Friday, June 15, 2007

Nifong: "I Don't Read Files"

Nifong is now engaging in word games about what constitutes a "positive match" of DNA.

Brocker is now going through Nifong's previous depositions, noting that Nifong had previously stated that he considered the DNA Security report confined to "positive matches" of lacrosse players.

Nifong now says that he doesn't stand by the answer he had given to the Grievance Committee.

[This Nifong switch is an abrupt one--over and over again, he had contended that the Meehan May 12 report was an "interim" one. Now he is saying that he believed the DNA Security report was complete.]

Nifong's lawyer has just made an extraordinary objection: because this is a civil proceeding, Nifong shouldn't be bound by his deposition.

Presence of other male DNA was not specifically exculpatory, because there was no way to determine when it was deposited.

After his teary resignation, Nifong is back to referring to Crystal Mangum as the "victim." (Twice.)

Nifong has just repeated Meehan's kindergarten teacher example (comparing the unidentified male DNA in Mangum's rectal or oral swabs to students' DNA that might be left on a kindergarten teacher).

Four times Nifong has described Mangum as victim.

DNA: "Its probative value in this case never struck me as significant whatsoever."

Nifong: "We did follow up"--got DNA from the boyfriend, other people with whom Mangum might have had sexual contact. [And, of course, they found no matches except for one item with the boyfriend.]

Williamson: "You were looking for evidence that supported the inference that there was a crime," and that a lacrosse player committed it. What specifically was Nifong's mindset: were you looking for evidence that linked the players to the rape, and not looking for evidence that broke the link?

Nifong: No.

Williamson: "Evidence doesn't have to resolve the case to be important in the case."

The DHC chairman seems baffled by Nifong's approach to the unidentified male DNA issue.

Wm'son: Why no follow-up work done to identify the source of the unidentified male DNA, when it got put there, and how it got put there?

Nifong: Doesn't know.

The obvious question: why didn't they ask Mangum this information?

Panelist: Why didn't you stop and think that this unidentified male DNA could belong to the perpetrators?

Nifong: No, this did not occur to me.

Brocker now brings up the Leroy Summers case, to impeach Nifong's claim that he had never previously dismissed a rape claim simply because of unidentified male DNA.

Nifong says that he doesn't recall the specific case.


Anonymous said...
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MikeZPurdue said...

this sounds eerily similar to his
statement "there is no such thing
as an airtight alibi"

His alibi statement always frustrated
me to no end -- it's like, since there
is no airtight alibi, then all alibis
should be summarily dismissed.

He is one scary person --
i already had tons and tons of sympathy
for what the boys went through, but now
I have even more.

Anonymous said...

"I Don't Read Files"

He's speaking for many in the MSM as well.

Anonymous said...


He doesn't stand by the answer he gave to the Grievance Committee?

Anonymous said...

Of course he's not bound by his deposition - but he sure as hell can made out to be a liar by it! So now he shouldn't be "bound" by the deposition he gave the disciplinary investigators? YIKES!! The Commission will love that!

Anonymous said...

I posted a comment in another post that was deleted. I sincerely apologize as I greatly admire and respect what this blog and KC has done for the furtherance of justice in my state.

MMD, Raleigh

Anonymous said...

Was he 'mistaken' in his deposition? Another bad day when he forgot to take his ginko supplement?

Dear lord. What next? Maybe he will claim possession by evil spirits.

Anonymous said...

This man deserves to go to prison and have every cent of his pension sent to the Seligman, Evans and Finnerty families.

Anonymous said...

nifong is a sinking ship, bailing water with a teaspoon.

Can you imagine what his lawyer is thinking, listening to him.

But then again, he was toast long ago.

Anonymous said...

What makes Nifong so sure that Mangum was a victim? Maybe his is the DNA that should be checked.

Anonymous said...

I've got it now.

Nifong has taken some type of hallucinogen, and he believes that he is talking not to the North Carolina Bar panel of 3 esteemed lawyers, but to a Durham jury made up of Cash Michaels, Victoria Peterson, Cousin "Jacki", Al Sharpton, Wendy Murphy, Jesse Jackson, Patrick Baker, Steve Chalmers, Linwood Wilson...and well you get the message.

MikeZPurdue said...

Relative to my comment above with respect
to Nifong's statement about no air-
tight alibi, it's actually worse than that
-- much worse: he knew he could
threaten and intimidate certain people
in order to get them to change their
statements and lie in order to dispute
an alibi.

He has no good name -- he is a liar.

james conrad said...

typical behaviour from a bully, when confronted, they break down crying like a little girl

Anonymous said...

The judge is freaking out
what bs from nifong

Anonymous said...

Are there any minimum standards in NC or the US to perform as the top prosecutor? This is unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Look at Williamson. He's at the end of his rope.

Anonymous said...

DNA: "Its probative value in this case never struck me as significant whatsoever."

No lawyer in this country is going to believe that it never occured to him this DNA could be a significant factor.

We are not talking about DNA from sex she ADMITTED, but from sex she lied about, that alone makes it probative as to the credibility of the complaining witness.

Anonymous said...

"After this trial my fingerprints will be in the courtroom."

I'll bet Nifong's middle fingerprint will be found in the courtroom far more often than the others fingers.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

From now on when you look up "incredulous" in your dictionary, you will find a picture of Williamson from today's proceeding.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Nifong is the ultimate "Something Happened" believer.

Anonymous said...

For All those who are wonders Nifong just stated that The best thing that could have happened was if CGM was raped ! If you have had any question regarding the man they should be answered with that statement.

Tom E.

Anonymous said...

Does Nifong think he's being clever? Can he not see Williamson body language?

Anonymous said...

Nifong's intellect is truly dizzying.

Anonymous said...

Someone help me out with the math here.

She had DNA from at least 9 unidentified men plus her boyfriend, they interviewed 2 other men she had some kind of sexual contact but they weren't matches.

So are we talking about sex with 12 men in a week?

Anonymous said...

I've been a lawyer for over 25 years. I've repeatedly said I can't understand why he's going through this. I am simply dumbstruck by his lawyer's objection. I have never heard such a stupid objection that basically says: "Alright, already. We all know he's a liar, he's been lying since he got on stand today, and yes, he was lying when you took his deposition. There, are you happy? Can we please go home know?" Unfrickingbelievable. More stunning than: "We're f*cked!"

Anonymous said...

Williamson was just shown heavily praying right now. Poor guy.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

WRAL needs multiple camera angles. One should always be on the panel, one on Nifong and one set on both sets of lawyers. The ONLY time I saw Freedman earlier, during Witt's direct, Freedman was YAWNING.

Anonymous said...

Was Leroy Summers an African American?

Anonymous said...

If Nifong doesn't face criminal charges it will be an incredible injustice sitting on the mountain of all the other injustices associated with this case. I pray that those involved now will act honorably and do this no matter how painful.

Anonymous said...

Hilarious. Mikey is getting a taste of the benefits of lawyers who read case files!

Anonymous said...

Nifong: I don't recall the definition of the word 'is'

Anonymous said...

Williamson is moving on because it over.

Anonymous said...

disbarment within the 30 minutes

Anonymous said...

So are we talking about sex with 12 men in a week?

So the young lady had a healthy appetite. What's the big deal?

Anonymous said...

Damn, anti-climatic.

Anonymous said...

Wmson is cutting to the chase. He's ready to leave and giving Brocker the signal that he doesn't need to add anymore fuel to the fire. Nifong's fate is sealed.

Anonymous said...

JLS says...,

Nifong says.......... He believes something happened in that bathroom but can not say he believes it was a sexual assault.

Anonymous said...

He still thinks there was an assault! !!!!

Tom E.

Anonymous said...

This guy is a Clown

Anonymous said...

Wow. Mikey just gave the ultimate "something happened" answer and I hope it adds a couple more percentage points to the civil lawsuit/settlement for the players.

Anonymous said...

Please tell me you are joking?

Yes, 'something happened' in the bathroom, that lying, crazy whore did up some drugs and then stumbled out of the house.

Okay, that's it, I've been on the fence with whether he deserves jail time, that rips it, he needs to be in prison.

Anonymous said...

He is STILL defaming the players.

Anonymous said...

He still thinks there was an assault! !!!!

Of course he's going to say that. He has to appear as if he's been in this all along because he thought a crime happened instead of using LAX as a way to boost his chances in the election.

Anonymous said...

new thread

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo!!! Stop me before I kill again!!!

Anonymous said...

Stop the Madness.

Anonymous said...

Despite that this horrible S.O.B. will embolden the "something must have happened crowd", there is a silver lining in his outrageous comment that a non-sexual assault occured. This will further cement any desire that the players have to sue him personally. To the extent ANYONE was thinking about "moving on", there is no way they will think that way now.

As my head hits the pillow tonight, I will enjoy thinking of the fact that this despicable man will not get a second of sleep for quite a while.

Anonymous said...

Wmson is cutting to the chase. He's ready to leave and giving Brocker the signal that he doesn't need to add anymore fuel to the fire. Nifong's fate is sealed.

I hope you're right. Funny how Wm'son is now getting around to pointing out that his non-lawyer friends have more legal sense than Nifong.

Anonymous said...

How unfortunate that the Nifong house is in his wife's name. He might be able to keep a roof over his head after the civil cases... unless she boots him out.

Anonymous said...

Alev says:

"I believe that something happened in that make everyone leave in a hurry."

Absolutely infuriating. I cannot imagine the effect on the families. There are no words for this.

Anonymous said...

So are we talking about sex with 12 men in a week?

In very simple terms, the woman was (is?) a hooker. Of course, some in the MSM objected to the term "dancer" or "stripper" because it was demeaning. I thought it was a compliment!

Anonymous said...

You don't need a law license to teach law school, and given its conduct in this matter, I see no reason why Duke Law School will not offer a position to Nifong.

He clearly understands that even with everything that has happened CGM is viewed more sympathetically by Duke faculty and other proponents of the Metanarrative than are Evans, Finnerty, and Seligmann. If you don't believe me, go to the Duke Chronicle website and make a statement indicating that the lacrosse players are more deserving of sympathy than is CGM.

Anonymous said...

Well, Brodhead did say that he's happy Nifong is resigning as D.A.

Maybe it's because he's planning to offer Nifong a teaching position at Duke's law school.

Anonymous said...

The Bar's options for punishment are reprimand/censure (not going to happen here); suspension of Nifong's law license for a period of time (can range from months to years); or disbarment.

Anonymous said...

Only in Durham could you find a DA claiming with a straight face that he sincerely, fervently believed that a vaginal and anal rape occurred -- but it never occurred to him that the only male DNA found in the vagina and anus of the "victim" might be that of the perpetrators.

Only in Durham. ... I hope.