Mike Nifong, April 12:
To the extent that I made judgments that ultimately proved to be incorrect, I apologize to the three students that were wrongly accused. I also understand that whenever someone has been wrongly accused, the harm caused by the accusations might not be immediately undone merely by dismissing them. It is my sincere desire that the actions of Attorney General Cooper will serve to remedy any remaining injury that has resulted from these cases.
The “actions of Attorney General Cooper” included a public declaration of actual innocence—i.e., nothing happened.
Mike Nifong, yesterday:
I think something happened in that bathroom, but it was not a sexual assault. It could have been a non-sexual assault or intimidation. Something happened to make everybody leave that scene very quickly.Four times after issuing his "apology," Nifong described Crystal Mangum as the "victim"--and, as the N&O noted, he did so eight times overall in the course of his testimony.
Something happened to make everybody leave that scene very quickly.
Like the whores realizing they were not going to sell "extra" services.
Well if "something happened" to Crystal Mangum in that bathroom, it must have been Kim/Nikki who did it, because as far as I can recall, none of the defendants was ever in the bathroom with Crystal.
Nifong is a liar. He's been caught outright in lie after lie, and he somehow thinks that if he keeps lying about all the lies he's told, eventually we'll all believe him. Ain't gonna happen. We know what you are, Nifong, and we know what you did. Give it up.
Are you already in the Courtroom? Great Job, KC.... in many ways, you alo helped expose this case, and Nifong, for what it, and he is... a pure farce, a miscarriage of Justice... people like you are what scares the heck out of the magnums, the nifongs, of this world... keep on keepin' on!
Here is one for future examination;
Why is Mike's house assessed at 'below the tax value'?
I'vedriven thru the neighborhood many times and there are no agricultural or other uses. Besides its only 0.5 acres
I would guess that some people were softened up by Nifong's resignation, but his reassertion that "something happened" in the bathroom should show that he really has learned nothing and his contrition is a ruse.
The only way to send a message is to take his license to practice law. He will keep lying and keep causing damage until he is crushed.
I would not have hung around either out of fear the prostitutes pimps would show up with guns
Thanks for the blow by blow. I, like many,many ofthers, have been hanging on every update.
perpurchased the book. Can't wait.
Mike Nifong, yesterday:
I think something happened in that bathroom, but it was not a sexual assault. It could have been a non-sexual assault or intimidation. Something happened to make everybody leave that scene very quickly. GEE WIZ, he indicts based on what he thinks could have happened. this guy needs massive treatment in a mental health facility
Yes, KC, needless to say: all admiration for your hard work, from me as well.
Where can we send money to Fried man and Witty? All should send them $2 for letting this fool go to trial.
Agree with the 8:00 poster. When Nifong was asked whether he still believed a sexual assault took place and then took that loooong pause before replying, I thought OMG he is going to say he believed "something happened." Sure enough, he didn't disappoint.
Number one, what a stupid move on his part. He had just apologized a couple hours ago and probably gained some sympathy. However, to then make the "something happened" remark will definitely anger the lacrosse families and their lawyers. They will be more motivated than ever to chase him down for the rest of his life.
Lastly, how can he possibly state "something happened". First of all, the AG's office declared them innocent. Secondly, he admitted in court that he failed to read files, didn't even watch the lineup until after the investigation (stated it was particularly entertaining!), that he didn't read motions, refused to look at Reade's alibi evidence (fiction), etc. etc. I honestly believe many posters here and on Liestoppers have a stronger grasp of the facts in this case than the DA. Perhaps if he had done his job and actually studied the discovery, read police reports before his media blitz, interviewed CGM, talked to the defense attorneys, etc., he would have learned "NOTHING HAPPENED"!
Today will likely be a day of bitterwseet catharsis for those caught in Nifong's misanthropic crusade against all things Duke. Nifong has proven himself to be the smallest of men. As a Durham native and current resident, what troubles me going forward is that Nifong was considered to be the best that Jim Hardin and Mike Easely could do to fill the vacant DA's seat. The conventional wisdom at the time of Nifong's appointment was that he was a far superior choice to Freda Black. Contrary to the Nifong enablers' spin, Nifong was not a knight in a shining Hickey Freeman suit; indeed, to those in the know in Durham legal circles, Nifong was notoriously arrogant, dismissive, moody, and vindictive. Yet, he was still considered to be a superior option to Black. In the wake of Nifong's likely disbarment, perhaps the AG's office will see fit to conduct an administrative strip search of the entire Durham DA's office.
It is my sincere desire that the actions of Attorney General Cooper will serve to remedy any remaining injury that has resulted from these cases.
I am sure that is your sincere desire, Mikey. If it were true you'd be off the hood for civil suits.
The trouble with the "something happened" answer is that this re-sliming of the players was particularly gratuitous on Nifong's part. He was asked "Do you think a sexual assault happened in that bathroom?" That is a yes or no question. He went out of his way to smear the team again.
Yes Mr. Nifong, something did happen, Mangum made an ASS out of you. LMAO.
As cynical move as I have ever seen. He knew the only report in papers and on national news would be he resigned, not the depth and breath of his lies and omissions to the accused and the court.
The only real catharsis will occur when, after a criminal conviction for his crimes in this case, Nifong actually reports to prison to begin serving a sentence at least equal to the combined sentences he demanded for the lacrosse players (30 years x 3 = 90 years -- so he might be out in 30 years for good behavior).
Because I don't believe prisoners should have to suffer rape or assault by other prisoners, I'd put him in solitary the whole time as a protective custody. Bread, water and a Bible.
Let me add my thanks for your great work. I was able to listen in on Wednesday, but had to be out of the office Thursday and Friday. Great work from you.
Walt in Durham
Alev says:
I realized this morning as I was waking up what MN's "something happened in that bathroom" reminded me of: Polly Klaus'kidnapper/rapist/murderer saying in the courtroom that she had said, "Just don't do me like my daddy does." The accused criminal, knowing he is going to be condemned, getting one last shot in. They had to restrain Polly's father.
It must have taken an enormous amount of self-control on the part of the families to hear the "something happened in that bathroom" in that courtroom. I can't imagine it didn't infuriate the panel as well, especially after hearing Reade's testimony.
I don't know how MN could arrive at ANY conclusion as to what happened. He apparently read nothing, and didn't even watch the video of the April 4th id because it wasn't entertaining enough. (I can't believe he actually said this!) I believe I've read more than he has at this point.
Apologies with wording, "to the extent that I have caused you pain...." aren't apologies. Somehow I don't think that point escaped Williamson.
Anyone have links for today? I can't find live coverage links on Fox and WRAL.
This has been and incredible event and you have done an incredible job of covering it, as you have thru out the whole ordeal. Thank you again, and again for all you have done to support these young men and their families.
G. Holman King
A proud Duke lacrosse grandparent.
From the H-S, Brodhead's reaction to Nifong's resignation: "Mr. Nifong brought great harm to these Duke students and their families, to the Durham community, and to Duke University and all who care about it," Brodhead said.
All that is true, Dick, but if those are grounds for resignation I think you should join him.
Although I don't always agree with you, I appreciate your work on this case. What do you think Duke is going to do now? Suck it up? Say something? Do something? Does this hearing have any effect on what kinds of suits or complaints could be brought against Duke for its handling of the accusations?
Strage for a school to keep Chauncey N. and lose Reade S.
Nifong's punishment: He has to live in a 20'X20' room for the rest of his life with Victoria Peterson and the Group of 89 (including Brodhead).
Nifong is still playing race and gender cards by stating that he thinks "something happened". He still believes that the political system and the media will be influended and continue to bow cowardly to the racist and sexist voices of the NCNAACP, Gang of 88, and others who have used his lies as an excuse for bigotry. One need go no further for an example than the outrageous testimony of Montgomery-Blinn to know that the Nifong enablers (now defenders) are as unrepentant as Nifong.
We know damn good and well why the boys left the house so quickly -- Kim told them she was going to call the police. Which she did. Being somewhere else than a place where the Durham plice are about to arrive is a damn fine idea.
So, nothing happened in the bathroom. Rather, an argument happened in the front yard. Which involved Kim, not Crystal. We know that. Nifong would know that too if he weren't an ignorant buffoon.
I personally believe that the players cannot be "slimed" anymore.
Their total innocence has now been proven beyond all doubt. And nifong has been shown to be a liar beyond all reasonable doubt.
The more nifong says "something happened", the more foolish he looks.
"Because they all left", is his reason "something" happened. Or did they leave because the party was over?
To me, a dumb outsider looking in, the WHOLE justice system in NC is looking very bad right now. How does anyone in the DA's office ever bring charged against anyone ever again without the crime being videoed?
It's a good time to be a defense lawyer in NC after this is over.
Even though it's not really germaine to the 'Fong's guilt or inocence, I do wish that they had followed-up on the "something happened" with something like:
"Now that it is abundantly clear from both the evidence available and tha AG's report that NOTHING WHATSOEVER happened in that bathroom, how can you sit there with a straight face and continue to cling to such fiction, furthermore how can you expect to be allowed to practice law in this state when you cannot accurately understand this scenario even from hindsight with all the relevant data given to you on a silver platter?"
Hey mikey boy, there is a huge difference between "something happened in the bathroom" and "something illegal happened in the bathroom".
Lots of things happen in the bathroom, that need not be listed here, that are totally within the law.
As a hard working parent of a hard working bright lacrosse playing HS junior looking at Universities I can say we will be far away from the Duke campus in our college search. I cannot be assured that my son will be getting a balanced unbiased education in this society. It seems the over left instructors have taken the students minds as hostage to bolster their agenda of "percieved" racism. If racism wasn't a problem it seems that many of these "professors" would be out of a job since they teach subjects like "tolerance" and "culture"..give me a break!
My father went to Georgetown, my mother went to Cornell. These were fine institutions back then.
Universities are now a frightening place.
In the rush to judgment, Knifraud was fleeter of foot than at least 89 people on Dook's campus, but make no mistake: they all crossed the finish line.
TO THE DOOK BOT: FINISH THE JOB. Off that idiot at the helm, and cut the academic welfare rolls. Everyone who signed that libelous rag has to go. They are not role models or mentors, and that is what they have been hired to do. Can them all and start to rebuilt your credibility.
TO THE AG: You have at least two more bills of indictment in this case. We have had enough political posturing for one case, put aside your gubenatorial aspirations as a Democrat, "DO THE RIGHT THING"(c) and indict that lying skank, even if she is black. Obviously, you know what you have to do with the man who just said "something happened" after you held a national press conference to completely exonerate these men.
Finally, to Mike Easley: it looks like you are going to have another opportunity to appoint a D.A. in Durham. How 'bout a little due dilligence this time? Although I do not fit your most important criteria (I am a Republican), I, unlike your last appointee, will have a North Carolina law license at sunset today.
Mike Nifong, yesterday:
I think something happened in that bathroom, but it was not a sexual assault. It could have been a non-sexual assault or intimidation. Something happened to make everybody leave that scene very quickly.
Mr. Nifong should be disbarred and this statement is at the heart of why he should not be allowed to practice law. He is a vicious if hapless perpetrator of injustice and will remain so for the rest of his life. He made his choices.
Something happened to make everybody leave that scene very quickly.
Well, yeah. A couple of carefree young men set out to throw a party with naughty entertainment. The "entertainment" turned out to include a mentally-ill woman doping herself to near-unconsciousness in the midst of an acute psychotic episode. A woman whose long history of manic-depression features the common pattern of becoming paranoid and abusive to random targets when inebrieted.
Well, gee, talk about sucking all the fun out of a party. So Nifong thinks that the guys would continue to party after that?
10:21:00 I assume Nifong has had his 30 years also of complaint free practice.
Are you suggesting that the longer one engages in Nifonging people before getting caught, the less the penalty should be?
It would be a tragedy if Nifong resigned...who will be around to prosecute when Crystal Mangum gets gang raped again in another 10 years?
" He still believes that the political system and the media will be influended and continue to bow cowardly to the racist and sexist voices of the NCNAACP, Gang of 88, and others who have used his lies as an excuse for bigotry."
Don't write Nifong off too quick.
Given that Dick Brodhead and Nance Grace are still employed, and Janet Reno got to be USAG, he may yet turn out to be right. Especially since a lot of NC judges *still* think he's a "truthful man"!
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