Saturday, July 16, 2011

Holloway & The Potbangers, Together Again

So many different groups demagogued the lacrosse case to advance their own particular, and not necessarily otherwise complementary, agendas. Mike Nifong could use the case to consolidate his primary and general election victories. Bob Ashley could use the case to boost the Herald-Sun's appeal to Durham African-Americans. Sgt. Gottlieb could use the case to further his dislike for Duke students. The Times sports page could use the case as exhibit A of dangerous male athletes. The Group of 88 could use the case to demand curricular and personnel concessions for their race/class/gender agenda. Trinity Park activists (whose list-serv helped facilitate the infamous potbanger protests) could use the case to hammer Duke for alleged negligence in curbing student partying in their neighborhood.

These differing groups all took the same basic approach to the lacrosse case. But there's scant evidence that most members of the Group of 88 cared much about student partying. And the Trinity Park activists--while perhaps ideologically sympathetic to the Group's curricular beliefs--didn't go to bed at night worrying about new faculty lines, or finding ways to require Duke students to take more required race/class/gender courses.

With each of these groups, however, having made common cause in bolstering the tall tales of Crystal Mangum (and taking a hit to their reputations in the process), it appears as if the lacrosse case has created new alliances. How else to explain the following announcement on the Trinity Park list-serv, regarding an event tomorrow from Group of 88 extremist Karla Holloway:
Sunday, July 17, 3 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Main Library, 300 N. Roxboro St.

Dr. Karla FC Holloway, James B. Duke professor of English at Duke University, will read from her book, Private Bodies, Public Text: Race, Gender and a Cultural Bioethics. Using historical examples, from the Tuskegee Study and Henrietta Lack to the more contemporary examples of Terri Schiavo and those hospitalized during Hurricane Katrina, Dr. Holloway demonstrates how [of course--ed.] race and gender play pivotal roles in medical research and treatment. A book signing will follow the reading.
One outside member of the list-serv caustically responded, "Be sure to bang your pots and pans in support of the presumption of innocence." (This suggestion is a good one, given that Holloway has never made a public appearance defending her extremism throughout the lacrosse case.) Trinity Park resident Sue Jerrell, however, would brook no condemnation of Holloway. "Move on," declared she. "There are so many truly horrific injustices out there that could really use a champion."

Given Holloway's . . . unusual . . . interpretation of due process and the presumption of innocence, I'm not exactly sure how she qualifies as a "champion" in fighting injustice.

hat tip--G.M.


  1. Is Holloway a Communist?

  2. well now we can see ALL the RESEARCH she has been doing and FACT sweet is it

  3. Just checked in to update myself on the July postings. Nice to see that the fantastical Wonderland stories continue. No one could make these things up. It's a tragedy that people like me find so much of this comical, but a bigger tragedy that these characters are permitted to teach our children and structure our institutions.

  4. Barbara Seville7/29/11, 3:06 PM

    Apologies for going off topic, but I was struck by this paragraph in an article in today's LA Times about the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case.
    "When you are afraid and your back is against a wall, you don't stay behind closed doors; you do what is necessary," Lisa Jenkins, a professor of gender oppression at City University of New York and a minister from a Harlem church, told reporters. "We will stand behind Nafi Diallo until justice is done."

    What on earth is a "professor of gender oppression"? Why does CUNY employ one?

  5. MacD said...
    FYI, Brian Meehan is in the news.

  6. Casey,

    I think Ms. Jerrell was referring to the commenters who were bringing up the Duke Lacrosse case, not Karla.

    Personally, I think the outcome of this case should cause some soul searching on the part of group of 88 members. Sadly I doubt it will, these sort of people are addicted to the narrative; where everything is seen through the lens of race and gender. They can never see those who they think are privledged as being worthy of any sympathy.

    To them someone like you who writes about this case is just distracting people from the larger best!! At worst they would see you as an apologist for racism, sexism, classism.
