind of a day.

  15. Here's the blog for updates on the Duke lawsuits.

    They have a link to Wonderland.

  16. OT for this thread, but not for the site.
    The AP article for Fox News claimed "The case then unraveled amid the woman's changing story and lack of evidence."
    My recollection is that the changing story did nothing to stop the Hoax prosecution, nor did the lack of evidence (a rape by persons not using condoms that left no semen behind was no problem either). Where the problem started was with Reide being able to prove he was somewhere else at the time the "rape" supposedly occurred.
    The real damage to the witch hunt occurred when the DNA evidence suppression was found.
    And that is a lot different than "The case then unraveled amid the woman's changing story and lack of evidence." because those were no difficulty at all.

  17. Those who argue that the lawsuit should be against Nifong or Durham but not Duke are missing one of the basic points of lawsuits, which is that you sue everybody who could possibly be considered responsible for your injuries. If Duke were not involved in the suit, the other defendants could argue that most of the blame lies with the university, and a jury might believe them. It's much better to get everyone in court and let the jury sort it out. In fact, for a plaintiff's attorney to do otherwise would probably be considered malpractice.

  18. Sorry, previous comment about the lawsuit goes with the item about the lawsuit, not with the lacrosse news.
