Tuesday, October 30, 2012


[Update, Thursday, 4.27pm: In the latest only-in-Durham moment, false accuser Crystal Mangum, in what is described as a jailhouse interview with the H-S, has now denied that she authored the document (which was filed through the PACER system) described below. This denial came after Durham's attorneys filed a motion to--appropriately--urge the court to ignore the request to intervene.]

A few updates:

False accuser Crystal Mangum, currently awaiting trial on murder charges, has petitioned the court to intervene in the civil suit filed by the falsely accused lacrosse players. (That lawsuit is on hold, pending a decision by the 4th Circuit.) In the petition, a clearly imbalanced Mangum claims to have been a victim of "government controlled sex slavery," and adds that she is currently being "framed for murder by the illuminati and the New World Order."

This, again, is the woman of whose credibility the Group of 88 was so certain that these Duke faculty members asserted, as fact and using Duke funds, that something "happened" to Mangum at the lacrosse party. No apology from the Group for their actions, of course, will ever be forthcoming; it's worth remembering that even the two Group members who privately apologized, Susan Thorne and Alberto Moreiras, subsequently reversed course by signing a public statement saying they'd never apologize.

Another item from Mangum's ranting intervention request will raise eyebrows: she claims that Mike Nifong paid her $50,000 (before, it seems, she even attended the party) to invent the allegations, so as to help him win re-election. Needless to say, she provides no evidence to corroborate this absurd assertion. But Mangum's decision to turn on Nifong might pose problems for her de facto legal team, the committee seeking to restore Nifong's law license.

In an item that might bring chuckles among longtime readers of DIW, a first in the case: several days ago, the H-S quoted my opinion in an article, if in the process reporter Ray Gronberg inaccurately claimed that I "said" rather than "wrote" the item in question. (A note: DIW doesn't do podcasts). Surely the fact that my analysis of the 4th Circuit's likely outcome coincided with the status quo preferences of Editor Bob Ashley played no role in the paper's sudden decision to include a comment from me. (The H-S continued its longtime practice of refusing to identify the name of the blog.)

Needless to say, the article didn't reference any of the criticisms that I made of the Herald-Sun's almost comically-biased coverage of the case.

Finally, as some DIW readers know, Duke successfully petitioned a Maine magistrate judge to compel me to reveal to Duke confidential, non-published communications relating to the book and the blog. I have refrained from commenting on the University's crusade, and will continue that approach, but for those interested, the decision has been appealed to the Maine District Court.


  1. Professor Arlie Petters did express regret for the ad after the students' innocence became apparent. So after six years plus, Duke is batting 1 for 88.

  2. I dare SIDNEY HARR, in the face of this, to say Crystal can adequately represent herself in court.

  3. can we find the Mangum petition online, professor? advise...and thank you. by the way, I continue to be in awe of your scholarship, honesty and commitment to the truth. and I continue to send Duke 88 pennies.

  4. Lance the Intern10/30/12, 2:17 PM

    Is it possible to see the entire Mangum petition?

  5. please.....where is this petition?

  6. K.C.,

    What you have written HAS to be true because no one, not a history professor, not someone in identity studies -- no one -- could make up Crystal's $50K claim.

    After getting whacked by the storm with a full-scale thunder blizzard (yeah, we had lightning and thunder while more than a foot of snow blew down on us), I am glad to have such great comic relief. Thank you very much!!

  7. Lance the Intern10/30/12, 4:55 PM

    I found a link to Crystal Mangum's petition.

  8. "No apology from the Group for their actions, of course, will ever be forthcoming."

    Duke itself should be included in that statement of Truth.

    Duke could learn a few things from my alma mater on how to handle institutional corruption. But they won't. Anyone that would hire Jamie Gorelick as a lawyer has no soul. Duke has no soul.

  9. Well - what an October surprise!

    Crystal....the gift that keeps on giving.


  10. K.C.,
    Thank you for EVERYTHING you have done over the past many years concerning the truth. You have educated me on how I need to understand the law and how it can be bent against me.

    You have renewed my faith in the truth.

    Please keep up the GREAT work you are doing.

  11. One has to wonder who wrote this little diatribe for Crystal, because based on everything I have seen, read or heard from her there is no way in hell she has a clue about the " illuminati and the New World Order."

    Maybe she is trying to set up an insanity plea.

  12. Are we sure that Cline didn't pen that brief on behalf of Mangum? The Illuminati's out to get her too. (And they already got Nifong).

    It looks to me like an hilarious attempt to get a Judge to rule her insane and incompetent to stand trial. Glad to see you keep keepin' on, Professor! MOO! Gregory

  13. Speculation is that the Mangum document may be a fake, given that there is a Philly address involved. Lots of discussion going on about her signature validity as well. Who knows.....
    Only in WhackoLand, aka, Durham.

  14. I really don't think this is actually from Mangum. It was mailed from Philadelphia and contains things I just don't see how she comes up with on her own.

  15. "Duke successfully petitioned a Maine magistrate judge . . ."

    This is obviously malicious vengeance intended to chill you. Duke is using trumped up claims in the same way that authoritarian regimes do. And they know damn well that people will not grasp that the subpoena was severely delimited. As has been well documented, since his time at Yale, Brodhead has a history of trying to destroy innocent people. This is yet one more tragic example.

    Duke Prof

  16. Durham is my favorite city -- for absolutely crazy entertainment. Can anyone find better value?

  17. What on earth is a "Mk ultra victim?"

  18. This looks a lot like a fake filing from Jonathan Lee Riches (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonathan_Lee_Riches). He is a serial fake filer that has gone after celebrities and other newsmakers.

    One other thing - it appears that Mangum's signature is spelled incorrectly.

  19. My personal opinion, as someone who has followed this blog just about since inception, and as a Duke grad, is that Duke University will rue the day they depose KC Johnson if, God forbid, they prevail.

  20. If I'm not mistaken, isn't this the first time Mangum has publicly acknowledged that her rape allegations were false?

  21. Finally - the reductio ad absurdum of Crystal Mangum.

  22. "Finally, as some DIW readers know, Duke successfully petitioned a Maine magistrate judge to compel me to reveal to Duke confidential, non-published communications relating to the book and the blog. I have refrained from commenting on the University's crusade, and will continue that approach, but for those interested, the decision has been appealed to the Maine District Court."


    This is absolutely disgusting. It seems Duke has learned nothing from this fiasco. The university has started another big fund-raising campaign, but I think they've given up on me. I told the last caller what I thought about all this stuff, and they haven't called back. I guess they took my name and number off their list. Good riddance!

  23. .... The wheels of justice grind slow ..... very, very, very slow

    --- time to get the system of justice moving faster than ice glaciers. ..... .....

  24. KC: Keep fighting the good fight. I'll be more than shocked if you don't prevail on appeal. That said, as someone noted elsewhere, it might be fun if are forced to sit through a deposition so you can simply unload on Duke's hapless lawyers. It won't be a fair fight as you have probably forgotten more about the Hoax than they have learned.

  25. Why Maine?

    Why not New York? Why not North Carolina?

    Forum shopping?

    Jim Peterson

  26. To Jim:

    I live in Maine; that's where Duke sought the subpoena.

  27. Of note, sidney harr is now claiming that Mangum was severely beaten by Reginald Daye (her victim) three weeks prior to the date she stabbed him in april 2011. Harr claims mangum has a witness of this beating who took Mangum to a clinic for treatment.
    If you believe this nonsense, I have an autographed copy of Lubiano's ever-forthcoming manuscripts I would love to sell to you.


  28. Anonymous said...
    Of note, sidney harr is now claiming that Mangum was severely beaten by Reginald Daye (her victim) three weeks prior to the date she stabbed him in april 2011. Harr claims mangum has a witness of this beating who took Mangum to a clinic for treatment.
    If you believe this nonsense, I have an autographed copy of Lubiano's ever-forthcoming manuscripts I would love to sell to you.

    On March 24, 2011, a friend of Crystal Mangum's took her to a medical clinic after she was beaten by Reginald Daye. This information was gleaned from prosecution discovery police interviews. Also, the friend made a written voluntary statement. I already sent those documents to the mainstream media.

    KC, my friend, I wish you luck with your appeal... however, if things don't work out, I suggest you head to the nearest Ecuadorian Embassy and seek asylum. I'm sure that Venezuela would accept you, as well. Good luck.
