Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Self-Serving, Pathetic Hatred

[Nifong’s] acts tore his own city apart, in a racial/class divide, allowing people on both sides of the racial divide who live to exploit racial tension, for no other purpose than their own self-aggrandizement or personal advancement—allowed them a stage from which to spew their self-serving but pathetic hatred.

And some of you in the media call them community activists.

--Joe Cheshire

As if responding to Cheshire's cue, a headline from yesterday’s Herald-Sun: “‘Innocent’ Declaration Angers Local Activists.” [emphasis added] The story: Nifong citizens’ committee co-chair Victoria (“burn the house down”) Peterson blasted Attorney General Roy Cooper for declaring “innocent” the three people falsely accused by Crystal Mangum.

Said Peterson,

I don't really care what you think, if you think that the girl was lying or telling the truth, but what happened to the judicial system we have in this country where the jury is the only one who can say if someone is innocent? If he thought there wasn't enough evidence, he could dismiss the charges, but this man [Cooper] took it a step further, he said “We believe these three are innocent.”

Peterson seems unaware that under “the judicial system we have in this country,” a jury declares someone guilty or not guilty. Innocent is not among the options that juries consider.

That such preposterous declarations came from Peterson, who’s nothing more than a professional race-baiter, is no surprise. (Nor is it surprising that the H-S described Mangum as a “victim” in the article.) Stunningly, however, Lavonia Allison also attended the affair. As chair of Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People—the city’s most powerful political action committee—Allison can hardly be dismissed as a crackpot.

While some key Durham African-Americans, such as state senator-elect Floyd McKissick, have publicly rebuked Mike Nifong, others seem determined to go down with the ship. At the April 11, 2006 NCCU forum, Pastor John Bennett demanded that Nifong promise not only to arrest three players, but to parade them before cameras in handcuffs.

Last week, after Cooper publicly declared the players innocent, Bennett was not satisfied. “I do believe that something out of the ordinary did happen in that house,” he told WRAL. “I’m not saying it was rape. I'm not necessarily saying it was them.” Of course, if we believe Mangum’s final story—that she was at one point suspended in mid-air—then something out of the ordinary did happen in that house.

In a post-press conference interview on MSNBC, Georgia Goslee personified those who “live to exploit racial tension, for no other purpose than their own self-aggrandizement.” Declared the former federal prosecutor (and fitness instructor):

Something in the back of my mind still tells me that something occurred in that house on that night that the—that the victim [sic] said that she was raped. If the legal authorities in North Carolina have so ruled, then I as a lawyer, we don't have a choice but to accept it. But I just still believe that something happened that wasn't quite right in that house that night.

I still will always believe—and it’s just my opinion, as an attorney who's tried many cases, investigated [sic] many cases, I just still believe—that something happened more than a false accusation.
Then there’s Houston Baker, who’s now at Vanderbilt. A student considering taking Baker’s class e-mailed the former Group of 88 stalwart yesterday, noting Baker’s comments on events at Duke and wondering whether he could be treated fairly in the class if he disagreed with Baker’s views.

Baker’s response?

On a night when 32 pople [sic] have been slaughtered. When the Chancellor of Vandebilt [sic] has issued an amazingly compassionate statement about the horror, you write to me about fairness? Shame on you.

What the Virginia Tech massacre has to do with Baker’s fairness toward students at his school the tenured professor of English did not reveal.

But perhaps the most appalling example of “self-serving but pathetic hatred” came from an April 12 interview with Julianne Malveaux. Malveaux has been a regular commentator for the past decade on national politics and cultural trends. She also was recently named president of Bennett College in Greensboro, North Carolina. In making the announcement, the college hailed Malveaux’s “contributions to the public dialogue on issues such as race, culture, gender, and their economic impacts, are helping to shape public opinion in 21st century America.” The website also quoted African-American Studies scholar/rap artist Cornel West describing her as “the most iconoclastic public intellectual in the country.”

When asked about the case on National Public Radio (slide ahead to 11.09 on this recording), Malveaux stated,

Those kids don’t deserve an apology. They hired strippers . . . They were known for hooliganistic behavior separate and apart from what happened to this woman. So, no, they don’t deserve any apologies at all . . . Not from the professors, not from anyone else.

Furthermore, obviously the woman—the victim in this case—has changed her story a couple [sic] of times . . . Well, frankly, I believe that something did happen there. We know that something happened. We know [sic] that these guys lied about their names, so she had difficulty identifying [them]. Something happened to this woman and she deserves a lot of our compassion.

Rev. [Jesse] Jackson, you know, offered to pay her way through school, and I think that’s a fine offer. I hope she takes him up on it. But I really, you know—I think something happened here. I think these guys are bad apples. They may not—you may not be able to prove rape; you may not be able to prove anything. But something did happen there, and it was something that was wrong.

So speaks the president of a North Carolina college.


Anonymous said...

It's unfortunate that Joe Cheshire only spelled out "innocent" during the press conference. It seems that he also needed to provide a precisely definition.

Anonymous said...

1.A prosecutor CANNOT declare someone innocent; only that they are not proceeding because of insufficient evidence. Check out what the actual statments on the internet; the box checked was actually insufficient evidence with the innocence bs typed underneath to make it valid which it is not.

2.the only hatred being exhibited in this case was by the n-word using players that night and by the defense who tried to get the venue changed by saying that black durhamites were incapable of being on a jury.

Black people here are not feeling Cheshire's or Cooper's bs at all.

Anonymous said...

Unbelievable. What will it take? The evidence is OVERWHELMING. NOONE from the team left ANY DNA in or on her. FOUR + other men NOT ON THE TEAM(who have never been pursued on the rape charge) left semen! Crystal is mentally ill, and god help her I hope she gets help, but so are these people.

If it means they end up in community college, none of my children will attend Duke, Vanderbilt, or any crappy liberal arts school enabling these nutjobs

Anonymous said...


Currently, the hyperlink for Lavonia Allison seems to point to the wrong location (a discussion board?).

Anonymous said...

Doing a search on Bennet Collge yielded some interesting reading that clues you in to how sucha woman could become their president....

Anonymous said...

People like Peterson, "Pastor" Bennett, and Malveaux are those types of angry dementos I see at subway stations and street corners, angrily ranting in between asking people for spare change. Somehow, something went totally wrong with the system and they wound up in positions where someone or something told those people they have anything worthwhile to say.

Anonymous said...

anon 12:29

1. Whatever boxes were checked, the state attorney general clearly communicated that his team of non-biased experts believe the boys are innocent. Nuf said

2. Not that it is right by any means, ever...but keep in mind that the n-word was used in retaliation (and it wasn't Collin or Reade making the comment, as they werent even there). It was also wrong of the dancers to be making the comments which initiated the dialogue.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know when all the info. on Cooper's discoveries are due to be made public?

Anonymous said...

Former Secretary of Labor Ray Donovan was accused of fraud in connection with a NYC subway project. When he was acquitted by the jury, he famously asked: "Which office do I go to to get my reputation back?"
Cooper attempted to help the Duke 3 get some of their reputations back -- to no avail in some quarters apparently. As for Malveux, remember this lovely tidbit: "[regarding SCOTUS Justice Clarence Thomas] The man is on the Court. You know, I hope his wife feeds him lots of eggs and butter and he dies early like many black men do, of heart disease. Well, that’s how I feel. He is an absolutely reprehensible person." I disagree with and have disagreed with the opinions and philosophies of several Supreme Court justices over the years; I do not wish death upon those with whom I disagree.

Anonymous said...

“contributions to the public dialogue on issues such as race, culture, gender, and their economic impacts, are helping to shape public opinion in 21st century America.”

I think the word 'impaction' (as in fecal impaction) would fit better in this introduction, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Have you seen a photo of Thomas lately? He is quite the fat cat.

Anonymous said...

I can only imagine how much worse the reaction of these people would have been if Roy Cooper hadn't used the "I" word...INNOCENT. Actually it might have been exactly the same now that I think about it...they are like pit bulls and just can't let go no matter what.

I remember a comment that only those willfully blind and dumb could continue to believe that "something happened" and these self-serving, pathetic people fit the bill exactly.

If I hear another person argue.."but they hired strippers" I think I'm going to scream. If they are so offended why don't they go after the sex industry about Victoria Peterson holding a candlelight vigil in front of the Platinum Club for starters.

Anonymous said...

JLS says....,

Wow Professor Johnson what an openning. I just had to cut and paste it and add some bolding:

allowing people on both sides of the racial divide who live to exploit racial tension, for no other purpose than their own self-aggrandizement or personal advancement—allowed them a stage from which to spew their self-serving but pathetic hatred.

And some of you in the media call them community activists.

--Joe Cheshire

As if responding to Cheshire's cue, a headline from yesterday’s Herald-Sun: “‘Innocent’ Declaration Angers Local Activists.”

If you included this is in a work of fiction, your editor would worry it was so unbelieveable it would lose your readers.

As for the rest of the venom they spew, I think Walter Williams has called such people "the Clan with a Tan." They want to keep African-Americans down trodden and hopeless for their own benefit. Social progress puts them out of business.

Anonymous said...

To h%%% with North Carolina, Duke and most espically Durham. They deserve what they get. don't spend any tourist dollars in this state. No one needs to be stuck in Duck any longer.

Anonymous said...

I think something did happen. AG Cooper mentioned that Crystal levitated in that house. My question: was it the "garden variety anybody can do it" Balducci kind of levitation or did Crystal think it was possibly her first miracle? These answers could be important when it comes time to award custody of the children.

Anonymous said...

I just sent a letter to the editor of the Greensboro newspaper concerning Ms. Malveaux's "performance".

I am so sick of the "something happened" chant. Yes, something happened. I sick young lady filed a false police report, anyone and everyone with an agenda jumped on the bandwagon and the Durham DA obliged. What goes around comes around.

Anonymous said...

"Black people here are not feeling Cheshire's or Cooper's bs at all. "

So... who's bs will 'black people here" believe?

Anonymous said...

anon 12:54 : That's another good point. Some people still trying to hold onto SOME way to make the Duke lax team the bad guys. They are screaming, "They hired women! For their own sexual gratification!" But, for this whole time since the case started, hiring strippers, prostitutes, dancers, etc has been going on through the club CGM worked at and all throughout Durham. It's probably going on as I type this. Why don't these outraged moralists go protest outside the club? Why don't they follow the strippers to their appointments and protest? They don't. It shows how full of crap they are. They just didn't like it when "rich white male" Duke students did it.

Anonymous said...

12:29 The new prosecutor can and DID declare them innocent. He looked at the evidence and saw that the people doing the accusing and prosecuting were LYING, either intentionally or not. In order to confirm his position, he consulted the hard evidence, which only supported the theory of the accuser lying and did not in any way support the possibility she was truthful.

The one little gross piece of evidence that points out the insanity of her story that comes back to haunt me again and again. She claims no sex for a week before the party. The DNA report says she has male DNA INSIDE her ANUS. Now I am not an MD, but I just cannot see how this can be plausible.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Malveaux is a highy educated black woman and a role model for young black women. It shows that a lot of black people of both high and low educational attainment believe something happened and they do not buy this high grade of bs that Cooper is trying to come up with and you can bet that Cooper is going to pay at election time. Allison, Malveaux, etc have a following and you will see it in the nest days.

Anonymous said...

Also how does challenging the lying oppressor keep a people downtrodden? They are trying to empower black people not un-empower them and that is what the defense and the Bar, etc are trying to do. Nifong was duly elected as DA and the Bar interrupting in the middle of a case is obsrtuction of justice plain and simple and an attempt to subvert the vote of the black people of Durham county who elected Nifong in the primary and the general election. These individuals tried to control the election to foster their own ends and get this case deep sixed and they finally succeeded but do not think the black communjity is going to swallow this. They are not and you have just started to hear the backlash.

Anonymous said...

Malveaux is a gorgon. Awful, awful woman.

Anonymous said...

Sweetmick says, frightening isn't it, after listening to Malveaux, Peterson, et al, plus these posts complaining about Chesire's "bs" and un-empowering the black community. We are in two warring camps, folks. What these blacks and their white allies believe in their hearts can not be overcome by whatever ability to reason and to resort to logic they possess. Sad to say, if Nifong were running for election against AG Roy Cooper tomorrow, Nifong would receive 99.9% of the Durham black vote and 99% of the white radical left vote. 87 of the Group of 88 would vote today for Nifong. Brodhead , Ashley and Burness would vote for Nifong. This is only one battle won. They want to create a different America, and as they reach positions of authority in government, universities, the media, they can shape the discussion, even to the point of deliberate distortion and hiding of the truth, such as the Herald Sun did for months, and did Monday re 60 minutes. Anything to change the way we think and act. Orwell would be proud of them.

Fritz J. said...

I have looked upon hatred, and it is ugly. That so many people are unwilling to accept that the whole case was built upon lies makes me ill. Perhaps justice would be served if those people, who are unwilling to accept that there was no crime, had to face a criminal court in which their attitude was reciprocated against them. I can only be thankful that I don't have to associate with them. They are sick.

Anonymous said...

How come all the trolls all of a sudden? I didn't know they could read. As for Malveaux, she is aptly described by Walter Williams' words: "Klan with a tan." As for the trolls, they can vote against Cooper until hell freezes over, I'll bet he's our next governor.

heartmind said...
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heartmind said...

Bennett College has had many many problems in the last twenty years. This has often stemmed from leadership issues. It is sad to see that the trustees still do not have a handle on how to deal effectively with those issues. We are talking about a college that in the 1990's had students living in dorms with plumbing issues- among other things!

tu nd- you cut off much good when you cross off Duke. There are really good things happening there that aren't reported. Additionally, some professors have chosen their activism in ways that aren't covered by the media. Duke IS figuring this out from the inside. Those of us currently not on campus can trust the process the school is engaging in - even if it doesn't fit our own perceptions of what needs to be done. Sometimes I think all we need to do is get out of the way and let them purge from the inside- instead of muddying the waters externally from our limited perspective, (limited in the sense that we are not on campus day in and day out.)

On that note KC, I think I have some names for you regarding profs that are doing much activism but not choosing public exposure and why.

Maybe its just my humor, but reading about the little protest (15 people?) in Durham brought to mind Murphy's comment about rioting in the streets. I thought to myself that Murphy got her riot.. and donations from 5 people (or 5 people to talk to their churches?-who knows which the HS meant). Anyway just covering that(the HS) was amusing enough to contemplate.

On the other hand, I would think that people on this blog witnessing the kind of hatred that has been so destructive would choose the high road. But even here we see the kind of reactivity that is seen in KC' quotes this morning. Would that we could pause and then choose our words in a way that models what we are calling for from others. I mean that as a challenge for myself as well. Miss you Mac.

God bless Va Tech.

Anonymous said...

We do not want a separate America. We just want fairness and colorblind and finance free justice, period. Whites are the only ones who wanted to have everything separate; Jim crow segregation, aparthied, etc. Blacks have never wanted to separate; we just want a fair process which does not yet exist and we are not falling for the okey dokey bs from people like Cooper, Cheshire, etc. We are not stupid and recognise bought justice. Cooper is the ag of NC so he has the last word on this now but do not expect black folks to accept this bs meekly to keep the peace. We do not care about your idea of peace. The average white racists' idea of peace is for whites to keep on doing whatever they want( like Don Imus, a repeat disrespecter protected by whites until boycotting by Rev Al scared off his advertisers) and black people remain silent about it. To hell with that!! We care about justice for everyone not just the rich and entitled with previous records of misbehavior that have been minimised and whose racist attitudes have been minimised and finally,whose possible guilt has also been minimised.

The fact of the whole thing is this: CGM prostituted all over Durham county and had no problems with her customers but wound up in the ER at DUMC after a run in with the little angels of the duke lax team and that is a fact and our community knows that something must have happened because no street woman would have left her cash, her phone or her purse unless something bad was going down!!! What is being said by Cooper, the defense, et al,therefore defies our own logic and experiences and that is why the black community does not buy it for one minute.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anonymous:

Take a good look in the mirror. Your nothing more than a racist - a vile black racist.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Methinks today's troll is a white lefto who is posing as a black. Kinda like the old minstrel shows, huh? And just in case he/she needs a reminder: I think the vast majority of posters on this blog want a colorblind, free society, too. There are vicious racists of all colors; don't be one.

Anonymous said...


Are you arguing that a street woman cannot be mentally ill and so impaired she forgets her purse...or picks up a shaving kit instead of her purse (as exemplified in the photo of Ms. Mangum leaving the house)?

Are you arguing that when all the evidence, including the mutually contradictory, insane ramblings of Ms. Mangum, points towards the innocence of the accused, we should ignore all that evidence and proceed to trial?

Could you try the exercise of switching the races of the accused and accuser in you mind and see if you still come out the same way?

Maybe you can find a friend with a different opinion on this case and work through your logic with them. They might be able to help give you a different perspective.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

The "something happened" line always is the last resort of a scoundrel. In the Little Rascals case, it was clear that the "testimony" that NC state social workers had coaxed out of the children was outlandish, so the prosecutors told the jury that even though the stories clearly were embellished, they had to be proof that something happened.

This is something right out of Goebbels. Tell the Big Lie and people will discount the outlandish stuff, but then declare that "something happened" because no one would tell that big of a whopper.

I am not surprised here. The "something happened" line is what people use when they don't want to confront the truth. It is unfortunate, but if people choose to lie and to believe lies, then we cannot do anything about them.

Anonymous said...

I have my new word for today thanks to the Malveaux - intellect/rapper:

Anonymous said...

Mr Anonymous Black Racist:

Here's some unsolicited advice. Stand on your own feet, and stop seeing everything through a racial prism. Look to the future, be accountable and responsible for yourself, and expect the same of others. Group think is self-defeating.

Anonymous said...

The political agendas have been exposed. However, I am dismayed that my Alma Mater, Vanderbilt, hired Houston Baker. I hope that this exposure has compromised his potential negative impact on that community. If the students are on to him, I suspect he will be moving on shortly. He seems to wear out his welcome wherever he goes.

These racist malcontents know that the three young men are innocent, what has happened is that all their efforts of the last 13 months have been flushed and, in fact, their credibility has been crushed with the vast majority of people Despite this, you cannot and will not stop them in their attempts to gain political power (After the Tawana Brawley fiasco, I still don't understand why Al Sharpton is not in jail much less have a radio program-I look at the racist Sharpton and compare in to Imus-am I missing something?). You can only expose their lies/hatred and relegate them to irrelevancy. The true danger lies in those that try to manipulate quietly and behind the scenes. If you know your enemy, that's a good part of the battle. It's the ones you don't know...

Anonymous said...

Anybody still think the LAX 3 would have received a fair trial in Durham? That's why so many of the Nifong and "something happened" supporters argued for a trial so they "could prove their innocence." The supporters knew that the best verdict the LAX 3 could ever hope to achieve in Durham would be a hung jury, which the supporters could then use to validate their "something happened" theory. They would then add to their ranks -- the millions of people not paying close attention to the facts could also be led to believe that maybe "something happened." Just another attempt to keep the reparations process going. They want your money, folks.

Anonymous said...

To 6:56 anonymous:

There is something off with your current oral history/story. There is no specific genetic marker that iden. someone as "irish". (BTW did the test indicate whether it was protestant irish or catholic irish?). Recent sophisticated DNA analysis indicates that there is very little genetic distinction between irish, scottish, british and welsh. MDEsq.

Anonymous said...

Couple of things.

I would urge the remaining 'supporters' of Ms. Mangum to be careful, if they continue on with their pathetic 'something happened' that night they could conceivably force Cooper to indict her afterall, taking away the last vestige of privacy and dignity that she has and have her mental illness, lying, instability paraded in front of the world. Be careful what you wish for haters.

Secondly, based on the N&O story on Wilson, I wonder if there is a case against him of suborning perjury or witness tampering? He is NOT a cop, so wouldn't have either the legal protections a police officer would have OR the same level of sympathy from a jury. He may be the other party who ends up going down on the HMS NIfong. From Neifs story it looks like it was Wilson who orchestrated the firing of the cab driver, Wilson who showed her the boys photos, Wilson who pressured the strip club employees to make false statements, Wilson who got a new statement from Roberts and Wilson who go the final 'new/new' story from Ms. Mangum. From reading these details I feel he may be open to criminal charges.

Anonymous said...

It is now incumbent on fair-minded folks at Vanderbilt to reveal Houston Baker for the abject vile, petty, and small-minded moron that he is. Just as those responsible for Duke's future need to address the G88, Vanderbilt's stewards need to figure out whose idiotic idea it was to hire Baker (and his equally insipid spouse) in the first place and then fix this problem. Like a cancer, it ain't going to go away without aggressive treatment. Do the Vanderbilt folks really want the "sunlight" that has found Duke and its AA "Dept." (or "cultural anthropology" or whatever else they call that crap)?

Anonymous said...

The reply by Baker is sad and I predicted it in another thread:

"I suspect that they have lately been praying for a different sensational college story that would divert national attention on to something else. So very sadly, any such prayers they might have had were answered yesterday at Blacksburg, Virginia."

That is, "Let's stop talking about Duke LAX now. It's time to move on to some other fresh thing that one can posture on."

It is the above strategy that the Bakers of the world have repeated and, until the Net, could easily get away with. Decades ago, when cities had multiple and competing newspapers, such tactics by the papers and others could not work, as holding folk or competitors publicly accountable sold papers. The net, especially blogs like this one, have begun to fill this societal need.

Anonymous said...

Houston Baker is a straight up racist, that isn't even a debatable question. I can only imagine the pent up rage he has considering society forces hinm to interact with whites on a daily basis...this doubtless fuels his ranting and raving over the Duke case.

Unknown said...

Durham is still in wonderland. A nice name for another website would be INNOCENT in Wonderland. Durham should amend their form with an option for innocent.

When the force of the evidence calls for it.

Of course the way to prove innocence is via a civil trial. But that takes time.

Anonymous said...

It seems to me that the declaration of innocence is preventing alot of law suits. The players were obviously going to pursue vindication until it was undenialble. The innocence declaration spares everyone alot of grief. BTW, it should be obvious they are innocent. That said there are probably some more lawsuits coming to recoup legal fees but none of the "cry uncle" variety that there would have been if innocence were still in doubt. For those who still think "something happened", using evidence tell us what and spare us your gut feelings. Isn't it good to know a black woman wasn't raped that night?

Anonymous said...

I really think Cooper may have to charge this woman, I read another letter to the editor today from a young white male saying the boys were owed no apologies and should apologies to Mangum.

Apparently, being falsey accused of a vicious crime by a psychopath is not as bad as, yep, you guessed it, getting drunk, hiring a stripper and knowing people who hurled racial epithets in response to racial epithets hurled by them.

This kind of response does make one wonder if the White Power movement doesn't have some rational basis for existing.

Anonymous said...

My predictions:

They will sue Durham; Durham will settle, otherwise the DPD's practice of witness intimidation and witness tampering will come out.

As part of the settlement they will get an official apology and a series of changes to prevent false prosecutions in the future.

Anonymous said...

I have given up hope that the black community will cease giving refuge their own racists.

In some strange way, blacks continue to believe that they have an exemption from denouncing the racists in their community.

I live, work and play with blacks in NYC. My friends are good people. But I am tired of the thugs, the race hustlers, etc. I want to hear a blanket denunciation of black racists from the black community.

I don't think that I'll live to see the day that blacks simply denounce black racism.

Anonymous said...

3:30 said:

Sorry Malveaux is a highy educated black woman and a role model for young black women. It shows that a lot of black people of both high and low educational attainment believe something happened and they do not buy this high grade of bs that Cooper is trying to come up with and you can bet that Cooper is going to pay at election time. Allison, Malveaux, etc have a following and you will see it in the nest days.

My comment to 3:30 is--

Paying at election time is what many say that Nifong feared. Look at what that caused.
Cooper decided to do the honorable thing, without regard to any election times.

Anonymous said...

My guess is that after Cooper's report is released, Mike Nifong is disbarred and the DPD is called to account for witness tampering that Roy Cooper will have NO TROUBLE getting elected to any office he chooses.

He singlehandedly brought the state of NC out of disrepute.

I also agree that black racism is not going to end or be denounced any time soon, in fact, it appears to be increasing, not decreasing.

TruthHurts001 said...

Whites are the only ones who wanted to have everything separate; Jim crow segregation, aparthied, etc. Blacks have never wanted to separate;


Black beauty pageants, black tv, black radio, black colleges, black spring break, etc etc etc.

"Blacks have NEVER wanted to separate".


What a jackass.

Anonymous said...

I read the "field negro" blog for a couple of days to try to understand the hateful response to the Duke boys.

The argument is pathetic. It's the old "black men are half the population of the jails because of a racist justice system."

No, black men dominate in the jail populace because they commit so much crime, violent crime.

The human desire for a scapegoat cannot be underestimated.

Anonymous said...
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Michael said...

Baker just does not get the internet age. When someone sends me an email or when we have an exchange on a tech or trading board, I am cordial and polite as you never know who's going to take your words and stick them in a blog, magazine or television show. Or sue you.

Baker's words getting out in public has already happened. You would think that he would have learned from his mistakes. Or that some of his colleagues at V would have taken him aside and explained it to him.

As far as going down with the ship goes, that's what the majority of investors do with stocks. They absolutely believe in their companies and cannot face the fact that they were wrong. It would be too much of an ego blow. The experienced trader has a stop in mind and when that stop is hit, he takes the loss. It's not personal, it's business. Always take a small loss to avoid a huge loss.

The average investor typically capitulates at the bottom.

The folks mentioned in the article sound like the type that would much rather take a huge loss and not admit that they are wrong than taking the small loss now. For those that stood by the Lacrosse team early on, they got the gains.

Cooper said that the details of the investigation would be available this week I think. I look forward to it. I expect the level of detail to convict the accuser.

Anonymous said...

Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech noted the importance of equality FOR ALL and that people of all races would walk hand in hand as equals. He did not talk about continued racism, living in the past, or divisiveness. Here's an excerpt of his speech:

And when this happens, when we allow freedom ring, when we let it ring from every village and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual:

Free at last! Free at last!

Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!

Unfortunately, none of us are free (as the Duke3 found out) until all of us join hands.

Anonymous said...

Well I guess the black hatemongers on this board have upped the damages due the Lax 3. Clearly regardless of the fact that they are innocent was insufficient to change some minds.
I guess the collective work of Nifong, G88, Duke and 'community activists' damaged them for life and should pay for that.

Unknown said...

It is of course astonishing to readers of this blog that anyone could still believe that CGM was assaulted by the lax players. However, apparently many people [such as 12:29] do still believe this. I'm not convinced they're all hate-filled idealogues. I expect many are decent people who simply have been given a very distorted view of the case by wonderful publications such as the HS.

Anonymous said...

As I understand it, Nifong is still DA. Where is the Legislature?

Anonymous said...

We forget how irrational people are about their ideologies, whether that is religion, racism, sexism or whatever.

When a core part of their ideology is challenged by some other objective evidence--the world is not flat, but round, the sun does not revolve around the earth, Crystal Mangum was not raped--the reaction is always the same: deny, deny, deny.

Denying the facts on the ground allows them to keep their worldview in tact, it is much less painful than admitting your worldview is deeply flawed or wrong. THat's why idealogues do not belong in positions of responsibility. Sadly, our society has continued to fracture along ideological grounds, with every group/issue/belief now having its own advocacy community. The rational center is not holding.

Anonymous said...

first of all I stand on my two feet and don;t owe anyone white a damn thing which is why I am on here telling you white racists off.

second, if blacks are racist, they learned from the master racists, the whites, and black racism is therefore reactive. Also, to be truly racist, one must have the power to enforce your ideas and blacks do not have that power over whites but whites still dominate this society so they can( and are)be frequently racist.

Also, to the idiot who talked about black beauty pageants, colleges, BET, etc: blacks formed their own institutions during segregation because whites would not allow them to participate in their institutions. It was called separate but equal and blacks did not invent it. some of the black institutions survived into the integrated era and some like BET, are newer but please remember that BET was founded in the 1980's when fewer than 5 % on characters on sitcoms were black and MTV refused to play black videos until 1982 and Michael Jackson broke the color barrier. IN 1982 NOT 1962.

third, to the person who wrote in, the lab test said irish or scottish most probably. Our family history says that our white male ancestor was of irish derivation. He freed our female ancestoress before slavery ended as she had several kids with him. We know his name and everything, where he lived, etc. Our black female matriarch is even listed in the old family bible that the white descendants of the man still have in their possession. Our family was what is callled issue free and so compared to other blacks we have been richer and more educated for a long time as the children were trained to be artisans and craftsmen, carpenters and so they could make their living once they left virginia( freed slaves could not live in Virginia). The next generation were black teachers and preachers, doctors, etc who went to the early black colleges and the subsequent generations were also educated. This is the history of many of the old black middle class families.

Anonymous said...


What about black on white crime? Why is the rate of blacks attacking whites so much higher than vice versa?

We are an integrated society, so isn't it past time to put an end to black fraternities, black beauty pagents and other BLACK ONLY groups?

Racism is racism, excusing it due to past white racism or slavery is pathetic. Its okay for today's blacks to be racist because white people were racist 70 years ago. Totally lame, but exactly the kind of refusal to take responsibilty I now expect from blacks.

Why can't you condemn all racism instead of excuse it among blacks???

Anonymous said...
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heartmind said...

KC, if you google D-I-W today you get the following text after the link:
State Attorney General Roy Cooper says the strains the Duke lacrosse case inflicted on Durham's racial climate played a role in his decision last ...

Can something be done???

TruthHurts001 said...
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TruthHurts001 said...
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Anonymous said...
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heartmind said...

9:38 and 9:38

Could we please take the high road and dampen the reactivity? We are off topic. There are other boards better suited for this exchange.

Anonymous said...
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heartmind said...


TruthHurts001 said...

Black beauty pageants, black tv, black radio, black colleges, black fraternities, black planet, black newspapers, Kwanzaa, etc etc etc

but remember...

"Blacks have NEVER wanted to separate".


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr Black Racist:

Jacqueline is right . . . so this will be my last post back to you.
It's really not nuch fun trying to debate a mental midget - heck, my dog presents more of a challenge.

Anonymous said...

when whites stop being racist then we can dismantle all black groups. Black frats and sororities were founded, once again, because whites refused to let black students participate. To this day at schools like Duke,UNC etc, black students who participate in rush with white greeks are very unlikely to get bids to join during rush.This has been studied and reported many times and why black Greeks are even allowed on white campuses. Does that mean that those who are black should miss out on a frat experience because whites still will not let them join? Hell, no! we therefore continue our own traditons and have our own frats and sororities. The terpischorean Ball is Raleigh has never presented a black girl as a debutante in its 100+ year history. Does that mean that the daughters of the black bankers and lawyers, etc in the area cannot have be Debutantes? hell no! We have our own ball( since the 1920's) and we present our own upper middle class girls. When whites stop some of their racist attitudes, full integration will come in, until then, we will preserve our own institutions. And BTW, all the black frats and sororities have white members, our black colleges have white students( Gov Easley went to Law school at NCCU) and even our Debutante ball has had white escorts. Black people do not discriminate as a general rule in our instituitons. You would be surprised to learn how many faculty members at black schools are white. Blacks do not hate whites as a group but hate a lot of the racist thought and behavior that has characterised black-white relations in the past and as our community has become more radical, we are more vocal and less tolerant than before.

Anonymous said...

It is scary to think these community activists vote (early & often) and are officially involved in elections (e.g. ACORN registrations, working as election officials etc). Nifong would win congressional seat easily (probably even without election fraud).

I also blame media. Why they allow professional racists and hate-mongerers like Al Sharpton to be on TV is beyond me. Why not asking Bill Cosby's or Colin Powell's opinion instead? Yeah, I know: Their opinions do not fit to the MSM agenda.

TruthHurts001 said...

"when whites stop being racist then we can dismantle all black groups."


Same old song and dance.

Anonymous said...

Bill A said:
"The "something happened" line is what people use when they don't want to confront the truth. It is unfortunate, but if people choose to lie and to believe lies, then we cannot do anything about them."

I was thinking "exposure" was the only thing we could do, then clarencedarrow said it better:

"You can only expose their lies/hatred and relegate them to irrelevancy. The true danger lies in those that try to manipulate quietly and behind the scenes. If you know your enemy, that's a good part of the battle. It's the ones you don't know..."

The other thing we can do about those haters who are exposed is to save on our hard drives the quotes from those people, so that if anyone forgets, we can bring it back up and expose them again.

On Baker, my first thought was that the student sure got an answer to his question of whether it was safe to take a course from Baker. But then any student who read Baker's prior comments would know that already, so the student probably baited him. It is amazingly easy to do. I hope department chiefs and administrators at V'bilt know about these outbursts from Baker.

Anonymous said...

The Hoax Cult had a chance for a win-win in December and blew it.

When we learned that Mangum had loads of DNA on/in her that did not match the three indicted players (the hidden exculpatory evidence), the Hoax Cult could still have claimed that Mangum was raped by someone else at the party. They then could have demanded that Nifong and the Durham PD go out and get the "real rapists."

They had a chance to keep their "perfect victim" and could have assumed that the "perfect perps" were out there somewhere (because the mystery rapists would still be rich, white, athletes of course). If the mysterious four men were never found, so much the better. The Hoax Cult could then chew on this faux outrage for years.

However, they liked the suspects they had. I guess they figured three birds in hand were better than four in the (stripper's) bush.

These people are so twisted with hatred and confused by their own brain dead ideology that they failed to construct a workable lie when given the opportunity. It is fortunate that their stupidity and incompetence surpassed even their dishonesty and anger.

The bad news is that there are plenty of dishonest and angry ideologues and demagogues who are far more intelligent than these doo-dahs. Worse yet, many are Ph.D.s and paid to create this sort of trouble in society.

Anonymous said...


Then why can't we have white only organizations?

Fraternities, sororities, social clubs, have all been integrated, there is no more 'only white membership' Hell even private clubs that don't take any government money have been forced to admit blacks or other minorities. That means the need for black only groups is gone.

Of course you wont' admit it, you want it both ways, you want access sto mainstream groups and still want your own racist discriminatory groups.

I believe the black community has underestimated the impact of the Duke has shown quite clearly the racism of many black Americans, this racism won't be forgotten.

White racism is the boogeyman blacks use to continue to get preferential treatment, that's why you see it all around you. If you admitted it was a thing of the past except for the margins you wouldn't have any more excuses for the abject failure of the black community.

Gary Packwood said...

K.C. has rooted out a coalition of people with a political agenda and Malveaux is just one of many leaders of the coalition.

All of these people are preaching white injustice and selling themselves as the solution.

Their play book is under fire from the AG of the State of NC and they are fighting back.

This all sounds like the Civil Rights play book of the 1960's except academics are recruiting ON CAMPUS this time. During the Civil Right movement, activists were visiting the campus recruiting. Now they are working on campus and recruiting.

Malveaux will have a problem soon when citizens start examining the mission of her university.

Hate, Hopelessness and Hooliganistics don't work well as statements of mission/vision for any university.

The IRS should take a close look at the tax exempt status of these organizations.


Anonymous said...

Is Wilson still employed by Nifomg ?

Anonymous said...

6:56; 9:19
Calling people idiots wins no arguments;Nor does the fact that you are black make your claim of racism any more compelling than that of anyone of any other color or race. You shed heat- not light. A reasoned factual statemment is much more persuasive than an emotional irrational diatribe.

Anonymous said...

“MTV refused to play black videos until 1982 and Michael Jackson broke the color barrier. IN 1982 NOT 1962”.

Nice example of oppression. MTV began on 8/1/81 with the words of their COO at the time, “Ladies and gentleman, rock and roll.” Key words…rock and roll. JJ Jackson was one of the original VJ’s.

In ‘82 Michael Jackson releases Thriller (remember those guitar riffs?) which dominates airplay for the next 12 months on MTV. The rest is history.

Got a better example?

Anonymous said...

Dear 3:30:00 AM,

Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.

Gayle Miller said...

These people are incredibly pathetic. Be grateful you don't live inside their roiling, hate-filled skulls.

And these idiots get a forum - how demented is that?

Clearly they don't understand the American system of justice - you know, that trite old "INNOCENT until PROVEN guilty" nonsense?

TruthHurts001 said...

“MTV refused to play black videos until 1982 and Michael Jackson broke the color barrier. IN 1982 NOT 1962”.

The Country Music Channel STILL refuses to play Michael Jackson videos.


Anonymous said...

Carolyn says:

Nothing will make 'self-serving, pathetic' haters admit the truth about the Duke lacrosse players.

Haters can't admit the truth about others without first admitting it about themselves.

Anonymous said...

Here's another reason the haters can't let go of the case: they know how much damage it has done to the cult of black victimhood.

They thought they had the perfect case, Al Sharpton couldn't have scripted a better narrative to showcase white racism.

But when it fell apart, and in the process exposed black racism AND it fed an age old stereotype of the promiscuous, dishonest, trampy black woman. Instead of having the perfect case that they could beat white America to death with, they ended up with a case that made Black America look bad to everyone but the most rabid, liberal who thinks drinking and hiring strippers is worse than lying about a felony.

Just look at what they turned to: Don Imus. They got the only liberal national radio host fired off the air. Radio now belongs solely to Rush Limbaugh. They cut off their nose to spite their faces as is typical but they could't pass up the chance to cry white racism and to mute the outrage of the Duke case.

Stupid is as stupid does.

Anonymous said...

A New Jersey lawyer says, don't hold your breathe for apologies from the group of 88 (except for the one apology that has been made) or from others like President-elect Malveaux of Bennett College for Women. They are ideologues. They will never admit they were wrong no matter what the facts say. They will never believe anything other than what their current ideology tells them to believe.

Anonymous said...

"And these idiots get a forum - how demented is that?" 10:15

Demented perhaps, but a very good thing. Better to know they are out there and what they think than to be oblivious. The Duke case has uncovered a crazed Left that might well rival the crazed Right.

I applaud the willingness of all wackos to go public. If they want to use their names, better still.


Anonymous said...

9:52 am, are you retarded or what?

you already do have all white organizations. I posted how the majority of white greeks will NOT pledge a black candidate. I posted how the Terp ball has never,ever had a black participant. You need to read the post and try to understand it.

There are still country clubs where Tiger Woods is not welcome. In our area, the Carolina country club is not integrated at all. Your point is therefore false and ridicuilous--all white institutions are NOT integrated so your statement that all black instituitions need to therefore be dismantled is equally fallacious.

Anonymous said...

As dismaying to many it might be, those with an agenda, such as the "activists" and "sister supporters", will never admit to the innocence of Dave, Collin and Reade. It simply does not fit their agenda, and they have invested too much time and energy in that agenda to admit it was a hoax. They continue with their tirades to save face, and because of that they only look more ignorant. I will not waste time trying to get them to change their minds--they don't want to, and never will.

The vast, vast majority of the people in this country are well aware that this was a wrongful prosecution. I am eager for the Nifong case to go to trial, as it will expose what "really happened" behind Nifong's closed office door. I am just as eager for the feds, or NC, to file criminal charges again Mikey.

I agree with the poster who said that CGM's suspension in mid-air was the "something happened" that night last March!! I still laugh when I think about the vision that created in everyone's minds!! I can only wonder if Cooper and the others were able to keep a straight face when she told them about that!!


Anonymous said...

gang88 attack.
KC: please, moderate this forum again.

FIRE: Uni of Rhose Island gang88
PROVIDENCE, R.I., April 18, 2007—Displaying a dramatic disregard for students’ constitutional rights, a committee of the University of Rhode Island (URI) Student Senate voted on Monday to derecognize the College Republicans student group. For months, the Student Senate has demanded that the group publicly apologize for advertising a satirical $100 “scholarship” for white, heterosexual, American males. The College Republicans refused to apologize and contacted the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) for help

I'm afraid that gang88 and black racists are winning this war..Talk about double standards.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I think it is a shame that we have student hating person who is now a president of a college in nc. where does this end?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

"Baker’s response?

On a night when 32 pople [sic] have been slaughtered. When the Chancellor of Vandebilt [sic] has issued an amazingly compassionate statement about the horror, you write to me about fairness? Shame on you."

I'll take that as a no??

Anonymous said...

People may disagree over politics, religion and a host of other subjective topics. But when people, black or white, disagree about PROVEN SCIENCE, the party that doesn't believe in the proof of science is clearly the party that is in the wrong. And to be fair, some science, such as claims or denial of global warming is still in the subjective phase. The use of technology to identify and isolate DNA has been a remarkable scientific breakthrough over the last two decades, and no scientist on the planet will argue that it is not reliable. The LAX3 have been exonerated by science. No DNA of any lacrosse players was found on or in Crystal Gail Mangum. NONE. To the haters who this information angers and upsets, DEAL WITH IT! I understand your disappointment over the fact that nothing at all happened at 610 N. Buchanon St. that night, but you are EMBARRASSING yourselves by insisting that "something happened". Especially you brilliant academic elitists like G88 or Ms. Malveaux. You are loudly exhibiting your lack of intellectual horsepower every time you call CGM a "victim" or say that you are sure in your heart that "something happened." Blacks and whites, liberals and conservatives must agree on issues when there cannot possibly be a reason to disagree. Once again, the lack of DNA on or in CGM makes it absolutely impossible that anything untoward happened to her at the LAX party.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Only the government can "railroad" someone in a criminal case.

If any of these people had perjured themselves or lied to police about the 'rape' then you might have a case of objstruction of justice.

I very much doubt that you can win a case for 'libel' when at the time the alleged libelous statement occured the boys stood accused of rape and kidnapping.

Now that they've been pronounced innocent, those who stil proclaim them guilty of a crime might be open for a lawusit.

Anonymous said...

Major media outlets have an incentive to hype all the lies they can about a juicy story, however fake.

Its the profit motive.

That trumps all other values because major media outlets are simply corporations whose primary concern is the bottom line.

This explains why bloggers are much more reliable sources of facts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Its the profit motive.

Generally speaking, newspapers or media do not make any profit any more (except Fox News, and NY Post). It is about ideology, not profit.
Local advertisers (read: real estate agents) cover some of the costs so this influense their "reporting" but otherwise, it is only about ideology.

Anonymous said...

Yes, something sure happened. The lacrosse players didn't get the strippers they asked for and paid $800 for.
They got two quite ugly and used up black women. Yet because they are not racist pigs like those who try to harm them, they allowed the women inside the house anyway.
Something did happen. Mangum was drugged out of her mind and had semen from multiple men inside and outside her rotten body. When she was going to be committed and locked up, she made up a fantastic lie to save her slimey ass.
And let's be clear about one more thing. If Kim Roberts had told some black boys that they had a small dick, she would be missing some teeth right now. Many black men are very abusive toward their women. As it was, one or two lacrosse players merely exchanged taunts with her.
That's it.
Blacks love to play the race game. That's why so many people, and not just whites, have begun to want them as far away as possible.
Bums and liars.
And you are a fool just like those under-performing NCCU idiots who only know how to be good racists.

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced that Houston Baker is certifiably insane. That man is like Idi Amin with much less intelligence.

Anonymous said...

The rampant black racism this case shined a light on, specifically black leaders refusing to admit the case was a hoax after they were exonerated helps clarify Nifong's strategy.

He WAS going to take this case to trial.

1. Acquittal: He would be a hero to the black community, he would say he still believed her story and the black community would believe they got off due to expensive lawyers.

2. Hung Jury: This would be the most likley outcome, ALL he needed was one Victoria Peterson on the jury, one closet racist and he could say forever the boys were guilty. I believe this is the outcome he was banking on. He could count this as a victory against rich whitey, be a hero in the black community and the boys would forever be labeled racists. You might get a slight OJ type backlash but he wouldn't care.

3. Guilty. Highly unlikely even in Durham you could find 12 totally racist blacks. Of course he would have been totally vindicated had this occured.


On balance, Mike Nifong had little to lose by taking the case to trial and everything to win. We can see that his arrogance blinded him to decent trial strategy [why else refuse to look at alibi evidence, he at least could have better tailored his strategy], in his mind he was going to show up the high priced Duke lawyers and prove how great he was.

This is why Finnerty's alibi evidence was never disclosed, they also believed he was going to trial and didn't want to give him any more ammunition to elicit more false statements and change up the timeline.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the "Congressional Black Caucus", which limits its members to...

Blacks Only !!

Anonymous said...

Agreed, Cooper should not have used the inflammatory word innocent: maybe instead he should have said "Hi folks: uh...those LAX players are clearly un-guilty; by that I mean they know, the opposite of guilty. Like, if you ask me 'are they guilty?' I say, 'not so much'."

"So, in sum, they are exonerated - and we based that on the obvious and indisputable non-guilt-type-thing they had going on there. Okay? No guilt on the LAX players' part whatsoever."

"Now, CGM may well be not-sane. We have decided to go with that, anyway, to make it easier for everybody to deal with the fact she is certainly not-truthful. Y'know? As in, the opposite of truthful..."

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to know about Lavonia Allison, she's a lot like the character who played Fred Sanford's sister-in-law in Sandford & Son.
Very loud and strange.

Chicago said...

It would be great if Cooper came out and had Crystal Mangum arrested and then said "Well, Peterson wanted to know why she was not charged with a false police report if an assault did not occur, so we wanted to fulfill her wishes." Obviously he won't, but it would be quite a gesture, and also one that is warranted.

Anonymous said...

That NCCU pastor clown should worry more about incidents like last year's student's shooting death of another, if you want to talk about real violence against black females.

Anonymous said...

I am really ashamed. As a N.C. resident and a academic, I am at a loss of words. It is true that many academic emperors have no clues- just empty cliches and the same rhetorically empty arguments rooted in outdated racial and gender tropes.

Anonymous said...

One thing that is definitely irritating the black community is that they were not given the chance for some of that newfangled civil rights march a.k.a. Jury Nullification. After the O.J. jury flushed DNA science down the crapper and acquitted an obviously guilty double murderer, "activists" a.k.a. race baiters found a new vehicle with which to undermine society. O.J. jurors put credence in "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit", while completely discounting that every human being on earth has unique DNA, and O.J.'s DNA was found all over the crime scene, and his victims' DNA was also at his abode. Jury Nullification: It's the new white meat.

Anonymous said...

It was posted by someone else recently that the reason Nifong plowed ahead even though no evidence was found was because he knew that the blacks in Durham would be so loud and would push ahead on the hoax.
He was confident that he could take this case to trial no matter what with the loud black racists in Durham behind him.
This case makes the OJ case look like child's play. And Durham wonders why others have such a low opinion of the horrid place. It's a sewer.

Anonymous said...


You make a good point about ideology. Journalists are very often activists.

Anonymous said...

I agree, the best way to stop all this bullshit is to arrest the worthless stripper and make her prove to the court that she is SOOOOO crazy she doesn't know truth from fiction.

Unfortunately, by trying to do the humane thing, refraining from charging a mentally unstable stripper with a long-so-bad-its-sealed-by-the-court-mental-history, he has given the haters a tiny wedge....they can claim if he REALLY thought she was lying he would have charged her.

This thinking also shows that the don't care and never cared about this woman's welfare. We know that she was promiscuious, we know she lied about many things including the level of her injuries, we know she is bipolar and was on anti psychotic medications, it is likely she got a dishonrable discharge from the navy otherwise it would have been made public by her side.

Would any real supporter want to put her on the stand and go over her lies about who she did and didn't have sex with in the days before the allegation, have her explain how she was on the strip pole when she was too injured to walk, explain the whole 'broomstick' debacle that her father started, go through her mental illnesses, hospitalizations and booze problems in PUBLIC????

Anonymous said...

heres an interesting article

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to administer a Rorschach inkblot test to some of the key figures in the case... and some of the 'community activists'.

I'm sure that most would see demon faces when others see butterflies.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Of the two scenarios, which one is racist?:
1) LAXers call stripper hotline and request that WHITE strippers be sent immediately.
2) LAXers call stripper hotline and request that BLACK strippers be sent immediately.

The answer is (drum roll, please):
The first scenario is racist because that's what happened.
This is from the "damned if you do, damned if you don't" school of thought.

Also, notice that the idiots shrieking (yeah, you Terry Moron) about "bad behavior" (i.e. the boys hiring strippers to dance at their party) are the same people who laud CGM for her incredible work ethic...going to college, raising her children alone, and finding the time to have a go, Girl!

Anonymous said...


I'm in the media business, and there's money to be made all over the place. NY Post, however, has been losing money for years.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Enough pot-banging and saying to the Duke 88 "we told you so."

Its now time for Duke to account. For the shocking readiness of its 88 pontificating professors to to deny basic constitutional rights to accused students. For denigrating the basic humanity of those accused students. For the apparent efforts to deny those students the education they had a right to pursue without interference. To ridicule and harass and thus dehumanize the friends and supporters of the players.

Universities have accumulated too many intellectual posuers. The trusting public was been told that education must be left to "professional educators," who have misused that trust.

In the last 40 years, core precepts that make this country what it is have ignored in almost every school.

"Nobakov and Sexual Repression," or tedious deconstruction are everywhere. "Basics of US Constitutional law" are either taken for granted or ignored as "dated old stuff from the oppressive patriarchial system." Professors find the former more fun to teach.

But our lives depend on the majority of people being familiar with the latter not the former.

To reject race-baiters, panderers, and the short-cutters, voters need a value base. To assess a "Nifong" they need historical knowledge from things other than Karla Holloway's noxious victimology concoction.

Instead, tax dollars are directed to departments of "[add name of special group] studies," where victimology and resentment is the thrust of it all. History, for example, where past blunders and the reasons for them might be learned, is barely taught.

Hateful and terribly ill-informed remarks spew from the likes of the Duke 88 and university derelict Ward Churchill, a man with dubious qualifications to teach anything.

The result: a growing class of counterfeit-intellectuals teaching clueless students who, like those at NCCU, were ready to "hang 'em high" no matter what the facts might be.

Aside from no oversight, no accountability. No professor it seems can ever be fired lest it infringe on his or her vacuous "academic freedom." But this is not what academic freedom was designed to be.

Nifong was enveloped and shut down by the State Bar white cells --the "internal affairs" of the Bar. CEO's are fired. Doctors lose their license. People are sued.

Where is accountabilty for those 88? Where is Duke's ability to deal with the 88 who savaged the three players as if they were a rodent on the lawn? As if they were involved in some Soviet-era show trial? Does nothing qualify to oust a professor? To deny or revoke tenure? Or maybe to replace some of those idiotic courses of dubious utility with what society needs?

Universities insist on being taken seriously and receiving large amounts of public money. Then there must be accountability to ore than apathetic administrators and a near-anonymous board of regents.

Its not just academic freedom at stake: its the way our students are taught. What they are taught. The titles that give luster to a professor that babbles on about things he or she does not understand. The Duke 88 have given a great view of what unfettered "academic freedom" without accountability means to the public. Time to attend to this before the Duke 88 gets any larger.

Harvard's president forced out over a musing; Duke's 88 entrenched despite behavior that qualifies them for supporting roles in the mob scene from "Inherit the Wind."

When does Duke specifically and universities as a group deal with their embarrassing and obviously detrimental collection of intellectual poseurs? And if its
not being done, why not?

Lurker said...

To the Afro-Hibernian of 9:19AM:

I hate to correct you in public, Revered Cousin, for it is usually best to keep such matters in the family. But when you say you "don't owe anyone white a damn thing," I must take exception.

Though it is true that some of us Hibernians are indeed quite swarthy, the son of Erin who shared his joy with your ancestress in those days of yore was most likely of a paler hue than his descendants by that worthy lady. And without his enthusiastic gust in those bygone times you yourself might still be afloat in the great time-space continuum as a mere possibilty, a mere long ago gleam in your great granddam's eye.

So by all means, Cousin, continue to stand on your own two feet. But do give a little credit to the old sod that is figuratively under your toes.

As we say in the Emerald Isle: We are all king's sons.

Top o' the morning, Cousin. May the wind be always be at your back (and not up your backside).

Anonymous said...

How unfortunate for Bennett College to have chosen a hateful leader. How unfortunate for us to have to share the landscape with these horrible human beings. Dig in everyone: We have before us the type of people who served as perpetrators during the Holocaust and other genocides, and turned day into night elsewhere with their malice, deceit and racism.

Anonymous said...

12:29:00 AM

Clakki... go back to sleep.

Anonymous said...

It's worse than everyone thinks. Tammy Bruce - former president of NOW in Los Angeles, describes how she manipulated Main Stream Media to advance her agenda:

Tammy Bruce on the MSM

If you are just a casual observer of the major news outlets in this country, you are being duped. is a great site that documents media bias, including the Duke case, global warming, etc.

--Lumpy Gravy

Anonymous said...

has this site been linked from dailykos or black panther site?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Maybe this will work better:



Anonymous said...

1:04 re intellectual poseurs

Loved your post, especially your frustration with academia.

Black studies departments exist because whitey still thinks be owes blacks a living. These "studies" are parasitic in concept and application.

Suggest you read Charles Murray's brilliant essay, "The Inequality Taboo," for background.


Anonymous said...

OK, this discussion has descended into hell.

For people of good will, the real question must be: How do we find a resolution to this dilemma?

I want to see black men succeed. I want to see black families reunited. I want to live to see the day that this constant battle of recriminations ceases.

Since I come from a background of poverty and ignorance, albeit it from a white community, I understand the struggle. Over the past 50 years, the white community I came from educated itself, rose above poverty and habitual criminality and abandoned racial hatred and violence. The black community can do this, too.

How can we help to make this happen? How can we help to revitalize the black church and family. How can we convince our black brothers that education, success, faith and goodwill is the way?

Anonymous said...

Forget about it. I used to think they way you do. I ached for everyone to get along and for everyone to prosper.
There's a disease inside the black community of their own making.
It's squalid. Vengeful. Greedy Opportunistic.
This is from top to bottom. Those educated black leaders who pose and give lip service to harmony are full of dung.
They more than the rest have what seems to be built in hatred for white people.
The Duke case could not have continued without their desire for it to continue.

Anonymous said...

Do we know whether other Hoax hacks, e.g., "Investigator" Linwood Wilson, have retained legal counsel yet? Although hard to imagine that they haven't, I just haven't read anything yet.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Linwood Wilson has been busy with choir practice. ;))

Anonymous said...


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Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

I agree with Rick Martinez that the grand jury system must be changed.


If only we had records of the grand jury proceedings in which Nifong was able to present any fiction he chose to get indictments of the lacrosse players.

Good column.


Anonymous said...

Polanski: I didn't focus on black studies alone and never meant to. The racial focus of some on this site is distasteful. This is not a race issue: its a value issue.

The issue is the failure of a self-indulgent and increasingly isolated and near incestuous academia to teach necessary values. The result is students increasingly disconnected from the reasons for the presumption of innocence, a prohibition on standing armies and amendments other than the first one.

The presumption of innocence, for example, grew out of historical experiences and a desire to prevent bad things from happening. Fewer and fewer today can indentify what we have as checks and balances and more importantly why. So we have intellectual and moral dunces at NCUU saying essentially, that accused people ought to be tried "anyway" for being who they are as opposed to what they did or didn't do. And he's in college!

Universities have collected a horde of self-important, over-specialized academics in near frivolous areas of all kinds. All at the expense of a core value education that universities have mistakenly discarded without any involvement from the public.

I have no doubt that a huge majority of every age, race and sex would have preferred the former approach.

And BTW, the best and earliest advocate for decency and justice was Professor Coleman, who comes across with Cooper and the author of this blog as one of the true gentlemen in this case.

Ward Churchill. The Duke 88: they are a real wake up call for a re assertion of some public involvement in what is taught, how and by who.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hmmm, I had a post taken down. Apparently someone at 6:56 AM wrote something (offensive?) in response to my 6:28 AM post and as a result(?) both were removed.

As I've never had a post taken down on any site, I will repost here(yes, I save my postings -- I know it's retentive (no pun intended)) what I said at 6:28 AM and see if it's deemed offensive somehow:

It is clear that we cannot trust black "oral histories" to tell the truth about white people. Whether it happened last night or centuries ago, the oral histories are as reliable as Crystal's.

Her oral history -- of rich white men as feral beasts ripping the clothes off helpless maidens of color trapped in their house -- was nothing but a perfect match for the "oral histories" that are put forward now about white men in the 18th and 19th centuries. And equally untrue.

Anonymous said...

Cooper could be even more of a gentleman and a man of the law if he'd jail the criminal Crystal Mangum.

Anonymous said...

anonymous who frothed at 2:11PM has it part right. Stopped clocks and all. But it is not the hate, but something else that is the connection.

It is difficult to comprehend the horror of how two ACC universities were traumatized and injured by unspeakable acts by two mentally deranged young people, Cho Seung-Hui and Chrystal Gayle Mangum.

Universities, indeed any school, business, or public event, will always be vulnerable to those who cannot be adequately restrained by the rules that our society, and those of almost every other society on this planet, choose to follow. Deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill is a difficult choice we made as a society long ago now, balancing freedom from incarceration for the ill versus the needs of the healthy for safety.

With resources for treatment cut back every year since 2002, we have made our collective choices. Now we face the consequences.

Anonymous said...

TO 2:49PM--

It is clear, and we all have grown up witnessing much of what you express, that most civil rights activists from decades past always embellish the stories.

When these accounts are put on film, the embellishment often transcends into self-serving melodramatic caricature.

We should not minimize the destructiveness and the ill effects of historic slavery--and in this country, unlike modern-day Africa, it is an historic episode--but much is layered and layered...and piled on into endlessly layered stories--fiction mixed with accuracies--that are used to further an agenda many do not want to end.


Anonymous said...

TO 2:48PM--

Poster 12:29 is just the typical Durham "activist"......and we certainly got a good look at what they stand for.

The entire country was treated to their particular brand of "justice".

You can't change that type of warped mentality.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Oh God, Polanski is such an idiot. While I respect most opinions, regardless of which side of the debate you fall on (for instance, Affirmative Action), Polanski is such a racist and an idiot that he is no fun to argue with.

Its like my Christian friend who always bothers me about not believing in God. He says "Just because you haven't been to Germany and seen it first hand, does that mean you don't believe Germany exists?"
Yes, I vaguely see that he is trying to use logic to make his points, but my only response due to the ridiculousness of his statements is "If you are going to make arguments like that, I'm not going to debate you."

Polanski, there are clearly blacks out there who are more intelligent than you (obviously, as you are a moron, and also as a sheer matter of statistics). Aren't they an argument as to why blacks are superior to (insert Polanski's ethnicity/national origin here)?

Anonymous said...

I've admired other posting by Shouting Thomas, but this one (at 1:46 PM) needs a bit of poetry:'s_Burden

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Anonymous said...


I'm an attorney, what do you do?

Anonymous said...

You have no idea how the behavior of the black community has altered the way they are viewed by others now.
It sounds almost silly, but most of us actually thought and believed that black people were living in a civilized world in 2007. But not just a small portion of them have shown that not to be true.
No one would have predicted the kind of assholes they would make of themselves over a prostitute who only wanted to do harm.
And to this day, I don't see any black citizen stepping out and voicing an opinion about this travesty that is not supportive of Crystal Mangum and making excuses for her.
Oh wait. I did read a letter or two in the local papers of someone criticizing the black community, but nothing seriously changing anything.
Like it or not, the black community has done great harm to itself. Even the most crazy liberal has to admit that this case was a sham.
Do I want important positions held by people like the ones who support Mangum?
Hell no! These people are not to be trusted with important matters. They will destroy this country.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Refer to my post about my Christian friend. Your arguments are like his about "Well, you haven't been to Germany, so how do you know it exists?" argument my friend makes.

I choose not to indulge. But I do have no problem offering my opinions as to your overall intelligence, and the quality (err... lack thereof) of your posts.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Tell me, does your opinion of my "overall [sic] intelligence" differ from your opinion of my intelligence?

Polanski the ubermensch 1
4:02 coming to bat

Anonymous said...


I find that shocking, because you are such an idiot.

How else can you universally be seen as such the board retard?

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Anonymous said...

I wonder if the smattering of trolls are a result of the herald scum’s intentional misreporting of what the AG actually said. It looks like the intended goal of the herald scum duplicitous, as KC says; to keep continue to perpetuate the racial tensions that should be nonexistent by now. They lie and twist the facts to try to make this case into what they wish it would be. I feel that a majority of AA in Durham and else where for that matter have seen the light and have come to realize that this horrific situation should have never happen. However, there are still some believers out there. They are fueled by their on pity hatred and prejudice beliefs. They will never believe. They’re only concerned with what’s best for them and their hatred, whatever the cost.

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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

It's the end of the day.
As far as I know Nifong is still D.A.

Anonymous said...

I know someone mentioned it before...but any word on when Cooper will release the document? I know the focus of the media has turned quite drastically, and rightly so, but I hope it's not completely buried.

Anonymous said...

Don't know who you are because you won't post your name.
My senses tell me that you're an African American who is understandably embarrassed by how the AA community has conducted themselves.
Like a few others you like to go after Debrah, yet her posts are much more intelligent than what you present. You just respond with ad hominem to comments you don't like.
Speaking of hicks. Is that why you are posting from a trailer park?
You've got much to learn if you believe that hicks from your corner of the world are the only ones who think that blacks are very RACIST people. Most all educated people I've talked to think they are.

Nathan (in Boston)

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Let's not forget that the fantastic liar herself admitted that Reade Seligman NEVER touched her.She admitted this because she found out he had an alibi. What she didn't know was that Colin had one also. At that point in time, Nifong decided Reade would still be charged with kidnapping and sexual assault. How do you kidnap and sexually assault someone without touching them? Whatever the SOMETHING was that happened in that house that night, Crystal Mangum lied about it and got caught! Now she needs so suffer some consequences.

Anonymous said...

I think 4:44 is Cash Michaels.
He must have read some of Debrah's posts about him.

(Grin) ;))

Anonymous said...

To 5:11pm-The namecaller is Cash Michaels because he uses the word "sez" when he posts on other blogs.

Anonymous said...

I agree wholeheartedly with Goslee.

No matter how you look at it, something terribly strange did occur in the house on the night of the non-rape.

If you choose to believe the victim, you had a house where the laws of gravity did not apply, where whores levitated and were suspended in mid-air whilst being brutally assaulted by people who, at the same, were also somewhere else. Sorcery, perhaps?

Or else, you have a drunken prostitute with documented mental problems and a history of making prior, bogus rape charges telling a lie to keep herself out of an institution and a corrupt DA who leveraged that lie to his political and financial benefit.

A classic example of Ockham's razor.

Anonymous said...

To the "Something Happened that Night" crowd;

Lie: "... to make an untrue statement with intent to deceive...
to create a false or misleading impression."

Crystal says she was raped then she says she wasn't sure she was raped. She describes Reade's assault in quite grotesque detail, then says that Reade never touched her. She says Dave had a beard then she says he didn't. She says Colin was short then she says he was tall.
No matter "what happened that night", Crystal is the one telling untruths about it. She is a liar and because of that her accusations can not be treated as anything but lies.(unless, of course, you live in Wonderland).

togo said...

It is Orwellian to desribe Malveaux as “the most iconoclastic public intellectual in the country.” She is part of the domestic PC/Multicultist regime that dominates social discourse in the US. Their only significant ideological rivals are the neoconservatives, who have largely surrendered on the domestic front in order to concentrate on Iraq and Islamic radicalism.

Anonymous said...

As long as predominately black colleges continue to hire these hate mongers for position of leadership, we will continue to have the venom spewing from these quarters.

Anonymous said...

No wonder KC is winding this blog down - to have to go through this stuff a couple of times a day and delete the nonsence, body pats, body fluids, hate talk - Can PL, GG and the nuts get an automatic block on their posts?

Anonymous said...

Has anyone parsed the comment from Malveaux carefully? She passes for a "public intellectual" so her remarks deserve respectful scrutiny from us hooligans.

Where to start?

"Well, frankly, I believe that something did happen there. We know that something happened. We know that these guys lied about their names, so she had difficulty identifying [them]."

OK. Malveaux believes "something happened." Other people believe that Elvis is still alive and that UFO's crashed in New Mexico. Her belief unless backed by evidence is not worth a bucket of warm spit. But because SHE believes it, she claims we KNOW it. Even she does NOT know it; as she just said, she merely BELIEVES it. This women should not be allowed to teach kindergarten.

Next, before her words of wisdom, I had never really bothered to ponder how difficult it is to identify someone in a lineup if you do not know his name. (As is common knowledge, it is very unusual for a witness not to know the names of the suspects in the lineup, at least in Durham.) Those false names are also well known to confound those DNA tests. In any case, how does Malveaux know that the boys gave false names? Why the whore said so, and everyone knows that whores never lie. OK, OK, I take it back about the kindergarten; perhaps a school for especially slow dogs is more her speed.


Anonymous said...


I am afraid I disagree with you about Baker's response. He answered the question posed with perfect clarity and perfect candor: he has no intention ever of being fair.


Anonymous said...

Julianne Malveaux is a very much like Karla Holloway. Maybe a little smarter.
A loudmouth who puts much effort into trying to sound intellectual, but doesn't quite make it.
A blowhard.
It's unfortunate that any school in North Carolina hired this woman. I remember when she used to be on a CNN panel on Sundays. I believe it was Wolf Blitzer's show. No one could get a word in.
If she is what passes for educators these days, no wonder students come out of school ill-prepared.

Anonymous said...

To the "Something Happened Crowd",
you'll probably find every detail in KC's book .... from the moment the strippers entered the scene til the time they left. After interviewing approx 9 lax players, he's got a pretty good idea of what exactly happened that night.

Anonymous said...

So is Houston Baker pretty much drunk all the time, then? Or maybe just when he responds to e-mails?

Anonymous said...

Sorry KC, I couldn't help myself commenting on the 3:12. It involves previous posts on your various columns.

Anonymous said...

I can't believe that there has been no mention of the DNA samples that were present on Crystal Gail Mangum! Did the AG even ask? These people need to be identified! If the samples are identified as 4 people that Mangum knew, there is nowhere for the hoax artists to hide.

Anonymous said...

I remember seeing Julianne Malveaux on PBS about 15 years ago saying: "Frankly, white boys don't turn me on."

I am positive about the accuracy of my memory, but do not ask me for the date. It was Bonnie Erbe's show.

Anonymous said...

kc, there is no greater crackpot or irresponsible race baiter in durham than lavonia allison. she makes victoria look like MLK. don't assume that because she has muscled her way into Durham Committee leadership that she is a responsible person. her rise was the downfall of the old responsible DC.