Monday, November 03, 2008

October Events in the Case

October in the case was highlighted by release of serial fabricator Crystal Mangum’s “memoir.” Among other things, Mangum:

  • Invented a whole new version of the “crime,” this one in which she implicitly admitted that she had falsely accused Collin Finnerty (without of course, issuing any apology to Finnerty);

  • Lashed out at the special prosecutors, whose job she seemed to believe was to accept anything she had to say at face value, not seek the truth;

  • Suggested that “hidden” DNA evidence existed—even though the DNA evidence was publicly discussed, at great length, in the Dec. 2006 hearing and Mike Nifong’s Aug. 2007 criminal contempt trial;

  • Challenged the journalistic integrity of Ed Bradley and 60 Minutes; and

  • Described the party in such a way that contradicted not only the photos of the event but also her own cell-phone records and the credit-card receipts of her “driver.”

Mangum did have positive things to say about two people: Mike Nifong and Tara Levicy. Nifong and Levicy have another thing in common: both left the jobs they had in disgrace.

Mangum reached the bottom of the barrel in scraping up “collaborators” for her memoir:

  • Co-author “Ed” Clark came across as someone with a schoolboy crush for Mangum, a figure who uncritically accepted whatever sweet nothings his Dulcinea chose to offer;

  • Academic advisor Myra Shird (North Carolina A&T) penned a preface to the memoir in which she seemed to be auditioning for a position in any of the myriad Duke departments dominated by the Group of 88; and

  • The NAACP’s Al McSurely made his reappearance, as the “agent” for the press that published the memoir.

In other events:

  • Vanderbilt’s “Take Back the Night” event featured Houston Baker, the Group of 88 member who most aggressively defended Mangum’s hoax. Why? Gushed one of the event’s sponsors, “When I think of Houston these days and all that he has done and all that he continues to do for women, the only word that comes to my mind is gratitude. Thank you Houston, for teaching us both within the classroom and outside it, for walking with us in this struggle to end violence against women.”

  • Important civil case filings from Bob Ekstrand responded to many of the Duke straw men arguments.

In political news related to the case:

  • The Wilmington Journal, home of Cash Michaels, carried through on its January 2007 threat and endorsed Attorney General Roy Cooper’s challenger. The reason? Cooper’s refusal to try three people his own investigation had determined were innocent.

  • Academics entered the presidential campaign, but in a way that suggested extremists were the exception rather than the norm in many humanities and (some) social science departments—a portrayal of the academy at odds with a fundamental lesson of the lacrosse case.

Finally, Zack Greer is now at Bryant, where he’ll play this spring for Coach Mike Pressler. His new number? 88.


  1. Finally, Zack Greer is now at Bryant, where he’ll play this spring for Coach Mike Pressler. His new number? 88.

    Good luck, Zack. Nice choice of number.

  2. Your are the fabricator Johnson.

    How much money are the lacrosse

    people paying you?

  3. It gets funnier by the minute. I just received a "robo" call from the new football coach at Duke encouraging me, and other alumni, to support the Duke football program. Odd timing for a "robo" call to say the least.

    I wonder how much this idiotic PR tactic cost our University. Another magnificent decision by our esteemed President.

  4. Does anybody know what the schedule is for the suits and when additional filings and hearings are?


  5. to 10:49

    Interesting proposition.
    At least when KC alleges fabrications he gives examples.

    What are your examples of his fabrications- inquiring minds would love to know......

    I've always suspected he was "in their pockets." It will be wonderful to see him exposed. I can't wait for you to enlighten us with fabrication after fabrication.

    I'll hold my breath.

    On the other hand.......

    RL alum '75

  6. This continues to be the sickest website I have encountered concerning the Lacrosse Hoax.

    It's unbelievable.

    These clowns live in a parallel universe.

    If any of these people are residents of Durham---(although my Diva meter shows most of them to be out-of-towners as they nose about The Diva World)---it would have been impossible for the lacrosse players to ever have gotten justice through a trial.

  7. "anonymous said...
    Your are the fabricator Johnson.

    How much money are the lacrosse

    people paying you?

    11/3/08 10:49 AM"

    You who posted this comment, are you really one of the racist Justice4Nifong gang of 3?

  8. "Your are the fabricator Johnson.
    How much money are the lacrosse
    people paying you?"

    NCCU professor? NC A&T? Group of 88?

    I tend to be skeptical about these things. The subtle error is either a simple tell or an intentional mistake to make the message seem real.

    I wonder which it is.

  9. Hot off the internet this morning. Inside Higher Education, an online newsletter, solicited the opinion of people for a short list of candidates for Secretary of Education in the new administration. KC was nominated by Anne Neal. See

    Congrats, KC! Well deserved suggestion among all your other accolades.

  10. "...The government's $700 billion rescue plan, known as the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), has earmarked about $250 billion to recapitalize the troubled banking sector and spur lending.

    Treasury's planning could be complicated by Tuesday's U.S. presidential election, the paper said.

    Although both John McCain and Barack Obama voted for the plan, a new administration is certain to have its own ideas about how best to use the remaining $450 billion, the paper said..."

    One can only imagine how the funds may be spent after today's election once one considers that Franklin Raines, Bob Steel, Jamie Gorelick, and other friends of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac may have influence.

    It appears Durham in Wonderland is about to scale nationally.

  11. The robo call to support football does not compare to me getting a personalized letter from the new athletic director which states:
    "Long before now, Duke had what many institutions never find-a real commitment to students, the right balance between academics and athletics, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS TRULY IMPORTANT."

    And THEN he asks ME for money.....

    Parent of a Duke Lacrosse Player

  12. 10:49
    You responded fairly quickly after your snort. What planet did you phone in from?
    To Zack:
    Way to go! Was the choice of number yours, Coach Presslar's, or a meeting of the minds? At any rate, it was an awesome choice!
    After the October treats from Crystal and the Gang, I can't wait until the tricks start showing up. Oh wait, Crystal's already turned those tricks, hasn't she?????

  13. I said it before and I'll say it again, long past time for Ms Mangum to be added to the defendants list in the various lawsuits and for the AG to persue criminal charges against her. She'll be peddling this s**t 30 years from now if nobody finds a way to get her under oath in a court of law.

  14. Interesting how with time some things still don't change. Take for example poster @ 10:49 AM who clearly continues to live in a make-believe world. Reality still hasn't arrived in Durm and Duke. Maybe with the size of the Duke endowment it never will!

    Princeton-Duke Parent

  15. The Inside Higher Ed Blog has a “short list” of persons who might be possible selections for Education Secretary.

    Anne Neal, president of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, supports KC Johnson for the position:

    ”Anne Neal never hesitates to discuss problems in higher education. Neal, president of the American Council of Trustees and Alumni, suggested that KC Johnson, the Brooklyn College history professor whose blog and book documented the Duke lacrosse case, would be ideal because he “understands firsthand how the politically correct university is undermining America’s ability to understand and sustain itself as a nation” and as “a recognized scholar of American military and diplomatic history, KC inspires students at Brooklyn about topics and people that are ignored on many campuses and is an eloquent spokesman for how and why American higher education needs to reclaim its academic mission.” Johnson, a member of Historians for Obama, “should be secretary of education in any administration.”

    I happe to agree with Ms Neal. However, I suspect that KC Johnson’s views might be considered “radical” by most in higher education and that a majority would support a more “moderate” candidate like say, William Ayers ………..

    One Spook

  16. 10:49

    The whole of what has been done and said against the lacrosse team has been done and said by this sort of fabrication, or should I write prefabrication, as it was already acacemic, but Mr. Johnson, well, Mr. Johnson has told the truth and the truth, as we know, shall set us all free . . . even you or perhaps you too or maybe all but you . . . you must be the 10:49 to Yuma . . . maybe the 10:02 or the 3:57 . . . perhaps the 2:58 . . . the 10:15, whatever.

  17. I find it interesting that KC Johnson endorced Obama. While Obama may have made a certainly gratuitous comment about the lack of due process regarding the Duke case, does he think that the people Obama will appoint to positions of power will investigate such matters? KC has about as impressive credentials as a professor can have -- but he is currently teaching at a mediocre school. Does he not understand the (obvious) racial component at play? The best thing about Obama being president is that he is a laughable example of an "oppressed minority." Dad attended Harvard and was from Kenya -- nowhere near where slaves came from. Mom had slaveholding ancestors -- yet the perception is more important than reality. Obama has befriended people throughout his life that make the 88 look moderate -- so what will happen with his administration.

  18. Congratulations to our host on the election of Barack Obama as the next President of the United States.

    Ken Duke

  19. N&O's Under the Dome:

    Obama will win N.C.

    An unreported cache of votes in Buncombe County tipped North Carolina for Obama.

    The 17,000-vote margin in the mountain home of Asheville helped overcome the 5,000-vote lead that John McCain has had in reported votes by the State Board of Elections.

    The final numbers would be 49.7 percent for Obama, 49.4 percent for McCain.

    The 10,000 vote difference is a little less than the number of write-in votes cast for president and even slimmer than the 0.8 percent win by President George H.W. Bush here in 1992.

  20. The only prominent national politician I can recall who made a strong, timely, useful defense of the endangered civil rights - and the actual lives - of RCD, was B. Obama.
    These is an old Gaelic phrase I remember from time to time;
    "Friends are good on the day of battle."

  21. Of note is that Roy Cooper won his race for Attorney General by a huge margin of nearly one million votes.

    He also received more votes than any person running for any Statewide or National office in North Carolina.

    Sometimes, standing for truth and justice is rewarded.

    One Spook

  22. This post-election commentary in Forbes touches on several issues this Blog and its comments have raised over the years.

    " ... maybe Obama in the White House can help open up an honest discussion about the role racism does not play in black communities' problems.

    Obama has come in for some criticism for not putting forth a "black" agenda--i.e., one designed to combat "racism" in various ways. It's because he knows that paradigm has no useful application to our times."

    Perhaps an Obama presidency can put an end to the "race victimology" practiced by the Group of 88 and its enablers like Timothy Tyson, the NC NAACP, Jesse Jackson (photographed last night weeping after Obama was declared the winner), Al Sharpton, et al.

    We can always hope for change!

    One Spook

  23. Has this book been released yet? I found a PDF of 3 sample chapters, but that's it. I know the date kept being pushed back. Has it been pushed back again?

  24. I have some angst regarding President-elect Obama. However, I choose to be optimistic that he will do a good job in leading this country. Getting KC onboard would be a great step in the right direction.

    Parent of a Duke LaCrosse Player reports getting a personalized letter from Duke saying:

    "Long before now, Duke had what many institutions never find-a real commitment to students, the right balance between academics and athletics, AND THE KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS TRULY IMPORTANT."

    I think it significant that they do not claim this to be currently the situation, but only "long before now."


  25. anonymous at 9:50:
    Lots of slaves came from Kenya — but they went to places like Oman in the Arab Muslim east, not to America.

  26. Here's a nut who got his due.

    But isn't it bizarre that a professor lost his job for doing something this silly and juvenile, but Duke's Gang of 88 are still happily in their places after having done very serious harm?

  27. Anon @ 9:50 PM writes:

    "KC has about as impressive credentials as a professor can have -- but he is currently teaching at a mediocre school."

    This observation is further proof that any anonymous, random person with a modem can comment at a website.

    I’ll go easy on you and allow that your comment is “uninformed” (“idiotic” and “foolish” also come to mind) because you have not followed this blog or that your reading and/or cognitive abilities are limited.

    KC Johnson was offered tenure at an impressive, elite private college (Williams), which is consistently ranked as one of the nation's top liberal arts colleges. He declined the offer because he wanted to teach at a public college in New York where he also wanted to live.

    Ponder this one: Does a top opera star sing worse in a public venue?

    One Spook

  28. H-S:

    Lawyers seek city lacrosse dismissals

    By Ray Gronberg : The Herald-Sun
    Nov 6, 2008

    DURHAM -- Lawyers for the city have asked a judge to dismiss all state-law claims made against it in Duke lacrosse lawsuits, contending that governmental immunity should apply despite the city's decision to buy insurance.

    The move came last month in a series of court filings that addressed all three lawsuits filed by members of the 2005-06 Duke University men's lacrosse team.

    The city government's legal team contends that federal judges in this judicial district have already agreed that the mere fact that a city buys insurance doesn't constitute a waiver of immunity -- the doctrine that the government can't be sued in its own courts.

    State statutes provide that cities are protected from lawsuits except when they've purchased insurance.

    But in a case earlier this year arising from an incident involving Greensboro police, U.S. District Court Judge Thomas Schroeder ruled that judges should examine the terms of each insurance policy to see what's covered and what's not.

    Though lawyers challenging the actions of Greensboro police argued that the mere act of purchasing an insurance policy waived governmental immunity, Schroeder said their argument was "without merit" because state statute specifically allows cities and insurers to tailor policies narrowly.

    After checking the wording of Greensboro's insurance policy, the judge dismissed a series of state-law claims against that city.

    Schroeder works in the same office as U.S. District Court Judge James Beaty Jr., the jurist who's hearing all three of the lacrosse cases.

    Durham's lawyers in their filings pounced on Schroeder's May ruling and noted that this city's insurance policy is worded the same way as Greensboro's.

    The key to the argument is that Durham's policy includes a $500,000 deductible and a stipulation that the insurer, a subsidiary of American International Group, is only responsible once the city pays the deductible.

    The city's lawyers contend, in essence, that the immunity doctrine means the city can never be responsible for paying the deductible. And if the city never pays it, the insurance policy can never kick in, they argue.

    If Beaty agrees, that would knock out claims alleging things like malicious prosecution, obstruction of justice and negligence that arise under state rather than federal law.

    The city's lawyers have addressed federal law claims in a different set of filings. Most of those claims involve alleged civil rights violations that the immunity doctrine doesn't apply to.

    The lawsuits include one filed by David Evans, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, the three former Duke lacrosse players one-time stripper Crystal Mangum falsely accused of rape.

    Another is from current or former players Breck Archer, Ryan McFadyen and Matt Wilson. The third was filed early this year by a group of 38 current or former players.

    Lawyers for the players are scheduled to respond to the city's dismissal motions late this month.

    Below are some of the comments on this article. You will notice that Durham's hot musician (LOL!!!) and lacrosse-hating Bob Vasile has once again cast his bile.

    Trial Lawyers

    Submitted by bobv on 11/06/2008 @ 05:10 AM

    It's great that the Duke Lacross players can pay high end trial lawyers big bucks to pursue this rediculas law suit, while people in Durham and the rest of the country are scraping by trying to feed their families while watching retirement funds dwindle. The utter lack of respect by the players and the lawyers for Durham and the the neighborhood where the event took place has moved into the courtroom . . Wheres the next party?? Go Duke!!
    Bob Vasile

    Isn't Great!!

    Submitted by TrinityRez on 11/06/2008 @ 06:46 AM

    Bob you are right. It is wonderful and great that the innocent Duke LAX players can afford to pay excellent lawyers to fight corruption and the city of Durham for trying to railroad openly innocent people. If is was not for idiot people and bigots trying to railroad innocent individuals for the simple fact of the color of their skin Durham would not find it self in this situation.

    So Bob, considering your still ignorant stance, it is people like you that will end up costing Durham a large sum of money. I hope you are proud of yourself for trying to railroad innocent individuals. I bet you are an Obama supporter?

    Submitted by nunofyurbznus on 11/06/2008 @ 08:31 AM

    Hey Trinityrez, have you ever asked your intelligent self if it wasn't for the so-called innocent players calling the strippers in the first place none of this would have happened - not! This wasn't the first time they've called strippers to that house or some other house on Trinity and they had sex with the girls. It's just this time they attempted to have sex with the stripper and she wasn't co-operating like the others. Probably it was what they had to offer in exchange. As for the Obama remark - don't hate deal with it because the change is in effect. Yes, I voted for Presidential-Elect Barack Obama.

    Submitted by blueheel on 11/06/2008 @ 09:56 AM

    For the sub-intelligent out there, the players did NOT hire expensive lawyers. One of the player's families had to borrow heavily for his defense from a false accusation. These guys didn't attempt to have sex with this woman, even after she went back into the house a second time. These guys have girlfriends. If they were looking for sex elsewhere, it wouldn't have been with a crack-head, perpetual law-breakking stripper. You people that are racist agaisnt white people don't know anything about the case, just as you don't know anything about Barack Obama. You'll learn soon enough, though.

  29. Your are the fabricator Johnson.
    How much money are the lacrosse
    people paying you?
    11/3/08 10:49 AM


    The only thing I can say is that you missed your chance for the big bucks, as you have received zip from the lacrosse families. Of course, 10:49 also might be able to enlighten us as to the mystery DNA that Cooper's office is hiding!

    So, K.C., my advice to you is that the next time you get on the LAX team payroll, you might want actually to be paid!!

  30. McNeil is correct. Slavery pretty much existed everywhere. Barbary North African enlaved many Europeans. One whole town in Ireland was enslaved by North Africans (many more were sent to Barbados by the English). Strangely (but I guess not so strangely) Obama having slaveholding ancestors does not matter.

    The group of 88 were so similar to many of Obama's closest allies (Wright, Ayers and his wife come to mind) that I cannot fathom Obama confronting campus p.c. The p.c. crowd (of all colors) make a living over the portrayal of a "false history" of all "white" people. With this false history, they are able to sell the concept of "two wrongs are a right" -- even when the "evidence" of a real nexus to a wrong is lacking.

    Obama will appoint judges, bureaucrats and the like that will impact policy for the next 30 years.

  31. Hello. It has been a while since I have had the pleasure of reading KC's analysis and related comments on this board. I continue to marvel at KC's accumen. Also, I recognize a few contributors from earlier times (with some fondness, I must admit).

    I am frankly stunned that the Swamp Woman has penned and published her biographical illusion. For certainly, that mere act has extended the statute of limitations on civil actions against her. For Mangum (aka Swamp Woman) to profit in any way from this quite phenomenal travesty of justice would be the moral equivalent of the Federal government compensating John Wilkes Booth (and his heirs) for aggregious actions applauded through history by only the demented and deranged.

    If CGM's publication is an attempt at establishing a lucid account to create and buttress her so-called "facts", she deserves the full weight of civil litigation -- planted squarely on her and her benefactors -- with no mercy spared.

  32. Crystal's co-author Ed Clark proves the old Woody Allen adage,"Man comes into this world through a vagina and spends the rest of his life trying to get back in."

  33. Raleigh News & Observer ignores the truth.

    McClatchy Company (MNI) owns that paper and others.

    McClatchy stock has dropped from over $75 per share to around $2.50 per share.

    The largest institutional shareholder of MNI is Ariel Fund(s) and Ariel Investments LLC owning somewhere north of 22,000,000 between those two funds alone as of 6/30/08.

    The Ariel holding have lost almost $1,600,000,000 in McClatchy alone.

    The Founder and CEO of Ariel is John Rogers.

    The top of the fold "Money & Investing" section of the Wall Street Journal this morning has an article about Mr. Rogers title "Fund Manager Has Obama's Ear"

    Yes, yes, change is in the air...change indeed.

  34. Hope and Change...heh, heh, heh...we are so hosed.

    NYT writing about "The New Team":

    ...a series of profiles of potential members of the administration.- Jamie Gorelick (Attorney General)

    Jamie Gorelick

    "In her own words: “You know someone respected you if they called you ‘sir,’ ” Ms. Gorelick said, alluding to the glass ceiling at the Pentagon, where she worked as general counsel in the 1990s. “ ‘Ma’am’ is what you call your mom.”

    Used to work as: Vice chairwoman at Fannie Mae, the giant mortgage lender, where she was paid a reported $25.6 million in salary and other compensation from 1998 to 2003. She went on to join the Washington law firm Wilmer, Cutler, Pickering, Hale & Dorr as a partner, where she has represented a range of clients, including Duke University in defending claims brought against it by some of its lacrosse players in a highly publicized rape investigation. She was a Democratic appointee on the 10-member commission that investigated the Sept. 11 attacks.

    Carries as baggage: Her work at Fannie Mae, which had to be bailed out by the government in September as part of a $200 billion deal. Ms. Gorelick left the company just as it was coming under attack for huge accounting failures. She has also drawn criticism for her role at the Justice Department, in which she allegedly created an intelligence “wall” that hindered counterterrorism agents in the years before the Sept. 11 attacks. Conservatives called for her removal from the Sept. 11 commission, but her fellow members rallied around her and said critics were distorting her record. The criticism grew so heated that the F.B.I. investigated a death threat against her family, and President Bush had to intervene personally to stop the Justice Department from releasing sealed reports involving her. Some conservative bloggers have already begun trying to derail Ms. Gorelick’s possible nomination as attorney general, pointing to her experiences at both Fannie Mae and the Sept. 11 commission..."

    Why she, Franklin Raines, and others are not in jail is bizarre. The current financial melt-down can reasonably be put at their feet and the wrong-doing (cooking the books at FNMA for bonuses) and the ultimate disaster is far greater damage than anything at Enron or Worldcom.

    Wow, quite simply, wow.

  35. OT. A November development:

    The New Team

    Jamie S. Gorelick

    Published: November 9, 2008

    As he prepares to take office, President-elect Barack Obama is relying on a small team of advisers who will lead his transition operation and help choose the members of a new Obama administration. Following is part of a series of profiles of potential members of the administration.

    Being considered for: Attorney general

    Would bring to the job: A wide-ranging Washington résumé that spans corporate, legal and national security affairs. Ms. Gorelick (pronounced Guh-REH-lick) was the No. 2 official at the Justice Department in the Clinton administration, from 1994 to 1997, and if chosen would be the second woman to be named attorney general, following her former boss, Janet Reno. Ms. Gorelick would also bring corporate experience to an Obama administration at a time of financial crisis.

    -Steve in San Diego

  36. I finally found this one.

    It's so humorous and I remember it so well from last year when KC did profiles of some of Duke's Gang of 88.

    Take another look at these little videos of miriam cooke and her husband.

    Along with the more infamous 88, cooke provides a really comical element.

    She and her husband are the crazy aunt and uncle you have over for the holidays!

  37. Re: Gorelick as AG: No one is hosed yet.

    I suggest that the purpose of naming these folks as "potential" office holders is to give the public an opportunity to vet them. Therefore, send a letter to the transition team laying out your objections.

    Ken Duke
    Durham, NC

  38. With all due respect Mr. Duke. The fact that Jamie Gorelick is even under consideration and having her name floated in the NYT tells us we are hosed, regardless of whether she is named or not.

    But we shall see, will we not?
