Sunday, April 25, 2010

Today's New York Post

Has an excellent article on Collin Finnerty, now in his final season at Loyola. Read it here.


  1. I saw the playoff game that he mentioned. He had three goals, and the Duke fans cheered each one. Other defendants and their families could learn a thing or two about how to conduct themselves during a public ordeal by paying attention to how the Finnerty family dealt with it.

  2. THANK YOU, K.C. for posting this article about Colin. I am happy that he is doing well. When will the suits be heard?

  3. Curious about how the article omits: 1) Crystal Mangum's name; 2) the egregious behavior of Duke University in this whole matter; and 3) the lawsuits in progress against Duke.

    Jack in Silver Spring

  4. The hatred and head in the sand mentality are still with us. Just look at the second comment to the story by pseudonymous "George." Only hatred could make a person be so wrong and so nasty at the same time.

  5. Collin Finnerty is doing really well. On the other hand, as of May 4, 2010, Crystal Mangum has been in jail for 76 days.

  6. Collin Finnerty was awarded the John R. Moller
    award for excellence in athletics, scholarship, and character at a recent Loyola awards banquet.
