“Some people write out of real misery for their children, Duke students who are distraught that their friends may have been falsely accused and unfairly treated. They believe professors have sided against the lacrosse players, and they are outraged. If we had written what they suppose, we would deserve their anger. But we didn’t.”
--N&O, yesterday

“To the students speaking individually and to the protesters making collective noise, thank you for not waiting and for making yourselves heard.”
--Group of 88 statement, April 6
Imagine what the statement would have looked like if professors like Davidson actually had sided against the lacrosse players?
Does Davidson think Duke alumni and other followers of the Nifong frame-up are stupid?
Is this a picture of Davidson or just a counter to her statements in general?
To the 5.35:
Not a picture of davidson--picture of the protesters she was thanking.
I especially like the sign that says, "Get a conscience not a lawyer". I hope that Prof. Curtis takes that advice.
And as for the white male there in the picture. I assume that he is either gay or had already been castrated. F!@$ him. Loser.
I understand her error. They had removed the Duke 88 statement for the web server. How can she possible remember what they said? So much for academic honesty.
These far left wackos are starting to get nervous. They never responded before.
What I can't figure is why people write to them, hoping they'll change their minds.
Cathy Davidson and her ilk would be happier if the hoax was not revealed.
Ms Davidson wants a "fair and impartial" trial. It is ironic that in attempting to establish that she didn't prejudge the case neverthless wants it to proceed to a jury trial. How many of us want "a fair and impartial" trial to win our freedom when the charges are totally unsupported by any witness or any evidence whatsover. This is the same logic Nifong uses to justify is prosecution...as long as she (the accuser) says something happened he feels compelled to prosecute.
No Ms. Davidson the issue is whether these young men should be put through a trial. And that you have already prejudged. The outrage of most observers is that the charges continue to get prosecuted.
I say she gets charged with a crime:
Only her picture is shown to the victim
The DA does not meet with her lawyer about an alibi
The DA hides evidence favorable to her.
The DA does not interview the victim for six months.
She get suspended from Duke (her job) till the case is resolved.
She get to pay thousands to her lawyer.
This pseudo-intellectual 'prose' is fishing for the same Plausible Deniability protection desired by wrong-doers such as Nifong. It is no match for straightforward facts and intelligent people interested in doing what is right.
The emperor has no clothes. Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.
I'd hate to see her rough draft of what was printed in the paper.
Re: You would think that academics of all people would be judicious in their remarks.
One thing academics just dont get - esp "arts and crafts" professors - is the impact of the internet. Particularly the ones who are in the marginalized, self-referential fields of study. They are used to railing against the establishment and in the past the only folks that heard them were students going to class who usually said "Yeah, whatever". Before, there was never any global forum for discussion. And there was never any paper trail left behind. Opps...
Don -- the protestors (or should it be protesters, or protestants, whatever) weren't all students, certainly weren't all Duke students, and probably weren't even mostly students. For example, you can see from the photos on the Liestoppers board that the now-notorious Professor Kim Curtis was among them.
Whoever they were, there's no question they held up banners calling for castration and confessions, kept up a militaristic drumbeat redolent of a fascist rally, chanted that the players were rapists (and obligingly memorialized those chants on printed "chant sheets"), harangued Provost Lange, and, by all appearances, would have strung up any lacrosse player they found. All this was on TV and in the newspapers. The 88 knew all about it, had a couple of weeks to reflect on it, and then publicly and unreservedly THANKED the mob. It still beggars belief. And the likes of Davidson want people to believe it never happened. It's just extraordinary.
The picture was taken in front of 610 Buchanan on May 26, 2005.
The man holding the yellow green sign is Sam Hummel.
"A misleading "Fact" Sheet, which was posted to the internet by Duke University Environmental Sustainability Coordinator, Sam Hummel, was drawn up by some protestors and subsequently distributed on the listservers. Among other items, the fact sheet falsely stated that the lacrosse team had refused to meet with the police. In addition, a Wanted Poster of the lacrosse team, with curiously similar wording to Hummel's Fact Sheet and featuring head shots of most of the players, was passed out anonymously offering Cpl. Addison’s phone number as a contact."
Correction: it was May 26, 2006.
re Kemp
Houston Baker is looking like a genius compared to this bunch right now. Perhaps he knew the handwriting was on the wall back in the Spring and started looking early.
The FODU has made it pretty easy to apologize in my opinion. One from the
88 would take some flack as Brodhead has taken but I think that it would be easier than facing classrooms full of students that think poorly of you and have to pretend that you're in charge. Everytime you hear a snicker or a joke, you have to ask yourself if it was about you.
The FODU site has put up a spreadsheet of the courses that the 88 will teach during the Spring semester. Given the sheer size of the group, I'd guess that it would be difficult for a lot of students to avoid their classes for the semester. Though alternatives could get a little crowded.
And for Prof Curtis, she'd have to be careful as to what she says as it could impact the suit. Or get back to the media. Or get posted on the WWW and put her in a bad light.
It will be interesting to see how this lawsuit plays out -
I generally loath litigaton on common sense matters - but this proceess might be the only effective way to "bang pots" in the Duke Administration's ear re: their negligence of student conerns.
Davidson is of the "Persecuted Class", so she has likely achieved some "victim-celebrity" status in her queer (original meaning, not homo - not that tere's anything wrong with that) little circle.
in the short run she'll be invited to all the 'leftist hoi ploi' dinner parties as the "Persecuted January Person". -
She should enjoy her leftist celebrity while she can - for soon reality will have a stern cnversation with her.
Kemp nice post I hope the g88 takes your advice before they find themselves in some place very very cold.
to 6:46:
May 26??? Are you sure??? it looks cold out for a day in late may.
re: 6:48 PM
"The FODU has made it pretty easy to apologize in my opinion"
The Group of 88 are followers.
"Davidson is of the "Persecuted Class", "
-oops meant Curtis, though it probably works for both
Ms Davidson and the gang of 88 had a chance to apologize and retreat gracefully. Ms Davidson is signally that the gang of 88 has decided to hunker down, blame the victim, misdirect and deny, deny, deny.
She and the other signers directly fostered a vigilante attitude. She prejudged three young men by her own pernicious stereotypes. She and her friends used their standing with the University to encourage the frenzied rush to judgment in Durham in the spring. She bears responsibility for the hoax.
A clear statement that they should not have signed this ad and if they had to do over they would not would have allowed the gang of 88 a graceful exit from the stage. Instead, they are going to face an ongoing inquiry. If they think the academic cloister is going to shield them, they are mistaken.
The ad they signed in the context of the time in which it was published was an encouragement to the protestors in Durham who were attacking the lacrosse players long before they knew the facts. She rushed to judgment. She blamed her own students for a rape that never happened. She has advocated a mockery of judgment and continues to do so. All 88 must be held to account.
It was March (not May) 26 2006. Search for "buchanan potbangers" on Youtube.
And the listening statement was published on April 6 --11 days later.
7:05 PM-
Follow the money. They will hunker down and fight this, because to do otherwise threatens their livelihood (money).
For many people, their money trumps other's freedoms. Cry and wine about it, that is the character of many people.
Every member of the Lax team may sue Duke. Many will wait till they graduate. Each filing drags Duke name through the mud. Duke will make a group settlement offer to members of the Lax team. Othewise Duke will be rading about lawsuits for the next few yearsjavascript:void(0)
Publish Your Comment.
Sam Hummel was an employee through June 2006 of Duke EVP Tallman Trask, III, Ph.D. (t3@duke.edu).
I have asked VP Trask whether he has investigated Mr Hummel's actions regarding the Wanted Poster.
And if so, what his conclusions were.
There is an old adage about becoming that which you despise most...it's interesting in this case to see these progressive professors--who undoubtedly think of themselves as enlightened, tolerant, and immune to prejudice--behave like the most reactionary mob of dullards, circa 1690 Salem.
The G88 PhD's need to apologize...if I had any leverage, I'd make it a condition of their continued employment. A guy like Crowley just needs to do the right thing, say he's sorry, and reflect upon the lesson learned.
But a snake like Kim Curtis should be terminated...immediately, if not sooner.
And another thing: someone should make a documentary about this case. (I'm sure a few are already in the works.) It probably won't appear on the Sundance channel (all their documentaries are about gays, Palestinians, or gay Palestinians), but I'm sure there is some outlet that would be happy to premiere it.
Think of all the Nifong footage, potbanger footage, media footage that exists...and then juxtapose that with KC Johnson being interviewed, laying the whole sorry mess out.
From Cash:
Wilmington Journal
"It has been confirmed that at least one Duke professor, an African-American, has resigned from various on-campus committees in protest. Last week, in a definite departure from his thus far neutral stance, Duke University President Richard Brodhead blasted Nifong after he dropped the rape charges, calling on the prosecutor to recuse himself from the case."
In a NEWSWEEK exclusive, Reade Seligmann details his family's anguish since that infamous lacrosse party.
With no leadership from Broadhead, why should the entire Poli Sci dept issue a statement? Personally, I think the lack of comment from all depts. (excluding the econ dept) at this point in this pathetic sequence of events, speak volumes.
It really boils down to one simple thing – public character & courage, and the appalling lack of both as demonstrated by faculty, administration and alumni.
The timing of Mr Hummel's departure is certainly curious
If true, Hummel would have been producing the fact sheet and wanted poster in his last couple of weeks on the job at Duke...after he had already given notice.
That actually makes some sense.
Why waste time starting your work in "social justice"; use the free EVP xerox code while the going's good.
“To the students speaking individually and to the protesters making collective noise, thank you for not waiting and for making yourselves heard.”
--Group of 88 statement, April 6
610 N. Buchanan Chants
Handouts were passed around and the crowd chanted in unison to the beat of the drummers.
"Who’s being Silent?
They’re being silent!
Whose protecting rapists?
They’re protecting rapist!
So, who are the rapists?
They must be the rapists!"
"Out of the house!
Out of the town!
We don’t want,
You around!"
Davidson needs to be mindful of what it is that is on record…it will be embarrassing for her every time she opens her mouth!!!
That chant being done in front of somebody's house (specifically the lacrosse players') doesn't leave a lot of ambiguity as to who was being targeted with this patent hate speech!!!
Got to love the internet. It stops the revisionist dead in their tracks.
i'm sorry for asking again, but i still want a better explaination of the "power dynamic" that was at play. This is the same theme that Michael Eric Dyson and other "black scholors" rant about without describing what they mean by it.
Sure seems to me like the accuser and the group of 88 hold all of the "power" in this matter (until recently) and the lax players none!
Thanks for any info that ms davidson or anyone who shares her views can provide.
Boy the youtube video (referenced above, thx) on potbangers harassing Provost Peter Lange is really an eye opener. Talk about prejudging the situation...
This is an email, inspired by my above comment, that I sent to Vice Provost Davidson with cc to Brodhead:
Professor Davidson,
You wrote:
“Some people write out of real misery for their children, Duke students who are distraught that their friends may have been falsely accused and unfairly treated. They believe professors have sided against the lacrosse players, and they are outraged. If we had written what they suppose, we would deserve their anger. But we didn’t.”
--N&O, 1/5/07
Let me refresh your memory as to some well established facts…
“To the students speaking individually and to the protesters making collective noise, thank you for not waiting and for making yourselves heard.”
--Group of 88 statement, April 6
From stories in the press regarding the March 26th protests:
"There is a sense that Duke students need to be protected from Durham, but rapes are happening off East Campus at the hands of Duke students," said Manju Rajendran, an organizer of the event. "We are here to break the silence around sexual assault and violence."
"Signs read 'You can't rape and run' and 'It's Sunday morning, time to confess.' The protesters left the signs on the front steps of the Buchanan Boulevard residence. The crowd yelled, 'Where are their parents?' and called for the lacrosse team's head coach Mike Pressler to be fired. Some wanted the University to force the group to testify." CSTV.com
610 N. Buchanan Chants
Handouts were passed around and the crowd chanted in unison to the beat of the drummers.
"Who’s being Silent?
They’re being silent!
Whose protecting rapists?
They’re protecting rapist!
So, who are the rapists?
They must be the rapists!"
"Out of the house!
Out of the town!
We don’t want,
You around!"
The week of protests was off and running. It was great-intended theatre, mixed with warning to the Lacrosse captains living in the house, that there could be consequences far greater than any criminal proceedings. Most ominously, protesters carried this sign:
(Pic with sign saying "CASTRATE" inserted here)
Exactly how do you suggest those of us out here who are watching/listening interpret the above information. Professor Davidson you need to be mindful of what it is that is on record…it could be embarrassing for you every time you open your mouth!!!
Hoping you are having a wonderful New Year (yeah, right!!!)
A member of …
Group of Millions
Group of 88: It's Sunday, time to confess!
Folks at this site who say the Group of 88 is going down are very wrong. Some may lose jobs at Duke, although I doubt it; but even if they do, other jobs-probably higher paying jobs-will be available. Good grief, look who Universities hire: Ward Churchill (University of Colorado), Angela Davis (University of California, Santa Cruz), Anita Hill (Brandeis University). And that is not even a start. Cathy Davidson and the other Group of 88 members will successfully tout K.C. Johnson's words about them as another reason to hire them.
Brodhead's statement was only positive to the extent it helps build publuic sentiment in favor of the accused. But I wont cut him any slack. He did it for 2 reasons - witheld alum donations and the drop in applications. He is still a rat who should be shamed out of his position.
"Folks at this site who say the Group of 88 is going down are very wrong. Some may lose jobs at Duke, although I doubt it; but even if they do, other jobs-probably higher paying jobs-will be available. Good grief, look who Universities hire: Ward Churchill (University of Colorado), Angela Davis (University of California, Santa Cruz), Anita Hill (Brandeis University). And that is not even a start. Cathy Davidson and the other Group of 88 members will successfully tout K.C. Johnson's words about them as another reason to hire them."
I agree anon, but at least they have been 'outed'. They might find gainful employment but their voices will be marinalized by all but the off-the-wall left.
I just checked Ms. Davidson's vita on the Duke English Department's Web site and she has not published a book since 1997 (and only has 7 books to her name, one of them "forthcoming"). How does she keep her job?
Obsolete Hebrew Text, c. 850 BCE:
...Naboth the Jez'reelite had a vineyard, which was in Jezreel, hard by the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. And Ahab spake unto Naboth, saying, 'Give me thy vineyard, that I may have it for a garden of herbs, because it is near unto my house: and I will give thee for it a better vineyard than it; or, if it seem good to thee, I will give thee the worth of it in money.'
And Naboth said to Ahab, 'The LORD forbid it me, that I should give the inheritance of my fathers unto thee.'
And Ahab came into his house heavy and displeased because of the word which Naboth the Jez'reelite had spoken to him: for he had said, I will not give thee the inheritance of my fathers. And he laid him down upon his bed, and turned away his face, and would eat no bread.
But Jez'ebel his wife came to him, and said unto him, 'Why is thy spirit so sad, that thou eatest no bread?' And he said unto her, 'Because I spake unto Naboth the Jez'reelite, and said unto him, Give me thy vineyard for money; or else, if it please thee, I will give thee another vineyard for it: and he answered, I will not give thee my vineyard.'
And Jez'ebel his wife said unto him, 'Dost thou now govern the kingdom of Israel? arise, and eat bread, and let thine heart be merry: I will give thee the vineyard of Naboth the Jez'reelite…'
I doubt the Duke 88 know the rest of the story.
Perhaps the Supreme Court could let us have just one Commandment on the walls of courtrooms: "Thou shalt not bear false witness." I can't see even an atheist disagreeing with that one.
Define "false". Or for that matter, define "true." This is the group for whom "one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter."
Their entire raison d'etre is the deconstruction of common sense and ethics.
Obviously someone at Duke hasn't given up on the humanities faculty.
That would be lacrosse co-captain Ed Douglas, a biomedical engineering graduate now pursuing a master's in humanities.
Might want to be careful with blanket statements. Never know who you're going to cover.
I don't understand how Nifong can get away with charging these 3 victims when the evidence is overwhelming that this rape never happened??? How do those in Durham who have the power to stop this circus just sit back and let it continue? This is not justice, this is a tragedy that shames our justice system
To 11:30 PM
Read Bill Anderson's Duke: The Anatomy of a Hoax
"Since Nifong obtained indictments of Seligmann, Finnerty, and Evans, a number of blogs have appeared to attack the "evidence," the process itself, and Nifong. A recent posting on the blog called Liestoppers is one of the most chilling documents I have read on this case, and I will look at this piece in some detail."
9:23 PM said:
"I just checked Ms. Davidson's vita on the Duke English Department's Web site and she has not published a book since 1997 (and only has 7 books to her name, one of them "forthcoming"). How does she keep her job?"
That is very curious considering she lives in the same house as the Editor-in-Chief of the Duke University Press. You would think she should be able to get something published.
To 11:58
Chilling! I hope this has been read by all those in power in North Carolina
A professor resigned from a comitee? Wow that's the gutsiest move I've ever heard of. When's the press conference? A man whose convictions run so deep he'd resign from a comitee deserves to be heard from. This man's name deserves to be remembered in history If (he'd come forward) with others who have sacrificed for their beliefs like Thomas Moore
What a fucking hero.
You just can't make this stuff up. There's a thread on liestoppers where people have posted messages from a Yahoo! group created at the time to "respond" to the "events".
As it happens, some of the G88 live in the Trinity Park neighborhhod that surrounds Duke's East Campus and the NC School of Science and Math (residential school for high school juniors and seniors).
It seems Prof. Kim Curtis was
quite actively composing messages that go well beyond even the public comments. If the original statement and the letter written by Cathy Davidson aren't transparent or shocking enough, have a read: here.
The tag line Durham uses for itself is "The City of Medicine".
It will forever be known as the city that elected Nifong, even after things were very clear.
At the time, I figured Nifong got no votes from anyone associated with Duke but it seems there were at least 88, unless some of these enlightened educators actually chose to live in places like Chapel Hill or Raleigh.
The City of Medicine will forever be known for having a nurse with less than a year of experience do a SANE exam and render an "expert" opinion.
I guess their definition of quality of care and mine differ.
pot·bang·er; noun. 1. Person (or primate) who loudly and unhaltingly strikes a hand-held food-preparation or eating utensil against a metal or clay cooking vessel in order to declare the occurrence of a social disaster. 2. Person who substitutes highly inflammatory polemic (typically relating to race, class, or gender) for actual facts relating an event to advance a particular social agenda and create deeper division. opposite: Blog Hooligan
To 5:27
Does Davidson think Duke alumni and supporters of the players are stupid? Yes, she does.
pot·bang·er; noun. 1. Person (or primate) who loudly and unhaltingly strikes a hand-held food-preparation or eating utensil against a metal or clay cooking vessel in order to declare the occurrence of a social disaster. 2. Person who substitutes highly inflammatory polemic (typically relating to race, class, or gender) for actual facts relating an event to advance a particular social agenda and create deeper division. opposite: Blog Hooligan
At 8:10pm last night I posted a letter that I sent to Prof Davidson. I was surprised to receive a response, much more surprised to hear that she admits to being out of touch more than malicious. Apparently, the group of 88 is so insulated that they don't even follow the blogs that are daily heralding their every move.
Her response:
Dear Sir or Madam,
The ad was directed to the protestors who are quoted in the ad, not the people you quote. The protests on campus that I witnessed---the open mikes set up to encourage exchange---were very valuable. I learned about the ones below only much later.
Until you sent me this photograph, I had not seen it. I am shocked and appalled. You may not believe it, but I will repeat what I have said many times, in many forums. I want justice, not scapegoating. I believe symbolic justice is tyranny. If these young men did not commit crimes, they must be exonerated. There were things that we were told happened in the house which may not have been crimes but are certainly not laudable behavior. But that is a different manner. No one should face serious charges for crimes they did not commit. I have said that thousands of times since March 13 and, in other contexts, before. I will always say that. I read and reread the ad before I signed it. It did not speak to the criminal allegations. It clearly was read as if it did and I deeply regret that misreading.
C. Davidson
re 1:25 PM
Yes, but when you "hear the truth you've spoken, Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools", you offer no complaint. Is this on purpse?
Writer to Prof Davidson here...
I sent her a response to her response:
The ad was directed to the protestors who are quoted in the ad, not the people you quote.
Prof Davidson,
Thank you for your response. While I would agree that the rhetoric in the ad was less inflammatory than that in the larger media, I would have to point out to you that timing, and perceptions can be everything. The references to "March 13th" clearly link the perception of what is being talked about to the bigger problems that are alledgedly addressed by the quotes in the ad. What I find interesting is that these quotes are very inconsistent with press based statements of many other people familiar with the lacrosse team. I would specifically reference the interview with Devon Sherwood (http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/LegalCenter/story?id=2617301&page=1) as well as other quoted comments from female friends and supporters of the team. You may ask why I am so interested in this situation if I am not local and intimately connected. I am a person who works every day with High School athletes. As we don't have lacrosse here, I am more involved with football and wrestling. For what it's worth, I am a team doctor, not a coach. I played lacrosse in college. I know what the social scene in college athletics is like. It is not squeaky clean, but it also is not the cesspool that your ad would intimate that it is. Have you ever attended a lacrosse function? I think you would be surprised with the level of friendship and non vulgar comradery that prevails. While you may find hiring a stripper absolutely repulsive, it is not illegal, and not even morally reprehensible if done on private property with private funds. Personally, I'd rather watch game show re-runs on cable, but to each his own. Nobody coerced those women to agree to accept money for undressing in front of strangers, even though that is a thoroughly undignified thing to do. Are there predators and racists on every college campus? YOU BETCHA!!!, and that is a problem that sorely needs attention. But to leverage your political position by referencing a "SOCIAL DISASTER" (what a prophetic label in retrospect) prior all the facts being out is equally reprehensible. Had this ad been published after facts were in evidence that the alleged crimes actually occurred and that lacrosse players were either involved in the crimes or in covering them up, I would read it very differently. What I would suggest to you is that your stock would rise significantly if you found yourself comfortable stating in the press that you are "shocked and appalled" by the type of protest that I have brought to your attention (which I am actually very surprised you weren't aware of as it has been in the national media since prior to your ad). It would also go a long way to reiterate what you have said regarding "justice not scapegoating". I actually think the text of your second paragraph says quite a bit about your true feelings, which are more in line with the mainstream than many would think. The problem is that you apparently have been blind to what the perception of many people is given the "other protests" that have colored their perception of your "listening statement". By the way, it is also often raked over the coals repeatedly that the ad copy was pulled from the Duke website rather abruptly in November when it became the focus of a blog posting. It is still available from a cached website and is accessed frequently. I had read it previously, but again my perception was strongly colored by the thought that surely you were aware of other protests, "WANTED" posters with lacrosse team photos, and other inflammatory rhetoric. Some of these may have occurred after your ad, but the lack of the "Group of 88" speaking out specifically against them has led to the perception that they do not disapprove. Please show the community (nation/world) differently if that is the case.
Name withheld to protect the sensible, M.D.
Group of Millions
I don't know but I believe Houston had the deal with Vandy a long time before March 13th. He appears to have a shelf life at Universities. He helped get this crowd going and high tailed it out of town.
2:14 -- Great work. I think you've clarified what the Group of 88 failed to realize -- even though they weren't out with the "castrate" banners, they were helping to fuel the environment that made it happen.
I hope KC will view them in that light.
Anonymous - 10:21 PM:
You've hit that nail smack dab on the head.
2:55 -- the 88 didn't just "fuel the environment that made [the 'Castrate' banner] happen"; they thanked the would-be castraters after the protest. Davidson's claim that she only meant to thank some other (politer) protesters is sophistry. Her claim that she didn't know anything about the potbangers, the 'Castrate' and 'Confess' banners, the "Rapist' chants, the fascistic drums and bullhorns etc. etc. is utterly incredible.
If anyone still reads this string there is a thread on Liestoppers which has more responses from Davidson. She seems more contrite and explains she did not intend what the ad is widely read to have said and accomplished.
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