A few more documents from the CCI archive.
After Karla Holloway resigned her CCI subcommittee chairmanship via a mass e-mail containing fifth-hand, unsubstantiated gossip about Duke students, the Chronicle asked CCI head Bob Thompson for comment. You’d think that the head of a committee ostensibly devoted to improving “campus culture” would have been outraged by a senior faculty member behaving in such an intemperate fashion. Instead, Thompson produced this email:
In the CCI’s world, some faculty members were more equal than others. Women’s Center head Robin Weigman received a one-on-one meeting with Thompson to impart her wisdom, a few days after she outrageously accused colleague Steve Baldwin of using the “language of lynching.” You’d think that the head of a committee ostensibly devoted to improving “campus culture” would have been outraged by a senior faculty member behaving in such an intemperate fashion. Instead, Thompson produced this jargon-laden meeting summary:
As the CCI neared its conclusion, the hotheaded Kerry Haynie wrote in to express his concerns that the CCI final report might not be extreme enough:
Here is the summary of the meeting in which CCI members were reminded that the CCI operated from the premise that “diversity makes a more excellent university”:
Here is the summary of the meeting in which Anne Allison’s gender subcommittee was reminded that the CCI operated from the premise that “Duke’s gendered culture is, in no small part, derived from a fundamental lack of respect, fueled by a mix of insecurity, dis-empowerment, and alcohol”:
And here is the unintentionally hilarious summary of the CCI’s meeting with Counseling and Psychological Services staff:
That last document, the Counseling and Psychological Services summary, really is something. I have read parodies of PC that were less hilarious -- and these people are serious!
In the end, the CCI was all about controlling students. Now, I have little good to say about the culture of binge drinking and hook-up; I think it is destructive, as is much of this kind of behavior.
However, the destructiveness of the behaviors that CCI wanted to control is NOTHING like the destructiveness that we see with political correctness. Faculty members who say they "care" about students would think nothing about promoting false rape accusations against students.
You see, for all of their "concern" for the Duke students, in the end, Duke students are not real people to the CCI bunch. They simply are political symbols and exist for one purpose: to be on the receiving end of crude political propaganda.
It really is clear reading these documents and seeing the behavior of these faculty members toward falsely-accused students that the CCI bunch believe that Duke University has one purpose and one purpose only: to be a Marxist re-education camp.
They are something out of Kafka and certainly are not worthy of being in a classroom or even being near young people. Anyone who would encourage false rape charges in the hopes that people would go to prison for political reasons has no business teaching young students or even being near a college campus.
Another example of "unintentionally hilarious" is Ruth Grant's edited book of essays, "Naming Evil, Judging Evil." The following is from a review published at Amazon and in the Utne Reader:
"Five years after the September 11 attacks resurrected the rhetoric of evil, the use of the term has become as banal as Hannah Arendt once argued evil itself is. Despite this ubiquity -- or perhaps because of it -- we seem increasingly incapable of actually recognizing and confronting evil. This quandary motivates much of Ruth W. Grant''s engaging anthology Naming Evil, Judging Evil, AN EFFORT BORN OF TWO YEARS OF DISCUSSIONS AMONG HER DUKE UNIVERSITY COLLEAGUES. THE RESULTING ESSAYS EQUIP READERS WITH THE INTELLECTUAL TOOLS TO UNDERSTAND EVIL'S MANIFESTATIONS, past and present, and to navigate the tricky terrain of JUDGING THOSE EVILS -- a prerequisite to ACTING AGAINST THEM. While some of the pieces bog down in academic wrangling, others are excellent and accessible, provoking the kind of deep and complex thought that is missing from today''s public discourse. --Hannah Lobel, Utne Reader" [emphasis added].
The book was published in October 2006, and it was intended to help the reader decide "[h]ow [to] strike a balance between the need to pass judgment and the need to remain tolerant?" Looks like somebody owes her readers a refund.
Reading these documents reminds me of bad science fiction, as if robots were trying to decipher what makes a human human. Jazz concerts, the "Southpark [sic] Effect" and holding hands! LMAO! MOO! Gregory
On the topic of Ruth Grant, it appears that she is also a Senior Fellow of the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University. Was it ethical for her to promote the agenda of a Durham neighbor on the backs of obviously innocent Duke students?
Former Duke President Nannerl O. Keohane provided a chapter in Grant's book, "Naming Evil, Judging Evil." So did Group of 88 Philosophy professor David Wong. This raises a question in my mind.
To what extent did the interdisciplinary craze at Duke University create an atmosphere in which professors believed they were equipped to be the judge, jury and executioner for a question involving complex socio-legal and political components? In discussing the project that led to her book, "Naming Evil, Judging Evil," Grant said:
“Our approach involves working outside of particular disciplines; drawing on pop culture and everyday experience to inform the problems we will consider; and blending psychological, political, and philosophical considerations into our analyses and interpretations....” MOO! Gregory
One final note and bitter turn of irony: David Wong's chapter in "Naming Evil, Judging Evil" was titled, "Evil and the Morality of Conviction." Wong signed both the Listening ad and the Clarifying statement. MOO! Gregory
NOW conference infiltrated by NOW members
An interesting article that exposes another type of failure caused by the gender studies indoctrination.
"...Forgive me for saying that I think part of the issue with some Third Wavers is just youth. The older women get, the deeper and broader their understanding of how this whole patriarchy thingamajig works. Older women have lived through countless betrayals by male fellow-travelers who proved to be less interested in equality than we thought. They’ve discovered that conservative women can sometimes be invaluable allies in the fight for women’s rights. (Sandra Day O’Connor is a Republican, and a pretty conservative one, but she held the line when it mattered.) And they’ve realized the crucial importance of having role models and path-breakers to ease the trail..."
An interesting problem, and the comments are pretty humorous. Though it is easy to blame it on youth, the more likely cause is the indocrtination provided in the feminist studies programs.
Much like the media failure of today,these feminists don't consider that the problem may be content driven.
These people are so insane.
Literally insane!
Delayed maturation, but presumed sophistication perfectly describes the Gang of 88 mentality.
Yet they would have people believe students are the immature ones.
And you can bet Kerry Haynie didn't actually write that letter. Even though the subject matter is ridiculous, it's readable.
People like Karla Holloway are the true evil players in such a scenario as the Lacrosse Hoax.
I would guess that a fair number of the Gang went along with the Hoax and hitched their wagons to the ruptured dialogue and antics for fear of being chastised and placing their advancement in the academy in jeopardy.
But people like Karla Holloway have more sinister motives, IMO.
Although Holloway is a horrible writer and with her background---or lack thereof---has no business teaching anything in a law school, she has the tortured and stilted rhetoric of the "African-American professor" memorized.
She is not a stupid woman. If she had set her sights on being a REAL professor early on, I have no doubt she could have been a good one.
But people like Holloway are steeped inside an insular and angry mixture of expectations from a world which no longer is obligated to subsidize those outdated demands and expectations---if it ever was.
It's quite unfortunate that the civil rights movement of decades past has deteriorated into such a sclerotic example of.....
......"No good deed and no good intention go unpunished."
As I was speaking with Holloway a few months ago, I realized that under different circumstances we could both have had a pleasant conversation of light things the way women often do.
But alas, I went into that encounter knowing of what this woman is capable---burdened by the knowledge of her true nature.
She is a perfect example of self-serving evil behind a soft voice.
People with such a "race-centric" mindset have no business teaching young people and implanting their futures with this disease.
That's the first I've heard of the "Southpark Effect"..."painful things are made light of or mocked to hide pain".
Uh, maybe they are mocked because their actions/inactions are, er, ah, insanely stupid and quite easy to parody?
It's amazing to me how much these people can talk and not make any sense.
Notice the use of the term INTERVENTIONS and then the suggestion to Reconsider Admissions Strategy and Focus Less on the 'Well-Rounded'
INTERVENTIONS is a Public Health term. We all see intervening 'spots' on television with respect to HIV, obesity, Swine Flu etc..
The Duke INTERVENTION program(s) start with their programming for first year students which is an expensive NOT included in tuition. Thus, Duke's Office of Student Affairs must SELL this program to incoming students. See Project Wave @ Duke referenced below which is very similar to the University of Delaware program that was canceled recently. Notice also the small number of students participating.
First year students who are second and third generation college students from great families tend to be somewhat amused at INTERVENTIONS of any type...especially if they are majoring in math, science or engineering or pre-medicine/law. However, first year students who plan to major in English, Sociology and the 'Studies' majors/minors learn that participation in these INTERVENTIONS are expected.
Office of Student affairs staff members would much prefer working with first year students who are LESS WELL ROUNDED...which is 'short-hand' for saying they want to work with smart kids from the urban ghetto if the cost of the program is FREE. Thus the goal is to remove the fee associated with these programs.
It is these kids who participate in these INTERVENTION programs who populate the campus race/gender/privilege programming throughout the four years of undergraduate study...to include the infamous Castrate March.
But the real question is ...Who approves INTERVENTION programs in the first place? The faculty doesn't even know about these programs.
And what is INTERVENTION programming? Practicing medicine and psychiatry without a license?
Freshman INTERVENTION programming and required DIVERSITY courses is [WAS] the long term goal for Duke and many other universities.
The summary was written by Shakespeare:
. it is a tale
. Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
. Signifying nothing
. . . . Macbeth, Act 5, Scene 5:
Or, as we heard in Junior High:
. "Saying it does not make it so."
These people think that their illogical rants somehow become reality.
One difference between a place like Duke or Harvard and where I teach is that we do not have enough money to create the fantasy world that has become elite higher education. Where else can a faculty member who is paid a salary well above what most people make, teach one or two classes a year, publish unreadable papers in obscure journals, yet also get to pretend that he or she is oppressed beyond reason.
Duke apparently has so much money that it can afford to hire people whose one job is to run to the barricades and prattle on about being "oppressed" while engaging in acts meant only to get attention. This truly is pathetic, and it will be interesting to see what happens at Duke, Harvard, and the other high-priced elite institutions that now are facing that cold water of financial reality.
Here is betting that you will see people like Karla Holloway and others engaging in fits of rage and immaturity as the money no longer is available to fund their childish antics.
Has anyone seen this piece of comedy from Holloway?
Nothing is secret, eh?
Nothing but the amount of gall it takes to call herself a "scholar".
You'll get a dose of Holloway's soft voice as she talks about integrity and other lofty allusions in this NPR recording along with David Lewis Levering as they remember JH Franklin.
It's about 10 minutes long.
Just click near the little red speaker box at the top of the article.
Gotta love listening to Holloway talk about "integrity".
Is it any wonder these sorts of people were so terribly upset when the Duke players were declared "innocent"? The level of analyis reflected in these documents is similar to what we'd expect from a high schooler.
If people in the business world involved themselves in these issues with such fervor, everyone would agree -- they have way too much free time on their hands.
These writings should be embarrassing to the CCI participants because they are not just poor scholarship, also, they are illogical, irrational and anti-social at he very least.
The anger that oozes from these dccuments is definitely pathologic. These people are clear-cut clinical sociopaths.
How proud Duke's leaders must be to read this drivel
Here's big Paula with the same predictable lines.
In fact, it's her theme song.
Still Two Nations?
Of course! We still have so far to go!
You know, the truth is that on campus there are these mutually held views of Holloway. 1. That the lacrosse episode was handled very badly. 2. That what Thompson said in his email is what I have heard people on both sides of the issue say about her--even from Econ folks like RW or Engineer fac like MG. There is great respect for her personality and for her scholarship as well. But of course it is very Humanities oriented. She won rave reviews as dean and a lot of us wish she still was still in that office--both of them. Most view her positions in the lacrosse business as puzzling and wrong. But the fact is she is universally respected on the campus and very well liked. And it definitely crosses racial boundaries. So that probably explains why she continues to have such personal authority on campus. I understand the judgments expressed on this blog, and even agree with a lot of them. But on campus you will hear a set of totally different opinions. It's almost like two different worlds--inside Duke, and the rest of us.
ID (Inside Duke)
GP (or anyone): With which specific UD program does PWAVES compare? From the web site, I cannot understand your issue with it. Looks like a relatively small pre-frosh event. What from the information provided or anything else do you object to, specifically?
Found at Minding The Campus:
this link
is to an article - Bucknell University Lies Again by Adam Kissel.
Article calls serious jive on Bucknell and their General Counsel one Bromfield.
Looks like the FIRE/Bucknell shindy might be going into extra innings. Or rounds.
Bucknell is private so FIRE will have to deploy the jawbone of an jurisconsult.
As a sidebar, I was thinking last evening how might people like the Gang of 88 feel---moreover, how might they explain someone like Michael Jackson as they go about imparting their warped views inside Duke's lecture halls.
Predictably, there has been enormous praise for the late entertainer from the black community; however, there is an element---Barry Saunders among them---who have always chastised him for yearning to be white.
Whether or not that statement is true, he certainly dissolved all the boundaries with regard to pop culture, his music, and his private life.
Putting aside his eccentricities and the numerous serious allegations surrounding his private life, no musician or entertainer brought "black and white" together with his music more than Michael Jackson.
I prefer to remember him that way.
When he was at his best---(think Thriller)---there was no one better.
Rest in peace, Michael!
Barber and McSurely are at it again:
Backers urge passage of Racial Justice Act
BY JOHN MCCANN : The Herald-Sun
Jun 26, 2009
DURHAM -- Decrying the disproportionate number of black men on death row, and outraged that punishment is lacking for prosecutors in the instances when those black men are exonerated, the state NAACP and supporters on Thursday huddled during a press conference and pushed for state lawmakers to pass the North Carolina Racial Justice Act.
State Sen. Floyd McKissick Jr., D-Durham, is the bill's primary sponsor. The Senate has passed it. A House of Representatives committee could vote on it Tuesday. If the bill gets approved there, the full House would vote on it.
The Racial Justice Act would allow defendants facing the death penalty to challenge their convictions on the basis of race.
"This is not an anti-death penalty act," McKissick said. "It's more of a fair sentencing act."
According to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, slightly more than 3,300 defendants across the country are on death row, and more than half of them are locked up in the 12 former slave states where at least 1,000 men have been executed since the death penalty was restored in 1976. But 70 of those men were exonerated, according to the NAACP. Among them are Jonathan Hoffman, Glen Edward Chapman, Levon Jones, James Johnson and Darryl Hunt -- all five of them black men from North Carolina who collectively spent at least six decades behind bars for murder convictions that ended up getting reversed.
And none of their prosecutors lost their jobs or otherwise suffered significantly, state NAACP President William Barber said.
"It continues to look as though black life doesn't mean the same in the seats of power," Barber said. "Society has proven that with Duke lacrosse."
Three years ago when three white students on Duke University's lacrosse team were charged with raping a black female stripper at an off-campus party, the steps in front of the Durham County Judicial Building would teem with TV cameras and reporters ready to write. But there weren't any TV cameras on Thursday when protesters demanded justice for black men. Passersby did just that -- walked on.
"We don't know how many people's lives we have destroyed," Barber said. "We do know that the judicial system is schizophrenic."
That inmates like Hunt finally were freed doesn't mean the justice system works -- quite the opposite, actually, both Barber and others said. It's too little, too late, they suggested.
"North Carolina has the worst record of prosecutorial misjudgment," lawyer Al McSurely said at the news conference. There's the presumption of guilt any time a black man gets arrested, he said. "If he's black, he's guilty."
Barber argued that black people are more likely to get the death penalty for killing white people.
According to Durham's District Attorney Office, Durham has one person on death row, and that case involved a white man killing a black woman.
Officials noted that there are two black district attorneys in North Carolina, one a black man in Wilson County, and the other Durham's Tracey Cline, a black woman.
"The eyes of the world are watching us," Jeremy Collins said about the potential passage of the Racial Justice Act. Collins is the campaign coordinator for N.C. Coalition for a Moratorium, which is about pausing executions while state legislators reform capital punishment. "How will we respond to the injustices?"
Privacy Requires Security, Not Abstinence Protecting an inalienable right in the age of Facebook.
This great article speaks to a fundamental right that the Steel, Brodhead, Nifong, the Klan of 88, the media, and others all violated. Not only did they violate the student's right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, but in the Internet age, the right to privacy.
".."False light" is a problem we still don't know how to address online. It's all too easy on today's Internet to attack a person's reputation with anonymously posted false statements...
For example, two years ago AutoAdmit, an online message board for law students and lawyers, was sued by two female Yale Law students who said they'd been unable to obtain summer associate positions because vile and malicious sexual comments about them appeared whenever someone searched for their names..."
The Lacrosse team, coach, and especially the falsely accused young men have received a life sentence that will never go away regardless of what happens in the civil trials. The Internet is forever. Selena Roberts, Nancy Grace, and others don't help.
Consider the treatment of the player who referenced "American Psycho", an assigned reading text by many of the Duke faculty. There has been no consequence for those who released that private email.
"...privacy is no longer just the right to be left alone; it involves people's right "to determine for themselves when, how, and to what extent information about them is communicated to others..."
Legislation has been passed "...to prevent personal information from being reused in certain ways without permission." But it must be enforced.
Who among us trusts Duke to be the mediator holding personal data?
"...All activity on the Internet is mediated--by software on your computer and on the remote service; by the remote service itself; and by the Internet service providers that carry the data. Each of these mediators has the ability to record or change the data as it passes through. And each mediator has an incentive to exploit its position for financial gain..."
"...But leaving your data on some organization's servers creates all sorts of opportunities for mishap. The organization might have a bad employee who siphons out data for personal profit..."
Consider, Clear, a company that recently went bust. They held 250,000 iris and fingerprint biometric records used for the Registered Traveler program. Now a judge will determine who "owns" and has access to those records. They claim to be secure, but who is now paying to secure those records?
And these guys (Clear) were trusted.
Have Duke administrators or faculty made one decision since the hoax to bridge the trust gap? One could argue they've made multiple decisions that have created a much, much larger gap.
But, privacy protection is about much more than just financial gain, especially when one contemplates the ruthless and proactive PC efforts of the Duke faculty as outlined in the proposed CCI.
Contemplating that any of the Klan of 88 or authors of the CCI would have any control over data is very, very disconcerting. This issue transcends the faux scholarship and fundamentally demonstrates they should not be trusted with anything. And if they can't be trusted why are they working in positions of responsibility?
The question posed in the article, "What happens if somebody impersonating you calls up a company and demands access to your data?" becomes interesting in fascist environments like Duke.
Imagine the Duke race/gender/class warfare faculty demanding student information. We've already seen grade retaliation. And we realize that Brodhead and Steel don't have the stones to fight these fascists. Who's left?
I agree with everything the author says EXCEPT his conclusion. The Duke hoax demonstrates why central authorities should never be trusted. Why I wouldn't even trust them with your information.
Is Haynie a Communist?
Black baseball players and their effect on fatherhood
By Mark Anthony Neal : Guest columnist
The Herald-Sun
Jun 26, 2009
My father went home to his glory months before the election of Barack Obama as the first black president. In the difficult days before his death, there was little opportunity to even consider such a possibility, but I have vivid memories of his reaction to another black first.
It was the fall of 1974, when the Cleveland Indians broke one of the last color barriers in professional baseball by naming Frank Robinson their manager. My father's joy was palpable -- one of the lasting memories that I have of him -- and indeed so many memories that I have of my father are tied to his joy of baseball and love of the black men who played it.
Robinson took the opportunity that day in October 1972 to announce his hope that one day he could attend such a game and see a black manager in one of the dugouts. It would be Jackie Robinson's last public appearance. He died Oct. 24, 1972, at the young age of 53. I can remember my father, trying to get his 6-year-old son, oblivious to the Jim Crow segregation that defined his father's existence, to understand the significance of Jackie Robinson's life and death.
My father was never much of a race man, but his sense of racial accomplishment was intimately tied to the black men he watched play the game. Born in 1935, my father was of a generation of black men who clearly smelled of freedom in ways that their fathers could never have imagined, but they were still reined in by very real social constraints.
In men like Frank Robinson, Jackie Robinson, Juan Marachial, Henry Aaron, Elston Howard, Bob Gibson, Roberto Clemente and especially Willie Mays -- the first generation of black superstars -- my father saw the possibilities of that freedom, even if it could only then be realized on the playing field.
It was my father's love of Mays, who starred for the New York Giants from 1951-1957, before the team moved to San Francisco before the 1958 season, that essentially made me a baseball fan.
My father could barely contain himself when Mays was traded from the San Francisco Giants to the New York Mets in May 1972. After that, if I was gonna be a baseball fan, I had little choice but to be a New York Met fan, despite the fact Yankee Stadium was less than 10 minutes away from our Bronx tenement building.
The most important memorable times, though, were the Sundays when we could head out to Flushing, N.Y., and see games in person. At the time I couldn't fully appreciate what it meant to see Willie Mays in the flesh, despite his diminished talents.
Though I have remained a baseball fan for much of my life, girls and hip-hop would capture my attention in the decade after Mays' retirement. There were few games that my father and I watched together as time progressed, though we excitedly discussed the emergence of Darryl Strawberry and Dwight Gooden as the New York Mets' first home-grown black superstars in the mid-1980s.
There was a decided silence between my father and I, when both of those men succumbed to the pitfalls of being young, black and famous in New York City.
I lament that my father and I never attended a baseball game together as adults -- as men who could reflect on the beauty of the game along with the challenges that we faced as black men, fathers and loving husbands. My father's absence hit home only a few weeks ago, as I watched the opening of the New York Mets' new stadium, Citi Field.
Sometime this summer I hope to visit Citi Field with my own children. My father will not be there, but his spirit will be present as I explain to my children how important this game of baseball was to their grandfather.
It's significant to point out that in order to paste that column by the "thug intellectual", I had to delete about 4 or 5 paragraphs for it to go through.
That's how long and rambling and self-indulgent the Gang of 88 are allowed to be.
The H-S and the N&O will allow any length and any topic from these buffoons.
It's quite a double standard when you know---as do I from personal experience---how they edit and cut short work from other people.
Virtually everything Neal has written is about himself.
And the paragraphs I had to delete for space were even more self-indulgent.
Culture of Sex at Duke? His research area sounds very Gang88ish..and he is on unpaid administrative leave??
"A Duke University official has been arrested and charged with offering his adopted five-year-old son for sex.
Frank Lombard, the school's associate director of the Center for Health Policy, was arrested after an Internet sting, according to the FBI's Washington field office and the city's police department.. He is now on unpaid administrative leave."
A commenter at the N&O on the latest Duke sex case asks:
"Has Duke's Gang of 88 prepared an ad for this yet?"
Anonymous 6/26/09 :: 2:47 AM said...
...GP (or anyone): With which specific UD program does PWAVES compare? From the web site, I cannot understand your issue with it. Looks like a relatively small pre-frosh event. What from the information provided or anything else do you object to, specifically?
Please see the agenda (Image) in this posting from KC titled...GENDER/SEXUALITY SUB-COMMITTEE - UPDATE - JULY 13, 2006.
There REALLY WAS a Gender/Sexuality Sub-Committee of faculty and staff at Duke.
The Project Wild/Build/Waves 'programs' are in face listed as "Programmatic Possibilities" to solve problems before the 'GENDER/SEXUALITY SUB-COMMITTEE' as per this 'Working Hypothesis'...
'Duke's gendered culture is, in no small part, derived from a fundamental lack of respect, fueled by a mix of insecurity, dis-empowerment and alcohol.'
Anon. 2:47: There are no such problems! They made them up! And then designed the Project Wild/Build/Waves programs to help solve problems they DO NOT HAVE.
The exact same phenomenon happened at The University of Delaware with their indoctrination program. And they got caught.
Interventions, Integration and Treatment Programs to teach conformity.
Attending a Gender/Sexuality Sub-Committee? Know before you go!
Interesting Mark Anthony Neal, an associate professor of African-American studies at Duke.
one big happy family.
Just when you think you have seen everything: Duke official offers his child for sex. What a nasty campus culture.
Where are the potbangers tonight?
When can we expect a march on Lombard's house? Advertisements in the newspapers, the campus cops trying to intimidate him, people pronouncing him guilty of "something"... when does that all start?
GP - I believe you are confused as to cause and effect. PWAVES was not created as a part of CCI (nor were PBUILD or PWILD). And as with several CCI recommendations, no action seems to have been taken on this one.
Aside from the program being listed on a recommendations or discussion sheet, is there some specific part of the *actual* PWAVES program or information about it that is akin to the UD debacle? Which is to say, is there something substantive that concerns you about how PWAVES is *actually* run?
I'm sure many things were *listed* as possible ways to "solve" the "problems," but that doesn't make those listed things problematic.
These people are a disgrace. One can only wonder how they still have jobs in higher education?
to the 9:21 PM -
Yuh, senior faculty on the CCI are pushing Big Brother agenda items, but it is nothing to worry about. They are just kidding.
And, even post-modernists realize that the definition of "problematic" is
. . . of the nature of a problem; doubtful; uncertain; questionable.
. . . unsure, indeterminate, unsettled, dubious, ambiguous.
No matter how much you bang a pot, it still does not mean "a probable outcome".
This sexual molestation case at Duke is extremely heinous.
However, the accused, Mr. Lombard, seems to have fit the perfect profile of a "valued member of the Duke family".
And, of course, he's most certainly been a Gang of 88-approved employee.
Duke spokesman Michael Schoenfeld said Lombard has worked at Duke since 1999. Durham city officials told the university of the arrest late Wednesday; Lombard was placed on unpaid administrative leave Thursday.
"Duke is cooperating with the investigation," Schoenfeld said.
Lombard was a health disparities researcher who has obtained millions of dollars in federal grants to study HIV/AIDS in the rural south, according to a Duke Web site.
---"obtained millions of dollars in federal grants"
A Gang of 88 gem!
As I commented near the beginning of this analysis of the CCI work, these postings to me have been some of the most important work KC has done on this entire matter.
Seeing the actual documents that give us insight into the very warped and dangerous ideological and pedagogical principles that motivate some of the faculty at Duke has been most revealing.
IMHO, many of the comments made in these CCI threads have been among the best that have appeared on this Blog.
That said, to me, any reference to the recent allegations against Mr. Lombard, a Duke employee who does not appear to be connected in any manner to the lacrosse case, seems entirely off topic and completely irrelevant to our discussions here.
That there is some nexus to this case, the Gang of 88, or that Lombard's alleged horrific deeds speak to "culture" at Duke represents as thin of gruel as anyone could serve here.
What's next? If some random Duke employee gets arrested for drunken driving, is that some sort of exoneration for the party culture that exists at Duke and many other universities?
Come on folks!
One Spook
Our friend, Sidney B. Harr, posted this informative tidbit on Liestoppers (posting lacks a date)
"On one page [of justice4nifong.com] devoted to links to other sites, I plan on listing yours [liestoppers.blogspot.com], along with "Durham-in-Wonderland" under the category of "Blog sites of the Misguided." Please feel free to put a link to our web site on your blog. We certainly have no objection."
How nice. Mr. Harr's picture, along with those of Victoria Peterson, President, Steven Matherly, Mike Nifong, and Douglas Register appear on the intro page of justice4nifong.com, "the most authoritative and insightful website online which focuses on Mike Nifong, his unjust and selective disbarment, the Duke Lacrosse case ..."
Gives you warm fuzzy feelings, just reading that
6/26/09 7:43
RE: http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,529184,00.html?test=latestnews
The pots should start banging at any time now.
North of Detroit.
Anonymous said...
Is Haynie a Communist?
6/26/09 9:00 AM
Is it possible in America today to become a professor of Soft Studies without being a Communist? At a minimum, I think we can safely say that it is impossible to become a professor of Soft Studies if one is an anti-Communist.
This N&O comment from a former co-worker of Lombard:
"I worked with Lombard for a couple years. He was openly gay, not that I or anyone else gave a hoot, and saw himself as an activist. There was no indication of pedophilia, but there wouldn't be in the work environment. He was pleasant to co-workers and considered inept by many at the work of that particular unit.
He left to go work for Wake Co Public Health after the first adoption, so I know nothing of the second child, the one alleged to have been offered up to another pedophile. The first child adopted was Afro-American and a real cutie-pie as an infant. The detail of his race will likely bring some agitation to the public fora over this case."
This case should prove very interesting for the other "activists" at Duke.
How to respond in light of some of the details?
What these campus-culture engineers cannot fathom is that discrimination is still rampant in our society -- just not in the form that they have attacked and that has been outlawed to date. Further, it has existed throughout the millenia and will continue to exist for all time. The Federally-mandated equality initiative will never keep up with mankind's ability to segment its society (and even its sub-species) according to attributes.
And 'those that have', frankly, don't give a flying f*** what 'those that don't have' think about these attributes. And 'those that don't have' know exactly those attributes that they lack and, in some/many cases, covet. Please excuse this gross generalization, but I submit that it is (for the most part) accurate.
Good........................Not so good
Tall.........................Less tall
Low Body Mass Index....Obese
Clean complected...........Diseased skin
These are some of the attributes about which I speak. The list is in no way complete. Nor is it necessarily accurate, since, by definition, it reflects my own biases. But notice that it does not speak to any of those "protected" attributes that intelligent people know to compartmentalize and sublimate when they actively discriminate.
And discriminate, they do. For if an individual fails to discriminate, then they are incapable of making daily decisions of all sorts. Duke students and everyone else discriminates on a daily basis -- and my bet -- they will continue to do so. They will continue to do so even if these mal-intentioned cultural do-gooders mount an even more caustic crusade.
The "campus culture" is a being, alive and untamed, even un-tame-able. It will evolve, grow and change but not according to some rose-colored concept of a utopia devoid of discrimination and judgment.
Because this is the state of culture (in general), it is evident that these so-called learned people have failed to accurately define their objective and desired result. I suspect they cannot, for they are permanently impaled on the tines of those Federal legislative pitchforks.
If anyone is interested, this is the detailed report from the DC undercover officer concerning the Duke University staffer that was arrested.
Quite revolting.
I do hope that Brodhead has a balm for this one.
Whatever happened to the DSED blog?
If someone isn't going to work on it, they need to take it down.
I truly believe that we have reached the point where technology has become one with our society, and I am fairly confident when I say that we have passed the point of no return in our relationship with technology.
I don't mean this in a bad way, of course! Ethical concerns aside... I just hope that as memory becomes less expensive, the possibility of uploading our memories onto a digital medium becomes a true reality. It's a fantasy that I daydream about every once in a while.
(Posted on Nintendo DS running [url=http://kwstar88.zoomshare.com/2.shtml]R4 SDHC[/url] DS Qezv2)
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