Monday, October 07, 2013

Supreme Court Update

Scotusblog reports that the Supreme Court announced this morning that it would not hear the appeal in the falsely accused players' case. I'll have some more thoughts later today.


  1. Aren't you terrified? I'm TERRIFIED!!!

  2. Does this case effect 6 states (including the entire NC) only?

    In other words - where do you have to move to in the USA to get away from the nefarious influence of durham/duke wonderland?

    Is getting away from their nefarious influence on the lives of USA citizens even possible?

  3. "Does this case effect 6 states"

    Yep. They wanted to trash the lax cases so badly that they chopped down all the laws and rights of everyone else in the Fourth Circuit (all six states) to do it.

    But I believe people get the sort of government they deserve. The next time people in the Fourth Circuit complain because they have less rights and legal protections than others, I'm going to enjoy a moment of schadenfreude...

  4. So - why do I deserve this government - because I live in the 4th circuit?

    What district do the lacrosse players generally live in?

  5. KC,

    What are the specific rights that are being denied to all who live or travel through or vacation in the 4th circuit district by this case?

    If this happens to any other, can they also appeal the decision to the Supreme Court in a claim that the issue was never heard by them if need be?

    This false flag thing carries a lot of fearmongering weight in USA it seems. Is going along with false flag activities and events a requirement of patriotism in USA?

  6. "What are the specific rights that are being denied to all who live or travel through or vacation in the 4th circuit district by this case?"

    No right to sue for violation of your civil rights by government officials, unless you are of African-American descent.
    (Sorry women, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, whites, Pacific Islanders, etc.)

    No right to consider your tuition payment to a university creates a binding contract with the university. (They can throw you out with no due process; and keep the money to boot.)

    NC denies you the right to a probable cause hearing if you are indicted by a grand jury.

    NC does not keep transcripts of grand jury hearings (meaning, a prosecutor can lie to a grand jury, and get an indictment, and you have no chance to challenge that before your trial).

    No speedy trial (See Spivey v. NC). NC can keep you in jail for years, literally, before they bring you to trial. (That places enormous pressure on you to accept a plea deal.)

    And so on. The lacrosse cases would have been much more difficult to prosecute had some of these safety features been in effect in NC.

    Meaning, innocent people are much easier to convict, or force into plea bargains, in NC than elsewhere.

  7. "So - why do I deserve this government - because I live in the 4th circuit?"

    Don't know. Maybe you are one of the ten people in the district whose presence keeps God from hurling fire down on Virginia.

    OTOH, the Fourth Circuit (and NC in particular) desperately need reform so that residents can enjoy the same legal rights and protections that citizens elsewhere take for granted.

    If they won't press their legislators for those reforms, then they can't complain if they are denied those rights.

    "What district do the lacrosse players generally live in?"

    In New England; which is where, imho, the suits should have been filed (to avoid imho prejudice on the NC bench).

  8. In NC over 900 people were arrested for protesting the general assembly legislature in order to secure rights for the people - and they are still being prosecuted for that even though Mr. Holder has taken up part of their cause by challenging the new voter registration laws that are also said to be one of the most restrictive in USA.

    You add the government going on's in this state with the abysmal health and judicial systems in large part dominated by duke (at all levels of both government, judicial, and the NC health system), and you soon become aware how risky it is to live, go to school, or visit here.

    Duke / Durham wonderland has become cemented in my mind as a place that thinks itself apart from the rest of the USA, a nation run by duke and their croonies ...

    I actually do a cross protection sign as well as letting my other fingers do the talking in their direction quite often as a way to quickly blow off the nefarious existence and influence of 'that place'. It works ... briefly. Not sure if the legislature hears or not though ... maybe.

  9. and the truly confusing question of the day:

    are the 900+ arrested legislative protestors the anarchists


    is Attorney General Holder


    is it the legislators who are the anarchists


    just the legislative police chief - is he the anarchist



  10. so - if government officials cannot be sued for violations of civil rights - than would it be anarchist to think that 'civilians' can be sued for violations of civil rights - since to do so would be to violate government policy of not being held responsible for violations of civil rights?


  11. maryland
    w. va

    and various federal agencies

    kc - do you consider the various federal agencies a state - what is the sixth state you mention - what federal agencies are included in this ruling (or lack thereof)?

  12. I have no idea why KC allows this lunatic to post irrational comment after irrational comment.

  13. Whoever the commentator is, he or she is in serious need of a shrink. This person should not be walking the streets of what ever town ne or she inhabits. This is a very scary person who obviously needs help.

  14. what is so scary about what i said - you are being silly. how's a shrink going to fix my sacarcastic attitude about nc and duke - the shrink would probably encourage it futher in nc - if the shrink has half a brain that is

    get real

  15. it was like the republicans arresting the democratics basically

    the democrats were basically forced into voting republican because the democrats, who were corrupted by the republicans, dumped the government over to the republicans, leaving the democrats up in arms when the republicans started acting like ... you've got it ... republicans

    so ... who's the anarchist? the repubs or the democrats? that's all

    nc is a mess - and duke leads the chaos - cuz it can - its a joke to them

  16. re: "Anonymous said...
    I have no idea why KC allows this lunatic to post irrational comment after irrational comment."

    Ten comments so far and all are posted by ANONYMOUS. This is ridiculous. Ban anonymous comments. Make commenters use a "handle" or name so one can follow comments

    Dan Kurt

    p.s. After this travesty by the Supremes, how, K.C., can you remain a Liberal.

    p.s. After this travesty by the Supremes, how, K.C., can you remain a Liberal.
