Saturday, June 16, 2007
Nifong Accepts Disbarment
David Freedman, Mike Nifong's attorney, has just announced that Nifong has accepted that disbarment is an "appropriate" penalty, and has accepted both disbarment and waived the right to appeal.
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1 – 200 of 240 Newer› Newest»BUT Nifong can't make that decision himself - the panel must make its own decision. Will return no earlier than 4:45pm.
hmm, had he done this on tuesday, he could have avoided all of this. oh well!
But the panel will come back and tell him that they would have disbarred him anyway.
maybe a pang of conscience?
The Fong went to far
You must disbarr
holy gaucomole!!!
Will he disavow "something happened" and "victim"?
And he waited til the VERY LAST MINUTE to say so. Interesting, to say the least.
Down goes Frazier, down goes Frazier!
he couldn't even give up his license correctly
Is it possible they could tack on further penalties in addition to disbarment? Or do they just wish to review, point by agonizing point, just WHY it is they they're going to disbar him?
Jeez, if he had just done this sooner, the boys and their families could have been spared reliving their nightmare.
What a schmuck.
I bet this was a move to limit punitive damages later.
one more ploy to save face -- and an ineffective ploy at that!
Thank you, KC.
After following this case for the last 14 months, I think that this is the first case ever so heavily impacted by the Internet and blogs.
Had it not been for KC, Liestoppers, William Anderson, Jin C, and all the other blog holligans, I'm not sure that the MSM would have allowed the resolution of this case.
Congratulations to you all.
Space Puppy
He is just a total jerk. Trying to avoid the embarassment of the panel disbarring him. Tendering his license instead. To do it at THIS TIME IS JUST MORE DEVIOUSNESS. Just one more way of thumbing his nose at those he hurt.
4:29 --
bet you're right
it may be that accepting it means he can reapply at some point.
He should have done this before the testimony began -- but maybe some Duke people will not see what true humility looks like.
will "now" see........whoops.
You wonder if be believed his earlier lies... If he really felt he was telling the truth wouldn't he fight? I think just trying to avoid the bar recommend criminal investigation.
WRAL expert says people will be mad that he drug the system through this hearing with all the discovery provided. I'm assuming the "people" here are the powers that be in Durham who will have to deal with the civil suits.
FOX saying that criminal charges of "obstruction of justice" and "perjury" may follow.
If this was June of 2006 I'd say his timing was good.
A final act of self-centeredness on Mikey's part. He did this in an attempt to lessen the impact of the Bar's decision and the family's satisfaction.
This SOB is trying to manipulate things to the very end.
He is trying to avoid having the panel refer the case for prosecution.
Fox saying this was all part of a deal involving families and Fong. How can that be? This is the panel's call.
typical behaviour of a coward, as the axe comes down on his neck, he agrees with decision to chop off his head
I am now convinced he is either mentally ill or a sociopath. Why would you put your family through this and then just give up? Why do it to your son?
Talk about being nifonged.. he just nifonged HIMSELF!!! hahaha.... does he think this makes him honorable? No it just makes him MORE transparent...
He refused to believe that anyone was smarter than he was so it took this long for it to sink in.
He also told the bar that disbarment is the right thing.
Wonder what they will come back with?
I would just leave.
political correctness is a powerful drug
The Fong didn't waive much--any appeal on the Bar hearings was doomed to fail. Rather, this lying SOB must now understand he needs to focus his legal "efforts" on the promised civil and (w/ any luck) criminal litigation.
After seeing Mr. Evans (the father) and getting a whiff of the legal freight train coming at him, Nifong folded. Just like to bullying coward he has been revealed to be.
He is trying to avoid prosecution!
4:30 -- Well put. Final act of self-centeredness. He is beyong reprehensible.
I hope Williamson is clear, clear, clear that disbarment was their decisoin irrespective of anything Fong said at the end of the trial.
I think this was a painful case of slow realization of reality. I think Fong went in with confidence this week that he could finagle something out of it, and had the slow, ticking, painful awakening that this wasn't going to happen. I think the look on his face each passing hour, day after day, told the story of a man facing the gallows. He heard the cart. I don't think there is any way this would have or could have happened earlier in the week. Kismet. Everything had to happe4n in its own time with this trial. I suspect the next episode will happen faster.....
Congress should pass a new law against "race-baiting." It is as harmful as any hate crime.
Liefong still thinks he is the king of the 11th hour deal... slightly before 5 pm on a weekend, no less.
So we have eleven minutes until the panel returns, and eviscerates Nifong in agonizing detail?
Am I a bad person for enjoying this?
interesting. another example of lack of judgement on his part.
If he hadn't fought the thing this long he could have saved both legal fees and avoided additional statements under oath that put him in further jeopardy.
a. He still faces sanctions from 2 judges, in whose court he made:
11) False statements of material fact to court? Yes. (b) conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation, deceit? YES.
b. civil trials for damages from multiple folks
c. potentially Federal civil rights violations.
If you watched him, I honestly think he doesn't believe the bad things about him -- that he never lied etc. I think hearing people he considers fair say he did lie is his first moment of truth -- so he took the bullet. Now -- prosecute!
Nice Mike - way to size up the situation
-what a schmuck !
--Irving Joyner, please step forward and defend Mikey one more time -- just need a little comic relief at this point - and you da man
Is Nifong a control freak - or just a freak? He would screw up a one-car funeral. I hope they throw the book at him, and I hope the criminal suits against him and all his enablers start immediately. If he thinks that resigning as DA yesterday, and stating he would accept disbarment without appealing today will ward off the criminal and civil suits, he is in for a rude awakening. He will be in and out of court for years, and hopefully, when it is finally over for him, he will not have anything left, including his home, car, family, money, and his barrel and the box he will have to live under the overpass in!
Just trying to avoid referral for prosecution!
Lott has it wrong: It is talk radio and the likes of KC that are exposing the seamy side of our great democracy.
I am exceedingly skeptical when talking heads say that this shows that the sytem works. Objectively, what this week has shown is the precise opposite. Only time will tell if lessons have indeed been learned.
sociopathic tendencies
No Dianna,
You're not a bda person - justice is satisfying.
Space Puppy
4:33 - What will penalty be for just the contempt charges before the other court?
As Roberto Duran once squealed, "No Mas, No Mas!"
I think they may have to review his prior cases for evidence withholding, etc.
Nifong is trying to avoid the ritual a$$chewing done by the judge at time of sentencing.
Perhaps they are deliberating whether to give it anyway.
There won't be any criminal or civil cases against Nifong. You need a defendant.
They need to do something more than disbarment. They need to take scissors to his tie and pull the buttons off his suit.
He should be sentenced to serve our country in Iraq.
I said this earlier, but again, it's sort of like watching a modern version of "Macbeth."
(I guess I'll start using a name now. Like Nifong, I wait until the last minute...)
What can Judge Smith do on the contempt charge? Can he sentence Fonger to jail for that even without a trial on perjury or obstruction of justice?
OK, so what next was going to come out at the hearing that Nifong couldn't bear to be aired, and thereby he fell on his sword?
A hard guy like that doesn't fold, doesn't give up a chance for a long suspension (which I figured the bar panel would order).
What is Nifong hiding!!
We will not go silently into the night!
I know that schadenfreude is wrong, but man, this is lip-smackingly good.
Has anyone heard from Irving Joyner recently?
Hey what happened to DL00??? Is he enjoying his crow?
Just another act of defiance - trying to prevent the State Bar from exerting their privilege of removing his license. There should be a public humiliation aspect to the pronouncement of the punishment, but he's taken it away. It's like a convicted killer on death row taking his own life to stop the state from exerting the state's punishment.
yesterday's psuedo resignation fooled no one. he clearly hoped it would be enough punishment. his attorneys probably told him only chance of saving law liscense. the problem for nifong was simply they could not count on nifong. he was not truthful with the committee not remorseful and spinning to the end. he was his own worst enemy. at one point Williamson exsasperated at Nifong talking about the "made up names" the players used asked Made up? By who?
Well clearly Williamson wasn't buying the version of events Nifong wanted to subrosa interject that is he had a "victim" there were "attackers" and finally "something happened". There could be no other result and Nifong just was too stupid to do that math.
The delay before Nifong's latest stunt was due to a backroom deal.
He asked for disbarrment to avoid being arrested on national television.
Remember, it always was about a plea bargain with him.
Did Judge Smith say when he will hold hearing on contempt? How long can he send Fonger up the river for contempt? Any lawyers on here who will help explain?
4:36, Nifong isn't worthy to lick the boots of our people over there.
4:34PM Bernie
An innocent man is shot on the streets. He nearly dies on the operating table. An unusually skilled surgeon just happens to be available, and with great luck, the man lives.
Conclusion - "The streets are safe"
Send him to IRAQ!!!!???? Are you nuts? Would you want him to have your back?
He knew it was going to happen.
Just another ploy -- it saves face
a little bit
Don't think he's hiding anything. I actually now think he is THAT STUPID -- and that lazy. He was caught up in being a media darling and forgot that there was work to do. I'm sure this is a "mercy" request to the AG to let the state heal -- he won't appeal and it can all go away if they let him go away.
"...he fell on his sword"
butterknife maybe, but definitely not his sword
Congress should pass a new law against "race-baiting." It is as harmful as any hate crime.
Democratic party needs race quotas and free speech restrictions (everything is hate crime if liberals do not like it).
Or could it be that the families said, You go through this hearing so we can get all the facts into the record for litigation later against Durham, and we will not come after your personal half million in assets? Why else did he go through this humiliation all week? Ain't conspiracy theories fun?
Please, Lane Williamson -- Make it CLEAR he was being disbarred with or without the snake's selfish gambit.
Nifong will accept disbarment..Gee Thanks!
And nice of you to resign the day before you were to be disbarred and you would have had to give it up regardless.
You are so noble.
Yesterday, Something Terrible happened in that Bathroom to the VICTIM!!! THE VICTIM????? Didn't appreciate your attempting to put a college party with underage drinkers and strippers on trial all week either.
This guy is a total coward!
I resign before you can fire me, I will give up my license before you can disbar me.
Oh yes, he is a fine example for his son. WHAT A COWARD!
"Why would you put your family through this and then just give up?"
He didn't give up; he returned himself to the center of attention and, in his own mind, the one in control of the decision. Similarly, when the Seligmann cried during testimony, he had to retake center of attention and sympathy by crying on the stand during testimony. Messiah complex.
"I am now convinced he is either mentally ill or a sociopath."
When the criminal cases occur, can he plead "Not Guilty by Reason of Mental Defect" or something like that?
I agree that schadenfreude (taking pleasure in the misfortunes of tohers) is wrong, but I argue that this satisfaction at justice and therefore wholesome and good.
I am now convinced he is either mentally ill or a sociopath.
Trust me, it's the latter. Has been obvious for a long time.
He is trying to manipulate the next person who will be dealing with him: the judge who can hold him in contempt for lying in court.
Wow! He lived his dream… to become a historically important lawyer!
Interesting notion that the delay might be because Freedman asked if Nifong could tender his license prior to the punishment being metered out . . .
He wasn't going to be arrested for crying out loud. Get your head on straight. But I do believe the Dave Evans vitriol may have convinced Cy it was time to exit stage right.
he was in desperate circumstances, about to lose an election and his job, he played the race card and then felt he couldn't pull it back when things went sour. nothing complex about that.
Has he had to pay any legal fees or are his lawyers paid by his legal malpractice insurance company??
I think that Williamson has been warming up his pipes to give a command performance that will make even David Evans look like a rookie. He will be more incensed than ever over Fongywongy trying to derail that, and will proceed to give the dressing down of a lifetime when they return. Trust me, he's clearly the alpha in that courtroom, and he's not gonna have a yappy little bitch take away his thunder!!!
this is perfect. but this is just the first one down. i now want resignations from
1. broadhead
2. monetta
and resignation then disbarment for
1. judge stephens
2. judge titus
Nifong is still in denial. He still thinks he is some kind of brilliant tactician.
His lawyers must have asked him WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING last night after his SOMETHING HAPPENED IN THAT BATHROOM moment.
Fong is now most worried about criminal liability and civil liability - possibly a civil rights law action for abuse of office and persecution 'under color of law' stuff.
Remember that everything that gets on the record here will be admissible in the criminal and civil cases that will soon follow.
This guy is toast.
good point 4:42:00. This is his moment and it will be good.
I just wanna say to all those enablers who said that Nifong could never be disbarred:
@ Anon 4:33
Interesting idea. The stated policy justifying hate crime legislation, and hate speech legislation, is that race is one of the most corrosive, incendiary cancers in our society, and must be specially regulated.
Kind of applies to race-baiting, too, don't it? Those who are shown to have intentionally race-baited could be criminally prosecuted; those who are shown to have negligently race-baited (Jesse, and Al, and Victoria Peterson, and a host of others, including Nofing himself)--that is, who raise the race card where there are insufficient grounds, based on an objective standard, to do so--could be held liable in monetary damages.
Those who race-bait introduce a cancer into society no less virulent than those who attack others, verbally or physically, based on race.
If he simply surrenders his license -vs- being disbarred wouldn't that leave the door open for him to get it back or go to another state and get licensed?
if anyone is watching the nbc-17 feed. who is the kid sitting behind nifongs chair.?
Why the judges? I don't know enough about the history to agree or argue with you.
Moneta, and by extension Brodhead, aren't going anywhere unless there's a significant, organized, drop in alumni giving.
The "something" that happened was that the promised (and paid for) dance didn't occur and the sluts were figuring out whether they should extract more money from the white boys or just bag it.
I think that the key point to be learned is that there should be no speical crimes for "hate". ACTIONS, not THOUGHTS are what should be punished.
4:45 - I agree. I told Duke that I am through giving. Of course, I doubt losing my $500/year is going to impact them much.
Has he had to pay any legal fees or are his lawyers paid by his legal malpractice insurance company??
Probably by the malpractice carrier in the first instance, but, given the findings against him which amount to fraud, gross negligence and willful misconduct, most policies will require that Nifong reimburse the insurance company. Not that he can afford it.... Perhaps they'll take his house.
This is a 'you can't fire me, I quit!' kind of situation. Nifong wants to leave on his own terms. The panel should reject his offer and disbar him anyway. One of the issues before the panel is how the NC bar deals with such conduct in the future. What kind of precedent is accepting the defendant's offer? I think it would be helpful if the panel determines punishment apart from Nifong's offer, although it would be hard to mete out anything less than disbarment now.
What he did is tantamount to ATTEMPTED MURDER.
Trust me, he's clearly the alpha in that courtroom, and he's not gonna have a yappy little bitch take away his thunder!!!
Agreed. Williamson has several missions here:
First to deal with Nifong's hearing.
Second to restore confidence in the NC Bar and legal system.
Third to demonstrate to the nation and the national Bar that this has happened.
He and his panel are setting important precedents that WILL be cited often in the future. He is not about to let this little piece of shit smear that.
So much is left unresolved at this moment. So many with dirty hands want the focus to stay exclusively on that bad, bad, bad Michael Nifong.
Gottlieb. The Durham ADAs.
Addison, Michaels, the Durham PD, CrimeStoppers; the mysterious approvers of the CrimeStoppers poster.
The City Manager, much of city government.
Tara Levicy, Arico, DUMC.
The unknown creators and distributors of the Vigilante Poster.
The NC-NAACP and NCCU haters.
The potbangers.
The Group of 88 and its enablers.
Brodhead, Burness, Moneta, Alleva, Dean Sue.
The Herald-Sun. The N&O for its inflammatory early stories. The NYT.
Those who have followed the case closely could easily create a longer list. Yep, a lot of folks are quite happy to see the S.S. Nifong slip under the waves. And have matters rest at that point.
jess Hijackson still says his remarks were justified because hiring erotic dancers is immoral. Maybe his secret sweetie he had a child with agrees.
He could always apply in another state, but of course, would have to report this matter and the disbarment. Not many states would touch that (at least for a number of years).
Actually, since they found him guilty as for contempt to the other Courts, isn't it POSSIBLE that one of the other Judges just may have a few LEO's waiting for him outside? This guy smacked the Justice system in the face... more than a few are po'd at him, and as for the 2 that supported him... well, I hope thier employers were watching.. so much for THEIR judgement and integrity....
Moneta doesn't county anyway-- he was sent by Brodhead so he did what he was supposed to. Brodhead's recent tour of the country "A Duke Conversation" healed his wounds (that ahd Melinda Gates; gift for DukeEngage). Unless we want to further damage Duke, I think the focus should stay on Nifong. He's the original bad guy and he did poinson the information well for the rest.
One scumbag down. 88 to go.
Anyone who continues to imply "something happened" needs to be sued.
Anon at 3:58 PM asked, "Did Judge Smith say when he will hold hearing on contempt? How long can he send Fonger up the river for contempt? Any lawyers on here who will help explain?"
Speaking Texas law here. There are two forms of contempt, civil and criminal. Civil contempt is where the harm is done to the opponent; criminal contempt is where the harm is done to the court. I would say Nifong is guilty of both. In Texas, either form of contempt is the equivalent of a class B misdemeanor, punishable by a fine and up to 6 months in jail.
@ Anon 4:45
I don't disagree with you. But hate crime legislation is not going away; it is becoming more and more a part of our jurisprudence. Time to even out the scales with penalties for race-baiting.
Although, all of this is secondary today to Mikey's travails. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy, as they say.
Folks, let's be clear--there's much more work to be done here. This is merely the first of many shoes to drop. Others must pay, and pay dearly. The "others" include (but not limited to and in no particular order): Brodhead, Duke, Duke Medical Center (if a different corp. entity than Duke Univ), Duke BOT, Wilson, that scary SANE nurse, and G88.
Mr. Cheshire has already publicly promised "excesive" civil litigation. W/ any luck, crimial files will open soon as well. Simply put, "the party's just getting started." Ironically, after the effort thus far, other aspects will take less effort and time (some, admittedly, more).
It's now time to "Unleash the Hounds of Justice!"
4:47 I think the focus should stay on Nifong
Your forgetting the 88 and the continued support those creeps have
My family has suffered for my attention, nay fascination with this blog and the case. Now comes the moment I have waited for: The complete and utter destruction of Mike Nifong.
Soon to be, free at last, free at latst.
Thanks for a great year KC! I read DiW front to back, and loved every moment.
the point is...he CAN'T surrender his license at this point. They would have to accept it, and trust me, they won't. He's never going to be an officer of any court, anywhere in the good ole USofA ever again. He's F'd in the head if he thought this little trick was gonna work. All he did was make it so he didn't have to sit through the arguments of the Bar attorney. The unintended consequence for him will be the expanded ass chewing from Williamson.
Well said.
I missed something. What did Dave Evan's senior say to make Nifong realize the power behind the civil, or criminal suits to follow?
After seeing Mr. Evans (the father) and getting a whiff of the legal freight train coming at him, Nifong folded. Just like to bullying coward he has been revealed to be.
Does anybody remember the swaggering comment Nifong made early on, that other lawyers were afraid to go one on one with him in the courtroom?
The local amateur got a glimpse of what a really powerful and successful lawyer can do in in the courtroom. I suspect his brain shut down shortly afterwards.
"Hiring exotic dancers is immoral"--Jesse Jackson
Mikey screwed up (lol)
1 - He did not resign from the DA office, He said he would. So he's a sitting DA who lost his license.
2 - The law saids you can not be a DA without a license. So its too late to resign.
He really thought he could pull this shearing off.
Nifong's only hope now is to have a CT scan and claim that he has a brain tumor.
this Nifonging is the result of 2 generations of political correctness in the academy. The "worst thing you can be" is a racist. And the "best thing you can be" is a fighter against 'racism.' And racism pollutes the atmosphere we all breathe. The joy, the splendor of coming across a case that combines racism, sexism and classism!!!
Nifong still thinks he was right, because the template through which he views the world is solid, rock solid.
I find your list overly broad and unfair. Suing doesn't solve all problems. And those folks were working with faulty info they were being fed by CGM and Nifong.
I wonder when Dick Brodhead is going to submit his license to administer a university? He is the unpunished twin villain in all of this. Like Nifong, he was in a professional position of high responsibility. Like Nifong, he screwed innocent students. Where is the justice for this rat?
I am totally convinced that Mike Nifong is mentally ill.....and I do not give his family a pass on this either. There are no small children or minors in his family.
If any of them had any real conscience and the slightest ounce of decency, they would have walked away from this subhuman urchin long ago to save themselves.
Does anyone think that the Spring of 2006 is the first time that Nifong did anything unethical and criminal?
This lowgrade urchin dragged his family along with him all week. Now, when he understands that this courtroom is not the sleazy dregs of Durham's courthouse, he attempts to somehow orchestrate his own sure demise.......taking those who have worked endless hours during this process on his self-serving indecent ride.
No question. Mike Nifong is a mental case.
It's just that in Durham, he was able to get away with his sleaze for many years.
Perhaps he should have stayed below the radar screen--in traffic court.
Nifong should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of criminal and civil law. My only disappointment from this whole charade is that his enablers get off scott free. Nifong is certainly the most responsible, as he was the one with the duty to uphold. That said, I seriously doubt that any small-time prosecutor could have fought off the hysteria of the radical left. If they hadn't been so uppity, perhaps Nifong would not have been so confident in flouting justice. Again, Nifong is the guiltiest, but he is not alone in his guilt, and that makes this triumph less than complete.
They will, just watch the dominos starting to fall. This ain't over by a long shot.
I have bronchitis, and I've been able to justifty doing nothing but sit in front of my computer all day.
I keep thinking of my 15-year-old son and how I'd feel if this happened to him.
God bless the the parents as well as the guys. It's worse when bad things happen to your kids; you'd rather suffer yourself than watch them suffer.
"I find your list overly broad and unfair. Suing doesn't solve all problems. And those folks were working with faulty info they were being fed by CGM and Nifong."
The SANE nurse is definately part of the mess; she let her dismal worldview into the fact finding
4.47: "Unless we want to further damage Duke, I think the focus should stay on Nifong."
Now that Nifong has been "handled," yes, I want to "further damage" Duke.
Duke turned its collective back on its three students when they were most in need. Duke owes them. Big time.
Just wondering if Nancy Grace, Wnedy Murphy, Duke 88, Brodhead, NY Times etc. have anything to say like an apology. Don't hold your breath. Even after the end they will rot with their untruths.
Rae and Dave Evans settle with a closed door Nifong deal? Are you insane?
Nifong looks like a jerk. His son just watch his father be told, its too late to hand in your license.
What did Dave Evan's senior say to make Nifong realize the power behind the civil, or criminal suits to follow?
He gave a very clear case study in how a truly effective lawyer would address his case.
In just 3 sentences or so he delivered the most devastating summary of offenses I've ever heard. It took less than a paragraph for Evans to lay out the utter hollowness of this case from the very start.
Evans in front of a jury would leave Nifong in tiny bloody shreds on the courtroom floor. So would any of Evans' partners at Reed Smith. It really is one of the top 15 or so law firms in the world and Evans is a senior partner there.
The publicity alone would be worth taking the job. However, Cheshire and the rest will do equally well now that the verdicts are officially delivered by this panel.
has switched to fox feed as it has viedo of court during break
Onward to the Group of 88
what time is NC on? Is it central or eastern? I want to wash the car but not miss the 4:45 decision of the board
thanks rrhamilton for the primer.
I assume the contempt can occur first and then perjury obs of justice charges can proceed separeatly later.
Disbarring himself. Just when you thought nothing stranger could happen from this sorry piece of S---!
Interesting. Nifong did not renounce his crazy "something must have happened that night" statement or is continuing portrayal of Magnum as a "victim". Here's a guy who still lacks empathy and the capacity to decide based on principles, values, ethics and recognize when he has not. I agree with an earlier poster, he must be a narcissist. Hopefully, he still faces formal disbarrment.
I wonder what he hoped to gain by proclaiming himself disbarred?
I will not rest until these families get their $$ back. Nifong doesn't have to go to jail, he just needs to not practice law again, ever.
Does anyone think that the Spring of 2006 is the first time that Nifong did anything unethical and criminal?"
He was a two-bit attorney who spent his whole life in government work -- and finally had to run for election to keep what until then was his fire-proof job. I don't think it was evil -- I think he was a lazy attorney who had "atta boys" all around him as he came after the Massa in the Mansion....
As to the Duke 88 and others -- I personally want to let it go. Duke cannot be defined by this crap -- it will float to the surface and flush away. Anyway -- it's all I AM CHARLOTTE SIMMONS fault :)
The SANE nurse is definately part of the mess; she let her dismal worldview into the fact finding
She redeemed herself quite nicely in testimony here - and laid the groundwork for putting Gottlieb out of law enforcement permanently as well.
I think she grew up a bit in the last year.
I used to work for ReedSmith. I hated the atmosphere and the sweatshop mentality. However, I always had the highest respect for the ability of the lawyers. They trained me very well. Outstanding firm and Mr. Evans was a good example of the quality of lawyer there.
By the way, the NC branch of the NAACP continues to host this disgusting page, damning the exonerated lacrosse players and supporting the discredited charges of the mentally-ill false accuser.
Mike Nifong didn't force NC-NAACP Barber to put this page up in August, 2006 (by which time most of its assertions were already known to be lies).
Nifong certainly isn't responsible for the fact that it's still up today.
Had it not been for KC, Liestoppers, William Anderson, Jin C, and all the other blog holligans, I'm not sure that the MSM would have allowed the resolution of this case.
Congratulations to you all.
Space Puppy
I agree that bloggers, especially KC are due a huge thanks for working to correct this injustice, but IMO, they played a supporting role. Without the Internet, I still think the key role was defense lawyers who would have been successful all on their own - as long as adequate money could be found to pay them.
If Nifong or someone like him had tried it out on different, poorer families the results could have been different. As they were in the child molestation day care trials of people with modest means.
4:57 - I thought Levicy was terrible. How did she redeem herself? She perpetrated her prior silly conclusions, didn't she?
No one has mentioned Wendy Murphy today. Don't forget about her- she was still defending Nifong after the AG report came out.
4.51 wrote (about my--4.49 post): "I find your list overly broad and unfair."
Unfair?! My list is "unfair"?! Are you freakin kidding me?! Have you been under a rock for the past 15 months. You want unfairness?! The Hoax *embodies* it.
Hell, if anything I was gracious.
"I think she grew up a bit in the last year."
She would have had 30 years to grow up even more had it not been for the likes of Brad Bannon.
I would say that the prolonged recess here is the panel putting together the wording for the extended ass reaming that will be delivered upon their return, and perhaps to have called Judge Smith to see if he wishes for Fong to be arrested and perp walked afterward for Criminal Contempt.
This should be one for the ages.
Is there any place to see the testimony of Tara Levicy from yesterday? Did she admit her wrongdoing?
Damn - they are leading the stories on the news with Nifong tendering resignation
4:57, I have to agree with you. She wasn't an officer of the court.
I hope ALL hospitals review their protocols so that only fully-trained nurses collect evidence. While this is all horrible, it would have been even worse if thw\ere had been a real rape victim and the evidence was excluded because a nurse did something out of line.
The problem with going after Duke is that you can't touch the G88 that way.
They are part of the larger issue in academia that some of us are addressing in other ways.
However, I don't doubt there are financial and other matters that will be pursued. As I recall at least one of the LAX students got some sort of settlement from them already? Or was that Pressler, the coach?
5:00 = No. Levicy did no such thing.
I persist: nobody will get the satisfaction of seeing Nifong go through civil or criminal trials. Period.
Nifong did not want to be involuntary disbarred.
However, he blow it,
He will be disbarred, or at least the verdict will be pronounced.
Since he has not resigned from his DA job, legally he is no longer able to perform it. He may be the first sitting DA in NC to lose his license?
Way to go Mikey, one for the books.
His ethics hearing may overshadow his place in the Duke case.
This is will be an example of how not to go into a bar hearing.
sorry, I also meant to mention that ruth sheehan needs to go. i'm glad she apologized, but she really should put the cap on her pen and ride off into the sunset. she blew it before she knew the facts and she should pay for that with her career.
4:56 said: "I would say that the prolonged recess here is the panel putting together the wording for the extended ass reaming that will be delivered upon their return ... "
OH... extended ass reaming... is that normally referred to "EAR" in legal circles?
He tearfully promised to quit his DA job immediately before he was subject to being cross-examined. Never mind that he was going to lose his job anyway, as the State's legislature is passing the bill needed to fire him. Now, immediately before the panel could decide to disbar him or worse, he preempted the panel by claiming that he should be disbarred.
This man is as predictable as he is manipulative.
So what if he loses his law license? He is closed to retirement already. Besides, after this sordid affair, who would hire him as a lawyer?
Jaeger at 4:56, Raleigh NC is on Eastern Time.
I looked up the statute and Criminal Contempt in NC is 30 days, except for some circumstances that carry 6 months.
I do not know is that is for each "count".
5:01 = what are you saying, that Nifong will hari kari?
I have no idea how Levicy laid any groundwork against Gottlieb.
I don't think she even mentioned Gottlieb in her very short testimony.
How is the Duffer spinning this news? Noble and Honorable Fong saves taxpayer money?
WHOA!!!! did I say that???
5:02 Help me, here: who is Ruth Sheehan?
(I came late to the party.)
Agree with what Heather said:
The "worst thing you can be" is a racist. And the "best thing you can be" is a fighter against 'racism.' ...The joy, the splendor of coming across a case that combines racism, sexism and classism!!!
Nifong still thinks he was right [and a righteous hero], because the template through which he views the world is solid, rock solid.
And the righteous hero 'falls on his sword' at the end of the movie. I think the judge should take him into protective custody for a mental evaluation.
- Disbarment, so no longer a threat to others as a DA.
- Into custody for a psych eval, so prevented from being a threat to himself. [I say this not a sympathetic statement but as a logical observation. Review the above comments and you see multiple variations of the "fall on his sword" comments. If you see this, the judges might as well (or they may be too close to the situation and caught up in their own emotions).
Lawyer readers: Can the BAR take him into mental health custody?
This guy on Fox is the best commentator? What is his name? Just completely destroying Nifong.
He also blow it when he said something happened.
Hint, The panel is going to believe the AG, not you.
The panel knows that the AG people spoke with the FA you still have not talked to her about the case.
Is Mikey really that DUMB?
Yep, unfair. I followed it as closely as anyone. The focus on others besides the accuser and Nifong is painting a lot of people with a broad brush.
You should go back and re-read Reade's comments at the press conference after the AG's report.
4:59,Levicy was calm, professional and effective on the stand. She did what medical professionals are supposed to in a hearing like this - answer specific questions accurately, based on their expertise.
She was not asked questions about her judgement that Magnum's condition was consistent with rape.
Frankly, it WAS consistent with rape. You have to have the other information to realize that that condition was due to other factors (vibrators, etc.)
Levicy did well and came across as an independent voice, not the tool of either side. A hard thing to pull off at her age and with all the criticism she has received.
Success is not enough; others must fail!
Greg Jarrett
No. I guess a guardian could have him committed for evaluation. But he doesn't really meet the criteria.
Yes I am saying that. Even insane people have moments of clarity. Amd don't forget suicide is the most selfish act in the world.
Nifong's pathology is ideologically based and self-centeredness is a defining characteristic of the type. Unfortunately, his breed are now in control of most of America's institutions. Maybe he will play a part in waking up people to this fact, and doing something about it.
The whole concept of a specialized SANE nurse is misguided. Any ER nurse should be trained to handle these situations. Making it a speciality is a magnet for people with an agenda.
5:03: Ruth Sheehan is a columnist for the N&O (Raleigh paper) that basically invented the "something happened" excuse long before Nifong ever used it in the hearing.
Re: Levicy and Gottlieb, go see what is posted on Liestoppers. She testified under oath that no one spoke directly with her about her report until the AG got involved. That directly contradicts Gottlieb's "notes".
Under oath, Levicy testified that, following her interview with Investigator Benjamin Himan by telephone on March 16, 2006, she was not interviewed by law enforcement again until January 2007.
Levicy's testimony appears to belie the assertions made by DPD Sgt. Mark Gottlieb in his homegrown notes and willingly published by the NY Times to lead off Duff Wilson's Save-the-Hoax front page editorial disguised as a news story. Although Levicy claims to have had no LE interviews from her initial March 16, 2006 chat with Inv. Himan until January of 2007, Wilson recounts details of the miracle fill-in-the-blanks interview of Levicy, supposedly conducted by Sgt. Gottlieb, on March 21, 2006.
I am glad he has done this. I think it is the first really honorable thing he has done in this sad sordid affair.
Fox is saying why protest when the players were charged, but no protest over the da.
Where is sharpton an the group of 88
"The whole concept of a specialized SANE nurse is misguided. Any ER nurse should be trained to handle these situations. Making it a speciality is a magnet for people with an agenda."
4:56, you're welcome. The difference between "civil contempt" and "criminal contempt" is so little understood that most judges aren't familiar with it. But like pornography, they know contempt when they see it, and they are rarely shy about putting the hammer down on it. Remember Clinton? I think he paid .. $90,000 fine or damages for contempt? I can't remember the details.
Fox is eviscerating the Group of 88 and Brodhead.
duke getting ripped on fox
here we go
Ad O,
It's not honorable: he's trying to circumvent a criminal prosecution.
They're back!
TO 4:47PM--
I agree with many commentators that the assistant DA's in Nifong's office bear much responsibility as well. It is their duty to uphold the law when they saw the evidence--and they did--that Nifong was hiding.
Also, I think it is worth noting that this case is as much about race issues as it is about false prosecution.
There are large number of "minority" staff members in Nifong's "former" office. In Durham, the degree of reverse racism is palpable. So many factors and indecent players worked together to keep this hoax going.
They're BAAAAACK ......
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