Thursday, September 30, 2010

Business As Usual

Today is "Founder's Day" Convocation at Duke. The featured speaker? Ex-BOT chairman Robert Steel, whose checkered record in leading the institution through the lacrosse case ended in payments to the three falsely accused players and (to date) hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal fees in staving off additional lawsuits. Steel went on from Duke to lead Wachovia as the bank fell into bankruptcy.

The day also features university recognition for some faculty members--including Group of 88 members Laura Edwards and Margaret Greer. And, not to be outdone, the Group's Mark Anthony ("thugniggaintellectual") Neal, named Mark Anthony Neal, who was given the Robert B. Cox Trinity College Distinguished Teaching Award.


  1. Is Steel a Communist?

  2. Communist? Hell, Steel should be in jail for his astute financial "stewardship." May God save NYC from more of Steel's "leadership." What an ass-clown.

  3. Still another of the self-congratulatory events we see all the time. Several mediocrities receive awards while everyone says how great we all are.
