Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Nifong Defends the "Old-Fashioned Way"

Mike Nifong attempts to explain to Lane Williamson his preference for handling this sexual assault case the "old-fashioned way," even when lots of "modern" exculpatory evidence existed. This clip also features a shot of two of the victims of Nifong's bizarre theories, in horror, watching him rationalize his approach. One row behind Collin Finnerty is among the last of Nifong's enablers, SANE nurse Tara Levicy.


  1. Notice also that Levicy sits stone faced in back.

  2. Levicy looks like a refugee from the Amish country.

    What? Where am I ?



  3. Nifong would have been quite at home in Salen, MA circa 1692.


  4. Jim Cooney and Reade keep laughing.

  5. Notice some of the so-called corroborating evidence:

    The false fingernail. First of all, the fingernail was found in Dave Evans' trash can, so that was a contaminated crime scene. Second, it was only a partial match, so it wasn't very useful. Third, the players had time stamped photos that proved that she had broken off her fingernail while dancing, so in reality Nifong had further proof that she was lying.

    The SANE nurse. First, the nurse does not do the examination, the doctor does, and they never bothered to speak to her. Second, Nifong declared that his reading of the report from Duke Medical Center was consistent with rape, even though he had not seen it yet. Third, Levicy confirmed that the report indicated three times that condoms were not used, which means that there should have been DNA. Finally, all Levicy testified was that the report was "congruent" with rape, which is completely meaningless.

    Evidence consistent with post traumatic stress. I can't even figure out what that would be.

    Finally, he states that "if you have a believable victim" that is enough to bring the case to trial. Does that mean that he still thinks that she is a believable victim? How did he make that determination if they never bothered to ask any tough questions?

    Even towards the end Nifong cannot admit that he had nothing to go on.

  6. agree with all of anon 1:46, and add...

    - changing stories
    - extremely weak ID (3 tries and no fillers, and non-100% IDs)
    - presence of foreign DNA. My God, 2 non-lax DNA hits in her mouth. (bad oral hygiene, lies, another line of work, chose 2)
    - mental health history
    - legal and illegal drug usage
    - previous rape allegation
    - 2nd stripper refutes the story.

    I can't think of a weaker person on the witness stand

    believable victim? LOL

  7. "believable victim"

    The "A" hole did not even speak to her.

    With all the advancements, in all fields of humanity, this loser in charge, wants to do things the old fashioned way.

    Am I in the twilight zone?

  8. "Femninist jurisprudence" mandates that the word of a victim (ostensibly "believable" but not necessary because as feminists insist, women never lie about rape) is enough to send a case to trial. To h*ll with modern science, methodology, etc.

    Nifong was simply doing what he was trained to do, and this brazen witch hunt is the result.

  9. Can you imagine how satisfying this particular cross must have been to the Lacrosse players? Actually Collin seems completely baffled, and the other one seems to alternate between snickering and sheer horror!! I don't blame him! When I hear Nifong rambling away, I don't know whether to laugh or cry!


    PS I am so happy that Justice is being done in this case. Hats off to Williamson and his posse!

  10. [OCALA, Fla. (AP) -- A judge has ruled that a wrongful death lawsuit claiming that CNN's Nancy Grace pushed the mother of a missing toddler to suicide through aggressive questioning on her show will be tried in federal court.]

    From Yahoo Finance.

    Doesn't Nancy Grace want to give the accuser his day in court?

  11. You can tell that Levicy if staring down these guys. Why has she been able to get off the hook? Why is she still employed at DUMC? It seems to me that she is a criminal and should go to jail.

    By the way, I hope you post the Levicy video. I was away from my computer and had to miss it. (Kethra was keeping me up to date via my cellphone.)

  12. Speaking of Tara Levicy (seen pictured behind the defendants), does anyone have a link to a video of her testimony? I can't find it on WRAL.

  13. I have no problem with a prosecutor moving forward with a rape prosecutionbased only on the testimomy of the alleged victim. If prosecutors couldn't do this, consent would be a total defense to charges of rape. But that doesn't mean prosecutors are free to ignore exculpatory evidence or evidence that drastically undercuts the credibility of the accuser (like ignoring the fact that an accuser's constantly changing story run totally counter to all available physical evidence).

    That Nifong never talked to CGM personally or assesed her credibility face to face totally undercuts his argument.

  14. 1:46

    Now, now! Let's not allow the lack of any corroborating facts to get in the way of the conviction of three innocent young men. The Group88 was for trying the case the old fashioned way , , , lynching. They were not quite prepared to go back in time to the Salem trials and being burning the three at the stake. Rather, they were perfectly willing to settle for thirty years in prison.

  15. TO 2:46PM--

    I linked it on a previous thread. I'll check and find which one and you can go there.


  16. The Levicy testimony is linked on the thread labeled "Reflections on the Hearing".

    The entire Kendra Montgomery-Blinn special effects video is linked on the thread labeled "Professor Bannon's Lecture".


  17. Levicy either lied on the stand or she lied to Doug Kingsbury, but she lied. I only hope Levicy -- ground zero of the Hoax -- gets what is coming to her.

  18. 2:53 SAYS I have no problem with a prosecutor moving forward with a rape prosecution based only on the testimomy of the alleged victim

    To my ears, "based only" applies despite exculpatory evidence, not in the absence of it. If you got a "he said , she said" case and not a blessed thing otherwise, then theres nothing in the current law that says you cant prosecute. However, if you have a "no drop" policy, that means you can do what Nifong did, regardless. That is beyond mendacious; its predatory, in my opinion.

  19. lBad karma to wish others ill will. What was Kingsbury doing sharing a deposition with civilians???? Is this even legal? Prove she lied - after five days of Nifong trial, for you to claim Levicy is ground zero of the hoax, is not only outrageous, but certainly speaks to a lack of judgement. There are more opinions to WHO lied than the two you give above. Kingsbury appears to have faded from the defense team. Any ideas on that????

  20. anyone ever explain why the police did not interview Dr Manley, who had much more rape experience than the Nurse, who was NOT SANE qualified at that time? Manley is the one who did the pelvic, and collected the swabs. Levicy, was in the chain of custody, of the swabs, and did some interviewing, but the objective example was done by Manley. As I understand it, when the defense got to talk with Manley, she says he saw absolutely nothing that demonstrated rape. all that congruent babble is just that, CYA doubletalk

  21. Tara received the hard copy of her Certification, on the day she assisted Dr Manly with the exam. Any RN can do the QA checklist and assist the Physician. This is about collecting swabs, etc - not about claims of rape.

  22. 1:46 and the drill sgt are spot on

    MN: "I think you have to look at all the facts of the case before you make a determination."
    LW: "What facts in this case supported your conclusion that Crystal Mangum was sufficiently credible to go to trial based upon her word alone?"
    MN: "Well, I didn't think that the testimony was based on her word alone in the sense that uh there would be physical findings from a SANE nurse, there would be evidence that was consistent with post-traumatic stress, ahm there was the fingernail that involving Mr. Evans "

    Is he trying to tell us that he had a Joe Friday moment--just the facts ma'am? Get real, how can he have all the facts when, by his own admission, he didn't read the reports.

    Did he think Mr. Williamson was having a duh moment? Oh contraire..... He would have been better served if he had had an ending there similar to the ending of The Sopranos.......fade to black (STFU).

  23. "Finally, he states that "if you have a believable victim" that is enough to bring the case to trial. Does that mean that he still thinks that she is a believable victim? How did he make that determination if they never bothered to ask any tough questions?"From Nifong's testimony, it is clear that he belives Crystal. He referred to her at least eight times as "the victim" without qualification. He testified that he belived "something happened" in that bathroom. He has a long history with the Mangum family which probably explains his unqualified belief in her claims. A belief that is not justified by her five failed identification attempts, her numerous versions of the story and her cell phone records.

    Walt in Durham

  24. I would love to know who exactly it was that determined she was suffering from post-traumatic stress. Officially, one cannot be experiencing post-traumatic stress so soon after an event. In that case it would be acute stress...but the liar/false accuser doesn't even meet the criteria for an acute stress reaction. In both of these disorders, numbing, detachment, and a daze-like state must be present (her screaming and fit-throwing doesn't exactly fit this description). There is also an avoidance of stimuli that might produce flashbacks (like, oh I don't know, NOT working at a strip club after you have (not) been brutally raped or assaulted...or even better, not wanting to go back in to a house where you have (not) been brutally raped or assaulted). More interesting are the other conditions that should be considered before diagnosing PTSD or ASD: substance-induced disorder, malingering (!!!), a host of psychotic disorders. So who is it that made this determination about post-traumatic stress?? Labeling her with either one of these conditions trivializes what actual victims go through. Gah, I can't believe this woman will come out of this unscathed. GAH!

  25. So I'm just sitting here in Carolina wondering if "the old fashioned way" is local Klan speak for what happened back in the old days: stringing up the innocent because they had the audacity to speak to a woman of a different race? accuse them of rape when there wasn't any DNA evidence technology to confirm or refute the charges? quick trial, quick hanging, dinner with all your friends over at the Church.

  26. I have a big problem with a prosecutor moving forward with a rape prosecution based only on the testimomy of the alleged victim. There have been too many false complaints to allow this alone. There has to be DNA if sex occurs. One scratch will have DNA under the fingernail.

  27. "over at the Church"

    You bet. There were lots of happy churchgoers in Durham for much of the past year. The pews at White Rock Baptist and St. Titus Episcopal were shaking and shimmying!
    Not now though. :))

  28. Nifong's argument should've included "plausible deniability".

  29. Why is KC stonewalling?

  30. Stonewalling what?

  31. He no more believes CGM than he can take off and fly. What he believes is that he and his story are inviolate. She is HIS VICTIM, G*d-dammit, and she's gonna stay HIS VICTIM, because it's all about HIM. If he had ever interviewed her, I might be inclined to agree, but he didn't need to interview her because she was HIS VICTIM, I tell you, and he needed (and still in his demented mind) NEEDS the story to be real.

  32. Praise the Lord! Easley is putting Jim Hardin back in as DA.

  33. PTSD????

    NOTHING HAPPENED to this drug addled sex worker at 610.

    how the hell can you have PTSD when NOTHING HAPPENED??????

  34. As I posted on another page, watch the repeat of Tucker at 6pm on MSNBC. The man substituting for him really takes off on a great editorial about Durham, NC. He says no matter how many settlements are reached, until Crysal Gail Mangum is hauled into a court of law for what she did there will be no closure.

  35. Why in hell would anyone want Jim Hardin back as DA?

  36. Interesting. You're right. He NEEDS the story to be real. Why? It's almost as if his life depends on it.

    There is an aura of protection around Crystal. Why?

  37. Anonymous 4:47 asked: "NOTHING HAPPENED to this drug addled sex worker at 610.

    how the hell can you have PTSD when NOTHING HAPPENED??????"

    I'm beginning to think it's possible to suffer PTSD when nothing happened: I think that the nutty behavior of the G88 might be PTSD because, gosh darnit, a rape didn't happen. And that ruined their whole metanarrative.

  38. BTW, there is a diffenence in saying My certificate and The certification. The folk persecuating Nurse Tara are digging deep to accuse her.

  39. Nifong said that there would be PTSD. He didn't say that there was. I think that he was just expecting it to be there.

    One potential symptom of PTSD is psychosis. But we know that she's bipolar and psychosis can arise from the her condition.

    I really think that Nifong was just making it up on the fly.

  40. Anonymous 4:06 said...

    ...So I'm just sitting here in Carolina wondering if "the old fashioned way" is local Klan speak for what happened back in the old days: stringing up the innocent because they had the audacity to speak to a woman of a different race? accuse them of rape when there wasn't any DNA evidence technology to confirm or refute the charges? quick trial, quick hanging, dinner with all your friends over at the Church.
    Great paragraph. Perfect.

    When teaching sophomores in college there is a certain look you see on their faces when you are lecturing about something outrageous such as the old fashion way you mentioned 4:06.

    That sophomore 'outrageous' look is now available for everyone to see.

    Just look at Colin. That's the look!

  41. 4:50 "There is an aura of protection around Crystal. Why?

    I thought I read somewhere that Nifong had a relationship with her family. I can't help but wonder if his relationship with her was even closer. If so, God knows why...she is really a scuzzy tramp, but there is no accounting for taste.

  42. The old fashioned way is a very Southern thing isn't it. A woman who is crazy points a finger at a stranger or a person of the opposite race and accuses them. A lynch mob forms and a person is jailed or killed or discredited. A modern version requires a group of pot-bangers and feminists yelling that no woman would do such a thing unless it were true. What dishonest, discredited idiots. It doesn't matter that all the evidence is against such an accusation. Why should any lynch mob Group88 let the facts get in the way of an old fashioned lynching.

  43. Bill Anderson

    on remote control from Kethra.

    Thought so.

  44. One potential symptom of PTSD is psychosis.

    I have never heard that before. Google the DSM IV, it's easy. (Google is your friend.)

    As a seasoned psych nurse dealing with assessments in crisis situations here's my take, Levicy is an idiot. Note to physicians that sign off on crap nursing assessments: start reading what you are signing.

    Magnum would have had a very different nursing assessment outcome in my world. For starters I would have asked the attending MD for a drug screen if he/she didn't include it. I would have documented in quotes every statement, especially as they became more inconsistent. There are so many other good nursing practices that weren't applied, I could go on.

    Druggies, prostitutes, the personality disordered lie a lot(they are easy to spot too), anyone that has worked in psych crisis will agree to that. Levicy had no or a very narrowed clinical experience to draw from.

    She demonstrated no clinical neurality and her clinical skills appear sub-standard.

    Nurses lose their licenses for gross medication errors. Her's needs to be treated as seriously.

  45. 7:01 Psych Nurse of The Century, ma'am... Levicy's responsibility was a check list and ugh, helping the doctor and ummm, looking on. Thanks ma'm. Crystal was in the ER for over 6 hours before Levicy came on duty...... sorry if this messes up your conclusions...

  46. 8:31:00 PM - Hardly, her responses to the police clearly was with a bias that a rape had happened. She needed to see that a drug screen wasn't overlooked, pretty basic nursing.

    I stand on my comments.

    A six hour wait is the ER is meaningless.

  47. 8:40 THree doctors and four nurses attended to Crystal before she uas dumped on Nurse Levicy at around 7:00 AM - Where was their order for a toxic?? For all we know, Crystal rufused a blood tesa, Six hours is a lot - many drugs are out of the person's system and the BAC is greatly reduced. As the physician and nurses notes are not available for review. Anything, we think they did is just that - think, Himan on direct and cross, never mentioned this comment by her (the police) and Nifong' s lawyers never asked her about comments. They did ask her about the written record - the documentation.

  48. 7:01 0 write, call, fax tot he NC Board of Nursing and they will respond to your complaint-maybe. They have not so far. Killing a patient with a medication error is not the same at all. How could you even imply that it is>

  49. Ms psych - another Nurse Peggy Perfect -
    8:49 Wow - Are you way off in your assessment.

  50. I must tell you Ms Psych - Nurses Peggy Perfect who are SANE are not going to like your portraying this as a "Crap Nurse Assignment."

  51. Anonomous 7:01 wrote:
    One potential symptom of PTSD is psychosis.

    I have never heard that before. Google the DSM IV, it's easy. (Google is your friend.)

    As a seasoned psych nurse dealing with assessments in crisis situations here's my take, Levicy is an idiot. Note to physicians that sign off on crap nursing assessments: start reading what you are signing.

    Magnum would have had a very different nursing assessment outcome in my world. For starters I would have asked the attending MD for a drug screen if he/she didn't include it. I would have documented in quotes every statement, especially as they became more inconsistent. There are so many other good nursing practices that weren't applied, I could go on.

    Druggies, prostitutes, the personality disordered lie a lot(they are easy to spot too), anyone that has worked in psych crisis will agree to that. Levicy had no or a very narrowed clinical experience to draw from.

    She demonstrated no clinical neurality and her clinical skills appear sub-standard.

    Nurses lose their licenses for gross medication errors. Her's needs to be treated as seriously."

    Thanks 7:01! I totally agree with you!

  52. Anonomous 8:31 wrote:

    "7:01 Psych Nurse of The Century, ma'am... Levicy's responsibility was a check list and ugh, helping the doctor and ummm, looking on. Thanks ma'm. Crystal was in the ER for over 6 hours before Levicy came on duty...... sorry if this messes up your conclusions..."


    How many times, and in how many ways, must you be told that the role of a SANE is not to assist the doc but to do the entire exam herself?

    8:31:00 PM - "Hardly, her responses to the police clearly was with a bias that a rape had happened. She needed to see that a drug screen wasn't overlooked, pretty basic nursing.

    I stand on my comments.

    A six hour wait is the ER is meaningless."

    You go girl! I stand by mine too, not that that would ever mean anything to someone like Vegas.

    11:59 wrote
    "THree doctors and four nurses attended to Crystal before she uas dumped on Nurse Levicy at around 7:00 AM"

    First off, since when does a busy ER have that many personnel freed up to "attend" to one patient?

    One who is not in cardiac arrest, nor bleeding out the Ying-Yang, nor come in with massive injuries from an accident (at which point that patient should be in the trauma unit anyway)?

    None that I've ever seen!

    She was probably screaming & kicking up such a fuss, they were all trying to get her to shut up!

    - "Where was their order for a toxic??"

    First of all, it's not called a toxic. Your supposed to be a nurse. At least use the correct medical terminology.

    For all we know, Crystal rufused a blood tesa, Six hours is a lot - many drugs are out of the person's system and the BAC is greatly reduced."

    Exactly which drugs would be out of her system? What is their half-life?

    7:01 0 write, call, fax tot he NC Board of Nursing and they will respond to your complaint-maybe. They have not so far."

    The Nsg. Board is not about to disclose the name of any nurse under investigation. Only afterwards, if they find guilt & are punished.

    Ms psych - another Nurse Peggy Perfect -
    8:49 Wow - Are you way off in

    I must tell you Ms Psych - Nurses Peggy Perfect who are SANE are not going to like your portraying this as a "Crap Nurse Assignment."

    Actually, as one of the "nurses Peggy perfect", I have no problems with what she said.

  53. It is documented that three Doctors and four nurses interacted with Crystal prior to the 7:00 AM dump. No has suggested anyone stayed by her bedside, holding her hand.

  54. Does it make sense to any of the lawyers, that lawyer Kingsbury would reveal to non - lawyers what was said by a witness in a deposition?
    Is that permitted?
    Is it ethical?
    Where is Kingsbury now?
    Has he ever commented in public on this issue?

  55. Can we see a copy of the deposition?
