Karla Holloway has resigned her position as race subgroup chair of the Campus Culture Initiative, to protest President Brodhead’s decision to lift the suspensions of Reade Seligmann and Collin Finnerty. “The decision by the university to readmit the students, especially just before a critical judicial decision on the case, is a clear use of corporate power, and a breach, I think, of ethical citizenship,” said she. “I could no longer work in good faith with this breach of common trust.”
Holloway had not always been so concerned with the significance of “judicial decision[s] on the case.” This summer, she wrote that “justice inevitably has an attendant social construction. And this parallelism means that despite what may be our desire, the seriousness of the matter cannot be finally or fully adjudicated in the courts.” Therefore, since the presumption of innocence “is neither the critical social indicator of the event, nor the final measure of its cultural facts,” judgments about the case “cannot be left to the courtroom.”
Holloway’s departure from the CCI is a welcome development. Holloway’s comments over the last nine months had shown little or no respect for a wide variety of groups on campus, and so her occupying such a prominent place with the CCI seemed a basic contradiction in its mission.
- Male athletes? “The ‘culture’ of sports seems for some a reasonable displacement for the cultures of moral conduct, ethical citizenship and personal integrity,” reinforcing “exactly those behaviors of entitlement which have been and can be so abusive to women and girls and those ‘othered’ by their sports’ history of membership.”
- Those who defended the players targeted by Nifong? They believed that “white innocence means black guilt. Men’s innocence means women’s guilt.”
- Women’s lacrosse players who had worn armbands expressing sympathy with Seligmann, Finnerty, and Dave Evans? She denounced their “team-inspired and morally slender protestations of loyalty that brought the ethic from the field of play onto the field of legal and cultural and gendered battle as well.”
The sympathetic article announcing Holloway’s resignation from the CCI came in a publication called Diverse Online. Here’s how its author, Christina Asquith, described the scene last spring. “Initially, many at Duke supported the dancer. Students held candlelight vigils on campus and 88 professors, now known as the ‘Group of 88’ signed an advertisement in the student newspaper calling for the administration to take a stronger stand against the players.”
Apparently Asquith didn’t receive the memo on the new party line regarding the Group of 88’s intentions.
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 220 of 220REQUIRED READING
Two great books that discuss the type of symbiotic relationship between guilt ridden white Leftists and black grievance mongers are:
Black Rednecks and White Liberals by Thomas Sowell
White Guilt by Shelby Steele
The authors explain how the Left, to maintain "moral authority" and political power, has enabled dysfunctional ghetto culture at the expense of an authentic and productive African-American culture (faith-centered, family-oriented, hard working, desire for education and self-improvement).
Incredibly, the Far Left treats AAs like pets or mascots and sneers at the very values that allowed people of African descent to survive in a hostile environment for centuries. The real damage has only taken a few decades.
The Sowell and Steele books offer excellent insights into who and what are really keeping African Americans on the bottom rung of the ladder. Reading these books will bring some familiar Duke/Durham names to mind.
Kudos to M. Simon for elaborating some of the details re IQ differences a la race and gender. A few clarifications: the East Asian difference vis a vis whites generally (again for simplification, the white norm is put at 100) are approx. 1/2 standard deviation, not the full standard deviation (for simplification purposes, 15 points) cited elsewhere. The one group that does have an average IQ one full standard deviation higher than whites in general (ave. 115) is Ashkenazi Jews.
One earlier post asked about a world IQ table. The following is to a link for a well--documented distillation provided by Steve Sailer, who is, among many other talents, an expert on all things IQ.
When looking at the role of violent crime vs. IQ (an issue examined in The Bell Curve) it is of course easy to come to glib and misplaced conclusions. At its most abstract, the relationship between IQ and violent criminality is vague and oblique. When sorting for markers of violent criminality however, e.g., unwillingess to delay gratification, poor impulse control, tendency to misread events and overreact to various stimuli--all of these tendencies correlate strongly with IQ, specifically low IQ.
Ponder the following at even the basest level. Blacks have an average IQ of 85, whites 100, Jews 115. Tracking violent criminality relative to these figures, blacks are 7 to 8 times more likely than whites to commit violent crimes (although the real figure is higher than this ratio because of the lumping of Hispanic perpetrators--themselves approx. 3 times more likley than whites to commit violent crimes--with whites among the databases like the FBI's which track ethnicity and crime).
Although there is no database that I know of for tracking Jewish violent crime (it sounds like an oxymoron even to reference this notion)--and let me say in advance, let's not sidetrack with posts about Israeli politics and whether the Jewish State does or doesn't mistreat the Palestinians; my focus here for illustrative purposes only is on American Jews and violent crime--does anyone even doubt that the per capita incidence of American Jewish violent crime is several factors--possibly many factors--below that of other whites, not to mention blacks. A typical Jewish male in his 20's is in college somewhere, often at an elite institution, where before the great influx of East Asians to American college campuses in the last quarter century they--Jews that is--made up between 1/5 and 1/3 of the student bodies at virtually all elite American univeristies. This from a group at the time representing about 2.5 percent of the American population.
In contrast, where is the typical 20-something black male. Thanks in part to the great increase in prison incarceration rates in the last 15 years or so (which liberals typically deny plays a role in the until-recently demonstrably falling crime rates--especially violent crime rates--since the 90's), a black male in his 20's is more likely to be in prison than in college. In fact, roughly 1/4 of all young black men are either in jail or under some sort of supervisory post-release parole or similar status.
How does this relate to the Duke Three? For starters, much of the Stalinist fantasy animating the G88 and their kindred spirits is the notion that the LAX players are MORE prone to violent sexual predation against a black woman of low status because of their "white male" privileging, coupled with their monied family backgrounds. At a social science level, there is in fact data correlating fraternity and sports team membership with sex crimes of various sorts. On the other hand, these correlations are somewhat complex and not exactly overwhelming. What is overwhelming is the national crime data showing an incidental presence only of white men raping black women, and a virtual absence of white men gang raping any black women. Throw in the IQ story to this mix, where there is a well-demonstrated correlation between having a high IQ and a low propensity to commit violent crimes (boardroom and other white collar crimes instead being the crimes of choice), and although one can never say there is causation, per se, between a given variable (here, high IQ) and a given individual(s) (here, the Duke Three), looking at the Duke Three as potential violent rapists is about as plausible--and as useful--a crime fighting strategy as pulling an elderly nun out of line at the airport to check her undergarments for terrorist weapons, naturally making sure that the Saudi male in his 20's behind her gets a smile as he heads onto his plane, with only the most cursory check of his person.
New York,
Thanks! A lot of what I posted is from memory. Errors creep in (you listening CGM? Jailfong?).
Steve Sailer is one of my faves. And I have been looking for that very table for the last week.
I'm working on a long post on the subject based on what I have written here. I plan to run the numbers so that instead of general examples I can have facts.
Eric at Classical Values linked on the subject of IQ and other diferences. He thinks because he is short he needs a special advantage. He is a friend of mine so I'm backing him on that one. :-)
Here is the Steve Sailer link:
IQ table
filadefian 10:12 and anon. 11:00: Excellent takes respectively on the issues of prosecutorial discretion, and the erosion of more effective traditional black culture by the racial hucksters who have undermined it over the last several decades.
A quibble with filadelfian follows: While I agree that in the presence of lots of circumstantial evidence and corrobating testimony a given defendant should receive no less scrutiny or more presumption of innocence solely by possessing a demographic profile which does not much correlate with the crime in question, the obverse is not true. That is, where there is little or virtually no evidence of a crime, coupled with much mitigating evidence that a given crime in question did not happen, and potential testimony from a witness who may be somewhat deranged, and not just an established liar--see CGM--then the fact that a potential defendant possesses demographic characteristics which do not correlate with the crimial profile of those who do have such qualities should indeed encourage prosecutors to be even more circumspect than usual in pursuing such a case.
Remember, much of the structure behind the adversarial nature of Anglo-American criminal procedure is predicated on the notion that we as a people need to make it difficult for government (at all levels) to put we as citizens in the dock, to answer to charges laid at us by that very government. Letting 10 guilty defendants go free that 1 innocent one avoid false conviction may be an overused cliche, but it also neatly summarizes the importance in our criminal justice system of not enabling prosecutors to easily prosecute any cases, not even the worthy ones.
It is certainly a worthwhile inquiry whether American criminal procedure really is worth the nonsense it creates, particularly when outrageous prosecutions like this one still roll along, giving the lie to quite an extent to the notion that Americans can't be railroaded by their government. Indeed, had the Duke Three not come from "good backgrounds," with parents with lots of money to bail them out of jail, the months and months they've been waiting to get their names back might have been that much worse--it's easy to envision a scenario where rather than phantom perpetrators of a gang rape, they themselves might have been subjected to gang rape--and had they been in jail this past year as just another "average white guy"--which clearly they aren't--this nightmare may very well have been visited upon them.
Simon, thanks for posting additional links.
Visit "Crystal Mess" at FODU
There's a high school graduation photo of CGM posted there. She's uglier than you can imagine.
That BS about rape not being a sex crime is...bullshit.
Look at the photo, and then think of her as also fat and stinky.
Mom, can I have seconds?--LOL
MS--are you familiar with lagriffedulion.com? check it out
The best book I've ever read on race is by the philosopher Michael Levin, entitled "Why Race Matters."
It's brilliant.
Can someone please tell me why blacks need to be "represented" in elite institutions?
I saw it mentioned above. With no url I dodn't feel like googling.
However your link opened my eyes. A great resource so I'm turning it into a clickable link.
Esquire is a smart guy but his overuse of "methinks" makes me upchuck.
Please find another put-on word for your BS esquire.
No matter how hard you try to argue the opposite, finding a truly highly intelligent, high IQ AA in the academic world or anywhere else is like searching for a needle in a haystack. Why do you think that affirmative action still has to be used all the time? For everything.
But you are a nice sap, you are!
They asked for white women.
So right away they were less than pl;eased
Holloway list her deceased son in every bio done on her as "Beloved Son Bem K".
Her son kidnapped and raped a mother and a daughter. He was already convicted of other sexual crimes as a minor but I guess the warning signs were not big enough for her to pick up on.
-- 'Therefore, since the presumption of innocence “is neither the critical social indicator of the event, nor the final measure of its cultural facts,” judgments about the case “cannot be left to the courtroom.”' --
Heh... This says absolutely nothing, and sounds like a very unintelligent woman trying to sound smart. I think Duke probably made a mistake in having such an illiterate poser on their faculty in the first place.
She is part of the institutionalized 'Victims-R-Us' LibRule hate machine.
Dave S. said...
-- 'Therefore, since the presumption of innocence “is neither the critical social indicator of the event, nor the final measure of its cultural facts,” judgments about the case “cannot be left to the courtroom.”' --
"This says absolutely nothing, and sounds like a very unintelligent woman trying to sound smart. ...illiterate poser ..."
no. she is saying something. allow me to translate into the more familiar marxist-speak of the 2nd internationalle style.
"justice, as it is undertaken in terms of 'reasonable doubt' and 'presumption of innocence' and demands of 'evidence', is too narrow to guarantee an outcome which agrees with the social truth which supercedes such inquiries; namely, that in all instances, prosecuted or otherwise, whites criminally dominate non-whites and men criminally dominate women, and until this is no longer so, no court which finds that a white male is innocent of a crime against a black woman merits recognition."
basicly she's saying that guilt or innocence of the charges is something completely apart from whether the lacross team members should be punnished, presumably by extra0-judicial mobs of masked campus anarchists and adminstrative and proffesorial perssonel abusing their authority.
and she teaches a course on the constitution.
to be precise, "the critical social indicator" which she believes overrides the rule of criminal justice law is that he is a white man and she is a black woman. because a judge is not allowed to just look at someone's race and declare them guilty or innocent on that basis, halloway is calling for a racist pogrom against the lacross players. this she would consider "true" justice.
halloway is as racist as a tom metzger or a william pierce. not "reverse racism" or racism qualified in any other way. she is a racist and she is trying to use her power over these students within the teacher/student heirarchy to punnish them for their race and gender.
I just don't understand how the alumni tolerate the useless garbage spewed by Holloway and her ilk. Isn't it time they wake up and demand that the Duke administration clean house at Duke (flush the toilet as it is??). This incident should be used as an excuse to drive out all the useless garbage of black and gender studies. Most of these idiots are not even tenured. Send them packing. I am sure Halloway will find gainful employment in the fast food or cleaning industry.
...any department suffixed with the word "studies".
she can join other useless post-grads frothing milk and trying to unionize coffee chains.
Anonymous said...
"The IQ stuff belongs elsewhere. It is an interesting issue but not pertinent here.
To make assumptions about individuals based on group level data is not appropriate in this context. We need to stay focused on the misdeeds of individuals who do not necessarily represent larger groups. I think the turmoil we have seen over the past nine months is more about deficient hearts and souls than it is about deficient intellect."
Very, very well said. Most people who talk on and on about IQ and race understand neither.
How many years of further emancipation, empowerment and financial backpatting will it take for a black woman professor to be able to stand up and say that she made a mistake?
It is not a question of race, neither a question of gender, it is a question of moral integrety and honesty - something people like Holloway cannot attain through afirmative action giveaways, something they will never have.
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