Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mangum Update

WRAL reports that false accuser and accused murderer Crystal Mangum has posted a $200,000 bond and is now out of jail, awaiting trial. The article doesn't reveal the source of the cash. Presuming Mangum hasn't suddenly inherited money, it would seem as if an unexpected financial backer has delivered for her.


  1. Who on earth would "go long" and invest in Mangum's future?

  2. No Justice, No Peace2/20/13, 7:17 PM

    Most would agree that this news provides a more appropriate use of the word "horrifying".

  3. Her bond for a murder charge is half of the $400k set for the falsely accused players!?

  4. Even money she gets arrested again before July for some new escapade.

  5. Sitting in jail, she was anembarassment to the African-American community and a threat to Duke's legacy.

    Big Al

  6. I'll guess Jesse Jackson put up the bond. After all, didn't he offer her a full scholarship? :-)

  7. Wow, this shocks even me and I live in Durham. Whenever I think Durham has hit rock bottom -- it can't get any worse -- they pull a rabbit out of their hat to show everyone that there is further yet to fall.

    Are we sure that this is not some early, elaborate April fools joke?

  8. However, the posted article represents the events accurately--- perhaps there is some progress within the Durham media community.

  9. A second thought: Crystal Mangum is a prime example of the lack of proper treatment of the mentally ill today in America.

    Big Al

  10. Off topic but I can noyt post on liestoppers. There is a thread asking why Whaneema Lubiano is still at Duke. Maybe the feel they should wait until her forthcoming publications have come forth before firing her :-).

  11. Is Crystal Mangum a Communist?

  12. The is horrifying news about Mangum.
