As Diane Catotti rebukes her colleagues who have called for the resignation of a DA the Bar said broke three laws and violated the Constitution--and as she proposes various procedures that seem more designed to retry the lacrosse case than to determine how the police sought indictments against three innocent people without probable cause--it's worth considering just where her loyalties lie.
Below is a photo of her from last September. Unlike other backers of Nifong (such as Floyd McKissick), Catotti has never said that she regrets having so publicly backed the disgraced DA. It seems that her loyalty to Nifong's crusades, if not Nifong the person, is very deep indeed.

Hat tip: T.K.
AG Cooper came through and did the right thing. I see business as usual by this time next year in Wonderland. Its a shame, but there are so many agenda's being pushed that true justice for the DPD and other enablers just won't happen. I pray I'm wrong, but I see nothing to show me otherwise.
One small correction: The lacrosse case cannot be "retried;" there was no trial to begin with. Nor should it have been.
The fundamental problem with the approach of Catotti and the Council is that they appear to want to re-examine the merits of the charges against the players. That has already been decided - the charges were meritless.
The sole purpose of the inquiry, as I understand it, is to examine the conduct and role of the police in charging and arresting three obviously innocent young men. That has nothing to do with race or sex. A rape counselor cannot assist in such an inquiry.
An inquiry of this sort requires people with training and expertise in the law and police procedure.
Just because the case became polluted by with racial and class rhetoric does not mean the inquiry should be similarly contaminated.
I am afraid the committee assembled by the City will only find ways to justify the police conduct by examining the role of the DPD through the same prism of race, sex and perceived social status that created this mess in the first place.
Maybe there is something more here than a misguided fool.
Agenda, money, something owed to Nifong. Who knows?
This thing should be over in a few weeks. What is the use of for a calling for a resignation now? I do not live in Durham, North Calolina or the East Coast. I don't care about their cops,Da, Maypor, etc. All I crared about was the guys being proved Innocent.
The mischief of putting a "rape crisis center advocate" on the committee, is that such persons have no qualifications in proper law enforcement procedures, nor do they even care about proper procedures.
Indeed, they uniformly take the position that "women never lie about rape," and as such they don't even believe that men accused of rape are entitled to a defense.
Such a person would endorse a police procedure to hang the accused without trial. How can we expect such an individual to honestly assess a frame-up?
Anonymous said...
"The mischief of putting a 'rape crisis center advocate' on the committee, is that such persons ... [do not] even care about proper procedures."
Which is exactly why Catotti, having failed to prevent the inquiry, immediately made this demand.
She is also very loyal to the NC NAACP as can be seen on her bio on the Durham website. While such an act would not normally render criticism, under the circumstances it is certainly worth evaluating seeing how the NAACP took a postion of rendering a verdict in this case long before any facts came forward.
One small correction: The lacrosse case cannot be "retried;" there was no trial to begin with. Nor should it have been.
I forgot the legal term, but didnt the AG call innocence to such a degree that no criminal or civil charges can come from this incident?
Anon 3:59
When I was a senior in college, I took an honors seminar entitled human sexuality: past, present, and future. One class we had a discussion with rape councilors. While a lot of rape activists are loopy, some generally do care and do not prejudge and care for ALL who claim rape but do not immediatly believe.
In this case I do believe she will get a loopy leftist. However, we need to be careful about painting with a broad brush. We saw what happended to the guys and "jock mentality."
Diane Catotti has an earned Masters Degree in Public Health - The emphasis area is Public Policy.
All of these public policy people believe passionately that they are experts in government policy including the role of the Government of the United States in the current conflict in the Middle East.
She herself is now part of government.
What you see is what you get.
She is not going to change.
Is she running for re-election this year?
She needs this to win her next election.
Re: 'retry' the case...I assumed that KC meant metaphorically in the press and public forum rather than the 'judicial' system.
Brewer should run against Catotti.
Aging trophy wife active in government.
Activist in the Progressive Alliance and guilty token white in the NAACP.
Typical Lefty stuff.
I would suggest you check this out.
Maybe, this woman is trying to re-bridge some schism from this incident-although having worked extensively in derivatives-I totally agreed with her position.
Indeed, they uniformly take the position that "women never lie about rape," and as such they don't even believe that men accused of rape are entitled to a defense.
What is the current reported rape rate? Around 1 in 1000 females in the population, I believe. Even assuming that 61% of rapes are not reported (and ignoring any discounts for the false reporting rate, whatever it is), that means around 2 in 1000 females are raped in any one year.
That being the case, 99.8% of females never lie about rape because they simply do not get the chance.
Now, of those who do make rape claims, I figure that somewhere around 10% are false.
That being the case, I think that female concerns about rape are vastly over-hyped, as are male concerns about false rape claims. Although, I suspect that the second concern is a reaction to the beatup about rape by certain groups.
I wonder what her husband does?
"Paper: News & Observer, The (Raleigh, NC)
Title: Council comes clean
Date: January 20, 2007
Before the Durham City Council voted 7-0 Tuesday in favor of a major rezoning for Duke University, members paused to acknowledge their ties to the county's largest employer.
Council member Mike Woodard read a legalistic statement disclosing that he is a Duke employee but that his employment and compensation were not tied to the approval of the rezoning and therefore it was not a conflict of interest to cast a vote that benefited the university.
Council member Diane Catotti then disclosed that her husband works for Duke, but she also said that his compensation and employment were not tied to her vote."
Author: Michael Biesecker Eric Ferreri
Section: News
Page: B3
Column: Triangle Politics
She is another Tarhole grad like Nifong. Maybe she too got snubbed by Duke undergrad admissions
Question to Blog Administrator
Professor Johnson, I'm also a professor of history. As an historian, I do not understand why you haven't addressed how, and why, the law protects criminals like Crystal Mangum. It would seem to me that you need to explore why women can make false allegations against men and suffer no punishment. This is an historical phenomenon sui generis to this case.
I don't mean to be overly critical, but the above is a key aspect of the case. Why at this point in American history must society tolerate repulsive immoral behavior from individuals like Mangum? Her freedom is an insult to the average law-abiding American citizen.
Diane Catotti, M.S.P.H., is our Program Development and Evaluation Specialist. She holds an M.S.P.H. in Health Policy and Administration and an M.A. Certificate in Latin American Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Ms. Catotti has developed and implemented strategies to influence positive change in international, regional, and national policies affecting women’s sexual and reproductive health. She has extensive experience in technical and financial monitoring of projects, identifying research and programmatic needs, and defining program strategy. She has participated in institutional development programs, training activities, and AIDS and STD research projects and has monitored contraceptive clinical trials.
Ms Catotti has been a policy analyst for international health and population-related research projects, including public service delivery programs. She has international field experience in Latin America, the Caribbean, and East Africa.
Clarencedarrow 4:53 said...
...I would suggest you check this out.
...Maybe, this woman is trying to re-bridge some schism from this incident-although having worked extensively in derivatives-I totally agreed with her position.
I agree with her position also but question whether she is a trained economist.
Perhaps you are correct. If race was a 'set your hair on fire' issue back in April of '05 in Durham she may have her hands full if she voted against a proposal from a minority contractor.
Fortunately the current issue does not yet include a business proposal from a minority contractor.
Anonymous 5:37 said...
...I wonder what her husband does?
...Council member Diane Catotti then disclosed that her husband works for Duke, but she also said that his compensation and employment were not tied to her vote."
Well, there are the dots between the DPD, Durham and Duke.
I thought at first that nifong may have had something going with this skag, but after seeing her, even nifong.......
re: 6:59 PM
She wouldn't happen to have anything to do with crimestoppers, would she?
re: 5:57
A little nit but you're a history professor so you should appreciate this:
More on 'A' vs. 'An'
To: 6:52
I fail to undrstand how that resume makes her position for the support of MIke Nifong and her resistance to the reform of the Durham city government in the least bit tenable. Let's review the facts; Three young men were falsely accused of rape facing a max of 30 years in prison each. They spent$3-5 million to defend themselves of these spurious charges by a known prostitute and substance abuser for a case built on innuendo, illegally withheld exculpatory evidence, procedurely and ethically challenged identification methods not to mention continual lying by Nifong and Wilson and a myriad of other deceptions.
And you and Catotti have the unmitigated gall to suggest that no investigation is needed, Nifong shouldn't resign (he should be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible). Nifong and Catotti are an embarassment to one of my schools-UNC. When political agendas are advanced with the sacrifice of innocent people regardless of their sex, race or religion, those promoting such agendas need to be fully exposed and pilloried before the public. No exceptions - right or left.
Hey with all this chatter about Catotti's "rape counselor" headed for the commission, I'm reminded of the dude with the SANE nurse for wife who was going to slam dunk KC's critique of Tara Levicy. Isn't that project overdue? Where is that cat and his wife?
Diane Catotti disclosed that her husband works for Duke and some were wondering what he does.
I found this info at online@duke:
Name: Charles Catotti
Affiliation: staff
Department: Special Events & Conf Services - Admin
Title: Director, Event Management
Could be her husband.
If Catotti really is a "trained
economist," then her motive
likely would be to try to water-
down all efforts to remove Nifong
and the DPD.
Stacking the deck isn't new, and
neither is putting someone in jail
with unreasonably high bail in
order to gain a "witness" (stooge-
stoolie.) Stacking the deck on
commissions has a similar feel.
Catotti doesn't like "speculative
financing" of a municipality?
How about "speculative bankruptcy,"
when they're sued out of their
bloody wazoos? That's obviously
what she's trying to thwart.
Anonymous 6:52 said...
...Diane Catotti, M.S.P.H., is our Program Development and Evaluation Specialist. She holds an M.S.P.H. in Health Policy and Administration and an M.A. Certificate in Latin American Studies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The OUR referenced above is HERMES, LLC in Durham...
HERMES, LLC, is a small woman-owned research and education services company dedicated to public and international health. The name stands for Health and Education Research, Management training, and Epidemiologic Services.
It would appear that their revenue stream comes from the CDC and other federal programs that are attempting to reduce the prevalence of HIV/STD and Mental Health problems within poverty neighborhoods. HERMES, LLC is probably a contractor with the city/country health departments and the Ryan White dollars.
Lots of smart people working around HERMES, LLC. Many with advanced degrees in public health. The United States is full of graduate degree professionals in public health.
I have no idea what a M.A. Certificate is!
If Catotti is really an epidemiological-type,
with regard to poor neighborhoods,
she should be aware of the frequency
of pedophilia in the AA community,
especially with 40 + year old
males and 10-13 year old females.
(I can't offer the specific
numbers.) She'd offer the AA community
more value if she'd start working
in those areas, rather than trying
to prove the unprovable, the
did-not-happen, the factually
I don't know why she'd waste her
time claiming "something happened,"
when she could focus her energies
on stuff that happens all the time,
and things that probably makes the
CGMs into what they appear to be...
Here is the connection between John Burness and Diane Catotti
Thursday, October 30, 2004
USP Seminar with Diane Catotti and John Burness
"Why Do Local Politics Matter?"
12:30 - 2:00 pm
240 Franklin Center
Her husband (Chuck) appears to be the Director of Event Management for Duke.
The woman pictured with Cattoti looks a lot like Susan Willis.
I am incredibly disappointed with my University.
I reiterate my comment about Deutsch:
Who did her discussion of the rape of slaves serve?
NOT her students.
It HAS TO BE VIEWED as either:
-an attempt to perpetuate the lynch mob mentality
-a justification of said mentality as appropriate.
Disgusting. Absolutely disgusting.
And still, nothing is being done about this.
By "with" I mean "in"
with. in.
Where is the credibility?
Steel won't even acknowledge that anyone was wrong.
Just that they misspoke?
(um, no... it was deliberate. these ARE the dots).
KC, you must have or you and your bloggers here have hammered Catotti so much you can't even get access to the Durham City Council website. I went there the other day and there was a pic of all of them, now it is gone. What happened, did she manage to pull the site?
The selection by quota is a sham and will ruin the integrity of the commission. Imagine if you were a black and/or female and were selected to join the commision. Wouldn't you have some sense that, since you were chosen by quota, there was some EXPECTATION that you would act according to a race/gender based agenda? I am embarrassed to be a Durham resident. This is ridiculous.
What a bitch. The Quota Queen got her "community quota" to exclude white males from representing the community in any interactions with the outside police (5 men) brought in.
Not a bad day's work for the NAACP's token white member.
All but eliminate white input other than one besides the Femmenazi white woman "rape counselor" she demands be added for her value in the non-rape case that revealed widespread police problems.
According to Durham's Aug 2006 Demographics, whites are actually a slight majority at 45% (blacks are 43%), and Catotti excludes the 3% Asian and 8.3% Hispanic part of the population from any consideration in being part of the community part of the independent investigation - as well as white males.
"The sole purpose of the inquiry, as I understand it, is to examine the conduct and role of the police in charging and arresting three obviously innocent young men. That has nothing to do with race or sex. A rape counselor cannot assist in such an inquiry."
I must disagree that a rape counselor cannot assist in such an inquiry. Merely being a rape counselor does not sabotage your mind and dictate that you must believe any claim, no matter how thoroughly discredited, of sexual assault -- any more than being on the women's lacrosse team meant, as some pundits thought, that you must be overlooking the clear merits of the case and instead defending the accused out of blind and ignorant loyalty. A rape crisis counselor of competence and integrity might be able to provide some of the most valuable information of the inquiry, by pointing to the process by which Mangum was built up as a victim and saying "This is exactly the point at which any competent investigator should have suspected the possibility that Mangum's allegations had no basis in fact, and these are the people who should have known it."
Of course, a rape crisis counselor picked by Catotti is extremely unlikely to be one whose competence and integrity are sufficient to allow them to admit that the lacrosse players and not Mangum were the victims of the affair.
No white males because the case was charged with race & gender issues?
White males were wrongly charged and then later found innocent. The *victims* were WHITE MALES, Diane.
The world has gone stark, raving mad.
So Mr. Catotti is in "events management" at Duke? Bet the both of them manage lots of things by manipulating the town and gown relationship between Duke and Durham.
Maybe Diane Catotti and Burness are getting it on. Can Mr. Catotti manage that?
Charles (Chucky) Catotti is also a Tarhole grad. Why the hell don't they take their diatribe over to Chapel Hell? He has a MFA degree from UNC. LMAO!
Peer review; "sui generis".
My review: Stultorum infinitus est numerus.
Antaeus Feldspar 10:22 said...
...I must disagree that a rape counselor cannot assist in such an inquiry.
...A rape crisis counselor (could say) "This is exactly the point at which any competent investigator should have suspected the possibility that Mangum's allegations had no basis in fact, and these are the people who should have known it."
The police over here in Houston tell me that observing her 'passed out' in the car and then mouth breathing as they used the ammonia inhaler and then ...her grabbing onto the emergency break of the car as they tried to remove her from the car...would be that 'point' you mentioned.
She would have gone directly to Jail.
Catotti is obviously trying to stay in Victoria Peterson's good graces. Let her be known by the company she keeps...
Putting someone from a rape crisis center on the commission only makes sense on the assumption that someone was... raped. As there was no rape, this is not a rape case. So the commission is tainted already by its assumption that the case has something to do with rape. In fact, if a crime was committed, its victims were not black women but white men. The commission is stillborn.
"A little nit but you're a history professor so you should appreciate this".
No, LESS than a nit. Please don't waste your time or anyone else's here with such unbelievable pettiness. I mean, on a blog... who on earth CARES?!?!
"White males were wrongly charged and then later found innocent. The *victims* were WHITE MALES, Diane.
The world has gone stark, raving mad".
I have found my nominee for best post of the week. Short, pithy, and deadly accurate.
No...i'm purdy.
I tried to rule out the possibility that her motives might be influenced by a relationship with nifong...I consider that a real contribution.
Taken in a vacuum, she is still a skag.
"Putting someone from a rape crisis center on the commission only makes sense on the assumption that someone was... raped. As there was no rape, this is not a rape case. So the commission is tainted already by its assumption that the case has something to do with rape."
This claim, that a rape crisis counselor can add nothing of value since we now know that there was no rape, is false. It would be like saying "The bank robbers got into the bank by posing as auditors from the FDIC; obviously, real auditors from the FDIC have nothing of value to tell us about how the people who could have stopped the robbers' access to secure areas instead unwittingly aided it." Given that this is Catotti's pick, I agree that this rape crisis counselor is almost certainly going to push the denialist party line of "let's pretend that there's still some credibility to the charges", but if we let ourselves fall into the trap of "oh, all people in profession X have this stereotypical mindset I attribute to them" then we're lowering ourselves to the level of those who thought they knew the lacrosse players to be guilty just because they were "spoiled rich white boys".
"I must disagree that a rape counselor cannot assist in such an inquiry. Merely being a rape counselor does not sabotage your mind..."
Since there was no rape, a rape counselor would contribute about as much as a butcher, a baker, or a candlestick maker. The only reason to include a rape counselor is to "retry" this case in public and pretend (again) that there was a rape.
The only crimes committed in this case involved Nifong, the enablers and the lynch mob.
Nice digging
Clarencedarrow said...
I would suggest you check this out.
Basically, it sounds like a slimy deal where a black owned financial firm, Rice Financial, came in and shrewdly played the race card to drum up some questionably city debt financing using derivatives securities (probably something called "swaptions"). Basically, the city could save millions on repaying debt, but could also loose millions more if the market doesn't go right.
Catotti opposed this [which I agree with, having once worked in swaptions -- cities should hedge, not speculate]. She lost a vote that split along white black lines and was accused of being (drum roll please) "a racist".
Maybe she is just playing an election game by playing the race as well as gender card back again for the election.
The whole is just stupid of course -- she was on the right side and now the wrong of crony based stupidity of the worst sort.
[opposition]... claimed that support had more to do with awarding a fat contract to a minority firm than good financial management practices.
Follow the money.
1:53, I've already addressed your assertion and why it is false, and you just keep asserting it over and over as if doing so was mature debate. I say again that a rape crisis counselor of competence and integrity would be a significant asset to the inquiry, since such a person would almost certainly have seen false allegations themselves, just as physicians inevitably see hypochondriacs, drug-seekers, and people with factitious disorder. Or are we to believe that the police chiefs can add nothing to the investigation either, since they are only capable of nodding blindly and chanting "uh-huh, uh-huh, every suspect's guilty, every suspect's guilty," instead of saying "here is where the DPD departed from best practices and these are the deviations that let this case continue when it should have stopped"?
Antaeus Feldspar 10:56,
The use of a professional
rape counselor would make sense,
if you could find one who doesn't
think like most of 'em;
most are divorced from reality.
Think: Wendy Murphy.
Think: faux statistics.
Think: hysterical SANE Nurses
with agendas.
Think again.
Consider the false testimony of
psychologists in several daycare-
abuse lynchings, where innocent
people were convicted by false-
memories, "brought back" by people
with ulterior motives.
Ethics matter.
Antaeus Feldspar,
If you have a disease process
that was treated improperly,
and you have a malpractice case,
it's true that you need a physician
to testify about what went wrong.
That's where I agree with you.
MAC - There is no evidence that Levicy was hysterical. Anyone with a WERT certification ( that is something worth having Wildreness Emergency Technician)- goes into the outback and helps rescue folk injured has long since passed the hysterical phase.
For what it's worth, Catotti is up for re-election this year according to the Durham City Gov. site. Seems she might be employing the same tactics as Nifong did for re-election.
I agree wtih Antaeus Feldspar that "a rape crisis counselor of competence and integrity would be a significant asset to the inquiry."
In that rape crisis counselors often are the first people to hear rape allegations, they can play a major role in prosecutions. There is a good chance that the role of rape crises counselors will be reviewed along with the roles of D.A.s, police, and SANEs. Therefore, a rape crisis counselor could be a useful addition to the committee.
Ken Duke
Getting the SANE gig off the nursing charts, is exactly what those who crucified Nurse Levicy deserve.
I sure hope thats not a golden adult beverage in Diane's hand! hate for her to be linked to any unsavory activities like those the Duke players may have participated in.
WERT certified is about the equivelant of Zeppelin technician.
Tell that to the people, she has helped save. Those folk out West, trying to save those hikers are WERTs. Do you know nothing about EMTs and Wilderness EMTs. Shame
WERT is a huge step above the SANE. We even have people calling the rape kit - the SANE kit. WTF
"a rape crisis counselor could be a useful addition to the committee".
But this isn't a case about rape, it's a case about a false accusation about rape. No rape took place. So what relevance can a rape crisis counsellor have on this particular committee?
My nominees for the Committee:
1) James Coleman. OBVIOUS choice. Brilliant, fully informed both on the law and on the facts of the case, eminently qualified -- only a race pimp, or a liar or a moron could claim otherwise.
2) Joseph Neff. Screw the racial quota bullshit: Joe has plenty of bona fides as a reporter for the local "liberal" paper, and an immense amount of information about the case at his fingertips. The commission NEEDS a very highly-informed, go-to "facts person".
3) Butch Williams. Black (I mention this first only to make Diane Catotti cream her jeans.) Fearless defense lawyer. Familiar with right and wrong police procedures, and with everything that can go seriously wrong when cops deviate from what's right.
WERT/WART EMT/EMO All wonderful.
As to hikers and mountain climbers that head out in the dead of winter, well, let's just call it natural selection.
1:24 pm
Levicy might have not been
hysterical, but mad, perhaps?
Raging? Hyper-indignant?
Why else meet with the DPD 5 times
for a non-rape?
Maybe as a WERT (Wireless Emergency
Rescue Team) she served a purpose,
but she obviously DIDN'T hinder
the investigation. She ought to
be looking for the bus that
has "Nifong City Terminal" on
the front of it.
In any case, people can be hysterical for different reasons:
a person who can climb a building
might get hysterical in the
presence of a snake, someone who
can climb the Grand Tetons might
be terrified of spiders or of a
hypodermic needle. Everyone has
their fears, prejudices and
I'd be hysterical if I was someone
potentially in the path of
Nifong's bus.
I don't know if you are still monitoring this thread, but if you are, I'd like to know why my post was deleted. (It was the one that complained about people criticizing Diane Catotti because of her appearance.) Is it because you deleted the posts it criticized, or did I actually do something wrong? (I'd really like to know if I did. Thanks.)
Mac - When the DA calls, law abiding citizens answer - no matter how many meeting there are. I am not sure, but I think these were no meeting with Levicy until June and none after her took her Supervisor Theresa. You will know for sure, I think .
Mac - Rns, Doctors and EMTs are trained to not get hysterical - Unless a personal loss, you would be drummed out of the corps. When the DA calls, law abiding citizens answer the telephone.
Yeah, when a law-abiding citizen is called by the D.A., you're right: they do answer. Too bad when the D.A. isn't law-abiding.
That's been my point all along
with regard to Levicy's
(potential) peril: since Nifong has
shown such a willingness to drive
his bus right over top of crowds of
people, why should Nurse Tara
feel safe? He wouldn't regard
her any more than he did the 3
students! Especially not with
his own neck at stake.
I've never imputed that she was
guilty of anything, but I have
repeatedly implied that she could
have found herself coerced,
threatened or similarly treated,
based upon Mr. Elmostafa's treatment.
June 12: the day - (perhaps) -
we'll find out who Nifong will
choose as his next victim.
If there is a rape counselor, then fairness would dictate a white male LAX player be on the panel, as well.
Most of these guys would not know fairness if it slapped them (maybe it will)
Keep it up, KC.
Yup. She does look like Annette,
the Mouseketeer.
To the 9.46--yes, I removed it not because I disagreed with its message, but because it referenced disagreeable posts that I had removed.
Why did KC choose to include a photo of Catotti in the first place? Superfluous, to say the least.
Given her mentality and total lack of ethics.....not to mention questionable social intelligence in thinking she could behave in such a way without normal people responding would be expected that those who have fought against the corruption in Durham would comment on that common-looking photo.
Nothing new. Durham is full of people like Catotti. Non-descript, self-serving urchins.
Debrah, I assume you noticed that the Catotti photo shows her proudly wearing a "Re-Elect Mike NIFONG" sticker on her chest.
A picture speaks a thousand words. This one was taken in September, long after any thinking person could see that Nifong was railroading 3 innocent young men. The image tells us all we need to know about her-- it's not about whether she's ugly or attractive on the outside.
TO 8:17PM--
Point well taken.
I did notice the Nifong and the David Price stickers on her TJ Max-esque sweater shirt.
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