Friday, June 20, 2008


In light of recent filings, this item passed onto me by a reader is ironic.

National Association of College and University Attorneys: 48th Annual Conference

June 22-25, 2008, Session 3H: “The Best Defense: Navigating Complex Criminal Matters on Your Campus,” Monday, June 23, 11:15 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.

Marriott Marquis at Times Square
1535 Broadway
New York, NY 10036

NACUA’s 48th Annual Conference will be held from Sunday, June 22nd to Wednesday, June 25th in New York City. This conference will provide strong educational training, professional development, and networking opportunities for attendees.

Partner Jamie Gorelick, Co-Chair of WilmerHale's Defense, National Security and Government Contracts Practice Group and Chair, Public Policy and Strategy will be a featured speaker along with Kent Alexander of Emory University and Pamela Bernard of Duke University, on a panel discussing navigating complex criminal matters on college campuses.

Any DIW readers who attend the session are invited to pass along a report.


  1. Is Bernard a Communist?

  2. Irony, Indeed.

    From Ms. Gorelick's C.V.

    Ms. Gorelick has written numerous scholarly articles and is the co-author of a leading treatise on the maintenance of corporate documents, Destruction of Evidence (Wiley 1983).

  3. .....a panel discussing navigating complex criminal matters on college campuses.

    This is so unbelievable.

    No doubt, Gorelick and Bernard have held numerous conferring sessions on this topic already.

  4. I suppose that Ms. Gorelick's topic will be Stonewalling's Two sided Coin - accusing students of using it as a publicity toy and a university's use in avoiding responsibility.
    I only wish that there was someone there to pin her to the wall with questions - and that her non-answers would be widely reported in the press.

  5. I found this comment on the Chronicle thread regarding Lee Baker's new position delicious!

    Gorelick and company must not be allowed to impede the discovery process.

    Nil Admirari
    posted 6/20/08 @ 2:29 AM EST


    I admire and salute your devotion to the arts. You demonstrate thereby your knowledge that only Art is real - all else is delusion

    Especially such empty pastimes as philosophy. Your invertebrate oozings about the etymology of 'regret' show how empty philosophy is and always will be. Humans evolved from lower life forms and life is a cruel joke. This horrible fact cannot be ameliorated one iota by the delusional consolations of taking thought.

    The 88 are the most disgusting racist, sexist and classist demogogues and mob inciters imaginable. They tried to destroy the lives of more than forty young, decent and INNOCENT youths. They are the sort of jackal-like hominids that no decent person would receive in their stable.

    Who gives a damn whether they apologize or simply run straight to hell.

    Soon, you and I and the whole world are going to be reading their e-mails. And they are going to get a chance to try that 'etymology of regret' garbage on some humorless plaintiff's attorneys (not a philosopher in the bunch).

    Halcyon days to come.

  6. “The Best Defense: Navigating Complex Criminal Matters on Your Campus”

    One can hope that someone at Duke finally faces criminal charges.

  7. I predict the essence of Ms Gorelicks comments will be "Stall 'em as long as you can and use your political clout as much as you can"

  8. K.C. you might want to check this out.

  9. Yes, and let us decide what those legal matters are . . . can you say "Duke you!" I know, "Shut-up and teach!"

  10. I must say that I'm very disappointed that the new format at the N&O blogs now employs "moderation".

    We all know what that means.

    The exchanges will be subject to the same double standards and inhibition of free speech as their editorial pages.

    I am only thankful that we were able to skewer and expose Timothy Tyson right on the spot a few weeks ago when the other format was still in use.......for I'm quite sure the editors would not have published all the comments.

    The way I hammered Tyson and kept hammering him was the only method that brought out the coward. Essentially, he was forced to respond.

    You would never have facts revealed in the print edition of their paper the way some commenters were able to do with Tyson with the previous N&O blogs.

    I'm pessimistic about what this new feature will mean for the fair and honest quality of those blogs.

    Hope I'm wrong.

  11. LIS!!!

    Reharmonizer is now going after Bill Anderson.

  12. "Ms. Gorelick has written numerous scholarly articles and is the co-author of a leading treatise on the maintenance of corporate documents, Destruction of Evidence (Wiley 1983)"

    Sounds like Duke got sound advice when they hired her. She's a specialist in what to destroy and how to get away with it. Comes from working for the Clintons I guess.

  13. More delicious irony.

    This could not have been orchestrated better; however, this was mere coincidence I guess.

    In this little lecture Holloway is telling everyone that they should not put such an investment in DNA technology and should not consider it so important.

    This was done in February of 2006, a month before the Duke Lacrosse Hoax would be designed........complete with an enormous fingerprint from Holloway's own self-serving crinkly hands.

    Indeed, I'm sure that Holloway wishes the DNA evidence from Crystal Mangum's body and clothing could have remained hidden under Nifong's desk.

    Such irony!

    Lastly, the way in which Karla Holloway employs race with every breath is really a sickening habit.

    The day---if it mercifully ever comes---when people like her are off this planet will be a good day.

  14. No "pro-active" investigative efforts or technical coverages are presently contemplated in any of the ongoing criminal investigations, which primarily focus on past criminal conduct, with the exception of the obstruction investigation.

    Does this have the same ring of the Duke Hoax wall stall? Ms. Gorelick's own words still ring true today.

    She has a history of complicity with building walls--especially walls of silence. Unfortunately for her, history keeps repeating itself. At some point, maybe citizens of this great country will recognize those of her ilk and demand that they speak truth to justice.

    Like the Dookies, she built the wall. Also like the Dookies, she tried to lay the blame for wall building on others. The proverbial wall of silence comes not from the LAX team but from the Duke administration in regards to the illegal and immoral Gang of 88 expenditure of departmental funds in their so-called "listening statement". It seems as though those who wrote the "listening statement" are the only ones who do not hear the truth. Does Gorelick fit the Dook mold? Like she was poured into the AAAS mold from the Art department. Guess that's what's "left" of Dook.

    Another day in Wonderland.

  15. C. Thomas Kunz said:
    I can't believe my bad luck. I head from Durham to New York the day after the conference. Sorry people, I won't be able to get there and listen to Jamie.

  16. JLS says...,

    What can you say. In any other time in American history the person who built the wall between foreign intelligence services and domestic agencies that led directly the attacks of 9-11-2001 would have been drummed out of public life. But instead of being completely discreditted she was on the 911 commission.

    Similarly no one from Duke should be advising anyone. The Duke Administration should be discreditted and the lowere level ones scrambling for jobs. But alas there is no accountability if your politics are "correct."

  17. PLEASE Somebody.... go to the "conference" and report to us.

    Maybe you, KC?
