Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Jean Statement

March 27--Nifong learns that Mangum had twice recanted, learns that she had said 3, 5, and 20 people assaulted her; learns that three captains had cooperated; meeting came at Nifong's urging.

Nifong goes from that meeting to give a variety of public statements--at odds with what he had been told by Himan and Gottlieb--Jean goes through Nifong pre-publicity barrage, expressing Mangum's belief as fact. Jean mentions chokehold appearance.

During this barrage of interviews, Nifong met with Gottlieb and Himan and acknowledged there were serious problems with the case--first time this was revealed.

Nifong learns of the SBI testing on March 30--next day, gives an interview saying he doesn't know results of DNA test--but does reverse his perspective on DNA's value in interviews.

April 10--Nifong meeting with Meehan--Meehan tells them that their testing has revealed presence of non-lacrosse player DNA, but definitely no lacrosse players.

before April 17, Himan speaks to Nifong--Himan expresses grave concerns about going forward with indictments of Seligmann and Finnerty--Nifong says to go ahead anyway, even though the police had no evidence that Seligmann was even present. Himan goes to superiors to express concerns--they go to Nifong--Nifong overrules them.

April 21: Meehan tells Nifong that one of the profiles matched Mangum's boyfriend, April 21--Nifong tells Meehan to prepare a report.

May 12: final meeting with Meehan. Meehan again explained that DNA from unidentified males--but provides report that Nifong had requested, matches only.

Jean notes defense desire for everything from DNA Security--but never provided anything about conversations with Meehan, and never provided complete results of DNA Security Tests. This shows importance of Finnerty defense team requests, which had been remarkably comprehensive.

June 22: Nifong maintains that all conversations with Meehan non-discoverable work product, and that didn't discuss any evidentiary matters. Nifong did not comply with Stephens order for witness statement from Meehan, nor results of meetings with Meehan.

Sept. hearing: Nifong doesn't respond truthfully to Smith statement.

Dec. 15: meeting in chambers in judge. Nifong at the meeting with Smith doesn't say he knew about the non-lacrosse player male DNA. If innocent, why would Nifong have not volunteered that he already knew about this information?

At time of Dec. 15 hearing, Bar had already sent letter of notice about pre-primary statements.

Nifong gives variety of excuses for why he didn't turn over DNA.

Nifong's conduct did heighten condemnation of accused--and did harm administration of justice. Nifong intentionally misled the media, stoked racial discord, intentionally concealed evidence, and made false representations to two judges.

Harm to the three young men and to NC justice system harmful. Public perception is that NC justice system has no integrity.


  1. Joe Cheshire and Jim Cooney are sitting side by side and can be seen behind Katharine Jean.

    They were leaning over, conferring.....with smiles on their faces. This must be a sweet day for them.


  2. Still no bird's eye view of KC.

    My cat, Kitty Diva, is glued to the tube as well.

    She hates dog owners.....like Mikey.


  3. As I have long suspected, the full truth is much WORSE than has been made public...people were telling him the case was weak and he didn't care.

  4. JLS says ....,

    As I have long suspected this was a Nifong for the primary production. The only fly in the ointment to me is why Gottlieb made up those 30 or so pages of notes later?

  5. Ms. Jean isn't a very good presenter. Fortunately the material that she is presenting is so damning that even presentation problems won't be a problem.

    KC indicated that he is in a standing-room-only spot I think. I don't know how you type so fast while standing unless you have something to put your laptop on.

  6. She forgot to mention that CGM
    was given 7 opportunities to
    identify the students from the

  7. Sounds like Niman was never on board with the frame up, Gottlieb probably saw big promotions in his future if he went along with Nifong, same w/Linwood Wilson..he was on the gravy train.

    Jean doesn't have to be a good presenter since this isn't a dumb jury easily swayed by emotion, its to other lawyers, but it is too bad for the viewing public that she isn't a little better at it.

  8. Didn't she also leave out that Mangum also ID'd a 4th/5th attacker at the same line up, who was mysteriously never charged because he wasn't at the party or am I wrong?

  9. Michael--

    On the evening when the lacrosse players were declared innocent and they and their families were all over national TV, KC was on a show that used to compel the time slot of "Nightline".

    They showed him typing away at his desk. He was like lightning. Very, very fast.


  10. 5 days of this? Hell yeah!

  11. Also have sighted Rae Evans and Mary Ellen Finnerty, sitting to the left (viewers perspective) of Cheshire and Cooney.

  12. Mikey is rubbing his chin with his fingers.

    His demeanor is one of being in a cage, but having to appear calm.


  13. ...to the person who asked if there was a 4th or 5th person she ID'd...yes she did. She identified Brad Ross who was at NC State with his girlfriend. So he was never charged...but yeah she ID'D him 100% I think twice...

  14. I only wish I was there to see his face tightening, his jaw clenching, his eyes squinting, as he watches his career slip away before his very eyes. Revenge is so sweet - people don't like to admit it, but everyone loves to see an egomaniacal bully get it right where they deserve it. And this one is one to remember. If I were Colin/Reade/David, I would allow myself the pleasure of smirking in his face. Words wouldn't even be necessary. Sir, you have sullied my alma mater, and for that, you will now pay dearly.

  15. Mikey's attroney, Freedman, is a doughnut.......trying to fit a bagel inside this vacuous sinkhole.


  16. He contends that Nifong didn't break any rules of professional conduct.

  17. Someone should offer him a job parking cars at Crystal's strip club when all of this is over...

  18. Excuses: he was just getting into higher court cases and he was coming back from health problems.

    Pretty close to what KC posted last night.

  19. My Lord!
    He's trying the old "Nifong
    was merely trying to strengthen
    a weak case" theory!

    "Well, if Mikey did it, so do the
    rest of you!"

    "If the rest of you did it, then
    doesn't that incriminate the
    entire system?"

    Where did he get this shit?
    I know! I remember!
    From Animal House!

  20. OMG!!!

    Freedman is now saying that Mikey lacked experience in the administrative duties of the DA's office.

    What a desperate avenue to go down.


  21. He's doing a better job that Jean did, but his argument is worthless.

    Mike wasn't experienced enough as DA?

    All the rest of it is irrelevant, the boys left the house, Mangum 'acted' like a rape victim...

  22. Tara Levicy - inexperienced SANE nurse. Looks like he may blame Levicy's inexperience.

  23. He's said twice that the police had witnesses that said that there were racial slurs. The first time, the indication was that it was by multiple students.

  24. Oh brother, it took 45 seconds to answer the door, well okay, then, hiding exculpatory evidence is totally acceptable.

    What do racial comments have to do with gang rape?

    This guy would be doing okay if he was aruging this before a Durham jury but he is arguing before a law panel, they don't care about this stuff.

  25. They should have the whole team march in there in full uniform, sticks in hand, and just stare him down. Then just watch him sweat. That would be something, eh?

    The boys' moms must be giving him the looks that kill. I hope they enjoy seeing this PIG squirm.

  26. he said Levicy 'examined' her - she didn't do the physical exanm iirc. Dr Manly did.

  27. Bringing up Ryan's email that got Nigong's attention with some excitement in his voice. But he wound up making no point over it. He seems to be trying to bring up the racial and emotional aspects of how you could erroneously interpret the information that came to him.

  28. Most his statements up to April 4th when they were charged and he didn't make many comments after they were charged. So I guess the DA can say anything that they want until the person is charged.

  29. This defense boils down to "Nifong thought a rape occured" so whatever he said publicly is okay.

    One would hope that he 'thought' a rape occured in the beginning but that doesn't change his ethical duty on public statements.

    This is a stupid defense, it is going to have zero effect on a bunch of lawyers.

  30. Unfortunately, I could really see the "old boy" way of doing things NC style allowing this guy to get off with a slap on the wrist at best. I sure hope I am wrong but don't be surprised if I am not. In a country with a chimp for a leader and where realistic consideration is even being given to egomaniacal, narrow-minded a-holes like Giuliani and Romney to be the next chimp, nothing surprises me any more.

  31. The North Carolina AG already called him a rogue prosecutor and the judge went far out of his way to go on record saying that the fact he hasn't taken any action on Nifong's courtroom statements [lies] should in no way be considered evidence in favor of Nifong.

    This argument appears to be for public consumption and sympathy only...kind of a strange strategy considering that he's already reviled and hated and no amount of lawyering is going to change the public perception of him.

    Court TV really is bad.

  32. The only acceptable punishment for Mikey involves the previously mentioned broomstick and his lying ass...

  33. To the "narrow-minded a-hole at 10:49"--we all love a person who can argue in a civilized manner. Thanks for your perspicacity.

  34. Thank you for reinforcing my opinions about political correctness, Martin. As if someone who speaks their mind in any way is not being sensitive to the rules of your "civilized society". Clearly, not all Dukies think alike.

  35. Actually, you must believe that these two clowns, just as examples, are the definition of open-minded and inclusive. If that is the case, you need to work on your 4th grade vocabulary skills, man.

  36. 10:49, the Old Boy network is made up of Southern Democrats; you know, youre type of people..Hey, shouldnt you be rooting for Nifong? After all, hes a noble draft dodger and a reliable liberal, a hero of yours previously, Im sure.

  37. Mike Pressler is now being interviewed.


  38. You mean a draft dodging scumbag like your chimp GWB? I root for Duke, that's all. However, I do live in the USA, and from up here in New York, where, with the benefit of a Duke education, we can see through the bullshit that permeates the red states and allows Republican criminals to continue to make a mockery of everything that we are supposed to stand for. Sheesh, open your eyes, man.

  39. This is good.

    Court TV is going to be following Mikey's trial all week. They just have to break for other cases periodically.

    A major point that has been highlighted by Court TV is that NO ONE at any time went to Nifong and attempted to counsel him or guide him or offer mitigating opinions about what he was doing.

    He just plowed ahead.

    What most people looking in from afar didn't understand in the beginning is the kind of place Durham is.

    As the woman on Court TV--Rickie--said: There was NO ONE in the middle on this case. Everyone in the DA's office was on board with Nifong.

    Looks very bad.


  40. So the cops never had that much faith in the case. And Nifong - PC to the core - was the pusher. Pretty much what I figured.


  41. 10:49/11:31-

    I am also up here in the New York area. Did you, from the land of McGreevey/Torricelli/Bryant/Sharpton/Dinkins/Manes/Hevesi etc. just say that the red states make a mockery of what we should stand for? What a joke!

  42. I am not blind nor am I a fool. That being said, I do not support this war. I am honest enough to admit that our international reputation is at its lowest point ever. I lived in Lower Manhattan before and after 9/11, and while it is true that there may be fewer bums on the street, the fact remains that Giuliani is a lying adulterer and a bully whose history of unchecked power bodes horribly for all of us if he somehow reaches the national stage. And to even conceive that someone who buys into the tenets of Mormonism should be running this country is scarier than I can imagine.

  43. 12:01--

    Get the f*** off this blog if you just come here to disrupt the process.
    No one is interested in your idiocy.

    If I were beside you right now, you troublesome phony hick, I'd kick the living hell out of you.

    Find another blog if you want to discuss politics!

  44. i think a few of you may be commenting on the wrong blog...this is DIW

  45. In reference to the 11:31 post...Did we just get a 9-11 truther in here.

    OMG can I have your autograph? I have never met an actual walking stereotype before...

  46. 12:01, so you're admitting that you're a religious bigot. The fact that Romney is a Mormon shouldn't count against him. The fact that his political views are inconsistent and/or disagree with yours should count against him, assuming he makes it to the general election. I know Mormons. I know a hell of a lot of them, and by and large, they're a good people. They have their bad apples, but they're mostly a good people. Oh, and their official position was against the Iraq war before it was waged.

    I guess you've never heard of Al Sharpton, Mayor Daley of Chicago, the Long family in Louisiana, the Clintons, Jesse Jackson... There are crooks, criminals, pedagogues, demagogues, and other forms of scum on BOTH sides of the aisle, you self-righteous, ill-informed, hate-mongering prick.

  47. Debrah,

    Well...they did try to talk
    Nifey out of it, apparently.
    The fog's a little thick this
    morning - (brain-fog) - but
    I remember something to that
